Solar Auxilia Officer Quest. A 30k Early Great Crusade quest.

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Backstory and the like for the Cohorts will help me in making custom personal backstory options and lore events.

Regarding the 7th Somme, I'd request to rename it after Verdun for maximum frenchness.
[X] Plan: Born in the Void
-[X] [ORIGIN] Jovian Void Clan
-[X] Void war
-[X] [LEGION] The Jovian Liberation
-[X][NAME] 6th Jovian Helldivers
[X] The Revenge of the French
-[X] [ORIGIN] Terran Nation
--[X] Pari (Paris, France)
-[X] Chemical Warfare
-[X] [LEGION] The Purgation of the Neptunian Deeps
-[X] [NAME] 7th Somme Chemical Engineer Detachment
Any questions or the like for an FAQ post that people already have regarding how I intend to handle certain subject matters?
Backstory and the like for the Cohorts will help me in making custom personal backstory options and lore events.
It's takes a certain kind of mindset to live your life surrounded in the void, and it is only the madman who would enter a foreign Spacestation, filled with the Unknown, with the monsters of the old night, Not knowing what's behind the next corner or if they would ever be able to get out, and yet each day thousands of jovian clans warriors brave these risk in search of glory, in search of technology, in search of survival. These brave sons and daughters of Jupiter are called Helldivers.
[X] The Revenge of the French
-[X] [ORIGIN] Terran Nation
--[X] Pari (Paris, France)
-[X] Chemical Warfare
-[X] [LEGION] The Purgation of the Neptunian Deeps
-[X] [NAME] 7th Somme Chemical Engineer Detachment

This looks awesome. I don't think there are any French groups in Warhammer 30k/40k which is surprising since they were very present in the World that Was and now Age of Sigmar.
[X] Plan Undergrots
-[X][ORIGIN] Terran Tribe
-[X] Hive Wastes Tribe
-[X] Siege
-[X][LEGION] The Antarctic Campaign
-[X][NAME] 13th Retinue of the Weald

For as hoity toity and glamorous as the 3rd's method of war is. Someone has to work in the muck, and who better than hive scum to work through the muck? For every artisanal maneuver, someone has to stick in the lines until the strategic genius can be utilized. Hope the promised world is worth it, but you are used to being underfoot.
Reading the lore on the early Great Crusade and Solar Reclamation really shows one the scale of the challenge the Imperium had to surmount. It took the Imperium literal decades to subdue the Solar System alone. And the scale of the dangers were no joke. There's mentions of multiple types of alien invaders, a Khrave controlled moon, a world controlled by Psyker covens in the form of Venus, and then there's whatever the hell Sedna was.

That one took Eight Legions and the full arsenal of forbidden technology of the Dark Angels.
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[X]Red Right Hand
The fierce resistance of Albiacled to a reward, though one with a double edge, as is the Emperor is wont to do. Albia is to provide many of its fighting men (and women) to the Legions and to the Emperor's armies, both to honor it's fighting prowress and to ensure it is loyal and somewhere it can't make trouble. This cohort is made up of those not suitable for recruitment to the Legions, be it due to age, gender, or psychological insuitability.
[X][ORIGIN] Terran Tribe: Albian
[X] Chemical Warfare
The Albian predilection both for using and for surviving chemical weaponry is well known, going back, or so legend claims, to even before the Age of Strife. Our Cohort is chosen to continue this grim tradition.
[X] [LEGION] The Jovian Liberation
The Warborn are born as the Cohort is: of those who resisted the Emperor ably, taken as honor and as punishment both. Perhaps that is why the cohort were assigned there. Perhaps it is simply coincidence.
[X] Emperor's Own Albian Cohort "Red Right Hand"
The next set of choices will be about the backstory of your character.

Specifically, what your character is really fighting for, and their goals. An example:
Example: From the gutter:
The only reason your father did not smother you was because your mother killed him and sold him to the Corpse-Grinders. A common labourer, at times she had to sell herself in order to provide for you. You killed your first man when you were eleven, your mother's pimp, after a life of crime, you were finally arrested for a robbery gone wrong. Faced with a penal sentence or military service, you chose the army. If you knew the wage you'd get for being an Auxiliary, you'd have gotten caught on purpose.
Your wage as an Auxiliary is sent back home to support your mother. You start your career with nothing but some ragged clothes to wear off-duty.



Highborn in good graces:

Anti-Imperial Highborn family fallen from grace:
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[X] The Blessed Defiant
-[X][ORIGIN] Terran Tribe
-[x] Marine Support
-[x] [LEGION] Liberation of Venus
-[x] [NAME] The Great Scandic Army

In the Northern most regions of Terra, there once lived a priest of nameless gods. He did good works, and charity through their gifts. Many tribes listened to his words and gave offerings in turn. He spoke of turning back the dark, that paradise would be born by their hands under the aegis of the gods.




As time went on, the offerings became greater and more dark, and the priest, soon a priest-king, began to demand more and more with a compelling voice. That paradise so promised to often became a nightmare of twisted mutants and geneforged atrocities, the tribes that listened becoming an army, a monstrous nation under the mad priest king.

Yours, did not.

Your tribe had read the signs, seen the warnings, and unlike many others, had rejected the words of the priest. You instead hid in the mountain, a hard life, even harder after Terra's Fall, but it kept your folk hardy and in the hidden valleys and mountain tunnels, you found archaetech to sustain your tribe and its warriors as the servants of the mad priest king pressed you.

Your tribe would fight grueling, brutal wars in each valley, using hidden passages to slip away before it was too late, ensuring that any victory of the mad priest king was a hollow one.

When the Unifier arrived, and smote the priest king's armies, your tribe knelt, for He had brought peace to Terra, and asked your warriors to aid him in bringing piece to all humanity. For they had stood defiant against The Dark, and against the sweet lies temptation.

Your tribe, now a great army in turn, will serve beside such fierce odds. Wars and battles where blood flows freer than the purest water, sieges where victory and defeat stand on a bullet or bomb.

When all hope seems lost, when all seems doomed to despair and ruin. Your people will not bend, and will not break. The light of Hope lives as long as even one person can breath life into it, and in the moments between battle, you shall sing, you shall laugh, and...



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