Fate/In Glory Of (Worm)

Voting is open
[X] Start the process of finding a way to get this to the PRT. There will be a vote after this on how.

That second sentence is very important. IMO, we need to do this as anonymously as possible, at least as far as Taylor is concerned. As we know the projection is a blindspot (if it's a blindspot to Ziz, it's definitely one for normal thinkers), there is little risk of having it delivering the wing, even visibly, so long as Taylor can't be connected to it. Hence, I'm hesitant about a phone call, but if there are known drop-off spots, we can just have the projection appear and put it down. If there aren't, we could maybe also just have it be dropped off in front of the PRT HQ, though drop-off spots would obviously be better.

Also SpaceBattles are going to be the death for us, they want to dual wield the thing.
Oh god. Didn't the learn from the Panacea incident?
[X] Taylor had the giant keep it and use it as a weapon. Maybe it would scare the villains he fought? [+1, QA is intrigued and is somewhat smug about displaying such a trophy]

Send him after the Fallen Yas!
[X] Taylor had the giant keep it and use it as a weapon. Maybe it would scare the villains he fought? [+1, QA is intrigued and is somewhat smug about displaying such a trophy]
[X] Start the process of finding a way to get this to the PRT. There will be a vote after this on how.

Let's not wield the giant chicken wing with sus origins.
[X] Bury it somewhere. There will be a vote after this on where. (In the forest, ???)

I really, really want to keep it as a weapon, but seeing how it went last time that seems like a quick way to a bad end. Better to store it for later.
For reference the vote is at 23 to give to PRT, 20 votes for keep as the giant's weapon (excluding QA), 4 destroy, and 1 bury it.

I'll keep it open for another 40 ish hours.
(in-character) that she would assume talking to what she could only assume to be a Ziz-bomb was part of a Ziz-plot
It has been days since the Endbringer fight. The giant will have been seen in said fight by many of the capes there, yeah? This is the sort of thing that would get discussed in after-action-reports and likely posted on PHO insofar as any discussion of Endbringer fights makes it there. Has Panacea not seen any of this?
It has been days since the Endbringer fight. The giant will have been seen in said fight by many of the capes there, yeah? This is the sort of thing that would get discussed in after-action-reports and likely posted on PHO insofar as any discussion of Endbringer fights makes it there. Has Panacea not seen any of this?
To be fair, everyone thinks Madlad is dead.
[X] Taylor had the giant keep it and use it as a weapon. Maybe it would scare the villains he fought? [+1, QA is intrigued and is somewhat smug about displaying such a trophy]
To be fair, everyone thinks Madlad is dead.
That doesn't really matter. If Panacea has heard "some giant took point in the Ziz fight and did real damage, too bad he died", hears Taylor say she has a projection who she sent to fight Ziz, and the sees the giant with one one of Ziz's wings, it would take an absolute idiot to not make the connection. Since it was already specified that he was a projection, the fighter in the Ziz fight dying doesn't at all contradict with him being fine now.
That doesn't really matter. If Panacea has heard "some giant took point in the Ziz fight and did real damage, too bad he died", hears Taylor say she has a projection who she sent to fight Ziz, and the sees the giant with one one of Ziz's wings, it would take an absolute idiot to not make the connection. Since it was already specified that he was a projection, the fighter in the Ziz fight dying doesn't at all contradict with him being fine now.
Eh, we can always say Panacea hasn't looked online b/c all her shit she has to do. Not really sure what she does in her free time anyway.

Either way, its not a part of the story QM wanted to write.
Adhoc vote count started by Jefardi on Apr 30, 2024 at 10:03 AM, finished with 31 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Start the process of finding a way to get this to the PRT. There will be a vote after this on how.
    [X] Taylor had the giant keep it and use it as a weapon. Maybe it would scare the villains he fought? [+1, QA is intrigued and is somewhat smug about displaying such a trophy]
    [X] Yeet it away. There will be a vote after this on where. (Ocean, ???)
    [X] Start the process of finding a way to get this to the PRT. There will be a vote after this on how.
    -[X] See if the drop off points are listed.
    --[X] if yes, try and see if the giant can drop the wing there and make an anonymous call.
    --[X] if not, just have the giant drop it in the forest and the make an anonymous call from a payphone.
    [X] Bury it somewhere. There will be a vote after this on where. (In the forest, ???)
[X] Start the process of finding a way to get this to the PRT. There will be a vote after this on how.

Because Taylor is not prepared to shoulder the deaths of those the Fallen kill before they're put down.
Voting is open