Vote tally - When the Guns Fall Silent (A Star Trek quest)

Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on May 23, 2024 at 2:05 AM, finished with 11 posts and 2 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
When the Guns Fall Silent (A Star Trek quest)
Post #562
Post #572


  • [X] Probes, then fighters once they're cleared.. whenever that happens
    [X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
    -[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.
    -[X] if QM allows, hold them in transporter buffer for maximum safe period to buy more time
    [X] if we stick the infected in a centrifuge, will any parasites that phase get flung away?
    -[X] sanity-check this idea with experts before attempting
    [X] can we create a phased particle beam or field? it would be nice if we could zap the (phased) parasites without harming the host
    [X] medical ideas to throw at the Doc, see if anything sticks:
    -[X] blood plasma donations from vulcanoids to infected (avoids blood-type clotting concerns, may carry whatever hurt the parasite)
    -[X] is it the vulcan touch telepathy? what happens if a vulcan mind-melds an infected?
    --[X] Bonus, this may detect if the parasites form a consciousness
    -[X] barbaric ancient practices like chemotherapy (or even having a fever) rely on the idea that poison/heat/whatever kills the tiny no-biological-reserves antagonist faster than the giant resilient host. Do we have anything that hurts both parties, but hurts the parasites MORE?
    --[X] not just chemical, but also things like a phaser on stun, or applied electric current
    -[X] Does Dalirath or Yangashira have any new compounds/antibodies in their systems since infection? Those may harm the parasite.
    -[X] do these parasites have a resonant sonic frequency? Can we just pop the little bastards?
    -[X] Do we have any cryostorage capacity? Putting a patient on ice might kill the parasites or encourage them to leave.
    [X] Figure out why the replicators are hardcoded to produce only basic/terrible food. If there's not a good reason, write somebody an angry letter.
    [X] Have we detected any uncommon chemicals/compounds/elements/isotopes on the planet that could explain the parasites' ability to phase?
    [X] Scan for a nearby lab or ship that could have released the artificially engineered creatures.
    [X] Assemble a map of triolic radiation density on the planet's surface. Then pay extra attention to any points of anomalously high/low radiation levels.
    [X] Send those nearing step 2 to the planet.
    -[X] send sensors with/on them so we can observe ongoing changes.