When the Guns Fall Silent (A Star Trek quest)

Well, "the Federation" *does* do some nasty or questionable stuff. Just not in anything near the Prime Timeline, or barring "galactic-scale existential threat to basically everyone". (See: STO's Iconian War arc)

Some of those tabletop wargame timelines I vaguely recall the Feds being damn near as warlike as the Klingons -- like an entire spacepower's worth of Section 31, too. But uh... as I recall, they got cut off around the start of TNG, because Roddenberry hated how warmongering things were? Don't take my word for it tho, I only briefly read about it, and years ago.
So, going forward: I actually like the fact you wrote in. I do! It was working with the situation, and that's why I was trying to give it some leeway. It's just I wanted to be sure before I contemplated the reactions of Starfleet Command, who well, aren't your biggest fan, especially when you have only one or two politics die right now.

So, I'll try to give you a better QM response to write ins before voting really takes off going forward. Please believe if I'm vetoing or warning you it's because you're either quest ending or putting yourself in real risk of quest end.

Well, "the Federation" *does* do some nasty or questionable stuff. Just not in anything near the Prime Timeline, or barring "galactic-scale existential threat to basically everyone". (See: STO's Iconian War arc)

Some of those tabletop wargame timelines I vaguely recall the Feds being damn near as warlike as the Klingons -- like an entire spacepower's worth of Section 31, too. But uh... as I recall, they got cut off around the start of TNG, because Roddenberry hated how warmongering things were? Don't take my word for it tho, I only briefly read about it, and years ago.

Section who? More seriously, yeah. Starfleet Intelligence can get somewhat nasty. The Federation can get pretty bad. You might even run across some instances of SFI being.. well.. SFI.
You were probably thinking of the DS9 ep where they destroy shipyards with a solar flare, instead of a red flash. That's on me for not explaining a red flash is the phase where a star balloons up to red giant phase. (It'd consume everything up to the -f orbital.) which.. is a different scale.

There's other concerns, too, but you can probably guess what they are. tbf, part of it is as you've noticed, you've just put yourself in the spotlight.

Pretty sure I'm thinking of the To Boldly Go quest, where 'detonate nearby stellar phenomenon' was an occasional tactic. And maybe some of that Stargate episode where they blew up a star to destroy a nearby fleet.

And yeah, I was reading Red Flash as more 'shockwave' than 'sudden red giant' too, definitely misunderstood the scale.

[X] Yanagashira: provoke and linger at Anadolu-i
[X]Talonis: Keep the warp systems ready (-1d to combat) but no warmup time and can jump immeidately to warp.

Thanks for the feedback!
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[X] Yanagashira: provoke and linger at Anadolu-i
[X]Talonis: Keep the warp systems ready (-1d to combat) but no warmup time and can jump immeidately to warp.
Episode 2: Keep on Running [Return Home] [21 March 2353]
[X]Talonis: Keep the warp systems ready (-1d to combat) but no warmup time and can jump immediately to warp. [3 successes, Janeway assists]
[X] Yanagashira: provoke and linger at Anadolu-i

[Talonis+Janeway: 8d [10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4] => 8 success, 1 Bonus Effect (Immediate High Warp)]

You reach the i orbital space, and nod to Talonis to open communications to the station. You give your best composed expression.

"Cardassian Station, you are in Federation space. Surrender, and evacuate immediately. Cardassian ships, surrender, and prepare to be boarded." You transmit the demand, and await.

The ships... seem to be anxious, to your eye. They want to leave, but know you are there to intercept them. They were in the process of the evacuating the station, and setting off explosive charges..

And now you've stopped them, as well as their attack. Well, not the charges. But you are listening to their communications and taking a lot of interesting scientific data.

Their communications are.. well, you're sure Starfleet Intelligence can do more with it than you can. But you do glean that no reinforcements are coming, everyone's under attack. That was welcome relief that the entire cell had been captured.

Eventually, they decide they have no choice but to attack you. They could, of course, just run away, but they know they'd likely lose in a chase, and one Galor by itself can't take any colonies in this area. Their best chance is to attack you with both at once. As such, both of you fire at each other at once.

[Galor A: 6d vs 11d (+1d Morale): 6 successes, Bonus Effect vs 5 successes [Torp]][Hit]
[Check for shield penetration: 1d vs 4d; 1 success vs 3 successes, Bonus Effect][Damage reduced by 25%][No penetration]
[53 SP 30 HP]

[Galor A: 7d vs 11d (+1d Morale): 6 successes vs 13 successes, 2 Bonus Effects [Disruptor]]
[Talonis: Operations check vs 5 successes to have Galor A also fire on B (uses both bonus effects): 9d (+4d Crew Stats+Morale) => [10, 9, 7, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] => 5 successes;]
[3d vs 2d Shield Negation on Galor B: 2successes vs 3 successes[-25% damage]
[23 SP 30 HP Galor B]

[Galor B: 6d vs 11d (+1d Morale): 2 successes vs 9 successes, Bonus Effect [Miss][Torp]]
[Galor B: 7d vs 11d (+1d Morale): 3 successes vs 10 success, Bonus Effect [Miss][Disruptor]][+1d dodge against Galor B for 2 turns]

Talonis pulls an amazing move, and tricks the first into firing it's disruptors on the second, but doesn't dodge the torpedo from it. Yanagashira started by firing a full spread of torpedos, and then followed up with a phaser strike on both.

[Torp vs Galor A: 12d vs 7d: [10, 10, 10, 9, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2] vs [9, 7, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2]: 8 successes, 3 Bonus Effects vs 4 successes; [x2 damage]]
[4d vs 1d: 1 success, 25% shield penetration]
[0 SP 14 HP Galor A]
[Torp vs Galor A: 12d vs 7d: [9, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] vs [10, 10, 5, 4, 4, 2, 1]: 4 successes vs 5 and 2 Bonus effects]
(No second ship, gain +1d dodge die vs you for two turns.)
[Phaser vs Galor A: 13d vs 7d: [10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3] vs [9, 9, 8, 7, 6, 1, 1, 1]: 12 successes, 2 Bonus Effects vs 2; [Impact][x1.5 damage]]
[0 HP, Galor A destroyed]

The Creirwy shakes on impact, but the first Galor is destroyed.

[Torp vs Galor B: 12d vs 7d [9, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] vs [10, 10, 7, 7, 6, 4, 2] 4 vs 7 successes, [gain +1d dodge die vs you for 2 turns][Miss]
[Torp vs Galor B: 12d vs 8d: [10, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 2, 2] vs [10,9, 8, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1] 14 successes vs 5, with 2 Bonus Effects [*1.5 damage] [Strikethrough]
[3 SP 3 HP]
[Phaser vs Galor B: 13d vs 8d: [8, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2] vs [8, 8, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 1] 9 successes vs 4 with one Negative Effect [Shield Strike-through]]
[0 HP, Galor B Destroyed]

[Talonis progresses towards trait "Daring Pilot"]

You make quick work of the pair, and were about to check for any traces - there weren't any people in pods to rescue - when Kenni says in some alarm. "The star is beginning to dim. Red flash imminent."

"Execute, Lieutenant Talonis."

Talonis jumps to warp, back to Starbase 315.

You are the last, actually, to arrive, as you were the furthest out. You send your reports in, and a copy of your data to .. a lot of science institutes, who would like more detailed information as to the red flash, a very rare method of stars entering the subgiant branch. They're actually quite happy with you.

Nechavey leads the debrief, and you can tell the other Commanding Officers downright think you're radioactive or something. She has to not-so-gently correct some attempts to downplay or puffup actions, but overall, it's painfully correct.

All of you, including you, come out with a citation, and a generic campaign ribbon is distributed to your crews, at least, those who hadn't been on anti-piracy duty during the war.

Nechavey asked some pointed questions of Seymour, and other stations, about how this was never noticed, and the task force - minus you - was sent out to investigate a lot of sensors and outposts after repairs and rearming. You were assigned a few on your path out, adding to the front of your mission once you left.

[Episode 2 Grade..: B+ from Starfleet Command Review Board.]
[Nechavey is able to work with this to get some more leeway for your officers.]

You have 25 R&D Dice to attribute to a few projects over the week of repairs and rearming before you set back out (do not allot more dice than would take the pool more than 3 times required successes):
-[] Wentian (Engineering) Yanagashira (Tactics) Talonis (Opeations) Delarinous (Security) Janeway (Command): Develop the Elbe-class Multi-Use Runabout. (Increase max speed to Warp 5, add two more phasers, one torpedo launcher, enhanced armor and shields for hostile atmospheric search and rescue) [12 successes](Short Time) (unlocks experimental "Type-86" flyer R&D for ship) (increases all station security by giving them better small craft.)
-[] Wentian (Engineering), Yanagashira (Tactics), Parhai (Command): Shields Mk VI+ (+1d to prevent Shield Bleedthrough) [8 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress Shields Mk VII] [+]
-[] Wentian (Engineering), Yanagashira (Tactics), Zh'viathon (Engineering): Photon Torpedo Type 5 Mk I and Torpedo Type 40 Launchers [10 succeses][No Delay] (Required for Phaser Cannons Mk. III)
-[] Dalirath (Science), Janeway (Science): Experimental Safer EPS Distribution. (Less Injuries from Weapons Strikes, More Available Power, Less Single Point of Failure) [11 successes][Very Long Delay][Progress: EPS System Mk X.]** [+]
-[] Wentian (Engineering), Kenni (Science), Parhai (Command): M/AM small scale backup reactor. (Ensures a backup power supply, instead of needing full warp power for weapons, shields, and also adds life support system power. Also unlocks Attack Pattern METEOR at -1d accuracy.) [9 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress: Power Systems Mk VI.][Dangerous: Complication (2 negative effects) will trigger damage rolls]***[Unlocks: EPS Redundancy and EPS Segmentation Systems, Warp Core Mk VII research, Phaser Cannons Mk III, Phaser Strip Mk VI]
-[] Yanagshira (Tactics), Dalirath (Science), Wentian (Engineering), Pahrai (Command): Prototype Plasma Rainshower Launcher Mk. I [14 successes](Very Long Delay)[Progress: Plasma Rainshower Integrated Weapons Systems Mk. I (Starbase)][Unlocks: Plasma Rainshow IWS Mk. I (Starship) Research]
- []Progress of subspace singularity research based on data and samples from the Vanilli IV colony. [At least 10 succeses][??] (Combined Science and Operations roll from Dalirath, Kenni, Janeway. Security roll from Yanagashira) [Note: This will disappear after Episode 3]

You also have a week of downtime (take 3 actions)
- [] Assist in R&D Writeups. (Command, 4 succeses)[Will mean your ship starts automatically with any successful R&D initiatives, +1d R&D Progress]
- [] Delarnious would also like a re imposition of Captain's Mast for NJP. [Medium, will require at least one officer designated for this collateral duty, and JAG would like to go over with you what you can and cannot do. May have unpredictable results on Morale.]
- [] Attempt to contact your parents, or friends back on Pacifica. If they're willing to talk to you, anyway. [Hard, Command, 5 successes][Pick 2 dice pools to increase]
- [] Send your officers to a seminar on [skill] (Guaranteed +1 rank. One take per officer) (Cannot take: Talonis, Yanagashira)
- [] Request officers for X Department.. (write in)
- [] Work out a way to get Daliareth more research clearance, or, more likely, a way for you to review what she wants in closer to real time. (Impossible, 2d Politics available, requires 3 successes)
- [] Investigate the Forsaken Order. [Hard, requires 6 intelligence successes]
- [] Get an Intelligence Officer posted to the ship. [1 successes, 2 to get one not placed by unfriendly Admirals... 3 to get one not placed by Nechavey]
- [] Arrange for a civilian "morale officer" (read: event coordinator) to keep morale up on your ship from...
--[] Name the officer, and the connections they lean on. Traits are recommended here.
--AUTOMATIC: Follow up on the issue by following the news.

Political Status: Strongly Disliked (2d)

"Commanding Officer's log, Stardate 235304.21

It's been a tough mission, and I may have tanked my career, but I have no regrets. I'm looking forward to less combat and more exploration in our future. And..hoping that I can continue to be a beacon for what I believe in.

End Log."

Responsiveness to Disaster Notification: A+, no notes.

Shuttle R&D:
- Operations: [Concern]
- Engineering: Well, someone has to.
- Security: Armor types and search and rescue? Yes please.
- Logistics: Oh no.
- The rest: no comment

- Medical: Interesting. We shall follow with interest.
- Operations: Could we adapt this for installations? 🤔
- Medical: Hell yes!
- Logistics: ... why must you r&d. :(

Clear Cargo Bay 3? Vote Yes [A+]
Everyone: Sounds like a good precaution.

Do not pre setup Quarantine [A]
- Medical: I hope you didn't need this when people urgently needed rescue
- Engineering: It's not too long to setup, but sounds like a reasonable call
- Operations: Reasonable-ish..
- Logistics/Intelligence: No comment
- Security: Eeeh.

"It would, but we'll need to test if we need quarantine first. Yanagashira, Dalirath, ready a probe for immediate launch." [A-]
- Medical: Aaah. Well, that makes more sense if you plan to immediately.. still a bit delayed, but a more reasonable precaution.
- Everyone else: Logical

Dalirath's attempt to access (unknowingly) top secret info [Grade: B]
- Operations: Expected outcome, regretfully.
- Security: I really don't like this.
- Intelligence: ... expected outcome, regretfully.
- Diplomacy: We really should find a way for them to access more info..

Go with Janeway's suggestion (+10 hours to arrival) [B-]
- Operations: While this is a reasonable suggestion, you should have prioritized the planet
- Medical: At least 12 people died becuase you went on a wild goose chase.
- Science: Eeeeh. Not unreasonable. Not reasonable.
- Engineering: I understand why you didn't modify more probes, but you could have used your existing ones.

4 shifts of shuttlecrews: Requires 90 crew, but you can run four times a day. (Ship Operations -1d) (World Scan -12h) [B-]
- Medical: [B+] Proper balance of risk of crew and attempt to find any survivors
- Engineering: [C] .. a bit risky to ship ops in an environment like that, but acceptable command decision
- Operations: [C+] You run a real risk here, but it's a needed one.

The Shuttles [D-]
- Operations: [D-] .. this is why you don't use experimental technology in a rescue
- Engineering: [C] You should request more shuttles if you're going to do this. Records included you returned it to stock before refitting the recommended modifications, but it was still fast. More shuttles or staff is required. (Or a lot more training.)
- Medical: [F] You nearly killed your staff AND more people. :mad:
- Security: [D+] Understandable why, but still clearly moving too fast.

Report: Wentian, self, endorsed by Starfleet Command, letter of reprimand placed in her file.
Yanagashira, self, rejected by Starfleet Command, but a warning is sent to her to take the Engineering Development Classes to cover the gaps in her training.
Parhai, self & Medical, rejected by Starfleet Command, actions reasonable within her knowledge. [One action taken for you this shore leave]

Probes + Shuttles to Confirm [A]
- Medical: No notes.
- Security no notes.
- Opearations [A]: Why didn't you do this first?

Ambush: A+
- Security: Good shooting.

Training Seminar:
- Talonis: +Security
- Yanagashira: +Engineering

Training Choices: B-
- Operations: It's always wise to get better, but shoring up weaknesses makes sense too.

Data Exchange: -
- Operations: For the good of the group, I cannot comment on this.

Immediate Warp and Provoke: A-
- Operations: Smart. Make them come to you. Make them make mistakes A+, no notes.
- Science: So much data on this phase.. A-
- Engineering: .. so much holding stuff warm T.T B+
Episode 2 notes: I didn't get to use "blame it on the rain" as a subtitle at all here. Ah well. (Rob Pilatus was one of the front men of Milli Vanilli)
Going to need a good min to think of a plan also question, what does training do? It the only stat I can't wrap my head around and it bugging me to no end
[X] I am working on it
-[X] Wentian (Engineering) Yanagashira (Tactics) Talonis (Opeations) Delarinous (Security) Janeway (Command): Develop the Elbe-class Multi-Use Runabout. (Increase max speed to Warp 5, add two more phasers, one torpedo launcher, enhanced armor and shields for hostile atmospheric search and rescue) [12 successes](Short Time) (unlocks experimental "Type-86" flyer R&D for ship) (increases all station security by giving them better small craft.) + 9d10

- [X]Progress of subspace singularity research based on data and samples from the Vanilli IV colony. [At least 10 succeses][??] (Combined Science and Operations roll from Dalirath, Kenni, Janeway. Security roll from Yanagashira) [Note: This will disappear after Episode 3] + 7d10

-[X] Wentian (Engineering), Kenni (Science), Parhai (Command): M/AM small scale backup reactor. (Ensures a backup power supply, instead of needing full warp power for weapons, shields, and also adds life support system power. Also unlocks Attack Pattern METEOR at -1d accuracy.) [9 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress: Power Systems Mk VI.][Dangerous: Complication (2 negative effects) will trigger damage rolls]***[Unlocks: EPS Redundancy and EPS Segmentation Systems, Warp Core Mk VII research, Phaser Cannons Mk III, Phaser Strip Mk VI] + 9d10

- [X] Assist in R&D Writeups. (Command, 4 succeses)[Will mean your ship starts automatically with any successful R&D initiatives, +1d R&D Progress]
- [X] Send your officers to a seminar on [skill] (Guaranteed +1 rank. One take per officer) (Cannot take: Talonis, Yanagashira)
- [X] Dr. Nana - Medical
- [X] Delarnious would also like a re imposition of Captain's Mast for NJP. [Medium, will require at least one officer designated for this collateral duty, and JAG would like to go over with you what you can and cannot do. May have unpredictable results on Morale.]

OK is my plan clear?
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Just found this, it was a fun read and well written!
Spending research is a tad too complicated to get in as a noob who only read the story posts though, so I'll just observe for now.
Working on post now
Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on Feb 27, 2024 at 9:23 PM, finished with 9 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] I am working on it
    -[X] Wentian (Engineering) Yanagashira (Tactics) Talonis (Opeations) Delarinous (Security) Janeway (Command): Develop the Elbe-class Multi-Use Runabout. (Increase max speed to Warp 5, add two more phasers, one torpedo launcher, enhanced armor and shields for hostile atmospheric search and rescue) [12 successes](Short Time) (unlocks experimental "Type-86" flyer R&D for ship) (increases all station security by giving them better small craft.) + 9d10
    - [X]Progress of subspace singularity research based on data and samples from the Vanilli IV colony. [At least 10 succeses] (Combined Science and Operations roll from Dalirath, Kenni, Janeway. Security roll from Yanagashira) [Note: This will disappear after Episode 3] + 7d10
    -[X] Wentian (Engineering), Kenni (Science), Parhai (Command): M/AM small scale backup reactor. (Ensures a backup power supply, instead of needing full warp power for weapons, shields, and also adds life support system power. Also unlocks Attack Pattern METEOR at -1d accuracy.) [9 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress: Power Systems Mk VI.][Dangerous: Complication (2 negative effects) will trigger damage rolls]***[Unlocks: EPS Redundancy and EPS Segmentation Systems, Warp Core Mk VII research, Phaser Cannons Mk III, Phaser Strip Mk VI] + 9d10
    - [X] Assist in R&D Writeups. (Command, 4 succeses)[Will mean your ship starts automatically with any successful R&D initiatives, +1d R&D Progress]
    - [X] Send your officers to a seminar on [skill] (Guaranteed +1 rank. One take per officer) (Cannot take: Talonis, Yanagashira)
    - [X] Dr. Nana - Medical
    - [X] Delarnious would also like a re imposition of Captain's Mast for NJP. [Medium, will require at least one officer designated for this collateral duty, and JAG would like to go over with you what you can and cannot do. May have unpredictable results on Morale.]
Developed Shuttlecraft, Technology, etc.
Small Craft:

Type-7C Shuttlecraft
* Size: Small
* Shields: Shield Grid Mk VIs: 1d [15 SP]
* Hull: Duranium Alloy 150: 1d [20 HP]
* Agility: 6d
* Speed: 1d [Shuttle Warp Chart: Max Warp 2.1, Emergency Warp: 2.5 for 6 hours]
* Sensors: 3d
* Comfort: 2d
* Cargo: 1d
* Traits: Small, Agile, Can Operate Well In Atmosphere
* Weapons: 1d
** Mark VIIs Phaser - Accuracy: 2d, Damage: 6, Traits: Rapid Fire
** Photon Torpedo Mk. VIIs - Accuracy: 2d, Damage: 9. Traits: Slow Fire. [Capacity: Very Limited]

Elbe-class Runabout
* Size: Medium
* Shields: Shield Grid Mk VIs+: 2d [40 SP]
* Hull: Duranium Alloy 150+: 2d [43 HP]
* Agility: Ion-Plasma Impulse Mk VI+: 7d
* Speed: 3d [Shuttle Warp Chart: Max Warp 5.2, Emergency Warp: 6 for 6 hours]
* Sensors: 4d
* Comfort: 2d
* Cargo: 1d
* Traits: Small, Agile, Can Operate Well In Atmosphere
* Weapons: 1d
** Mark VIIs Phaser - Accuracy: 2d, Damage: 12, Traits: Rapid Fire (can fire twice in one turn)
** Photon Torpedo Mk. VIIs - Accuracy: 2d, Damage: 13. Traits: Slow Fire. [Capacity: Limited]

Sensor Technologies
Sensor Suite Mk V

Upgraded sensors, using elements of a phaser focusing array, as well as advancements of subspace and transpatial sensor technology.
Credit given to the USS Creirwy, namely Lieutenant Commander Li Wentian and Lieutenant Yanagashira Nadeshiko.

Current Implementation: Combat Sensor Suite Mk V-
[Improvement from Mk IV: +2d, +2d.]
Creirwy Refit Improvements: +1d Weapons, +2d Sensors

Probe Mk XI

This represents a straight upgrade over the existing Mk. X with it's enhanced armor, thrusters, and sensor resolution. These are more deplorable in hazardous conditions, allowing for safer data gathering without having to risk a ship in more dangerous hazards.

(Slowly being rolled out as production permits, although ships can make them themselves.)

Defense Systems
Duranium Alloy 189+

The proposed 189+ alloy implements a number of process improvements, but in itself isn't good enough for production. However, testing did indicate improvements, and a proposed Duranium-Tritanium alloy was sped up. This means that we can roll out the new Tridiranium Alloy (Alloy TD-193) ahead of schedule.

The first to launch with it will be the first USS Galaxy , after refits.

Credit given to the experimentation of multiple ships, including USS Creirwy for helping us eliminate false-starts.

(Galaxy and Steamrunner class now projected to come out end of 2353.)

Current Implementation: Hull Mk III Kai
[Improvement from Mk III Kai: +2d Hull (+30 HP) ]
Creirwy Refit Improvements: +2d Hull (+30 HP)

Internal Components
Modernize Sickbay (2353)

- +1d Health, Resiliance Improved, gain auto reroll of critical failures.

Project Athens
- COMPLETE: Isolated Individual Forcefields, Safety Forcefields, Auto-Deploy Seat Restraint System
- ????

This system, which taps on the enhanced computing and isolation possible with isolinear systems, should more rapidly deploy forcefields in the case of breaches, and isolate sections so that a breach can only damage so much. It is a key component of Project Athens.

While we feel that such systems are superfluous, testing from many ships has seen a massive request for these to be implemented. Further refinements in power generation will be needed to couple these with improvements to EPS safety and proposed redundancies.

Credit given to the USS Creirwy, Stargazer and Talon of Flame crews for implementation.
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Episode 3: "To The Unknown Seas" [Set Sail] [29 March 2353]
[X] I am working on it
-[X] Wentian (Engineering) Yanagashira (Tactics) Talonis (Operations) Delarinous (Security) Janeway (Command): Develop the Elbe-class Multi-Use Runabout. (Increase max speed to Warp 5, add two more phasers, one torpedo launcher, enhanced armor and shields for hostile atmospheric search and rescue) [12 successes](Short Time) (unlocks experimental "Type-86" flyer R&D for ship) (increases all station security by giving them better small craft.) + 9d10
- [X]Progress of subspace singularity research based on data and samples from the Vanilli IV colony. [At least 10 succeses] (Combined Science and Operations roll from Dalirath, Kenni, Janeway. Security roll from Yanagashira) [Note: This will disappear after Episode 3] + 7d10
-[X] Wentian (Engineering), Kenni (Science), Parhai (Command): M/AM small scale backup reactor. (Ensures a backup power supply, instead of needing full warp power for weapons, shields, and also adds life support system power. Also unlocks Attack Pattern METEOR at -1d accuracy.) [9 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress: Power Systems Mk VI.][Dangerous: Complication (2 negative effects) will trigger damage rolls]***[Unlocks: EPS Redundancy and EPS Segmentation Systems, Warp Core Mk VII research, Phaser Cannons Mk III, Phaser Strip Mk VI] + 9d10
- [X] Assist in R&D Writeups. (Command, 4 succeses)[Will mean your ship starts automatically with any successful R&D initiatives, +1d R&D Progress]
- [X] Send your officers to a seminar on [skill] (Guaranteed +1 rank. One take per officer) (Cannot take: Talonis, Yanagashira)
- [X] Dr. Nana - Medical
- [X] Delarnious would also like a re imposition of Captain's Mast for NJP. [Medium, will require at least one officer designated for this collateral duty, and JAG would like to go over with you what you can and cannot do. May have unpredictable results on Morale.]

- Assist in R&D Writeups. (Command, 4 successes)[Will mean your ship starts automatically with any successful R&D initiatives, +1d R&D Progress]
[Command Roll: 6 successes, Critical Bonus]

You spend some time helping with R&D writeups, although you're becoming conciously aware you'll need to turn your focus to training over this sometime down the line. Still, it's time you get to help your officers and interested crew.

And it's clear Zh'viathon could use some help in learning how to follow the tangents of the officers.

(+1 success, -2 turns to comment from Starfleet R&D, First Complication negated.)

-Wentian (Engineering) Yanagashira (Tactics) Talonis (Opeations) Delarinous (Security) Janeway (Command): Develop the Elbe-class Multi-Use Runabout. (Increase max speed to Warp 5, add two more phasers, one torpedo launcher, enhanced armor and shields for hostile atmospheric search and rescue) [12 successes](Short Time) (unlocks experimental "Type-86" flyer R&D for ship) (increases all station security by giving them better small craft.) + 9d10
[32d10 + 1 success => 19 successes, 2 Bonus Effects]

They show you a larger runabout - large enough you couldn't use it on your ship unless you didn't want any other shuttles, which you did - and note it was surprisingly easy to assemble from existing components, excluding the hull form factor.

[Bonus Effects: +more hull HP, +easier to assemble]

* Size: Medium
* Shields: Shield Grid Mk VIs+: 2d [40 SP]
* Hull: Duranium Alloy 150+: 2d [43 HP]
* Agility: Ion-Plasma Impulse Mk VI+: 7d
* Speed: 3d [Shuttle Warp Chart: Max Warp 5.2, Emergency Warp: 6 for 6 hours]
* Sensors: 4d
* Comfort: 2d
* Cargo: 1d
* Traits: Small, Agile, Can Operate Well In Atmosphere
* Weapons: 1d
** Mark VIIs Phaser - Accuracy: 2d, Damage: 12, Traits: Rapid Fire (can fire twice in one turn)
** Photon Torpedo Mk. VIIs - Accuracy: 2d, Damage: 13. Traits: Slow Fire. [Capacity: Limited]

Starfleet R&D gets back to you extremely fast.

Elbe-class Runabout

Represents both an evolution and incremental upgrade of existing large shuttle classes, and should provide both additional firepower and range support for starbases.

[Unlocks "Type-86" Shuttlecraft]

.. you make sure to tell Wentian it had to be painted in Starfleet colors. No "panda" color schemes for an official ship shuttle.

[Reroll for progress on Ion-Plasma Impulse Mk VI+ (+1d to Agility) [8 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress Impulse Mk VII]: 10d+1s => 11 successes, Bonus Effect]

In testing the Elbe-class, they crack the problems with the Ion-Plasma Impulse thruster, and get it on the ship for testing. It works well, and you submit it to Starfleet R&D.

Wentian doesn't think you'll be able to improve further for a while, as all of the proposed replacements are running into either problems with interactions in space, or causing cascading plasma issues requiring a lot more maintenance.

- Progress of subspace singularity research based on data and samples from the Vanilli IV colony. [At least 10 successes] (Combined Science and Operations roll from Dalirath, Kenni, Janeway. Security roll from Yanagashira) [Note: This will disappear after Episode 3] + 7d10

[3d+8d+6d+7d+7d]=>31d + 1s => 28 successes, 3 Bonus Effects]

Dalirath is able to assist to a limited extent, but bows out early to make sure she can't accidentally reveal any classified knowledge by the Romulan Star Empire.

You can sense she'll have to be replaced sooner, rather than later, but you want to give her the six month exploration tour first.

That said, Janeway and Kenni are quite good, and the other new Ensign in Science, Ceria Minovsky, were able, with Yanagashira's help to maintain security, perform a rigid analysis.

It's actually really interesting, and they think it has great potential for controlling several types of reaction, including a zero-point energy reactor, which due to the required safeguards, would only be viable on planets, or larger asteroids.

But the most interesting one is that you think you now understand a way to provide better security to warp cores and antimatter reactors. It'll be a long term project, though.

Alternatively, you could use it to streamline warp drives, and increase output

[Research "M/AM Fault Tolerance" unlocked]
[Research "Increase Warp Field Cochrane Output" unlocked]
[Both start at 5 successes]

The most important part though is you can make an improvement to existing systems to provide better protection against subspace rifts. (drain capped at 35%)

[28/??? Progress]

You feel if you come back to this, you might find new interesting technologies. Minovsky thinks you could develop more pure fighter shuttles, and Kenni could see usage for a better shield network for larger stations and proposed starbase designs. There might be even some interesting applications for subspace communication and matter/antimatter containment. Who knows?

-[X] Wentian (Engineering), Kenni (Science), Parhai (Command): M/AM small scale backup reactor. (Ensures a backup power supply, instead of needing full warp power for weapons, shields, and also adds life support system power. Also unlocks Attack Pattern METEOR at -1d accuracy.) [9 successes][Medium Delay] [Progress: Power Systems Mk VI.][Dangerous: Complication (2 negative effects) will trigger damage rolls]***[Unlocks: EPS Redundancy and EPS Segmentation Systems, Warp Core Mk VII research, Phaser Cannons Mk III, Phaser Strip Mk VI] + 9d10
[23d + 1s => 21 successes, 4 Bonus Effects]

You breath a sigh of relief when the switch over to M/AM reactors doesn't cause any issue. They even managed to get a quick release rigged.

What impressed you the most was the catch of the possible EPS flow issues. The ship now has quite a lot of power to draw on when it needs to, but they stress that it's correspondingly more dangerous in certain places. Still, they submit it for comment.

[Bonus Effects: 5 progress on Warp Core Mk VII research, EPS Redundancy and EPS Segmentation Systems, maintain ability to eject M/AM and Warp Cores in case of emergency.]

You are unsurprised to learn this is the 43rd attempt at a reactor prototype that made it to testing. You are told that you can now use Attack Pattern METEOR without blowing out the ships grid.. maybe.

You really need capacitors, but you have no space for them onboard.

Still.. more options are always good, right?

[Starfleet R&D will comment in 1 turns on Probe Mk XI]
[Starfleet R&D will comment in 4 turns on Ion-Plasma Impulse Mk VI+]
[Starfleet Science will comment in 5 turns on the Singularity Research Followup]
[Starfleet R&D will comment in 4 turns on M/AM Ship Reactors Type 43]

You know Starfleet R&D has had to stop working on things due to power requirements, and they'll probably pounce on this.

- Send your officers to a seminar on [skill] (Guaranteed +1 rank. One take per officer) (Cannot take: Talonis, Yanagashira)
- Dr. Nana - Medical

Nana attends a medical seminar, and returns.
[Nana +1 Medical]

- Delarnious would also like a re imposition of Captain's Mast for NJP. [Medium, will require at least one officer designated for this collateral duty, and JAG would like to go over with you what you can and cannot do. May have unpredictable results on Morale.]
[Command Roll: 4 successes]

You're really not sure if this is wise, and decide to talk to JAG about it. After all, you only had this on one of your ships before.

The JAG officer, Captain Halloran, nods when you explain your dillema.

"It's dependent. In some cases, I think it's beneficial to get officers used to when they should be understanding, and when they should drop the hammer. But it does standardize things across the ship, and that is likely what your security chief desires. You will need a baliff, and to designate a collateral duty officer for it. I have a guide that lays out guidelines, but they're very broad within those."

You frown. "Ideally, I'd like to give it to someone who themselves is going into command, but that's .. "

"Thank you, Captain Halloran."

After some thought, you do reimplement Captain's Mast, designating Lt. JG Kenni as the CDO for legal stuff.

[You will from time to time get a Captain's Mast, and get to make decisions here about the indvidual crew.]
[Morale settles back down at +1]

The following morning, you set off for the new frontier. You have a week or so to get there, so you have some time to do some last things.

-AUTOMATIC: Follow up on the issue by following the news.

"Federation Assembly News: Extreme Inquiry by far-left represntatives.
[Cytherian Gazette, Issue Day 447 Volume 3 Issue 3]

DHASA, TIBET - Representatives for the fringe world Cascadia and Scorpio Theta today announced their intentions to launch an unjustified inquiry into Starfleet Personnel, alleging they unjustly held back augments from reaching ranks they felt they had earned, after being contacted by a novice Commander who sidestepped Starfleet Command. In a statement."
* QM Note: A Cytherian (Venusian) day is 116.75 days long. A year is not a nice divisor into that.]

You roll your eyes. Sol System, never change. Venus was weird anyway - a mixture of people who didn't want to live under a formal government, and a lot of people who wanted to experiment with terraforming it.

You knew better than to check anything out of Pacifica.

To your surprise, though, you see something out of Vulcan..

"Starfleet Inquiry On Treatment of Genetically Enhanced Officers, Others Reveals An Entrenched Human-Centric Culture in Personnel

Recent allegations by Cascadian Representative Kiona Thomas and Pacifican Reprenstative Achria Dalria of systematic bias against genetically enhanced officers has already began to bear some information.

First brought to their attention by a commanding officer when they looked into the reasons for denial of a promotion, and after requests to Starfleet, and other agencies, they have launched a formal inquiry.

When asked about the the inconsistent serial numbers, the Admiral in charge of Starfleet Personnel, Rear Admiral Andulsi Lionathi, stated it was policy for any they felt would require higher scrutiny. When both the Vulcan Reprenstative, S'itn and the Betazed Councillor Etioni Ktrai, pressed, he admitted that it was also used to mark those that were held to a higher standard for promotion.

The fact that he lied to a formal inquiry has resulted in courts-martial ordered up immediately, and the inquiry has been given full access on the order of Fleet Admiral Robert Evans, Commanding Officer, Starfleet, who has pledged in a statement that he shall not rest until this has been cleared up to the bottom, and also stated this today

"Once this has resolved, I shall meet with the Council, and offer them my formal resignation for such a breach of good faith and mismanagement with the officers that make up Starfleet, for those who defend us. I have also ordered a full reconsideration of any affected. We shall do better."

"We view this as an overreaction to what is a minor concern." Second Minister Takamoto Noyato. "We do not think such actions are needed at this time, but express our confidence in Starfleet, subject to such an outrageous overreaction by the Assembly."

While there are accusations as to further possible reasons, there is a lack of any evidence at this time to report on them.

Huh. Fleet Admiral Evans was always seen as a big picture guy, and you have to imagine that the war kept him busy.

Still, you were curious about the possible reasons. You glance at a third article..

Reports of United Earth-aligned officals having improper and illegal contact with Starfleet officers

It has been said by many insiders..

Oh. No, you're not going to look into that more. You feel, very deeply, why Nechayev may be really glad you're leaving Federation Space.

The relation of United Earth, and the group "Friends of Humanity", which essentially was "Earth and it's friends" to places like Pacifica, Terra Nova and Cascadia was.. frought. It was polite sniping over the fact that the latter preferred to just be small polities in the Federation. It played into the accusations about human centric bias, and well..

There was a definite core-world focus to the Federation, and it had bit them during the Cardassian Liberation War. Your name was going to be ash for a while.

Training [1.5 periods] (29*1.5 => 43.5) ~ 43 dice
- [ ] Write in here.
- Remember you cannot train over the relevant top stat on the officers. (QM recommends you check the mechanics for training and promotion)
- At this time, you cannot train over 6d.

A few days out, you assemble the senior staff.

"So we have three stops on our way out." You begin, after the chatter ends. "We have to stop by NGC-12291 and check on the sensors there, the outpost on Saplin XI, and then the colony on Quetiha. From there we'll start our exploration tour by looking at the radio pulsar NGC-291."

Delarinous looks up. "Do we have contact with Saplin XI or Quetiha?"

"We do, but Nechayev wants us to verify it's not being spoofed or forced. Command's still puzzled how we didn't detect the Cardassian outposts in our space."

Delarinous nods.

"I'll get ready." Dr. Nana volunteers.

Janeway looks up. "How long is our tour?"

"Barring emergencies, six months." You answer.

Janeway nods, but looks up Yanagashira asks

"How should we treat the possible status, then. Friendly, at green alert, or cautious, at yellow alert and shields up, or likely hostile, and red alert?" She asks

[] Green - the colonists are friends
[] Yellow - something might have happened to them
[] Red - I think something did, and we should be ready to open fire!
Voting ends Saturday.

Also, we now have a character picture for Commander Parhai, drawn by a friend elsewhere:

I'll be adding it to the sheet, too.
I got a idea on what to train on , it the crew turn and and getting the 1's and 2' to make them a good crew tier is on the list
I'm still not confident I 'get' the training mechanics fully (not that it's hard, I did get it at one point), and it's like 3am, so I don't want to try wrapping my brain around it until tomorrow.

That said, the other one's a no-brainer -- let's not pull a Captain Picard here by assuming nothing's wrong. (Seriously, if I were one of those Admirals-of-the-day and I saw how he constantly brushed Worf's security concerns off, no matter how often Worf was correct, I'd be giving Picard one hell of a come-to-Q-moment and a harsh note on his file!)

[X] Yellow - something might have happened to them
[X] time for a workout me crew
Training [1.5 periods] (29*1.5 => 43.5) ~ 43 dice
- [X] Crew - Combat: +4d
- [X] Crew - Diplomacy +4d
- [X] Crew - Intelligence + 4d
- [X] Crew - Repair + 4d
- [X] Taricus Delarnious - Diplomacy + 4d
- [X] Taricus Delarnious - Science + 4d
- [X] Yanagashira Nadeshiko - Medical + 4d
- [X] Kathryn Janeway - Diplomacy + 12d
- [X] Claude C. Kenni - Command + 3d
- Remember you cannot train over the relevant top stat on the officers. (QM recommends you check the mechanics for training and promotion)
- At this time, you cannot train over 6d.
[X] Yellow - something might have happened to them

Here you go
Caution is warranted.
[X] Yellow - something might have happened to them

"You cannot train over 6d" - Given Wardragon's plan (Kathryn Janeway - Diplomacy + 12d), I take this rule to mean that we can't train officers to above 6d in stats/capability, not that we can't spend more than 6d per officer on training?

Wardragon seems to know what they're doing, I think I'll stay out of the way.