Solar Auxilia Officer Quest. A 30k Early Great Crusade quest.

Voting is open
[X] A brutal cybernetic replacement
[X] Very relieved
[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents
[X] Atlantik Dome Cities
[X] A completely Mechanized ground force
[] Very relieved
[] Plan: Desert Storm
-[] A genewrought limb
-[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents
-[] Gyptus
-[] A completely Mechanized ground force

I dearly want to give everyone Gulf War Syndrome with all the chemicals we'll be throwing around.
Last edited:
[] Just confused:

Plan: The Civilizing Mission
[] A genewrought limb:
[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
[] The liberation of the Arctic:
[] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:
You pull Primevere closer to you and connect with her heavier vox set. "Lieutenant Albert is dead. Tercio Beta wiped out completely. We are holding their command post." There is static, and you receive a garbled response. "Vox-Trooper, clear up that static."

Jean Claude, ever reliable, reaches the Vexilla and grabs it before it can fall. He raises it high and waves it in the air. "The Raptor still flies! We will never fall!" He shouts over the Vox, firing his lasrifle into the air with one hand.

"Herrand!" You hear Amélie yelling and pivot to face her. While your Section cleared out the crater, hers had manned the lip to open fire on the empty slopes. "They are coming!"

Rushing over, you stare down and curse as you…

something massing in the valley.

It took me a second to realize this isn't just a narrative refreshing of the situation, evidently something is going on. Maybe the weapons caused us to be in a time loop

A mass of darkness is approaching, blotting out the cloud of white phosphex vapour. In the distance there are great clouds of regolith and dust being thrown up.

"Élan!" You shout, and the First Section joins the Second at the parapet, firing into the fog. Grenades are thrown through the vacuum, blowing apart in spouts of blu- no! Red blood. No! Dust! Dust and machine parts.


Okay, not time loop...I'm guessing this is the aftermath of the reality porking weapons the first legion used. The mind doesn't like it when attempts to process trauma get a 'error 404' from the memory banks. It tends to tantrum.

Men collapse clutching invisible wounds, some of them burning and smouldering. You see two turn their pistols on themselves.

Why are they…

Yup, the proteans were reality yeeted as part of the Exterminatus, and so anything involving them is no longer 'valid', and thus the memories are more holey than a swiss pope getting air dropped in a pin factory.

"Death to the Alien!" Amélie shouts. "Death to the Old Night!". As her men fall around her. The skull of the man next to her explodes.

"For striking Mankind in its weakness. Extinction!" You quote the Writ of Extinction signed by the Emperor… for a reason you can not quite grasp.

Yeah, I can only imagine how much this is fucking with Herrand's mind to have to deal with the constant error 404s, i really hope we're going to get healing/purging to avoid an outright aneurysm or something worse.

Primevére stumbles and falls. Your eye shoots to your squad monitor. Nothing happened. You grab her by a shoulderpad and drag her into cover. The fighting begins to quiet down for a moment, and a peek out of cover… confirms that the wall of shadow approaching you is getting closer.

"Status report." Jeanne answers over the Vox. She is almost growling, her voice intermixed with the gutter slang and insults of the lower levels of Pars. You can not grasp her voice. It is too muffled.

Even the battle reports relating to them are gone, that is thorough.

"This is Sergeant Khorban." A stunningly loud and clear voice resounds over the vox, clearing away the mental fog, for a moment, you see shaped like blue orbs wrapped in metal. "We did not ask for assistance. Your flanking force was consumed by a Phosphex cloud." He pauses. "The intervention is recognized."

You say nothing as you ponder what happened. Phosphex clouds are liable to turn upon those who unleash them, by whatever arcane mechanism motivates their movement.

Okay so this remains clear, gotcha gotcha

"Please confirm. Veletaris and rifle section are dead?"

"Confirmed." Khorban says, his voice once again breaking through the fog, parting it and revealing a great tendril emerging from the ground in the distance. "We are holding this flank. Can you hold your position?"

Huh, so the space marines either break the error messages or something else? Really interesting how this works

You peek over the parapet.

The world is falling apart. Great masses of black and grey moving just out of sight, fading in and out of existence. You try to remember what you are fighting. Psykers? Xenos?

You say something, but can not hear the words.

aaand we're back to the mind going "NOPE!"

Amélie gets into cover next to you, looking out into the death coming your way. She curses a string of gutter franc that makes Jeanne's prior outburst seem well-mannered. Her helmet cocks up as you stare at her in surprise. "Too bad about the suits. If we could take them off, we could die…" She trails off, her combat high slightly abating.

"I don't feel like dying tired. You?" You grin behind your faceplate. Perhaps you would not be executed if you retreated from this position.

Retreat from what?

Suddenly Philip throws himself into cover next to you. "Evening!" He laughs. Your head shoots around to look at his Rapier and the Servitors and troopers attending it. He's followed you all the way here. "Shitty place to die, if you ask me. But there's worse people to die with."

You mumble something.

"Come on!" You shout, as the wall of darkness approaches.

And here's the moment when the first legion comes in aaand...

You wake up with a startle and lunge forward, something wrapped around your forehead is stopping you.

People around you are speaking in hushed whispers.

A figure in black robes walks around you. The human's eyes are covered by a blindfold. His forehead is tattooed with the symbol of the Astra Telepathica. The Emperor's Psykers.

That's when he wakes up, makes sense, and looks like herrand is about to get a nice, tissue deep mindscrub. Unless they're here to make sure he can get a last message to the family or something equally morbid.

You are in a room filled with noisome machines and foul vapours. You see figures in black armour holding lances standing near a doorway.

The Psyker puts a hand on your forehead and everything goes black.

Nope, mind swipe it is. Ngl, probably for the best, since Herrand was NOT handling the fallout of the reality yeet well.

You open your eyes in a dull, colourless Medicae ward, lying under a thin blanket. The constant sound of pistons pumping and blood filtration machines humming fills the room. Your eyelids feel heavy, and your head is pounding with a headache. Through narrowed eyeslits you see an empty bed across from you, slowly turning to the side, you see more beds packed together, but only a handful have figures lying in them.

You hear… the grinding of tracks. Servitor tracks perhaps? And the noise of something on a tray clanking. There is something in your left arm, and a line leading to a bag containing… blood perhaps?

At least we survived, which is more than many people can say after that debacle on the planet.

Grey walls. No decorations. The engines sound wrong. Too clean. None of the occasional chugging of any troopship you've been aboard.

You try to get up, when a firm hand on your shoulder stops you. "Don't move."

Ohno, we've moved in the medicae's presence...we're doomed!

A hulking form in a grey robe is sitting by your bedside. You are too tired to be shocked, and just quirk up an eyebrow as you realise it is Sergeant Khorban.

Your mouth feels dry. "Where…"

"The Grey Daughter, Gloriana-Class flagship of the Revenant Legion, alongside the rest of your Cohort." Khorban says with a rumbling voice.

Oh, it's just a cannibalistic space marine, that's much less scary than a medic that's seen their patient moving.

And it's our buddy too.

Oh wow, we're on the beeg ship too. Helping them out is really paying dividends.

"The figures in black. The Psykers." You try to climb out of your bed. The Astartes keeps you down with a single outstretched finger held against your chest."

"You were in close proximity to the First Legion after they deployed Chrono-Obliteration weapons. Your mind-wipe had to be more thorough than that of the rest of your cohort."

Aaah, that's about right, the weapons have a very nasty side effect...several it seems like. I wonder if this is part of why the dark angels are so borked in the head.

"Mind… wipe?" A spark of panic in your breast. "Was I not allowed to see those weapons?"

"The weapons weren't the problem." He taps a finger against his temple and grins, fangs visible. "Your visual memories of seeing the Cymoeba and Proteus were curdling to poison." He makes a snipping gesture with his fingers. "The Astra Telepathica removed the memories."

New it, error 404 not good for brain meats.

You frown. "I did not think we'd warrant such special attention."

He shrugs. "The Mind-Witches needed training in this, and you were available."

Considering the revelation, you lean back into your bed. "What is going to happen now?"

I am...glad we could help -_-

"You spent two weeks in a coma waiting for your turn to get a memory wipe. We are orbiting Mars to receive repairs after Proteus ate the front of the ship. And now we get to throw you out." He chuckles darkly. "Now tell me what you think of the new limb."

Your heart skips a beat and you rip away your blanket, the Astartes no longer stopping you.

It ate prow of the ship? Yikes, reminds me of the All Guardsman Party...but monchy.

Khorban likes poking Herrand to see what gets a reaction I'm guessing. Then again with a fanceh fop, i suppose part of the fun is seeing them get mussed up and huffy so fair nough. Especially when you yeet them.

[] A genewrought limb:
A thin line of scar tissue on just past your right elbow hints at the fact that your forearm has been replaced by a cloned one. The hand feels incredibly strong, in fact, the whole right side of your body feels stronger. You doubt you'd ever drop a sword while holding it in this.
Your right arm, the bones of your shoulder, and the muscles across your right shoulder and chest have been replaced by an Apothecary. You have an impeccable grip and your limb does not tremble.

Oooh, this is very cool and I think will go well overall. it'll also lead to the most underestimating of Herrand as without the arm being bare, you can't see the scar line that would denote that the hand/arm is anything but normal.

[] A cybernetic forearm covered with cloned skin and flesh.
A nobleman's replacement limb of synth-skin and artificial bone and subtle cybernetics. You feel a twitching in your hand, and by presenting your palm, you see the barrel of a blast charger jutting out. There is also a cogitator screen on the back of your forearm, and a series of plugs.
Contains a one-shot Blast Charger pistol that can be reloaded through replacing the power cells located in your wrist. Also functions as a cogitator screen with Vox, Bio-monitor, and data storage options. All inferior to your void armour and presumably important to the previous owner.

Eh, more dangerous weapon but one that can be more easily seen and thus less effective for when you want to be subtle about being armed despite no obvious weapon. Also the tech on it is less gud than the void armor although it'd give access without it. Not bad but not great.

[] A brutal cybernetic replacement:
Your forearm up to past the elbow has been replaced with a well-crafted but unadorned metal prosthetic. The limb is currently tied into a support cradle, and you can see a partially extended chainblade. You'll need to adjust your void armour to use this.
You have an extendable wrist-mounted chainblade.

Wrist blades hurt me in my soul. That and the fact it is the most obvious of the limb replacements and would need very crude and tiring arm motions to use makes it the least appealing.

You struggle to find the words. "You sat here waiting for me to see this? Why!?"

"I thought it'd be funny." Khorban says.

I mean, I've heard of much worse reasons. I am really liking the contrasting but solid friendship between Herrand and Khorban. This is a very nice benefit to saving him that is just the cherry on top of the cake that is good relations with the space marines.

A burst of forced shocked laughter erupts from your lips at the thought of Khorban wanting to make a joke.
"So… What will happen after this. Another joint deployment? Will we be seeing each other again?" You ask.

To your surprise, Khorban actually seems slightly taken aback. "Perhaps." He searches for the right word. "The Ninth Legion will return to Neptune and continue the purgation. You will be returning to Terra for retraining. Our cooperation has been an exception from the norm. After Neptune, we will remain in reserve to be deployed to the worst war fronts. If that means we meet again? Then so be it."

I love Khorban's reaction here "Wait, you not only do not mind our inhumanity, but you actually want to see us again?" and it honestly makes sense, the Francs are hardly those to shy away from bloodshed or...crazy acts (looking at you Marquis boi). They would just prefer if the Revenant legion enjoyed their meat tartar with class.

You can see that, no matter how much he is hiding it, Khorban does like you.

He growls to remove any trace of a grin from his face. "Now follow me. I'll put you on a shuttle before one of our newly ascended brothers decides they fancy you."

Aaaww, he's being Tsundere. This is horrifyingly adorable.

...before they whatnow?

The look on his face is a stoic mask hiding the sharp fangs you saw before. Sputtering garbled words emerge from your lips as you try to ascertain the level of innuendo and wordplay that the marine is using. "Bu-Wh, uhhh...Fancy? But, you! Wha-How!?"

He just stares at you, tilting his head to the side at your reaction. "Several of your troops did not survive medical treatment, and we do not waste flesh aboard this ship. Their memories live on in us." He adds with a grin. "And you look very tender."

Oh he's good, evil in fact.

I mean...yeah, this is the downside of how much the 9th legion leaned into being hungy monsters....I wonder if the space marines got positive memories of Herrand from his troops...probably not. Might be poisoning the well there a bit. Then again, "Make sure the men like you so the space marines that eat them later will be more inclined to too." was NOT on my bingo card of 'things to keep in mind for troop relations'.

Oh. You realise, to your growing horror, that he was literal. You are also:

(This is a humorous choice meant in good faith, and will in all likelihood not come up all that much. It is just fun. Do not make me remove it.)

A bold decision cotton, let's see if it works out for them :p

[] Just confused:
You're from Franc.
Herrand has no preference in partner, so long as they're human.

Out of all of them, this seems the most Franc. Especially with how much Khorban was messing with Herrand, a Meatcanyon level "WHAT?!" is fitting.

Sitting in the shuttle ferrying you to an officer's cabin aboard a freshly constructed troop-ship heading for Terra, you hold a data-slate as you read up on what your Cohort has been doing since you fell into your coma. The casualty estimates are grim. Thirty-five percent losses, two-thirds of the NCO's, many high ranking officers. The battle was a debacle, and the regiment needs large-scale reorganisation.

Oof, our officers and NCOs were gutted, that is going to take some fixing for sure. Especially on the NCO front. Hopefully this means in the reorg we will get more Ogryns! We need best bois!

A message arrives on your slate. It is from the Legate Marshal.

He wishes you the best, and remarks on your excellent performance. He notes that for your actions, he has agreed to arm his personal retinue and private staff with Autopistols from your family. When you meet again on Terra, he wishes to discuss your promotion to commanding a Tercio, in light of the heavy losses and the retraining.

That is very kind of him, to take the time to congratulate us despite the severity of our losses and to honor our saving of the Raptor with the supply contract as he is. Truly, he honors the Emperor and his Standard with such deeds.

Excellent, so we shall take up the Raptor that we saved in the crucial battle. Gud gud.

Your heart leaps at the news, and you quickly bring up the messaging system on your slate, trying to record a vid-message for your parents, when a message from them arrives.

It is the typically brusque but still caring message you have often received from your parents, encouragement, with them hiding their feelings over official correspondence with talks of pride, motivation, and awe.

Aw, I like this too. The Sallas family prides itself on being business focused and all, but still goes out of its way to show love and support when they least these parents in the family do.

They discuss the contract with the Marshal, and how they have put their techno-savants to work in establishing an 'Autogun Package' to sell to colony worlds for starting up production using pre-supplied tools and local ores.

You assume your mother came up with that idea, she's always been more prone to selling knowledge and industry over your father's preference for firearms.

Nice, and that way they get regular income from the various colonies for licensing rights and patents I take it as opposed to a lump sum payment per package.

The mom is smort.

Sallar Arms has acquired a lucrative mine on Mercury, staffing it with well-trained Franc artisans and local labour. An orbiting Manufactorum will begin sending out its first packages of autoguns to the mobile mining settlements on the surface. There was a delay when the Martian Forge-Temple that they purchased equipment from suffered a rebellion. But thanks to the delayed shipment, they received an additional shipment of servitors as compensation.

Ooh, very nice, so not only do we have a VERY money making mine on Mercury but we're also having a factory there that we are using to cement our control of the Mercury arms trade at least in autoguns.

Oh...goodie, so kind of that temple to provide such...fresh servitors as recompense.

Moving on!

Your family received word through back-channels that your brother has survived his ascension, and is now a member of the Third Legion. But also that in accordance with Legion protocols, they have taken a new name and will not contact their family. A marble statue of your brother now decorates your family home.

Welp, we are now cemented as a family who's stock are strong enough to handle being turned into a Space marine. May our brother do his legion honor.

You flip the slate lengthwise and prepare to start typing out a reply. When you pause. What do you focus on?

This is...a good question. And I think will have an effect on the character in the future so it should be considered carefully.

[] Play down your narrow survival, focus on the good news:
Herrand hardens himself towards loss. He does not indulge in emotions.

On the one hand, bottling up not a good idea. On the other hand...fighting in the Great Crusade be fucky, holding back might not be a bad idea.

[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
Herrand allows a moment of private weakness, away from sight.

Likewise, venting and getting support is good...but it could also lead to the war hitting harder and wearing him down.

[] Focus on a strictly professional message:
Herrand's ambition grows as he mentions he will not stop at the arms contract.

"Unlimited...POWAH!" goes brrrrr

[] CentMerica:
As one of the first groups to side with the Emperor, the Mahya tribes have been granted, by a Sigillite Decree, the right and duty to restore their old cultural legacy. The jungles around their territory was hit by mutagenic warheads in millenia past, turning the wildlife hostile and virulent.

The Cohort trains in jungle warfare and preparations to fight on worlds with a hostile biosphere.

Hmm, very specific training and might help for certain planets but with it being so specific unless we plan to consistently DO jungle worlds instead of going where needed, this might not work.

[] Gyptus:
The Sigilite has decreed that the Great Pyramid of Gyptus is to be rebuilt. While at the same time, the deserts of Northafrik are to be used for training in the operation of sealed armoured vehicles. The Cohort joins twenty million other Imperial soldiers in equal parts reconstruction labour and desert warfare training.

The Cohort trains in desert warfare and operations on airless worlds within the frost-line of star systems.

Hmm, I was going to say this has the same issue as the centmerica but then there's the underlined bit. We just fought on an airless world and there's going to be a lot of worlds where there's no atmo or we're going in sealed because the atmo is not human friendly so this had validity imo.

[] The Canad Wastes:
The great white north of Canad is one of the last areas of Terra not under Imperial control due to both its remoteness and the excessive amounts of mutants and hostile techno-tribes. The Verdyn Chemical Engineers were tasked with subduing the tribes with minimal loss of life, so as to integrate their labour and technology.

The Cohort trains in arctic warfare and operations on airless worlds beyond the frost-line of star systems.

Okay, so this is similar to the Gyptus but instead switches the training for artic/dark worlds...the lack of light training WOULD be useful for tunnel or void stations too now that I think of it...this is equally valid.

[] Atlantik Dome Cities:
To partake in a suppression campaign against anti-Imperial tribes in the area, and waging a hearts and mind operation among the villages and tribes of the area by clearing away mutants and remaining mechanical threats.

The Cohort trains in pacifying local dispersed populations and bringing them into the Imperial fold. Using the proverbial velvet glove.
Cohort equipment will include Imperial crowd-control equipment: Water cannons, Web-launchers, Tear Gas, Rubber bullets, low-power adapters for Lasrifles, and Heavy Bolters.

Hmm...this seems pretty useful if we're going to lean into the aspect of the fact that the Imperium preferred peaceful integration whenever possible and that plenty of worlds DID prefer to join up willingly for better trade, food, protection, and so on that they couldn't develop locally. It also fits the french theme of...sojourning to distant lands.

[] Pan-Pacific-Empire remnants:
To partake in a suppression campaign against a handful holdouts against Imperial Rule that have survived the fall of the Pan Pacific Empire, destroying rogue machines, suppressing local rebellion, and enforcing the Imperial Truth.

The Cohort trains in crushing resistance, targeting intellectuals and leaders, taking hostages, and preparing for the arrival of actual reconstruction forces.

And here's the iron fist option to the velvet glove option from before.

[] The retribution of Ursh:
Several Ursh cities have recently rebelled against Imperial rule. After their leaders were executed by the Custodes, the rebellions fell apart, but so did civil rule and administration. The Cohort is to use this as an opportunity to learn occupation duties.

The Cohort trains in reconstructing cities and handling non-compliant civilians.
Cohort equipment will include Imperial crowd-control equipment: Water cannons, Web-launchers, Tear Gas, Rubber bullets, low-power adapters for Lasrifles, and Heavy Bolters.

This one seems like we'd be much more focused on garrison duty vs heavy fighting .

[] The liberation of the Arctic:
The Arctic Hive of Gorglund has recently been freed from a hidden cabal of Psykers that mentally controlled the population from the shadows. The Cohort is to aid in reconstruction and use this experience to learn how to bring Compliance to newly liberated populations.

The Cohort trains in reconstructing cities following liberation from Psychic(or Xenos) domination.
Cohort equipment will include Imperial crowd-control equipment: Water cannons, Web-launchers, Tear Gas, Rubber bullets, low-power adapters for Lasrifles, and Heavy Bolters.

This seems like garrison duty but also would be ensuring that leftover enemy holdouts and sabotage are countered, which are equally french.

(These are narrative choices and do not involve stats. All forms of equipment will be part of your Cohort, these are just how the bulk of your Cohort's infantry will deploy.)
[] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:
When deploying planetside, the Cohort primarily operates in a supporting role. Each infantry section has its own Arvus Lighter to allow them to be deployed from orbit and to strategic locations on battlefields. Along with this comes a new air arm for the Cohort, fighter coverage and plenty of air strikes.

Useful strategic maneuverability and CAS, both of which are vital for successful campaign. Plus, the Francs have a long and storied history of air combat that would be fun to lean into.

[] A completely Mechanized ground force:
When deploying planetside, the Cohort does so in the new Dracosan transports. Each infantry section has its own vehicle and trains to operate as Mechanized infantry alongside it. The vehicles are either deployed in whole Tercio's from large transports, or by individual shuttles.

Then again we've also seen how having heavy vehicles can make a big difference, so this has some good points too.

The prologue is over and Act 1 has begun, and now the journey to true officer status within the Solar Auxilia is underway. Part of that means that combat will become more focused on tactical and strategic decisions and the like, with less of a focus on the nitty gritty of combat.

The current rolling system will last so long as you are on the Sub-Tercio/Tercio command levels. Once you become the commander of a Sub-Cohort, the combat will become increasingly abstract and instead be more about narrative choice and navigating your way through the Crusade.

Welp, the prologue could have gone better (especially with how many troops we lost in the last battle) but overall I'd say we did a good job. We survived the space station and helped that campaign get speedrun, and we helped be a key part of the rescue of a failed assault on a supermoeba. AND we have become besties with a space marine that is as likely to want to eat us as make us laugh.

I shall campaign and campaign hard for gud bois and gorls to be added to the army while we acn still roll for combat so that not only do we have them in our army (and eventually the planet we come to rule) but I do look forward to having bodyguards that include Ogryns in their number. Very loyal them.
I like the idea of the Frenchman being used to gay stuff.

Since, you know, France. Things are a lot looser there, sexually. . .
[] Just confused:

[]Plan: Darkstalkers
-[] A genewrought limb:
-[] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[] The Canad Wastes:
-[] A completely Mechanized ground force:

[]Plan: Darkstalkers Hope
-[] A genewrought limb:
-[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[] The Canad Wastes:
-[] A completely Mechanized ground force:

[]Plan: Franc Appeal
-[] A genewrought limb:
-[] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[] Atlantik Dome Cities:
-[] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[]Plan: Francly Appealling
-[] A genewrought limb:
-[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[] Atlantik Dome Cities:
-[] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[]Plan: Alienating Work
-[] A genewrought limb:
-[] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[] The liberation of the Arctic:
-[] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[]Plan: Inalienable Life
-[] A genewrought limb:
-[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[] The liberation of the Arctic:
-[] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:


So this might seem a little strange, but hear me out.

Not going to try to make all the possible plans on this one, last time I tried pretty conclusivesly showed it to be wasted effort. This time I'm going with the three most likely plans to help in the Great crusade and more importantly, help when establishing our own planet.

The first set is training for both tunnel fighting and void fighting. We saw recently in the station and on Proteous how hard that hostile or no atmo fighting is. So best to train for that. Also, best to train for little to no light that way, if we DO have to fight in such conditions, we are prepared instead of being caught flat footed. In these cases, it fits that the narrative flavor is mechanized in case of another proteous situation, or needing heavy armor in large tunnels that airforce cant support. Put 2 options in case people differed on the letter to parents as i can see that being dividing.

Second set is based on trying to help planets that either want to join or on the cusp of doing so. it will also train our eventual personal army to be very effective at winning over our future subjects. And if we happen to be paired with the nineth legion again, we can very well be the good cop to their bad cop. This one would need I think a more narrative leaning to the airforce to represent the need and ability to deploy quickly and effectively over the planet as well as being able to call in air support as needed if things get hot.

Last but not least, preparing for alien fuckery. Let us not forget that there are a LOT of xenos out there that will try to mess with our populations, as well as psykers or worst. Personally I think this one is the best set of the lot because it helps pave the way for our personal army and eventual planetary (and possibly sector) military to be prepared for Gene Stealer and chaos antics. Not to mention it is EXCEEDINGLY French to have such an army considering their own...storied history of subversion and anti subversion efforts.

edit: Also this plan list was first posted by @grimely and I missed it and ended up coming up with a similar layout or it lurked in my brain to srike, either way, credit to them for thinking a viable plan was neat and being cool about it :p
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Admittedly I would have preferred more cooperation with, say, the 3rd or 16th Legions but the Revenants do have a, ah, certain coarse charm about them. Somewhat.

Also, gotta say, I'm really digging how much of a cobbled together mess the early Imperium is. Fascinating to see no primarchs around, with the Legions having comparatively limited amount of marines. Each time Franc is mentioned I can't help but think how it'd practically be subsumed by the rest of Terra by the time of Ullanor, even. No wonder why the Emperor agreed to those concessions. He'll get his use out of them, and wait them out. He's got the time, after all.
I tought we were going for ww1 france lookalike. No trench training scenario / heavy artillery support stuff? How are we going to best the Boche, I mean Kriegers?
[] Plan: War never changes
-[] A brutal cybernetic replacement:
-[] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents
-[] The liberation of the Arctic
-[] A completely Mechanized ground force
[X] Very relieved
[X] Plan: Desert Storm
-[X] A genewrought limb
-[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents
-[X] Gyptus
-[X] A completely Mechanized ground force

Gulf War Syndrome here we go!
[x] Plan: War never changes
-[x] A brutal cybernetic replacement:
-[x] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents
-[x] The liberation of the Arctic
-[x] A completely Mechanized ground force

[X] Plan: Heavy Metal

[X] Plan: Desert Storm
Last edited:
[X] Just confused:

[X]Plan: Darkstalkers
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[X] The Canad Wastes:
-[X] A completely Mechanized ground force:

[X]Plan: Darkstalkers Hope
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[X] The Canad Wastes:
-[X] A completely Mechanized ground force:

[X]Plan: Franc Appeal
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[X] Atlantik Dome Cities:
-[X] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[X]Plan: Francly Appealling
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[X] Atlantik Dome Cities:
-[X] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[X]Plan: Alienating Work
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[X] The liberation of the Arctic:
-[X] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[X]Plan: Inalienable Life
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[X] The liberation of the Arctic:
-[X] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:


So this might seem a little strange, but hear me out.

Not going to try to make all the possible plans on this one, last time I tried pretty conclusivesly showed it to be wasted effort. This time I'm going with the three most likely plans to help in the Great crusade and more importantly, help when establishing our own planet.

The first set is training for both tunnel fighting and void fighting. We saw recently in the station and on Proteous how hard that hostile or no atmo fighting is. So best to train for that. Also, best to train for little to no light that way, if we DO have to fight in such conditions, we are prepared instead of being caught flat footed. In these cases, it fits that the narrative flavor is mechanized in case of another proteous situation, or needing heavy armor in large tunnels that airforce cant support. Put 2 options in case people differed on the letter to parents as i can see that being dividing.

Second set is based on trying to help planets that either want to join or on the cusp of doing so. it will also train our eventual personal army to be very effective at winning over our future subjects. And if we happen to be paired with the nineth legion again, we can very well be the good cop to their bad cop. This one would need I think a more narrative leaning to the airforce to represent the need and ability to deploy quickly and effectively over the planet as well as being able to call in air support as needed if things get hot.

Last but not least, preparing for alien fuckery. Let us not forget that there are a LOT of xenos out there that will try to mess with our populations, as well as psykers or worst. Personally I think this one is the best set of the lot because it helps pave the way for our personal army and eventual planetary (and possibly sector) military to be prepared for Gene Stealer and chaos antics. Not to mention it is EXCEEDINGLY French to have such an army considering their own...storied history of subversion and anti subversion efforts.
[X] Just confused:

[X]Plan: Alienating Work
-[X] A genewrought limb:
-[X] Focus on a strictly professional message:
-[X] The liberation of the Arctic:
-[X] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:
Fancy gun arm for when we inevitably have to foil an assassination, after which we can either go full mechanized or start blasting Fortunate Son in French.

[X] Just confused:

[X] Plan: Legacy of Frac Vye'tnam
-[X] A cybernetic forearm covered with cloned skin and flesh.
-[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[X] CentMerica:
-[X] A completely Aerospace capable drop-army:

[X] Plan: Heavy Metal
-[X] A cybernetic forearm covered with cloned skin and flesh.
-[X] For a moment, pour out your heart to your parents:
-[X] Gyptus:
-[X] A completely Mechanized ground force:
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