Also, it'd just be cool to give BongBong some screen time in a context that's presumably not breaking her out in an emergency.
[X] Use the book of Bongbong.
[X] Help him escape

Honestly, I just want to give Ifrit a chance to see the guy in her head face to face. He probably looks super cool!
[X] Use the book of Bongbong.
Bongbong's book will be weird, certainly, but I trust in her skills in nonverbal communication to slightly alleviate any convo issues caused by the weirdness. Besides, a number of shit have already or are about to hit the fan, and I *don't* want ifrit to be too heavily disadvantaged or incapacitated if it ends up that the "slightly uncomfortable" fucks us over in an unexpected way.

[X] Help him escape
We already have the guarantee of meeting Parvis one way or another - I don't think there's any further reason to stick around here, especially considering it's definitely fucking with Nicole's head. The Forte(?) is already an inch off of breaking out. Worst case scenario Nicole gets wounded (she'll heal), or be unable to show her face near Rhine Labs ever again (she's our stealth gal, it won't matter that much).
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I would rather not let Ifrit see the mind of an ex-lobcorp Employee, Especially when this employee also has a page from the blue sicko group, Who know what kind of mixed bag will it produce, Bong Bong cannot communicate normally and I rather not see what her ideal environment mixed with something else would be.

[X] Open "regular" communication.
Mildly uncomfortable isn't very reassuring, and you'd rather not hurt the kid. But still, you trust Abel. It would work.

[X] Help him escape
And why not?

hmm, I hope Nothing actually bad happens to Saria
Taking a look around is probably good for checking leaks and cracks
Although opening a doorway for a person with light is somewhat concerning
[X] Use the book of Bongbong.

I'd rather risk the discovery of Plague Doctor than hurt Ifrit. Plus she might be helpful in the Saria rescue if she's working at 100%. Also her head-space demon friend is pretty based. Sus'ed out Carem and left her with a few burns.

[X] Help him escape

People have already begun to sus out Nicole so ultimately we need a distraction to complete our main objective more smoothly. Luckily we've found one.
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[X] Use the book of Bongbong.
Honestly I'm just interested in what the diablos shards would manifest as, as well as the possibility of E.G.O manifestation by exposing Ifrit to the light. If there is any candidate for manifesting in this story, it is her.
[X] Help him escape
While no one likes the Herkunshoft sympathizing, "Ubermensch" Parvis, a dead Parvis can't tell us anything about whatever Rhine labs is up to.

On a side note, if this is the event I'm thinking it is, where are doc and rosmontis?
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Scheduled vote count started by thenew on Jun 8, 2024 at 10:07 PM, finished with 25 posts and 19 votes.
I'm a newcomer to all of this (took me 2.5 days of straight reading to catch up, dear gods) and damn, why are the best and most well-written fanfiction the ones of the goofiest characters?
Last time you dreamt, it was different. You don't know why, but you know it has something to do with it. Your dreams are all the same, but now they weren't.

Blood. Blood everywhere. The labcoats, the- a bathtub. More experiments. Someone's brain being taken out. The knives and scalpels getting closer and closer- they want to open yours, too.

"Ends, beginnings, ends, beginnings, ends..."

The worst part is the chattering. The enthusiasm. And the constricting pain around your arms, like you're in a straightjacket again- like you're being restrained for another experiment-
Should we be worried that Forsaken Murderer is in Ifrit's head?

Or somehow resonating with it across time and space?
Should we be worried that Forsaken Murderer is in Ifrit's head?

Or somehow resonating with it across time and space?
Oh that's...god I didn't even notice it. I just thought it was just a general "flash of carmen related nightmare", but you are right that is forsaken murderer.
Is this caused by Carmen? A more effective attack on Ifrit's psyche due to the fact that Ifrit - also being a human test subject - will resonate better with the abno? Or are all the Light creating an active connection to the City's well of humanity, or something of that nature?
Oh that's...god I didn't even notice it. I just thought it was just a general "flash of carmen related nightmare", but you are right that is forsaken murderer.
Is this caused by Carmen? A more effective attack on Ifrit's psyche due to the fact that Ifrit - also being a human test subject - will resonate better with the abno? Or are all the Light creating an active connection to the City's well of humanity, or something of that nature?
Given that Carmen seemed to immediately try to go into her head afterwards, I feel like it's more of the first theory than the second. Of course, it might just be the latter with Carmen's appearance just being a coincidence, but I'm not sure if that should be hand-waved like that.
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Oh that's...god I didn't even notice it. I just thought it was just a general "flash of carmen related nightmare", but you are right that is forsaken murderer.
Is this caused by Carmen? A more effective attack on Ifrit's psyche due to the fact that Ifrit - also being a human test subject - will resonate better with the abno? Or are all the Light creating an active connection to the City's well of humanity, or something of that nature?
Ifrit is most likely going to suffer EGO Meltdown with Forsaken Murderer, but it SHOULD be fine as long as Sieghart is near her when this happens to beat some sense back into her
Might not go well afterwards with Silence, though
Unrelated, but I just realized something (someone else might've already noticed it way before me, but I'm far too lazy to comb through 6000+ posts)

The order Sieghart finds the Ayin shards match up with their order in the Keter Realization mod perfectly

It's completely accidental, but that makes it even more hilarious lmao
The order Sieghart finds the Ayin shards match up with their order in the Keter Realization mod perfectly

It's completely accidental, but that makes it even more hilarious lmao
Not entirely accidental. We deliberately selected Abel when we could choose between them. Possibly we could have been stuck with one of the others.