Cycle 9.0
"Couldn't you have honestly come up with a better name?" Radana complained while putting a cup of tea in front of you. "I feel that anything would be better than that silly title."

"Hm?" You sipped at the hot beverage and pretended to act innocent. "But I thought you wanted nothing to do with said title? So why does it bother you so?" You threw out with a sly grin and your best friend rolled her eyes before shoving a scone in your mouth to silence further trolling.

"Hush you. Names aside, that's all the planets that we've now properly developed in the system," She considered while you chomped through the fresh-baked snack. "It's almost hard to imagine that we've come already so far since we first arrived. The way we've established ourselves as fairly self-sufficient already would surely have been cause for recognition back in Helm."

"If my eldest sister would dare permit others glory, and my older sister here would also be so generous to recognize all this work I'm doing for her." You swallowed the pastry and smacked your lips. "No, that's not quite true. I don't want recognition, I just want to get back to my scheming."

"Such as?"

You shrugged, admittedly having already settled and wrapped up the vast majority of them before leaving on the colony expedition. Helm had not much appeal to you as a result, so perhaps that was why you weren't so bothered like others about not having news from your old home in a very long while. "Finding a way to control the entire food and beverage industry? That could be a neat little project."

Radana snorted dismissively. "How ambitious, noble scion of House Iris."

"If you help me, I'll give you a discount to all tea purchases from my takeover." It said volumes about how your best friend stilled and seemed to consider the proposition with a troubled face, definitely tempted to take said deal. You smirked, then gave a reminder. "Relax, I'm already pretty much in control of all that here. With how limited land is slowly becoming, I've already put into motion a number of conservation programs that would lobby hard publicly to receive popular support. From there, they'll be appointed custodians of the remaining federal land, with a whole song and dance about how they'll be 'considerate' about development from now on."

"But in reality, they're all dancing to your tune," She summarized with an interested tilt of the head. "Clever. Even when you appear be conceding something for popular support, you come out on top without losing anything."

"Of course. Though hopefully by then, it's not me having to put up with all of that headache but my sister instead. Speaking of whom regarding developments, I'm getting quite concerned now." You picked up a reported and handed it to Radana to skim. "My dearest sister's aerial program is apparently already almost complete."

"What!" Radana muttered with a heavy frown. "But surely, there hasn't been enough time? It took us only until recently to establish our infantry kits. You surely cannot believe that she has somehow managed to finish constructing such a specialized factory already?"

"Not just that, but training up new pilots already," You murmured, rising up from your chair and going over to your little board of webs. A finger came up and trailed along to the mention of your sister investing in some minor manufacturing companies in Helm, what you were sure was the closest she ever got to actually working with military industry. "She definitely has to be skipping steps...again. It's a pattern, a methodology to this."

The Camellia Knight frowned and stepped to study your work, not making any snide comments this time. "I always thought she was just corrupt, taking money for herself and her friends with nothing else to it but amassing it so," She quietly admitted. "Do you think there's more to it?"

"Maybe, but don't hold your breath. She still lives quite lavishly compared to those who work for her, and seems to put a disproportionate amount of rewards at the top," You noted and rubbed at her chin. "But assume then that perhaps this is done on purpose. If so, then would her primary goal would be to foster intense loyalty at the top?"

"It wouldn't be the farthest or wildest concept, I think." Then Radana frowned. "But why only the elites? Why not those masses as well?"

"I don't know. All I know is that from these records, she wasn't actually a bad investor this time in these design firms. Though said firms happened to also have their own controversy when they purportedly poached special engineers to manufacture proprietary components. A massive salary with huge benefits that helped soothed the sting of betrayal." You plucked back the parchment from Radana and studied it intently. "But you can't steal from us here, especially when we don't even have the industry ourselves for said jets. So what are you thinking?

"And is it something worth actually worrying about?"

Resource Stockpile: 30/30

Create a plan that you and your aides will execute over the duration of the cycle. Each person will have a general order that they will attempt to carry out at your command. Orders can be repeatedly taken by multiple characters for greater progression, but characters will be locked in the order until it is finished. Many actions will require a target.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] [Character] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____
-[ ] [Officer] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____

-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess

-[ ] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight
Busy with Found City (2/4)

-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism

-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight


--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---Requires Base Housing
----Requires Regiment Name
-----Requires Battalion Composition (Four (4) Battalions)

-----[ ] Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).

--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---Requires Berth Location
----Requires Ship Class/Name

---[ ] Wisteria-class Destroyer. A fast moving escort destroyer that can pack a surprising punch from afar. Requires Void Drydock (Wisteria-class). Requires three (3) progress.

There are currently no diplomacy tasks available.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target City

--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Location
---[ ] Requires New City name

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
Meet with contractors and build a new specific industry in the system. Cost varies. Each building chain may only be built once per system.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Data Reliquary. The signature monument of the Helmsmen, a testament to their perceived duty to preserving information at all costs if the worst should ever come. The information kept below is reflected in the grandeur above, with only those ordained with the greatest duties able to access the sacred archives unfiltered. Increases Influence by ten (10). Requires two (2) progress. This building must be constructed first before all others in every system of House Iris.

----[ ] Chrysanthemum Scales. A regal and ornate building that serves as the system's headquarters for marketplace and trade officers. It is staffed by a mix of Brilliance Knights and Prisms suited for administrative duties, using their Solarium circuits to process incoming information quicker and come up with streamlined delivery chains to ensure a healthy marketplace for the people. Increases Wealth by eight (8). Decreases Resources by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Lycoris Sanctuary. The Lycoris Knights are those Brilliance Knights who help maintain public order, acting as both counselors and confessors for those in need. This also makes them quite keen on what the public currently feel is most pressing, and so what will best appeal to them. Increases Influence by ten (10). Decreases Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Arms Facility. Glowing sparks of industry fly between these interconnected factories, an ever hungering machine that consumes raw material to process and refine into tools of war. Already while the metals cool, the air is filled with the cries of soldiers being put through proficiency training to use these weapons fresh from the forge. It is a well-oiled union that fuels the fires of the defense industry.
Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified troop kit. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Troop Outfit
Infantry: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Void Drydock. In order to maximize production and streamline the process, it is best if large voidships are actually built in the vacuum of space, or as close as possible to it. The orbit around a planet is an ideal spot for such a task, especially when paired with a space elevator on the ground to facilitate efficient resource from planetside. Should this link be cut off, the facility grinds to a halt. Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified ship class. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Ship Class

Destroyers: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

-----[ ] Star Armory. The allure of grand fortifications remains strong even when among the stars, so the technique has simply been refined and adapted to suit the needs of modern war. It is on a larger scale than any similar structure that may have once existed on ancient Terra, a necessary adjustment to accommodate the more vast nature of stellar warfare. It is not unusual for an entire community to spring up around such a base to do business with those quartered within. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for three (3) regiments. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Fleet Port. What can be easily mistaken for construction around natural formations is actually purposefully shaped to accommodate for the planned housing of enormous ships meant to cross the void of space. Even when the star sailors onboard rest, the dock workers are awaken performing necessary maintenance and repairs in preparation for the next voyage. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for two (2) cruisers and one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Sunrise Bank. Accounts now guaranteed under government-subsidized insurance! Open an account today, withdraw your money a galaxy away! Increases Wealth by two (2). Decreases Resources by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

----[ ] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers or one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Cells. Plant the seeds now for future spycraft opportunities by establishing local support and cover opportunities to slip agents hidden among the populace. Create a spy network in another power. Requires four (4) progress. Further sabotage options require this option first.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Cause Unrest.
Instruct your cells to purposefully cause chaos in another power, drawing attention away from whatever other covert operations you have orchestrated at the same time. Reduces the chance of discovery on the turn it completes. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Send Spies.
Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Espionage.
Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Learning] Outfit Troops. Consider what the gear your soldiers carry into battle, and create a new outfit for the boots on the ground to equip themselves with. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Troop Unit

---[ ] Infantry. The very basic, but essential, foot soldiers that both take and occupy ground when ordered so. Even with mechanized transports, they move fairly slowly around on the battlefield but when it comes to holding the line, their numbers help absorb dire hits. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Artillery. When more finesse is needed on the battlefield, it is the role of land artillery units to provide. They can bring some of the biggest guns of an army's arsenal to bear to flatten terrain and eradicate any remaining resistance from dug-in units. However, this comes at the price of being incredibly fragile and vulnerable themselves. Requires five (5) progress.
---[ ] Mechanized. Quick and fast fighting vehicles tear across the battlefield at lightning speeds, launching surprise attacks wherever gaps present themselves. While their weapons bark away at the enemy, the doors come slamming open to unload the infantry squads within to aid in the assault or begin already digging in. Speed is key for all in the unit. Requires five (5) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Ship. Break out pencils and call up interested naval contractors to kickstart the race to create, prototype, and sell an entirely new spaceship design for your forces. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Ship Types

---[ ] Destroyer. The smallest of notable navy vessels, but vital for domination of local space along and necessary for group troop transports. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Cruiser. Large voidships that traverse the stars and make up the bulk of any fleet that crosses systems. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.

- You have plenty of building slots in your new cities, especially if you want more chains. But mind your resource and wealth expenditure.
- It is currently estimated by Violet's best guess that whatever air force your sister wants to put up will be ready by Cycle 10. Hence her confusion at what is clearly a violation of developing jets here.

14 hour moratorium to make a cycle plan.
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[ ] Plan Making (the most of) momentum
-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---[ ] New Helm (Commercial Spaceport)
----[ ] HMS Callerya (Wisteria-class)
-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment.
Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---Pendragon (Camp Barracks)
----1st Andernian Guards
-----[ ] (Royals) Lily Guard Battalion.
A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).
-----[ ] (Tigers) Lily Guard Battalion.
-----[ ] (Easters) Lily Guard Battalion.
-----[ ] (Panthers) Lily Guard Battalion.
-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post.
Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Gawain
----[ ] Camp Barracks.
It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

Due to my earlier misunderstanding regarding how Industry works, our economic options are limited. I don't particularly trust our ability to finish off our sister with just a single regiment, so I want to build a second base and a second regiment. That will be about the limit of what our economy can handle - particularly if we want to preserve the last of our current Resources. We will at least be in a great spot to boom if we can get more Resources or Wealth coming in, or reduce the amount we've spent. If anyone's curious, the battalions of the Lily Guard are named for the common names of species' of Lilies. Callerya is a relative of Wisterias. It's actually in the tribe "Wisterieae". If folks have other names they would prefer or would rather we leave some things unnamed, feel free to post an alternate plan. Otherwise, as always, I welcome discussion, inquiry, criticism, and other plans.

The way I see it, Dorothea will probably chip away at this first regiment for a while. We put Violet on the second reg in a cycle or two since Destroyers need three (3) progress. Radana can help one of them to finish earlier once she's done with Dinadan. Once Kat finishes this barracks I figure she can go onto researching something like cruisers or Aerospace, or maybe builds a bank post to start building our Wealth back up. Albeit at the cost of more Resources.

EDIT: Gave the 1st Guards their proper housing in the Gawain Pendragon barracks. The worst part about me writing Gawain is that the plan literally involves building the Gawain barracks.
EDIT the 2nd: I envision that battalions would be numbered according to their regiments, and then their battalion name. The 1st Battalion in the 1st Guards would be referred to as "1st Royals". So the Panthers battalion in the 2nd Andernian Guards would be referred to as "2nd Panthers". Or just 2nd Guards 4th Battalion. They'd be kinda interchangeable. I figure their codes would be 1R and 2P respectively. The numerals refer to the Regiment, letters refer to the Battalion. 1AR and 2AP maybe, with the 'A' signalling that they're numbered as Andernian Guards as opposed to... some other line of Guards regiments.
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Due to my earlier misunderstanding regarding how Industry works, our economic options are limited. I don't particularly trust our ability to finish off our sister with just a single regiment, so I want to build a second base and a second regiment. That will be about the limit of what our economy can handle - particularly if we want to preserve the last of our current Resources. We will at least be in a great spot to boom if we can get more Resources or Wealth coming in, or reduce the amount we've spent. If anyone's curious, the battalions of the Lily Guard are named for the common names of species' of Lilies. Callerya is a relative of Wisterias. It's actually in the tribe "Wisterieae". If folks have other names they would prefer or would rather we leave some things unnamed, feel free to post an alternate plan. Otherwise, as always, I welcome discussion, inquiry, criticism, and other plans.

2 regiments of infantry, 2 destroyers sounds like a plan to me. Without more resources from somewhere, thats what we can do and we're rather locked into it at this point. Hope we can actually field the second regiment shortly after the first though, because QM said a full regiment was the trigger to kick things off.

The way I see it, Dorothea will probably chip away at this first regiment for a while. We put Violet on the second reg in a cycle or two since Destroyers need three (3) progress. Radana can help one of them to finish earlier once she's done with Dinadan. Once Kat finishes this barracks I figure she can go onto researching something like cruisers or Aerospace, or maybe builds a bank post to start building our Wealth back up. Albeit at the cost of more Resources.

Prefer more research over buildings. No telling what may be unlocked now that we're approaching resource limits. If QM gave any econ R&D, I'd do that instead. As it is, cruiser R&D time to put our shipbuilding in some proportion to the wider galaxy sounds good.
Do we have any anti air options just in case the sister went nuts?
2 regiments of infantry, 2 destroyers sounds like a plan to me. Without more resources from somewhere, thats what we can do and we're rather locked into it at this point. Hope we can actually field the second regiment shortly after the first though, because QM said a full regiment was the trigger to kick things off.
To clarify, you'll have a diplo option to pull the trigger. Having the regiment is just what is needed for the trigger to manifest.
Do we have any anti air options just in case the sister went nuts?
Especially man portable options.
Your Lily Guard infantry is equipped with portable anti-air launchers which can attempt to lock onto incoming jets, though the effectiveness will depend. If the jet is making a fast run airstrike, it's going to be tricky but if it's sticking in the area and doing CAS, then the odds definitely are better.
EDIT: Gave the 1st Guards their proper housing in the Gawain barracks.
Your built barracks are on Pendragon, not in Gawain.
Last edited:
[ ] Plan: Plays and Counter Plays
-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Espionage.
Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
---[ ] Your sister
-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.
-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City.
Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] New Helm
I'm not sure putting time into aircraft is a good idea right now. Sister has a big lead already and we've got strengths elsewhere. Better to double down on space and ground supremacy and laugh at the jets being useless once we drop infantry on their airports
We also probably won't have a large enough economy to support building the factory. We definitely won't have enough of an economy to build the factory and the basing.

We already have a lot of open building spots, and we're going to have yet more. Once Dinadan finishes on Andernia IV we will have something like 10 spare building spots and 3 spare Chain building spots - not counting the camp barracks I planned to build in Gawain. I would argue that the very last thing we need is more Industry.

I am afraid I also don't understand why you would put Dorothea onto a 6-progress Learning task and Kat onto a 2-progress Stewardship task. Dorothea still has a more than 81% chance of finishing develop Industry in one cycle. It really seems like a waste to put Kat onto that.

Assessing what our sisters aircraft is like and developing a counter is a good idea - I would just argue that we simply don't have the economy to support Aerospace development.
[X] Plan Making (the most of) momentum - swapped
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---[X] New Helm (Commercial Spaceport)
----[X] HMS Callerya (Wisteria-class)
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[X] [Martial] Recruit Regiment.
Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---[X] Pendragon (Camp Barracks)
----[X] 1st Andernian Guards
-----[X] (Royals) Lily Guard Battalion.
A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).
-----[X] (Tigers) Lily Guard Battalion.
-----[X] (Easters) Lily Guard Battalion.
-----[X] (Panthers) Lily Guard Battalion.
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Construct Post.
Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[X] Gawain
----[X] Camp Barracks.
It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

I swapped Violet so that she works on the 1st Guards. If we're going to put Dorothea onto 2nd Guards once she finishes the destroyer, it means Violet will be done earlier. I prefer that since she's more versatile than Dorothea. It's also kinda neat that the Solar Princess is the one commissioning our 1st Regiment.
[X] Plan: Plays and Counter Plays
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[X] [Intrigue] Military Espionage.
Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
---[X] Your sister
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism

--[X] [Stewardship] Develop City.
Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[X] New Helm
I'm torn between laughing and crying at the list of other galactic powers the die gave me. I'm not going to spoil anymore on the exact specifics, but I think I found where the "some treason" part of the title comes from.

Especially when the other side has dragon people.
I'm torn between laughing and crying at the list of other galactic powers the die gave me. I'm not going to spoil anymore on the exact specifics, but I think I found where the "some treason" part of the title comes from.

Especially when the other side has dragon people.
....Given the some treason part, and the fact we 'just so happened' to go the intrigue build...

I am gonna go out on a limb and guess that they'd oddly enough have interests that very much align with ours, minus the little problem of being on opposite sides in the current main conflict. :V
I am gonna go out on a limb and guess that they'd oddly enough have interests that very much align with ours, minus the little problem of being on opposite sides in the current main conflict. :V
Perhaps they do, perhaps they don't. But probably even the act of sending diplomats over is enough to upset folks in the United Empire about 'recognizing' what they perceive to be a rebel power. And on the other side, the Free States tend to be rather "Hippity hoppity, get the fuck off my property Imperialist scum."

Officially, of course.
Perhaps they do, perhaps they don't. But probably even the act of sending diplomats over is enough to upset folks in the United Empire about 'recognizing' what they perceive to be a rebel power. And on the other side, the Free States tend to be rather "Hippity hoppity, get the fuck off my property Imperialist scum."

Officially, of course.

I bid three omakes that other side is playing "The reluctant rebel's guide to living in the frontier with some treason" with a mirror of our protagonist.

[X] Plan Making (the most of) momentum - swapped
I bid three omakes that other side is playing "The reluctant rebel's guide to living in the frontier with some treason" with a mirror of our protagonist.

[X] Plan Making (the most of) momentum - swapped
What would be the mirror of Violet be? A down to earth steward who loves being the centre of attention, despite herself, and is very trusting?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on May 1, 2024 at 12:38 AM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Making (the most of) momentum - swapped
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    --[X] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
    ---[X] New Helm (Commercial Spaceport)
    ----[X] HMS Callerya (Wisteria-class)
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
    ---[X] Pendragon (Camp Barracks)
    ----[X] 1st Andernian Guards
    -----[X] (Royals) Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).
    -----[X] (Tigers) Lily Guard Battalion.
    -----[X] (Easters) Lily Guard Battalion.
    -----[X] (Panthers) Lily Guard Battalion.
    -[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
    ---[X] Gawain
    ----[X] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.
    [X] Plan: Plays and Counter Plays
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Intrigue] Military Espionage. Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
    ---[X] Your sister
    -[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
    --[X] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.
    -[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
    ---[X] New Helm
Cycle 9.1
[X] Plan Making (the most of) momentum - swapped
-[X] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight
--[X] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---[X] New Helm (Commercial Spaceport)
----[X] HMS Callerya (Wisteria-class)
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[X] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---[X] Pendragon (Camp Barracks)
----[X] 1st Andernian Guards
-----[X] (Royals) Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).
-----[X] (Tigers) Lily Guard Battalion.
-----[X] (Easters) Lily Guard Battalion.
-----[X] (Panthers) Lily Guard Battalion.
-[X] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[X] Gawain
----[X] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

(Found City (Dinadan): 23 +7 (Radana) +3 (Wealth) = 33)

Progress: 4/4. Completed!

Dinadan has been founded. Industry +5, Resources -5

"Are you tired of non-stop scorching heat? But you don't want to put up with cramped cooled rooms? Then there's a new option for you!" The camera panned slightly to show an open city center filled with relaxing people, many of them notably looking quite smug and comfortable with water sprinklers gently dusting them. "A new city center has just opened close to the northern pole! Cooling water, all day, all the time! Come to Dinadan, and find a luxurious life like no other on Andernia IV!"


(Commission Ship (HMS Callerya): 92 +14 (Dorothea) +3 (Wealth) = 109)

Progress: 5/3. Completed!

HMS Callerya has been built.

The star sailor on duty straightened up slightly at the sight of the Lycoris Knight approaching them and tried their best to not stare. "What can I do for you, ma'am!"

"Hm." Dorothea leaned over and examined the offered wares, rubbing her chin. "I'll have...those. If you would please."

"Aye, aye!" They took her offered tray and went through the motions like a machine, trying their very best to not spill anything. "Is there anything else I can help with you!"

Dorothea's eyes slid side to side, as if checking to make sure nobody was listening in. Then her voice dropped to a conspiratorially low tone, one that the cook strained to desperately catch. "Would you happen to have a cup of coffee?"

"Certainly, I have some black here-"

"No, um…" She bit her lip. "Please, load it up with milk and sugar, as much as you can. it a little sweet. Don't you dare tell anybody else."

The enlisted sailor stared, then swallowed at the slight twitch to her side. "U-understood."


(Construct Post (Camp Barracks): 33 +17 (Kat) +3 (Wealth) = 53)

Progress: 2/3. In Progress.

"That's her? That shivering little thing?"

"Oi, quiet. She could hear you."

"I don't get it though," The Prism Initiate muttered at the sight of Kat nervously approaching the foundation stake, clutching a hammer like a pillow in her arms. "She's our top talent? It looks like she's about to curl up and cry herself to sleep!"

"That's because you haven't seen her-"

Whatever words they were about to say was drowned out by a loud slam when the hammer came down on the stake. Eyes widened through the assembled watchers, many of them seeing a young woman who was on the verge of a breakdown mere moments before suddenly driving a steel stake into the ground with barely much effort. Again and again she struck, her confidence and strength growing with every single bit further entrenched.

Then when it was deep enough, she grunted and let the hammer's head loudly impact against the ground while she rested. Now there was a scowl on her face, one that she turned to face the pale-faced juniors with. "Stop yapping your mouths, and fucking get over here! Show me you can at least get a few inches in, or are you really that incapable both here and in bed?!"


(Recruit Regiment (1st Andernian Guards): 33 +14 (Violet) +3 (Wealth) = 50)

Progress: 2/7. In Progress.

You had to admit, you were fairly surprised by how quickly the recruit pool almost immediately filled up barely days after you gave the green light for the advertisement campaign to start. It made you scratch your head confusedly, though your weren't going to ultimately complain. After all, you definitely needed those willing and able-bodied individuals to help protect your sister going forwards. There was honestly nothing to it but to shrug and give the official stamp of approval to put them through basic first, then advanced specialization later.

Once the digital signature was away, you leaned back in your office chair and sighed, feeling slightly exhausted. From doing all this annoying paperwork to even apparently providing a few sound bites to the recruitment ads, it definitely meant you have had little time to relax over the last few days. But with the approval sent, your desk was finally cleared of work for a little while. You could probably afford to take a small break.

So you decided to see what the local broadcasting stations were playing. A wave of your hand, and your desk's interface swapped from work-related programs over to entertainment channels, a variety of small screen previews popping up to inform you of what was available. There was also a portion dedicated to home-created content, for those amateur or professional projects without the backing of a big studio. Though for now, you were more interested in just whatever could help take your mind off things.

Oh, there, a little nature documentary on local flame blossoms was debuting. You did already know it was more focused on entertainment than science thanks to having casually peeked at the script during production, so it was perfect to just waste some time on. You selected it so and settled into your chair, preparing to just turn your brain off from all this work soon.

Then came the pre-roll ad that you weren't quick enough to skip past. Not that you had the mind to do so, especially when it was your own damn voice that came through. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped when you beheld the recruitment ad your subordinates had apparently come up with.

A despondent looking young man is trudging through a busy looking street, a sort of depressed and helpless aura about him from his disheveled attire and bowed head. He comes to a stop in front of a sidewalk crossing and seems to be deep in thought about his future. It is then that a gust of wind blows a discarded newspaper into his face and he flails about before managing to grab the rubbish to hold before him. There is then a focus on his widening eyes, reflecting a featured saluting soldier in the paper.

Then an abrupt zoom to show the same man now suddenly clad in a combat kit, looking slightly out of his depth but with a determined expression on his face. He is surrounded by several others also in the same gear, all of them shaking slightly from what appears to be a bumpy ride. Then a loud alarm sounds and the gathered soldiers shout bravely before storming out the back of a Pelican, onto dry land to take battle positions.

A series of different scenes rapidly flick then, featuring the soldiers doing a variety of activities from helping distraught citizens to traveling across large expanses of land. Swelling music builds with every new scene, until it hits a crescendo featuring a soldier smiling confidently and proudly...before flashing back to reveal the very same individual, back to standing at the crossing.

He shakes his head, then his eyes rise up to see a recruiting station right across the street before him. A wide smile breaks on his face and he steps forward in time for a familiar voice to deliver a message. "It's time to take charge of your life. Find the direction to take the next step forward. Find the courage to do good. Find your local recruitment office and enlist in the armed forces today."

There is a parting jingle when he pulls open the doors and steps in, then it ends.

"Ah, I'm finally back," Radana tiredly greeted while entering your office using her special code. "I don't know about you, but I'm quite tired of all this development work- ah?! Violet?! What's wrong? Why are you rolling around covering your face!"

- Violet is super effective against herself.
A move so definitively hers we should call it "The Violet". Thank you for another update Celeshiro, I really enjoyed it : ).
Cycle 10.0
The video flickered and sped forwards to the timestamp. Then it began to play, your sister's face smugly in the frame. "-so thus, additional security measures must be taken. We must not only be at peace on land, but in the air as well!"

There was a chorus of scripted applause from the crowd and she stepped back to gesture upwards. "I am proud then to say that already, we have implemented such effects! From today on, look up and hope for a better future- and know that upon experienced wings do they carry them towards the future!"

On cue then, there was a loud scream when a fighter jet rocketed overhead, not too far away from the podium-

Your hand shot up and hit the pause button right there, capturing the still of a fighter jet in motion. You stared at it for a moment longer before letting out an exasperated sigh. "She did it. She actually did it."

"She actually got planes," Radana numbly repeated with a shake of the head. "Say what you will, but that's a-"

"-stupid and idiotic stopgap!" You finished with a slam on your desk, then frowned at Radana's surprised reaction. "Wait, are we on the same page?"

"I'm not quite sure?" She weakly suggested with a tilt of the head. "Or well, rather, I don't understand. All I see is your sister somehow being able to produce jets out of thin air and pilots to go along with."

You blinked and rubbed your chin, eyes lighting up when realization kicked in. "Right, you probably haven't studied actual military history in detail. Or hell, you've probably just gone about seeing what the posters commonly depict. Huh, now that I think about it, maybe my sister is actually onto something neat, albeit ill-advised."

"I really am lost now," Your friend confessed and shook her locks about. "Please, what am I missing?"

"Namely that," A gesture to the captured video frame, "Is a modern fighter jet...of the Iron Flower incident."

"The incident that brought His Late Highness close to the Stellarch?" She considered for a moment, then blinked. "But that was...ages ago!"

"Yep. It's wonderfully outdated and outclassed by every other modern aircraft, and was actually retired long ago. The remaining stock was then sold off to private collectors...which then explains how my sister probably acquired them," You reasoned out and nodded slowly, seeing the puzzle pieces fall into place. There was one last piece you wanted to confirm and you activated an interface program for unit recognition, targeting the painted insignia on the jet's tail.

While the program ran, Radana continued to ask away to clear up her ignorance of the subject. "If it's that old, then why was it still plastered everywhere? I recall it being quite prominent in a few of Dorothea's movies, to the point where it seemingly was invincible."

"Because it's become something of a popular icon thanks to the Iron Flowers incident," You answered with a slight grumble. "It was so popular that any 'realistic' take on their antiquated nature simply failed to catch on. It didn't help that even as it was being phased out, a lot of veteran aces happened to cling on and prefer it over any offered replacement. Such as- aha."

The insignia recognition chimed with a successful match and you flicked the display about to show a curious Camellia Knight. "Behold. The 92nd Intercessor Squadron, a distinguished unit from the old days. Listed as retired, all personnel discharged."

"But clearly not anymore," Radana pointed out and began to piece together the picture herself. "So perhaps then that those retired pilots came along on this expedition, so your sister simply reactivated them. They might have even brought along their old planes, though I feel that is somewhat a stretch."

"Could be, or my sister already had them nicely tucked away on a ship somewhere listed as civilian cargo." You paused, then checked to make sure your office door was truly sealed. "Which has an...implication in itself."

The noble diplomat's eyes narrowed. "You think she had them in reserve for a reason," She concluded and put it out there, words that normally should never leave the lips of a House Iris retainer. "Treason, likely against the First Princess."

"I could see it. She has the chance to build up here, and if put in that light, her rather scrupulous scrimping and scraping for any military force makes sense. Along with enforcing total control over the populace- she doesn't want them to go to the other side of whatever grand conflict she has planned." You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest, deep in thought. "What a mess. I absolutely want no part in this struggle for the title."

Radana calmly leveled a gaze on you. "But you're right now the one the people of Andernia follow. So you're already involved. Unless somehow there is something bigger...ah. I see."

You grinned and reached over your desk to pat where the Solarium Codex was hidden. "I think then my plan to negotiate and disappear just got a lot more legs to it. Whoever has this little thing has a massive advantage in whatever conflict, so the price is definitely high. Best of all, I get to set the price as well!"

"I can't believe this actually worked out completely in your favor then," Radana mumbled, half in disbelief and half in awe. "Violet, your luck is quite out there for this to all just line up to your favor."

"True, but it's still going to be some work to do. Namely, starting the negotiations for said price." You rubbed your hands together and locked eyes with your most trusted secret-keeper. "Radana. I want you to start putting out feelers to try and bring my sister to the table."

"Of course," She responded instantly without hesitation. "I'll start the preparations. Just let me know when you want to have it done by."

"Right. Thanks, and hang in there. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel now, one final push then we're out!"

Resource Stockpile: 30/30

Create a plan that you and your aides will execute over the duration of the cycle. Each person will have a general order that they will attempt to carry out at your command. Orders can be repeatedly taken by multiple characters for greater progression, but characters will be locked in the order until it is finished. Many actions will require a target.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] [Character] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____
-[ ] [Officer] ______
--[ ] [Task] ________
---[ ] [Target] _____

-[ ] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
Busy with Recruit Regiment (2/7)

-[ ] [Character] Radana, Camellia Knight

-[ ] [Character] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
Busy with Construct Post (2/3)

-[ ] [Character] Dorothea, Lycoris Knight


--[ ] [Martial] Recruit Regiment. Induce a lifetime of war for many, their fates now tied to glory and victory in the name of House Iris. Requires seven (7) progress.
---Requires Base Housing
----Requires Regiment Name
-----Requires Battalion Composition (Four (4) Battalions)

-----[ ] Lily Guard Battalion. A skirmish infantry unit that can hold their ground surprisingly well, and boost anti-air capabilities in addition. Requires Arms Facility (Lily Guard).

--[ ] [Martial] Commission Ship. Reach out to the dockyards and purchase or order a new ship to join your fleets. Cost varies.
---Requires Berth Location
----Requires Ship Class/Name

---[ ] Wisteria-class Destroyer. A fast moving escort destroyer that can pack a surprising punch from afar. Requires Void Drydock (Wisteria-class). Requires three (3) progress.

--[ ] [Diplomacy] House Divided. It's time to step in and try to negotiate with your sister to end this standoff. Requires two (2) progress. This option will begin the end of the start.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Develop City. Expand the outreaches of the urban jungle, developing infrastructure and encouraging greater urban incorporation to grow a settlement taller. Increase Industry by one (1). Requires two (2) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target City

--[ ] [Stewardship] Found City.
Put forward a concentrated effort to unite previously distant rural communities into a new joint union capable of supporting a concentrated industrial effort. Found a new city that increases Industry by five (5). Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Location
---[ ] Requires New City name

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
Meet with contractors and build a new specific industry in the system. Cost varies. Each building chain may only be built once per system.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Data Reliquary. The signature monument of the Helmsmen, a testament to their perceived duty to preserving information at all costs if the worst should ever come. The information kept below is reflected in the grandeur above, with only those ordained with the greatest duties able to access the sacred archives unfiltered. Increases Influence by ten (10). Requires two (2) progress. This building must be constructed first before all others in every system of House Iris.

----[ ] Chrysanthemum Scales. A regal and ornate building that serves as the system's headquarters for marketplace and trade officers. It is staffed by a mix of Brilliance Knights and Prisms suited for administrative duties, using their Solarium circuits to process incoming information quicker and come up with streamlined delivery chains to ensure a healthy marketplace for the people. Increases Wealth by eight (8). Decreases Resources by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Lycoris Sanctuary. The Lycoris Knights are those Brilliance Knights who help maintain public order, acting as both counselors and confessors for those in need. This also makes them quite keen on what the public currently feel is most pressing, and so what will best appeal to them. Increases Influence by ten (10). Decreases Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Arms Facility. Glowing sparks of industry fly between these interconnected factories, an ever hungering machine that consumes raw material to process and refine into tools of war. Already while the metals cool, the air is filled with the cries of soldiers being put through proficiency training to use these weapons fresh from the forge. It is a well-oiled union that fuels the fires of the defense industry.
Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified troop kit. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Troop Outfit
Infantry: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Void Drydock. In order to maximize production and streamline the process, it is best if large voidships are actually built in the vacuum of space, or as close as possible to it. The orbit around a planet is an ideal spot for such a task, especially when paired with a space elevator on the ground to facilitate efficient resource from planetside. Should this link be cut off, the facility grinds to a halt. Benefits and costs varies. Enables recruitment for specified ship class. This may be taken multiple times with different specializations.
-----[ ] Requires Named Ship Class

Destroyers: Increases Military by four (4). Decrease Resources and Wealth by four (4). Requires four (4) progress.

-----[ ] Star Armory. The allure of grand fortifications remains strong even when among the stars, so the technique has simply been refined and adapted to suit the needs of modern war. It is on a larger scale than any similar structure that may have once existed on ancient Terra, a necessary adjustment to accommodate the more vast nature of stellar warfare. It is not unusual for an entire community to spring up around such a base to do business with those quartered within. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for three (3) regiments. Berth for one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

-----[ ] Fleet Port. What can be easily mistaken for construction around natural formations is actually purposefully shaped to accommodate for the planned housing of enormous ships meant to cross the void of space. Even when the star sailors onboard rest, the dock workers are awaken performing necessary maintenance and repairs in preparation for the next voyage. Increases Military by six (6). Decreases Wealth and Influence by six (6). Housing for one (1) regiment. Berth for two (2) cruisers and one (1) destroyer. Basing for one (1) wing. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Stewardship] Construct Post. Utilize some empty space in a city to build an independent facility. Cost varies. Each building post may only be built once per city.
---[ ] Requires Target City
----[ ] Requires Building Choice

----[ ] Sunrise Bank. Accounts now guaranteed under government-subsidized insurance! Open an account today, withdraw your money a galaxy away! Increases Wealth by two (2). Decreases Resources by two (2). Requires four (4) progress.

----[ ] Camp Barracks. It is one thing to be willing to kill for a cause, but it is here where the willingness to die for a cause is born and tempered. Today's sacrifices are the heroes of tomorrow. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for one (1) regiment. Requires three (3) progress.

----[ ] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers or one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.

--[ ] [Intrigue] Infiltrate Cells. Plant the seeds now for future spycraft opportunities by establishing local support and cover opportunities to slip agents hidden among the populace. Create a spy network in another power. Requires four (4) progress. Further sabotage options require this option first.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction

--[ ] [Intrigue] Cause Unrest.
Instruct your cells to purposefully cause chaos in another power, drawing attention away from whatever other covert operations you have orchestrated at the same time. Reduces the chance of discovery on the turn it completes. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Send Spies.
Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Intrigue] Military Espionage.
Direct agents to circumvent security systems and access classified military information to pass onto you, a highly risky but priceless operation. Reveals a power's military composition and current numbers. Requires six (6) progress. Has a moderate chance for discovery.
---[ ] Requires Target Faction (Must have Infiltrate Cells)

--[ ] [Learning] Outfit Troops. Consider what the gear your soldiers carry into battle, and create a new outfit for the boots on the ground to equip themselves with. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Troop Unit

---[ ] Infantry. The very basic, but essential, foot soldiers that both take and occupy ground when ordered so. Even with mechanized transports, they move fairly slowly around on the battlefield but when it comes to holding the line, their numbers help absorb dire hits. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Artillery. When more finesse is needed on the battlefield, it is the role of land artillery units to provide. They can bring some of the biggest guns of an army's arsenal to bear to flatten terrain and eradicate any remaining resistance from dug-in units. However, this comes at the price of being incredibly fragile and vulnerable themselves. Requires five (5) progress.
---[ ] Mechanized. Quick and fast fighting vehicles tear across the battlefield at lightning speeds, launching surprise attacks wherever gaps present themselves. While their weapons bark away at the enemy, the doors come slamming open to unload the infantry squads within to aid in the assault or begin already digging in. Speed is key for all in the unit. Requires five (5) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Ship. Break out pencils and call up interested naval contractors to kickstart the race to create, prototype, and sell an entirely new spaceship design for your forces. Cost varies.
---[ ] Requires Ship Types

---[ ] Destroyer. The smallest of notable navy vessels, but vital for domination of local space along and necessary for group troop transports. Requires four (4) progress.
---[ ] Cruiser. Large voidships that traverse the stars and make up the bulk of any fleet that crosses systems. Requires six (6) progress.

--[ ] [Learning] Design Aircraft. Defense contractors all but salivate at the call to design a new generation of fighter craft, the chance to leave their brand across the galaxy be it on planets or in space. Requires six (6) progress.

- If you want an idea of how outdated the plane would be, it'd probably be akin to the Phantom II at this point in time.

14 hour moratorium to make a cycle plan.
If you want an idea of how outdated the plane would be, it'd probably be akin to the Phantom II at this point in time.

In fairness, the side with a bad plane vs a side with no planes still has air superiority by a measure. And might be a threat to shuttlecraft.

That being said, woof. It's almost as if the sister is trying to bluff their way into a cushy retirement. What is preventing her from building up some proper industry and military industrial works? Even a corrupt oligarchy would still like the idea of it because theres only so much cash you can wring out of menial labor peasants. I really want to do military espionage for answers, but right now we got a regiment to crash-build first.