When the Guns Fall Silent (A Star Trek quest)

Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on May 16, 2024 at 3:09 AM, finished with 9 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Do not issue a CAP.
    [X] Place a quarantine beacon
    -[X] with a 48-hour delay. Don't want to broadcast our location to the Cardassians just yet.
    [X] Investigation - Launch seismography probe(s) to check for underground cave system.
    [X] Investigation - Ask Constable Remy if our logs recorded weapons fire or similar energy discharge.
    [X] Investigation - Constable Remy? Where does 'Constable' occur on our org chart? Is this guy real? Is he an infiltrator?
    [X] Investigation - Contact the uninfected medical ensign, ask for their recounting of events. Correlate with recorded footage.
Episode 5.03: Noon, Day 2.
QM Note: I edited a vote because you .. are v. much operating on rapid time scales
Rolls: [5 1 8 8, 7, 6, 4, 2, 9, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3]

[X] Do not issue a CAP.
[X] Do not place a quarantine beacon at this time.

[X] Investigation - Launch seismography probe(s) to check for underground cave system.
[X] Investigation - Ask Constable Remy if our logs recorded weapons fire or similar energy discharge.
[X] Investigation - Constable Remy? Where does 'Constable' occur on our org chart? Is this guy real? Is he an infiltrator?
[X] Investigation - Contact the uninfected medical ensign, ask for their recounting of events. Correlate with recorded footage.

You opt not to place a beacon immediately or issue a CAP, which Delarnious protests at, and Wentian just sulks at not being able to pilot a combat mission.

You do agree to place a beacon on rapid launch if necessary, and direct that if not cancelled, to be sent out with a emergency broadcast in 48 hours.

You turn your attention to getting more information out. You do launch the seismography probes, and there's an extremely robust underground cave system... that starts at three kilometers under. The material somewhat blocks transporters, but with effort, you could get a probe down there.
[] Work to boost transporters to get a probe down there?

Delarnious asks for permission to launch a series of probes to create a solar system wide sensor network. Minovsky agrees, wanting to do a detailed cross examination.

[ ] Launch probes (will take up rest of day)

Remy is attending via holo as well, as they're too busy researching, coorelating what data they have, and assisting Nana with medical inquiries. There's no recorded energy discharges except for a nearby thunderstorm. While slightly more positivly charged than on most planets, it's well within normal expectations and deviations for a planet.

Constable Remy is the leader of the detachment from Federation Security under Delarnious - he's just been busy doing more crew management things, and occasionally cross-training with other departments. You've met him a few thimes.

You could not reach the medical ensign, as she is extremely busy.

You are about to breakup the mission when forcefields power up. The status lights go black.

"Black alert. Black alert. All hands, we are now in Biohazard Four status." The computer intones, and you whiten.

Biohazard Four was "extremely dangerous plague" and Starfleet is *automatically* alerted whenever a ship reaches it.

Your combadge chirps. "Nana to Sakura. Do you want the good news, or the bad news?"


"The parasite is also morphogenic. I've had to move two infected to secure rooms via transport as they are beginning to emit triolic radiation. Their bodies are also creating more larval parasites, and I was unable to treat any without severe risk of spreading the infection."

Nana is strict. "We may need to quarantine the infected on the planet, with an almost certain chance of death or metamorphosis."

You and Janeway eye each other. That is.. a dire step, and one Starfleet Command will have words for, either way.
"How long before we need to make a decision?"

"Well. We could try focusing all of our resources on treating them, which should delay a decision point for twelve hours. This means the infected who are not yet showing steps are likely to progress faster. Or, we can keep the current equal spread.. but that gives you six hours."

[ ] Send the infected showing symptoms to the planet.
[ ] Continue and make a decision in six hours if they do not recover
[ ] Focus on those showing symptoms, accelerating the progress of those who aren't. (12 hours)

"Good news. A parasite attempted to phase and died as the force-field killed it when it was forced back into phase. The forcefields do work. We're working on a way to detect them to perform sweeps now."

Well, that's something. "Do you know anything about this parasite?"

"No. It's clearly not natural."

Something is wrong on the planet, then..

For that matter, the biofilters didn't pick this up. Or the sensors, which are tuned to paranoid in Biohazard mode. That's.. quite worrying. You can't leave the room, meaning you'll have to do everything from the computer panels in the briefing room. The replicators will only replicate water and ration bars, additionally, as they're hardcoded, so you know morale will take more and more hits the longer this lasts.

[ ] Write in a plan for dealing with this.

The length of this turn will be tied to your vote.
Morale Status: +0 (degrading at -1 per turn)

What You Know:
Observation Notes
- No orbital presence (3 separate scan attempts)
- Cannot locate Kenni's badge
- Ship is on Biohazard Four lockdown
- No sign of any struggle
- Uninhabited system/no artificial signals of any kind.

12 people sent down
- Dalirath, neutralized due to biology, healing.
- Kenni [ ]
- Marine 1, dead
- marine 2, dead
- Marine 3, infected ????
- marine 4, infected ????
- ops crewman, infected ????
- eng crewman, infected, larval state; beginning metamorphosis [step 1 skin color changes, hints of triolic radiation].
- Yanagashira, treated, quarantined in sickbay, currently assisting.
- medical ensign, OK
- science crewman, perfectly healthy, not infected
- science crewman, infected, ill; beginning metamorphosis [step 1 skin color changes, hints of triolic radiation].].

- There was a nearby thunderstorm.
- caves 3+km underground.
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so that can phase and make triolic radiation wtf is this , is this a Devidians bio weapon cause this some op bugs
[X] Work to boost transporters to get a probe down there?
[X] Focus on those showing symptoms, accelerating the progress of those who aren't. (12 hours)

This is something of a choice between "be very busy treating everyone and not having as time to possibly test new treatments" and "prototyping and tweaking new treatments on a few patients before rolling them out to the others", I guess?

[ ] Launch probes (will take up rest of day)

Aside from the fact this would take the entire rest of the day, I'm not sure what good this would do. Shipboard sensors can't even detect the things to begin with, and we already know the system is uninhabited.

You could not reach the medical ensign, as she is extremely busy.

Oh really. Well, that's understandable, but suspicious.
[X] Work to boost transporters to get a probe down there?
[X] Focus on those showing symptoms, accelerating the progress of those who aren't. (12 hours)
[X] During this lockdown have the crew not working on this bio hazard start word games or study to keep mortal up
[X] Work to boost transporters to get a probe down there?

[X] if we can verify some crew as known-clean, we can let them man the kitchens and beam meals directly to rooms. Even just a telepresence robot to operate the kitchen replicators would help.

[X] Why is Delarnious so focused on sweeping the system? If he has a good reason, let him launch the probes.

[X] Continue and make a decision in six hours if they do not recover
-[X] Focus on reliable detection of the parasite first, then removal strategies.
--[X] can we replicate what stopped the parasite in Dalirath and Yanagashira?
--[X] can the parasite be forced in/out of phase?
--[X] once detection is reliable, double-check that the OK ensign isn't an asymptomatic carrier
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on May 20, 2024 at 2:03 AM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Work to boost transporters to get a probe down there?
    [X] Focus on those showing symptoms, accelerating the progress of those who aren't. (12 hours)
    [X] During this lockdown have the crew not working on this bio hazard start word games or study to keep mortal up
    [X] if we can verify some crew as known-clean, we can let them man the kitchens and beam meals directly to rooms. Even just a telepresence robot to operate the kitchen replicators would help.
    [X] Why is Delarnious so focused on sweeping the system? If he has a good reason, let him launch the probes.
    [X] Continue and make a decision in six hours if they do not recover
    -[X] Focus on reliable detection of the parasite first, then removal strategies.
    --[X] can we replicate what stopped the parasite in Dalirath and Yanagashira?
    --[X] can the parasite be forced in/out of phase?
    --[X] once detection is reliable, double-check that the OK ensign isn't an asymptomatic carrier
Episode 5.04: Evening, Day 2.
[X] Work to boost transporters to get a probe down there?
[X] Focus on those showing symptoms, accelerating the progress of those who aren't. (12 hours)
[X] During this lockdown have the crew not working on this bio hazard start word games or study to keep mortal up
[X] if we can verify some crew as known-clean, we can let them man the kitchens and beam meals directly to rooms. Even just a telepresence robot to operate the kitchen replicators would help.
[X] Why is Delarnious so focused on sweeping the system? If he has a good reason, let him launch the probes.
[X] Focus on reliable detection of the parasite first, then removal strategies.
[X] can we replicate what stopped the parasite in Dalirath and Yanagashira?
[X] can the parasite be forced in/out of phase?
[X] once detection is reliable, double-check that the OK ensign isn't an asymptomatic carrier

[Parasite spread: 1 2; Two people possible infected]
[Forcefields roll to prevent spread: 3 9; 1 success; does not spread beyond sickbay.] (needs just one success)
[Dr. Nana save vs infection: 3s needed; rolled Medical (4d): 3s; Not infected]
[Yanagashira save vs infection: 3s needed; Immune]
[Medical ensign one save vs infection: 3s needed; rolled Medical (2d): 1s; Infected]
[Security ensign one save vs infection: 3s needed; rolled Medical (2d): 3s; Not Infected]
[Science ensign one save vs infection: 3s needed; rolled Medical (2d): 2s; Infected]

[Getting probes down there: 6s; 5d+1d+4d=> 10d; 9s]

You get probes beamed down there, and... find that the one you're in is full of lava. The probe gets burnt out before you can retrieve it. The second records temperatures approaching 350 C. The geothermal gradient seems more extreme here, but it's very likely the caves are formed by volcanic activity or something. Of course, you could send more down, but at this point, Minovsky is somewhat certain she could just send out more advanced satellites to compensate for the crest diffusion given time.

[Focus on those showing symptoms, accelerating the progress of those who aren't.]
[Rolls: [3, 9, 8, 8, 9, 1]]
- Marine 3, infected, larval state; chemical markers decreasing. (1 check to being cured)
- marine 4, infected, larval state; chemical markers decreasing. (1 check to being cured)
- ops crewman, infected, larval state; chemical markers decreasing. (1 check to being cured)
- eng crewman, infected, larval state; metamorphosis in step 1 is halted. Triolic radiation decreasing.
- Yanagashira, assisting in sickbay.
- medical ensign, infected, larval state, begin metamorphosis [step 1] on next roll.]
- science crewman, infected, larval state, begin metamorphosis [step 1] on next roll.]
- science crewman, infected, ill; accelerated metamorphosis [step 2 skin color changes, phasing, hostility, neurological changes,dangerous amounts of triolic radiation].

This somewhat helps, but two more are now infected. One is now nearing step 2, and Yanagashira is strained dealing with the science crewman without straight killing them, a solution that you suspect may become required given the hostility and threats they are muttering. The problem is that triolic radiation can weaken the shields, and if it wasn't for the backup systems you developed, you suspect the entire deck would be in danger. As it stands, secured transporters and staff are preparing to quarantine the same deck and decks above and below as sickbay.

If this continues, quarantine around sickbay will fail. You must make a decision.

[ ] Send those in step 1 and above to the planet.
[] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
[ ] Do not and evac the three decks, place a higher priority on monitoring the quarantine.

- During this lockdown have the crew not working on this bio hazard start word games or study to keep mortal up
At this point, you don't have many not working on it one way or another, but authorizing games to go through the process does help. The sheer time it takes to go through the filters is .. well, something. (see more in further actions)

[Morale degradation slows to -1 every 2 turns.]

- Focus on reliable detection of the parasite first, then removal strategies.

Detecting it once active is pretty easy. The issue is that you don't have any biologist who isn't already busy dealing with the extant patients, seeing as you have.. two, and they are either infected or Dr. Nana.

Dalirath is doing some research work at sickbay, and Minovsky is assisting with this more than with any other project.

[Science: 12s required (difficulty: very hard, missing requisite equipment); 11d -> 6s; Failure; will automatically repeat next turn at 10s difficulty.]

The phasing nature makes it hard to reliably detect unless it's already infected and mutating a target. There's some suggestions about this, but ultimately, not enough to find out. They promise to continue working on it.

-- can we replicate what stopped the parasite in Dalirath and Yanagashira?

The answer to this is "if the person is you or a vulcanoid, yes.". Nana does send the vulcanoids a hypospray prescription that should make them immune for 48 hours, though without the initial reaction dehabilitating them, although they may need medical attention still.

-- can the parasite be forced in/out of phase?

You do not have enough information about this parasite although Engineering and Operations are working on isolating the specific changes for type-12 so they can add it to more forcefields, and pass the info to Science.

-- once detection is reliable, double-check that the OK ensign isn't an asymptomatic carrier
She is obviously infected now.

- if we can verify some crew as known-clean, we can let them man the kitchens and beam meals directly to rooms. Even just a telepresence robot to operate the kitchen replicators would help.

You cannot at this time, due to known-clean or biohazard protocols, do so. Regretfully.

- Why is Delarnious so focused on sweeping the system? If he has a good reason, let him launch the probes.

Delarnious points out that you can't detect the parasites, and wants to gather more data. It's entierly possible this system *is actually* inhabited, but out of phase, and he's hoping that more data will at least help. In addition, now would be a great time to attack, and you sober at that.

[] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
[] Probes, then fighters without being cleared.
[] Just probes.

Medical Notes
- Nana treated Dalirath, ID'd the parasite is genetically engineered and attempts to change the infected person's body, biology and appearence. But to something quite unusual, as infected seem to be creating the parasite larvae and emitting triolic radiation.
- Vulcanoids are likely immune, but still need a booster to stop the reaction from killing them.

- Parasite Investigation
- Satellite

Observation Notes
- No orbital prescense (3 seperate segments)
- Cannot locate Kenni's badge
- Ship is on Biohazard Three lockdown
- No sign of any struggle
- Unhabited system/no artifical signals of any kind.
- Some progress (2d) on finding the parasite when dorment.
- Triolic radiation will eventually break down the forcefields.

12 people sent down
- Dalirath, neutralized due to biology, healing.
- Kenni [ ]
- Marine 1, dead
- marine 2, dead
- Marine 3, infected, larval state; chemical markers decreasing. (1 check to being cured)
- marine 4, infected, larval state; chemical markers decreasing. (1 check to being cured)
- ops crewman, infected, larval state; begin metamorphosis [step 1]
- eng crewman, infected, larval state; begining metamorphosis [step 1 skin color changes, hints of triolic radiation].
- Yanagashira, working and assisting in sickbay.
- medical ensign, infected, larval state, begin metamorphosis [step 1] on next roll.]
- science crewman, infected, larval state, begin metamorphosis [step 1] on next roll.]
- science crewman, infected, ill; beginning metamorposhis [step 1 skin color changes, hints of triolic radiation].

- There was a nearby thunderstorm.
- caves 3+km underground. Most seem to be too hot, or full of lava. Minovsky can modify satellites to pierce through the sensor baffling given enough time.
Voting ending on.. Friday night?

As a note if you have questions you think might have been answered already, feel free to ask.
[X] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
Question: what does "cleared" consist of? Being vulcaniod? Us signing off on launch?

[X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
-[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
-[X] if QM allows, hold them in transporter buffer for maximum safe period to buy more time
Probably will vote something like this; if infected are becoming violent and risking quarantine breach, can't justify risking the rest of the ship.

Would like a way to keep them from wandering off though, don't want to lose them if we figure out a cure.

How long can you safely hold someone in a transporter buffer? I know it's not forever, but Spock reportedly stored coffee in a transporter buffer to keep it fresh - this may be a way to hold infected in stasis for a while without just dumping them on the planet.

Edti: added transporter buffer to vote. also adding:
[X] if we stick the infected in a centrifuge, will any parasites that phase get flung away?
-[X] sanity-check this idea with experts before attempting
Reasoning: phased parasite continues in straight line, infected gets pulled in circle, paths diverge.

[X] can we create a phased particle beam or field? it would be nice if we could zap the (phased) parasites without harming the host

[X] medical ideas to throw at the Doc, see if anything sticks:
-[X] blood plasma donations from vulcanoids to infected (avoids blood-type clotting concerns, may carry whatever hurt the parasite)
-[X] is it the vulcan touch telepathy? what happens if a vulcan mind-melds an infected?
--[X] Bonus, this may detect if the parasites form a consciousness
-[X] barbaric ancient practices like chemotherapy (or even having a fever) rely on the idea that poison/heat/whatever kills the tiny no-biological-reserves antagonist faster than the giant resilient host. Do we have anything that hurts both parties, but hurts the parasites MORE?
--[X] not just chemical, but also things like a phaser on stun, or applied electric current
-[X] Does Dalirath or Yangashira have any new compounds/antibodies in their systems since infection? Those may harm the parasite.
-[X] do these parasites have a resonant sonic frequency? Can we just pop the little bastards?
-[X] Do we have any cryostorage capacity? Putting a patient on ice might kill the parasites or encourage them to leave.
(I threw in the chemo/poison idea b/c Nana might not consider something that actually harms the patient, as modern Federation medicine has advanced past that)

[X] Figure out why the replicators are hardcoded to produce only basic/terrible food. If there's not a good reason, write somebody an angry letter.

[X] Have we detected any uncommon chemicals/compounds/elements/isotopes on the planet that could explain the parasites' ability to phase?

[X] Scan for a nearby lab or ship that could have released the artificially engineered creatures.

[X] Assemble a map of triolic radiation density on the planet's surface. Then pay extra attention to any points of anomalously high/low radiation levels.
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Cleared means not infected but you can send the two Vulcan pilots out immediately. It's probably be safer for them. You think.

As for the buffer. Let me think on that and get back to you.
Question: Can the radiation meds we prepared for the quaser episode help against the triolic radiation?

If so, an option to
a) have those treating the patients innoculated against the radiation and
b) see if making the radiation emission of the parasites do nothing to their host interferes with the parasite's ability to replicate and progress the infection

would be nice. :) Won't help the shields, but if the shields
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[] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
Question: what does "cleared" consist of? Being vulcaniod? Us signing off on launch?

[] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
-[] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
Probably will vote something like this; if infected are becoming violent and risking quarantine breach, can't justify risking the rest of the ship.

Would like a way to keep them from wandering off though, don't want to lose them if we figure out a cure.

How long can you safely hold someone in a transporter buffer? I know it's not forever, but Spock reportedly stored coffee in a transporter buffer to keep it fresh - this may be a way to hold infected in stasis for a while without just dumping them on the planet.

You can try this for a engineering roll for 7s difficulty, but bear in mind: that's power diverted from shields and weapons
[X] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
Question: what does "cleared" consist of? Being vulcaniod? Us signing off on launch?

[X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
-[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
Probably will vote something like this; if infected are becoming violent and risking quarantine breach, can't justify risking the rest of the ship
should I be spitballing medical ideas to Dr. Nana, or should I trust that she knows what she's doing and stay out of her hair?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on May 23, 2024 at 2:05 AM, finished with 11 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
    [X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
    -[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
    -[X] if QM allows, hold them in transporter buffer for maximum safe period to buy more time
    [X] if we stick the infected in a centrifuge, will any parasites that phase get flung away?
    -[X] sanity-check this idea with experts before attempting
    [X] can we create a phased particle beam or field? it would be nice if we could zap the (phased) parasites without harming the host
    [X] medical ideas to throw at the Doc, see if anything sticks:
    -[X] blood plasma donations from vulcanoids to infected (avoids blood-type clotting concerns, may carry whatever hurt the parasite)
    -[X] is it the vulcan touch telepathy? what happens if a vulcan mind-melds an infected?
    --[X] Bonus, this may detect if the parasites form a consciousness
    -[X] barbaric ancient practices like chemotherapy (or even having a fever) rely on the idea that poison/heat/whatever kills the tiny no-biological-reserves antagonist faster than the giant resilient host. Do we have anything that hurts both parties, but hurts the parasites MORE?
    --[X] not just chemical, but also things like a phaser on stun, or applied electric current
    -[X] Does Dalirath or Yangashira have any new compounds/antibodies in their systems since infection? Those may harm the parasite.
    -[X] do these parasites have a resonant sonic frequency? Can we just pop the little bastards?
    -[X] Do we have any cryostorage capacity? Putting a patient on ice might kill the parasites or encourage them to leave.
    [X] Figure out why the replicators are hardcoded to produce only basic/terrible food. If there's not a good reason, write somebody an angry letter.
    [X] Have we detected any uncommon chemicals/compounds/elements/isotopes on the planet that could explain the parasites' ability to phase?
    [X] Scan for a nearby lab or ship that could have released the artificially engineered creatures.
    [X] Assemble a map of triolic radiation density on the planet's surface. Then pay extra attention to any points of anomalously high/low radiation levels.
    [X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
    -[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
Episode 5.04: Early Morning, Day 3.
[X] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
[X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
-[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
-[X] if QM allows, hold them in transporter buffer for maximum safe period to buy more time
[X] if we stick the infected in a centrifuge, will any parasites that phase get flung away?
-[X] sanity-check this idea with experts before attempting
[X] can we create a phased particle beam or field? it would be nice if we could zap the (phased) parasites without harming the host
[X] medical ideas to throw at the Doc, see if anything sticks:
-[X] blood plasma donations from vulcanoids to infected (avoids blood-type clotting concerns, may carry whatever hurt the parasite)
-[X] is it the vulcan touch telepathy? what happens if a vulcan mind-melds an infected?
--[X] Bonus, this may detect if the parasites form a consciousness
-[X] barbaric ancient practices like chemotherapy (or even having a fever) rely on the idea that poison/heat/whatever kills the tiny no-biological-reserves antagonist faster than the giant resilient host. Do we have anything that hurts both parties, but hurts the parasites MORE?
--[X] not just chemical, but also things like a phaser on stun, or applied electric current
-[X] Does Dalirath or Yangashira have any new compounds/antibodies in their systems since infection? Those may harm the parasite.
-[X] do these parasites have a resonant sonic frequency? Can we just pop the little bastards?
-[X] Do we have any cryostorage capacity? Putting a patient on ice might kill the parasites or encourage them to leave.
[X] Figure out why the replicators are hardcoded to produce only basic/terrible food. If there's not a good reason, write somebody an angry letter.
[X] Have we detected any uncommon chemicals/compounds/elements/isotopes on the planet that could explain the parasites' ability to phase?
[X] Scan for a nearby lab or ship that could have released the artificially engineered creatures.
[X] Assemble a map of triolic radiation density on the planet's surface. Then pay extra attention to any points of anomalously high/low radiation levels.
[X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
-[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.

[Morale: +0 -> -1]
[Progress: 5, 2, 8, 7, 9, 10, 10, 8]
[Parasite spread: 6; no spread]
- Dalirath is cured enough to start assisting on rolls.

- Marine 3, infected, larval state; chemical markers increasing. (step 1)
- marine 4, infected, larval state; chemical markers increasing. (step 1)
- ops crewman, cured; undergoing observation in a quarantined clean room.
- eng crewman, infected, larval state; step 0; chemical markers decreasing. (1 roll to being cured.)
- medical ensign, infected, larval state; step 0; chemical markers decreasing. (1 roll to being cured.)
- science crewman, infected, larval state; step 0; chemical markers decreasing. (1 roll to being cured.)
- science crewman, infected, ill; regressing metamorphosis; nearing step 1

- Detecting parasites

[Science: 10s required (difficulty: very hard); 11d -> 10s, 1 Bonus Effect; ]

They've made some rudimentary equipment to detect the parasites, and are moving on with testing. They finally manage to detect one, and manage to adjust the sensors to pick up phased objects. They begin retrofitting the sensors, and retrofit the forcefields to block spread on those phasing.

Meanwhile, they begin trying to create a treatment, taking in data.

[Medical: 8s (two known immunities); 9d (+Nana Bonus) = > 8s]

They come up with a treatment. (4-9 cure one step, 10 cure two step, 1 advancement, 2-3 sick). (All patients get one more roll to cure)

More work will need to be done to refine it, but it should tilt the odds in your favor.

(reroll on all patients):
[4, 8, 4, 10, 7, 2]
- Marine 3, infected, larval state; step 0; chemical markers decreasing. (1 roll to being cured.)
- marine 4, infected, larval state; step 0; chemical markers decreasing. (1 roll to being cured.)
- eng crewman, cured; undergoing observation in a quarantined clean room.
- medical ensign, cured; undergoing observation in a quarantined clean room.
- science crewman, cured; undergoing observation in a quarantined clean room.
- science crewman, infected, ill; regressing metamorphosis; nearing step 1

- Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens

You launch a series of probes, and then three fighters in a limited CAP. This also substantially expands your sensor depth, and the Tactical and Security departments are examining the data carefully. It's not as good as the Science department, but they are quite busy right now, so you'll have to make do.

You are very glad for this as the net detects some artifical satellites, leading you to think that the system is .. potentially inhabited. You may need to rescan the planet.

As you can now scan people, you step down from Biohazard Four to Three, allowing you to launch the rest of the CAP.
(Morale rate now is -1/3 turns.)

A scan of the ship reveals no more patients are infected. It appears the biohazard protocols you worked out, and Dr. Nana's fast actions prevented a general pandemic.

- if we stick the infected in a centrifuge, will any parasites that phase get flung away?


- can we create a phased particle beam or field? it would be nice if we could zap the (phased) parasites without harming the host

Science seems dubious about this, but they add it to the list for later treatments. They're also adding it biofilter data to the transporters at this time, so it's a matter of priorities.

- the other medical statements:
either accounted for or are terrible ideas. (Or theoretically possible were you not on Biohazard Three or Four).

Nana does note the chemotherapy and cryostorage for further research, though.

-Figure out why the replicators are hardcoded to produce only basic/terrible food. If there's not a good reason, write somebody an angry letter.

Biohazard Four assumes malicious tampering of the replicator system is possible, so it goes to the most locked down paranoid method, and therefore is limited in what it can produce within that system.

- Have we detected any uncommon chemicals/compounds/elements/isotopes on the planet that could explain the parasites' ability to phase?

Not yet, but placing satellites with revised sensors is a priority for Minovsky at this point. (Roll happens next turn). So far there's nothing obvious, but there's a lot of sensor diffusing stuff in the crust.

- Scan for a nearby lab or ship that could have released the artificially engineered creatures.

The probes on en-route to do detailed scans of the other planets currently.

- Assemble a map of triolic radiation density on the planet's surface. Then pay extra attention to any points of anomalously high/low radiation levels.

The entire planet radiates a low level triolic radiation, increasing with depth. You will need to rescan the planet with satellites to do a indepth density map.

- You currently have no step 2 patients. That you know of, anyway.
(note that the crewman tending to step 1 means you are no longer in risk of a quarantine breech.)
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