When the Guns Fall Silent (A Star Trek quest)

Ending vote
Tangential note: Parhai is at 30 total stats. Janeway at 31.
Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on Feb 29, 2024 at 11:27 PM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Yellow - something might have happened to them
    [X] time for a workout me crew
    - [X] Crew - Combat: +4d
    - [X] Crew - Diplomacy +4d
    - [X] Crew - Intelligence + 4d
    - [X] Crew - Repair + 4d
    - [X] Taricus Delarnious - Diplomacy + 4d
    - [X] Taricus Delarnious - Science + 4d
    - [X] Yanagashira Nadeshiko - Medical + 4d
    - [X] Kathryn Janeway - Diplomacy + 12d
    - [X] Claude C. Kenni - Command + 3d
    [X] time for a workout me crew
Campaign Region: Tarina Sector

(background credit to The Beard Bunker (The Eridani Sector: the start of a new 40K campaign setting)

The Tarina Sector, laying just outside claimed and explored Federation space.

Notable Locations
  • Hypnos, with Iconian ruins

Visited Locations
  • TSN 193C-19A, T Tauri Star.
  • Hypnos, Restricted Access [Order of Starfleet Command]
  • NGC-291, Restricted Access [Dangerous]

Settled Locations
  • Gregorian IV, Scientific Outpost

Known Locations
  • Theta Vega (Forbidden; General Order One)
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The numbers don't actually mean anything, they're there for flavor. It's just a map of the region the quest is exploring.
Shields consume power (although you aren't at a shield level where you need to worry about *that*) and can be seen as threatening or a sign you are worried about something.
Well, we are worried about something.

It's not like we're approaching an uncontacted alien species who can't properly scan us with our gun ports open (which they can at least scan well enough to see that) or something, at least.
True. But you might accidentally insult someone if you approach their ships with shields up, for example. In essence, I offer the vote so you can set your worry level.

Back to writing!
Episode 3: "To the Unknown Seas" [Beyond the Known]
[X] Yellow - something might have happened to them

[X] time for a workout me crew
- [X] Crew - Combat: +4d
- [X] Crew - Diplomacy +4d
- [X] Crew - Intelligence + 4d
- [X] Crew - Repair + 4d
- [X] Taricus Delarnious - Diplomacy + 4d
- [X] Taricus Delarnious - Science + 4d
- [X] Yanagashira Nadeshiko - Medical + 4d
- [X] Kathryn Janeway - Diplomacy + 12d
- [X] Claude C. Kenni - Command + 3d

- Training
- [X] Crew - Combat: +4d [10 6 5 4 ] => 4 succeses Combat: 1d->2d
- [X] Crew - Diplomacy +4d [5 4 2 1] => 0 succeses
- [X] Crew - Intelligence + 4d [6 5 5 1] => 2 succeses Intelligence: 0d->1d
- [X] Crew - Repair + 4d [6, 5, 5, 3] => 3 succeses Repair: 1d->2d
- [X] Taricus Delarnious - Diplomacy + 4d [7 4 1 1] => 0 succeses
- [X] Taricus Delarnious - Science + 4d [9 6 3 2 ] => 2 succeses Science 0d->1d
- [X] Yanagashira Nadeshiko - Medical + 4d [10 3 2 2] => 2 succeses Medical 0d->1d
- [X] Kathryn Janeway - Diplomacy + 12d [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1] => 5 succeses; no progress.
- [X] Claude C. Kenni - Command + 3d [9, 5, 4] => 2 succeses Command 0d->1d

As you look over the training results, it occurs to you you should step up your own training to meet the minimum requirements for promotion.

Probe Mk XI

This represents a straight upgrade over the existing Mk. X with it's enhanced armor, thrusters, and sensor resolution. These are more deplorable in hazardous conditions, allowing for safer data gathering without having to risk a ship in more dangerous hazards.

(Slowly being rolled out as production permits, although ships can make them themselves.)

First Stop: NGC-12291.

NGC-12291 is a entirely unremarkable red dwarf star with some mining for materials the Federation mostly traded with, and as such, was unwilling to replicate. The mining installation reported nothing unusual, and the sensors are working fine, and as such, after offloading some cargo being sent their way, you headed on to your next stop.

Second System: Saplin System

The Saplin system was an F-class star with a G-class companion, with 21 planets. The only planet that didn't have a too corrosive atmosphere was Saplin-XI, a very cold, taiga-like planet. A scientific outpost was situated here, studying the nearby nebula, and laying the eventual groundwork for a colony.

You end up just offloading the supplies, and everything seems fine here - although, while you were there, Wentian recommended some early maintenance on the relay stations in the system. Which only delayed you an hour, so you did it, then set course to Quetiha.

Third System: Quetiha

Quetiha was a moderatly inhabited colony of about ten thousand people. It had a few older ships as self-defense ships, and the reason was the dilithium mine in-system. Quetiha itself was a tropical planet with what some people called 'hyperweather' - regular strong cyclones, dust storms, and it only flooded when it rained. All of the colonists lived under the ocean with the sole exception being one well anchored and prepared spaceport on the surface

It was for them you had the most supplies, as they were having issues with their industrial replicators and power systems, critical things for a colony on such a world. They do ask you for a favor, though.

Apparently, their older ships didn't have sufficiently strong tractor emitters to move heavier asteroids, and they wanted to move two into orbit to act as monitors+converted orbital defense stations. They are relieved to hear the local syndicate has been dealt with, but expressed the worry others would move in.

They're probably right.

Do you..

[ ] Move one or two asteroids into orbit? (4 hours in system.)
[ ] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)

Regardless, once you finished, you set off into the unknown space. First up, NGC-291, surveyed only by probe in 2198. Dalirath gives a presentation to the senior staff.

"NGC-291, in your system, is a slow radio pulsar. It pulses every 22 seconds." Janeway leans forward on the table, everyone seated around a holodisplay.

"22 seconds? It must be nearing the death line."

Dalirath looks at Minovsky, who, it is being clear, is her second string for possible replacements. "Possibly, ma'am." she says in her brisk Russian accent. "It's been slowing down exceedingly rapidly recently."

"How rapidly?" You say, curious.

"9 seconds in 200 years."

You and Janeway both seem to have the same thought - that seems awfully fast for things that have lifetimes in this phase in millions of years.

"Curious. Ready probes for launch, make sure they're shielded. We won't be able to get close, but hopefully we can find something."

"Aye, ma'am." Yanagashira speaks up.

"We'll arrive at 0700 tomorrow morning." Talonis says.

You look to Dr. Nana, next. "Is sickbay ready?"

"We are. Although without shields we shouldn't even begin to hang around." You nod at that. Pulsars also interfered with stable warp fields, so likely you'd want to be very well prepared for whatever could happen.

How do you prepare?
- [ ] Write in: Plan form

QM Note: This one is more freeform. I'll also take questions.
voting open til midday tuesday. I may close it earlier on Monday, but since there's a plan vote here, I felt it wise to add in some time to discuss/think about it, etc.
I been making plans for a minute now, I let someone else try on this

[X] Plan: Asteroid Paranoia
-[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)(maybe more with this plan)
--[X] DOUBLE-CHECK THE ASTEROIDS FOR BOOBY-TRAPS (and smuggling caches. and weird science.)
--[X] ONCE THE ASTEROIDS ARE CHECKED: Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
-[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
-[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.
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[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)
-[X] Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
--[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
--[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.

Put that in your coreworlds-hyperfocused pipe and smoke it, Starfleet, we actually take care of our outer colonies! :p

...well, I might've had a different vote if this weren't the last populated stop on our way.

First subvote is to (hopefully) ease morale costs of entire crew being tense during this 7 hours.
Third is so we don't get stuck if attacked, and don't risk there being an unnoticed bug or unknown weakness to pulsar radiation in the new probes leaving holes in our sensor data... but also cover for weaknesses in the old probes that someone hiding might be depending upon.

Minovsky, who, it is being clear, is her second string for possible replacements

I'm reading this "second string" as meaning "Minovsky is not the best replacement option available, possibly already promoted to her level of competency", is this accurate?
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Put that in your coreworlds-hyperfocused pipe and smoke it, Starfleet, we actually take care of our outer colonies! :p

I should note: Parhai is from an Outer Shell World. She has opinions.

That said, there is definitely a federation core focus because a lot of the population, infrastructure, and production of ships capacity is there. That's not to say they ignore the outer worlds, it's just due to distances from say, replicator production and shipyards + the fact there's always something going on closer to home means that they can never quite get the resources they want, and some in the Federation would like to get to them.

However, this is Star Trek. The Federation ensures they have more than they need and a major part of Starfleet's duties is making sure they always see someone every 3 months, and there's someone within a week's distance.

.. Starfleet, on the other hand, would like to cut that down smaller, but they only have so much to work with. Starfleet, for example, actually focuses on the Shell (the belt of worlds surrounding the Core, but not yet the frontier worlds of the Verge) a lot more, and stations most of it's infrastructure there. It's thinking is to put heavy fortification and productions where they are most needed. They also (excluding a notable blind spot) put nodal forces in the Verge to provide at least *some* on-hand support.

The issue is that Starfleet is still HQ'd on United Earth. It is a United Earth org descendant force. Humanity has a lot of sway over it. And Earth hates augments. Pacifica is too close to augment space, so has colored their perspective on what the Federation does. (This is actually a standard complaint of the QMs that due to budgetary complaints, humanity is the default force of Starfleet, and I am bewildered everything's on Earth still.)

(This also is why systems are allowed to have System Defense Forces, limited warp capability, and usually outdated Starfleet ships, or their equivalents. Especially Outer Shell worlds, which have Orion Syndicate and other pirate forces to sometimes contend with.)

So - the Federation is still a force for good, but like in all universes, as the song goes:
Just wishing for freedom and peace will bring them to life,
But if you let them sit for too long, they'll just rot away!

I'm reading this "second string" as meaning "Minovsky is not the best replacement option available, possibly already promoted to her level of competency", is this accurate?

It's a metaphor saying to always have another resource in case the first fails. Basically: she's making sure that Kenni and Minovsky are equally ready in case you find one or the other can't be the CSO. Minovsky will probably get stats soon, but you can assume she has the exact same point total as Kenni at all times.
[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)
-[X] Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
--[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
--[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.
[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)
-[X] Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
--[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
--[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.

Seems pretty solid.
[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)
-[X] Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
--[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
--[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.

Good plan. Good plan indeed👍
Dunno why, but my brain keeps telling me the asteroids are dangerous.

Apparently, their older ships didn't have sufficiently strong tractor emitters to move heavier asteroids

Wait a second. That's not how orbital mechanics works - weaker tractor beams means they'd have to pull for longer, not that they couldn't move the asteroids (not to mention they could still move something smaller and do a gravity tractor). I am suspicious.

[] Plan: Asteroid Paranoia
-[] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)(maybe more with this plan)
--[] DOUBLE-CHECK THE ASTEROIDS FOR BOOBY-TRAPS (and smuggling caches. and weird science.)
--[] ONCE THE ASTEROIDS ARE CHECKED: Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
-[] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
-[] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.

Actually: @KNakamura, should I read the update as implicitly stating that we've already safely moved the asteroids, and we're just saying how long we spent doing so? Or are complications still possible?

EDIT: Oh shit wrong ping, I'm sorry!
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More or less, but if you suspect something is up with the asteroids, a vote for them is fair too. (Because, for all you knew, they turned into problems after you left.)

[X] Plan: Asteroid Paranoia
-[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)(maybe more with this plan)
--[X] DOUBLE-CHECK THE ASTEROIDS FOR BOOBY-TRAPS (and smuggling caches. and weird science.)
--[X] ONCE THE ASTEROIDS ARE CHECKED: Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
-[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
-[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.
You've convinced me

[X] Plan: Asteroid Paranoia
-[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)(maybe more with this plan)
--[X] DOUBLE-CHECK THE ASTEROIDS FOR BOOBY-TRAPS (and smuggling caches. and weird science.)
--[X] ONCE THE ASTEROIDS ARE CHECKED: Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
-[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
-[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely.
Yeah, me too.

[X] Plan: Asteroid Paranoia
-[X] Move the full five they request into various orbits. (7 hours in system.)(maybe more with this plan)
--[X] DOUBLE-CHECK THE ASTEROIDS FOR BOOBY-TRAPS (and smuggling caches. and weird science.)
--[X] ONCE THE ASTEROIDS ARE CHECKED: Stand down from yellow alert, seeing how everything's fine, but make sure the sensor crews stay alert for Syndicate (or Cardassian, for that matter) ships.
-[X] Consult Dalirarth, Kenni, and Minovsky for ideas on ensuring we can maintain a warp field stable enough to leave the area of the pulsar quickly if something goes wrong. We have four nacelles, hopefully that provides enough extra control.
-[X] Approach the pulsar cautiously, shields up, focus on sensor readings to figure out why it's slowing down. Don't get too close, use a mix of the new and older probes to investigate remotely