For that matter, while Lorgar is not exactly the science and technology specialist like some of the other Primarchs, one imagines that finding and integrating the Men of Stone and all the Dark Age technology will still have a significant effect upon his development, shaping his Mythos.

There's several interesting things we can do that might effect Lorgar's Mythos in interesting ways.

For example, I suggested before Enlightening his Essence, given he's a mortal so can presumably become an Enlightened Mortal. From there it may be possible to teach him Terrestrial martial arts, although we'd probably have to invent them first.

The other, radical option would be if it's possible to use Bestowal of Accursed Fortune to grant the Inheritance Background to him, adopting him in truth by making him an Infernal half-caste. After all, that's a status that can be granted by charms (some Spirit's Endowment charms can do it) as well as being genetically inherited.
I wonder how Lorgar legion is dealing with their changes? Are they able to tell each other apart or will their be a tattoo tradition in the legion

Seeing as skin color is kept I do not think all other markers are erased, it will probably end up looking more like siblings than clones. Of course if you have hundreds of thousands of siblings some of them are going to end up looking very similar by random chance, but that seems more like a funny story to tell over whatever rare poisons stand in for alcohol when one has Space Marine biology than a problem.
Turn 1: The Vanguards
Colchis - 830.M30

It had been a few days since the day of Kor Phaeron's demise. As you prepared to train the tribesmen, your hands toyed with a peculiar object, a small, intricate viewer, out of place amidst the desert sands. Its craftsmanship was exquisite, adorned with delicate etchings that seemed to dance in the flickering light. With the viewer safely concealed in your robes, you made your way to where the tribesmen were gathered, ready to impart your knowledge and wisdom.

The tribesmen moved with a fluid grace, their movements a testament to years of discipline and hard work. They awaited your instruction, their eyes alight with curiosity and determination. It had been days since the discovery of the caravan's hidden treasures, and a newfound sense of hope and purpose had taken root within the tribe.

Amidst the crowd, you spotted Lorgar, now grown into a young man, accompanied by a group of slaves and guards.

They approached you, their presence sparking murmurs of unease among the tribesmen. Sensing the tension, Lorgar stepped forward, his voice ringing clear and strong.

"Brothers and sisters," he began, his words carrying the weight of leadership. "I understand your hesitations, your fears. But we must remember that we are all kin under the sky. Our past grievances cannot dictate our future path."

He paused, letting his words sink in, before continuing with a conviction that stirred the very sands beneath their feet. "The guards may have been our adversaries once, but they too are bound by duty and circumstance. We cannot undo the past, but we can forge a new future, one of unity, forgiveness, and redemption."

Lorgar's words resonated deeply with the tribesmen, their hearts swelling with a newfound sense of unity and purpose. He spoke of standing together as one, tribesmen, slaves, and guards, united against the challenges that lay ahead.

"We are but grains of sand in the vast expanse of the desert," Lorgar declared, his voice carrying across the sands like a clarion call. "Alone, we are easily swept away by the winds of fate. Together, we are an unyielding rock, standing firm against the streams of time. Let us stand united, for only together can we weather the storms that lie ahead."

His words hung in the air, a profound silence falling over the assembled tribe. Slowly, the tension dissipated, replaced by a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding. As the tribesmen and their newfound allies stood united, you knew that together, they would overcome whatever challenges the desert had in store.

With a nod of approval, you observed as the tribesmen welcomed the guards into their ranks, their differences fading slowly in the face of a common purpose. Lorgar was achieving the seemingly impossible, bridging the divide between two factions that had long been at odds.

As training resumed, a renewed sense of unity filled the air, bolstering the tribe's resolve. Under Lorgar's leadership, they stood ready to face whatever challenges the desert might throw their way, their spirits united as one. Each member approached you with reverence, their eyes shining with the hope of becoming formidable warriors.

The first to step forward spoke with unwavering determination. "Chieftain, grant me the strength to protect our people and uphold our honor."

With a solemn nod, you raised your hand, and ancient magic enveloped them. Their muscles rippled with newfound power, and their eyes gleamed with a fierce resolve.

Next came another, their stance confident and their gaze steady. "Chieftain, bless me with the precision to strike down our foes with unmatched skill."

Once again, your hand rose, channeling the essence of the desert itself. Their movements became fluid and precise, their strikes hitting with unerring accuracy.

One by one, the tribe members came forth, each seeking a different aspect of combat prowess. Some asked for speed, others for endurance, and a few for mastery of specific weapons. Each wish was granted with a touch of your hand, a word of ancient power, and a surge of mystical energy.

Lost 5 Essence -> Now at 05/10. VEE

As the day wore on, the sounds of training filled the air. The tribe sparred in the desert sands, their movements fluid and their strikes true. It was clear that your magic had imbued them with unparalleled skill and strength.

As the Moons reached their zenith, the people gathered once more, their faces aglow with gratitude and determination.

"With your blessing, Chieftain," they proclaimed, "we shall become the mightiest warriors the desert has ever seen."

With a solemn nod, you accepted their requests, knowing the gravity of their desires. Among those who sought your blessing was Haraq. With a touch of your hand, you granted him skills at war that surpassed even his own lofty standards, making him a formidable force on the battlefield.

Empowered by your gift, at your request, Haraq took Lorgar under his wing. He trained Lorgar in the art of warfare, teaching him not just how to wield a weapon but also how to lead. Together, they delved into the strategies of old, learning from the triumphs and failures of those who came before them.

"The time has come to decide our tactics," Haraq began, his voice as steady as the desert winds. "Our enemies are many, but they lack our knowledge of these lands. We must use this to our advantage."

Lorgar, his gaze fixed on the horizon, nodded thoughtfully. "We should employ swift and decisive strikes," he suggested. "Fast raids and hit-and-run attacks would allow us to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."

Haraq considered this, his mind racing with possibilities. "Hit-and-run tactics can be effective," he acknowledged. "But we must also be cautious not to overextend ourselves. We cannot risk being caught in a prolonged conflict."

Lorgar nodded. "We must be like the desert itself," he proclaimed. "Unpredictable, relentless, and unstoppable."

As the two continued to discuss their strategy, they thought of targeting enemy supply lines, aimed to disrupt operations and sow chaos among their ranks.

"We must contemplate the art of flanking," Haraq intoned. "Our foes can anticipate a direct assault. A strike from the flanks or rear could unbalance them."

"A well-executed flanking maneuver could grant us the element of surprise," Lorgar concurred. "Yet, we must remain vigilant against the risk of exposing our own flanks to counterblows."

"Nature herself offers us allies," Haraq mused. "The dunes and rock formations can conceal our flanking forces, masking their approach until the decisive moment."

Enlightenment dawned in Lorgar's eyes.

"Yes," he exclaimed. "Our sand bikes, swift as the desert wind, could facilitate rapid maneuvers around the enemy lines, delivering a devastating blow from an unexpected quarter."

A smile played upon Haraq's lips, amused by Lorgar's enthusiasm.

"The sand bikes can be our steeds of war," he declared. "We can use them to harass the enemy's rear, disrupting their formations and sowing chaos in their ranks."

"We must also consider a strategy of harassment and distraction," Lorgar declared. "We shall strike swiftly and vanish into the sands, leaving our foes bewildered and off balance."

Haraq stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"It is a risky gambit," he mused. "But if we can keep the enemy occupied, it may buy us the time we need to strengthen our defenses and prepare for a larger assault."

"True, we must keep them guessing, never allowing them to anticipate our next move. Our hit-and-run tactics will keep them on the defensive, unable to mount a cohesive counterattack." Lorgar mused.

"But we must be prudent," Haraq cautioned. "We cannot afford to overextend ourselves. We must strike swiftly and retreat before the enemy can respond, always keeping our forces intact and ready for the next engagement."

What Tactic will the tribe choose? This will also apply to his Legion once they arrive and he takes command.

[] Fast Raids and Hit-and-Run Attacks: (Infantry)

–Quickly strike enemy positions, raid supply lines, and harass larger, slower-moving forces. The ability to quickly retreat after an attack can minimize casualties.

[] Ambushes: (Infantry)

–Set up ambushes along key routes or near valuable targets and then retreat after the ambush is sprung.

[] Harassment and Distraction: (Infantry)

–Create diversions and draw enemy forces away from their main objectives. This can create openings for other tribal forces to exploit.

[] Hit-and-Fade Tactics: (Infantry)

–Engage enemy forces briefly with hit-and-fade attacks, using speed and stealth to evade counterattacks and wear down enemy morale.

[] Write in: (Infantry)

–Subject to GM adaptation

[] Mobile Fire Support: (Sand Bikes)

–Mount weapons on the sand bikes to provide mobile fire support for tribal infantry units. This can increase the army's firepower and flexibility on the battlefield.

[] Flanking Maneuvers: (Sand Bikes)

–Use sand bikes to outflank enemy positions and attack from unexpected angles. This can disrupt enemy formations and create confusion, allowing the tribal army to gain the upper hand in battle.

[] Write in: (Sand Bikes)

–Subject to GM adaptation
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[X] Hit-and-Fade Tactics: (Infantry)
[X] Flanking Maneuvers: (Sand Bikes)

This is doubling down on damaging enemy morale and disrupting their supplies. We want the troops of the Covenant preferably not dead, but starving and afraid in the middle of the desert so we can make them defect.
[X] Hit-and-Fade Tactics: (Infantry)
[X] Flanking Maneuvers: (Sand Bikes)

Now, a cadre of desert warriors united by a charismatic possibly-messiah mount a guerilla campaign against more urban foe that opressed them from decades, using their familiarity with environment to mount disasterous sabotage operations and death-of-a-thousand-cuts attrition tactics? That seems familiar...
[X] Hit-and-Fade Tactics: (Infantry)
[X] Flanking Maneuvers: (Sand Bikes)

Now, a cadre of desert warriors united by a charismatic possibly-messiah mount a guerilla campaign against more urban foe that opressed them from decades, using their familiarity with environment to mount disasterous sabotage operations and death-of-a-thousand-cuts attrition tactics? That seems familiar...

Come on now we are much better than that poser Paul, not only do we have two messiahs, but one of them actually is a (distant) remnant of the beings that made the universe :V
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Fan Morgal is an Infernal Exalted, a Defiler, he can probably change that he has the technology magic. Just start with an Ambul and make it bigger. :V
@Yzarc is breeding the sandworms out of ambulls a viable project for later?

Also, I find it deeply ironic that we might accidentally make the XVIIth into not!Fremen, when what Paul ended up doing was pretty close to what canon!Lorgar would probably have done if he was the Arch-Heretic instead of Horus. Except Lorgar would do so deliberately where Paul had... conflicting opinions, and Paul won which Lorgar might have not.
@Yzarc is breeding the sandworms out of ambulls a viable project for later?

Also, I find it deeply ironic that we might accidentally make the XVIIth into not!Fremen, when what Paul ended up doing was pretty close to what canon!Lorgar would probably have done if he was the Arch-Heretic instead of Horus. Except Lorgar would do so deliberately where Paul had... conflicting opinions, and Paul won which Lorgar might have not.

You know I'm honestly not sure what we would be making the XIVth into. I do not think it will be as simple as making them into the model of the tribe. Keep in mind right now on Tera itself a legion exists, they are many orders of magnitude more numerous than our tribe and some of them at least are centuries old. While it is true that the Primarch's adopted Planet generally has a great impact on the legion if Lorgar does not want to foster a break between the two halves of the legion he is going to have to keep their previous culture in mind. Right now those who are officially known as the Imperial Heralds are more properly called the Iconoclasts, they are going to have a bit of a shock when they meet their primarch the True Faith 10 son of a magician.
[] Fast Raids and Hit-and-Run Attacks: (Infantry)
–Quickly strike enemy positions, raid supply lines, and harass larger, slower-moving forces. The ability to quickly retreat after an attack can minimize casualties.

[] Hit-and-Fade Tactics: (Infantry)
–Engage enemy forces briefly with hit-and-fade attacks, using speed and stealth to evade counterattacks and wear down enemy morale.
can someone tell be the difference between hit & run with Hit & fade ?
they seem to be the same thing, attack quick and leave/hide like

[] Mobile Fire Support: (Sand Bikes)
–Mount weapons on the sand bikes to provide mobile fire support for tribal infantry units. This can increase the army's firepower and flexibility on the battlefield.

[] Flanking Maneuvers: (Sand Bikes)
–Use sand bikes to outflank enemy positions and attack from unexpected angles. This can disrupt enemy formations and create confusion, allowing the tribal army to gain the upper hand in battle.
alright, why can't you flank with a gun?
no seriously, you can stick a gun on a sand bike and shoot them on the flanks. or run someone over to disrupt formations, etc.
You know I'm honestly not sure what we would be making the XIVth into. I do not think it will be as simple as making them into the model of the tribe. Keep in mind right now on Tera itself a legion exists, they are many orders of magnitude more numerous than our tribe and some of them at least are centuries old. While it is true that the Primarch's adopted Planet generally has a great impact on the legion if Lorgar does not want to foster a break between the two halves of the legion he is going to have to keep their previous culture in mind. Right now those who are officially known as the Imperial Heralds are more properly called the Iconoclasts, they are going to have a bit of a shock when they meet their primarch the True Faith 10 son of a magician.

I think more depends on how we shape Lorgar's Mythos over time. He's the son of the magician warchief of a desert tribe now, but in a year, he may be the son of an archetechnologist, and the year after next the son of the World Emperor establishing urban civilization fed by vast vertical farms.

I think there could be also huge impacts depending on how else we (can) shape Lorgar. A Lorgar who picks up five dots in Savant and a load of Helltech cyberware is going to be very different to one with five dots in Inheritance (Infernal Half-Caste) alongside the Lidless Demon Eye is going to look pretty different. and different again to one with Enlightened Essene and bunch of Martial Arts charms.
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