That said, for the purpose of this Quest, if a clone has intelligence, then it has a soul. Something on par with a Krieg vat-grown individual, but very much a soul.
I mean, we're almost certainly going to have to fight him anyways, simply because of what Fan is, let alone what he's going to teach his people to do… plus the imperium is an idiotic political structure that I *really* don't think can actually be fixed even in 30k even by the golden idiot, given that his massively debilitating tech problems could have been dealt with in a generation or three if he'd just sat down and written out some textbooks, but instead left it to C'tan corrupted cultists for… reasons?
A Benevolent dictatorship doesn't actually work if the dictator can't dictate to half their empire after all. And the emperor is hardly benevolent.
And, I will reiterate, he's also a moron. Like, his whole imperial web way project that ended up killing him? Pointless, if he wanted safe ftl, he had the Void dragon locked in a box, he could have just poked it with a stick until it coughed up what he needed to know. Buuut no, he can't be bothered to borrow the anti-warp species knowledge of ftl, gotta do it all himself cause he's space racist like that.
I'm not going to lie a lot of the governing decisions of the emperor don't really make sense if he was like a regular Tyrant why would he allow so much leeway for all the constituents some people have slavery some don't some have democracies some have autocracies some just fucking Anarchy mostly except they pay their tithe so you're left with the conclusion he doesn't give a shit what any human world does as long as they pay the tithe and he can protect them from demons and/or monsters or xenos.

This goes double for the mechanicus he doesn't want to be a God but he'll let them worship them in the God because they're useful for his greater goal of getting Humanity in a position to not be fucked to death by Orcs and Dark Elves and rang-dan and God knows how many other threats

You do know necron FTL is anti meat right you will instantly die if you don't have something to protect you in a necron ship like say magic or sorcery which kind of defeats the purpose of using necron FTL. The emperor is far as the cannon goes give less than a fuck about any Xenos species if they had anything useful to give him he'd take it in an instant. This is shown by both the web way which is very much not a human invention in any sense and also The Golden Throne which includes aldari technology.

The web way is safe not just for FTL travel but for habitation for a psychic species which Humanity was rapidly becoming considering almost every planet has psychers and humanity is rapidly becoming a psychic species and demons can just borrow out of psycher's heads maybe we need a place where they and eventually Humanity itself can exist without that happening.

In the end the Imperium reeks of someone who doesn't actually want to be a leader or dictator but thinks they need to and they need to do it quickly so they cut a lot of kind of essential corners to reach a very specific end goal and he almost gets there except he cut one corner too many he didn't let his Generals (Sons) in on what the fuck was up with almost anything.
[X] As part of Lorgar debt to you, have him not just work on the Guards, but also the slaves and tribesmen and unite all three groups into one. (Lorgar gains the Project: Unify the tribe)

I do not think we will have an easy time with joining the Imperium do to the nature of our powers. Whether we have to fight the Imperium or we want to join them, the best answer remains the same. We need to form a polity strong enough that we cannot be easily conquered.
[X] As part of Lorgar debt to you, have him not just work on the Guards, but also the slaves and tribesmen and unite all three groups into one. (Lorgar gains the Project: Unify the tribe)

I do not think we will have an easy time with joining the Imperium do to the nature of our powers. Whether we have to fight the Imperium or we want to join them, the best answer remains the same. We need to form a polity strong enough that we cannot be easily conquered.
Is it weird I don't think our powers or nature would inhibit or force us to be enemies of the Imperium I feel like the emperor puts up with a lot shit he probably shouldn't have as long as Its human shit. Us being some form of Cambion by his reckoning is unlikely to be a problem unless somehow by the time the emperor rolls around we're singing the praises of the ruinous powers.
An Exalted, even an Infernal, is fundamentally human in a way not even Primarches are. Exalted are divinely Empowered and Demi-Gods but still fundamentally human.

All this is a fancy way of saying you are not chaos and the Emperor will not smite you on sight.
Yes, but the Exaltation is some sort of xeno spiritual construct bonded to our very soul that's power twists the world around it in unnatural ways. With the sort of universe 40k is, that is very alarming if you do not know anything about it. It only gets more so if you know anything about the Yozis.
Yes, but the Exaltation is some sort of xeno spiritual construct bonded to our very soul that's power twists the world around it in unnatural ways. With the sort of universe 40k is, that is very alarming if you do not know anything about it. It only gets more so if you know anything about the Yozis.
It is.....complicated. Just keep in mind that

1. the Emperor has experience with Demigods, the Primarches being the latest.
2. The Emperor has been around and seen a LOT of weird stuff. Especially during the Iron War.
3. The Emperor is not all knowing and the Yozi mythos will ping as essentially Greek titans, who were defeated, and [Spoilers].
4. This is an Exalted Cross. Not saying more on this as [Spoilers].
5. The Emperor has a shaman origin and the worldsoul remnants are vouching for you. As would Lorgar.

So these and a few others are reasons he will not IMMEDIATELY smite you. But if it stays that way or not will depend on a number of factors.
It is.....complicated. Just keep in mind that

1. the Emperor has experience with Demigods, the Primarches being the latest.
2. The Emperor has been around and seen a LOT of weird stuff. Especially during the Iron War.
3. The Emperor is not all knowing and the Yozi mythos will ping as essentially Greek titans, who were defeated, and [Spoilers].
4. This is an Exalted Cross. Not saying more on this as [Spoilers].
5. The Emperor has a shaman origin and the worldsoul remnants are vouching for you. As would Lorgar.

So these and a few others are reasons he will not IMMEDIATELY smite you. But if it stays that way or not will depend on a number of factors.
I did not think it was guaranteed we would not be able to work with him, I just do not like taking things as a given. It is always important to have a backup plan and leverage in case things do not go to plan. People were coming off as too complacent for my tastes.
I did not think it was guaranteed we would not be able to work with him, I just do not like taking things as a given. It is always important to have a backup plan and leverage in case things do not go to plan. People were coming off as too complacent for my tastes.
It's not so much complacency it's just that we have considerably more likelihood of meeting trouble from other humans not the emperor than him he's not exactly spoiling a for a fight with human factions that aren't actively selling out Humanity. Us having supernatural abilities isn't enough to get us on his shit list because he allows Prospero to exist. Us being able to bind mutants to our will not enough he allows Fenris to exist. Us worshiping non chaos planetary deities not enough he allows Fenris and the mechanicum to exist.

From what we see in Canon if you are not a chaos worshiper or a non planetary deity worshiper (ephemeral, conceptal) or actively facilitating the work of xenos to undo other humans then the emperor could give less than a single fuck. Pay your tithes call for help if you meet any xenos.
It's not so much complacency it's just that we have considerably more likelihood of meeting trouble from other humans not the emperor than him he's not exactly spoiling a for a fight with human factions that aren't actively selling out Humanity. Us having supernatural abilities isn't enough to get us on his shit list because he allows Prospero to exist. Us being able to bind mutants to our will not enough he allows Fenris to exist. Us worshiping non chaos planetary deities not enough he allows Fenris and the mechanicum to exist.

From what we see in Canon if you are not a chaos worshiper or a non planetary deity worshiper (ephemeral, conceptal) or actively facilitating the work of xenos to undo other humans then the emperor could give less than a single fuck. Pay your tithes call for help if you meet any xenos.
I would have to look it up, but I believe a planet got exterminated for splicing a small amount of xeno DNA into themselves to provide immunity to a disease and it turned their skin blue. More importantly, conquering places is not just preparing for a fight, but providing value. Every planet under our control is one less the Imperium has to conquer. As shown with the Emperor being unsatisfied with Lorgar's progress in canon, he would rather things be done fast than well. Finally, Prospero has psykers which are much less of a wildcard than us.
I would have to look it up, but I believe a planet got exterminated for splicing a small amount of xeno DNA into themselves to provide immunity to a disease and it turned their skin blue. More importantly, conquering places is not just preparing for a fight, but providing value. Every planet under our control is one less the Imperium has to conquer. As shown with the Emperor being unsatisfied with Lorgar's progress in canon, he would rather things be done fast than well. Finally, Prospero has psykers which are much less of a wildcard than us.
I'm not going to say there's no chance we can get planets under our control but it's going to involve being like the emperor to get them because we currently are Neolithic and scraping around for ancient Tech we have nothing to offer anyone else to join peacefully by the time the emperor gets here and he does get here within a mortal lifetime Kor Pharon adopts Lorgar and is still not even old when the emperor gets here we'll be lucky to have a ship singular back in travel interplanetary never mind Interstellar and I don't think the system of Colchis had any other inhabited planets nearby either.

So let me put it another way we have nothing to offer anyone in a peaceful manner would be lucky to have a interplanetary ship never mind Interstellar by the time he gets here probably not going to fight him anyway because all that does is get all of our people killed as they get bombarded by ships from space and then be a massive thorn in the side for someone who didn't want to fight Us in the first place in all actuality we could have a literally 500 Planet Empire by the time he gets here and he would be like you want to join the Imperium of man you can continue governing exactly as you are except we have military access and you pay us a slight tithe for protection from any xenos threat.

I would also have to look that up that doesn't seem quite right but it could be a thing I'm not going to lie. Lorgar being slow in his Conquest was only a problem because Magnus a guy with literally a legion 1/10 the size with an emphasis on constructing and preserving both civilian life and libraries and knowledge on the planets he took was conquering planets faster. There's being slow and then there's being Lorgar. It's not that the planets out of their control mattered it's that Lorgar is controlling about 1/10th of the main Vanguard of the imperium's army and he is wasting time on essentially illegal conversion.

I would have to look up how many word bearers there were but I'm pretty sure it's in the hundreds of thousands in comparison to magnus's literally 10,000 both Magnus and fulgrim had Legions the fractions of the size of the word bearers and with focuses on improving the infrastructure and preserving the existing civilian life and Industry all the people they took were taking planets at a rate faster than logar.

Nothing about what the emperor did in response to that is okay but it definitely deserved a response.
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It depends on the interpretation, but it's possible to see the Fall of the Eldar essentially triggering a free for all winner takes all competition for control of the galaxy between multiple species. The Great Crusade was the Emperor trying to win that conflict for humanity in competition with the orks, the Rangdan, and countless other alien species whose names have been lost to time.

A delay on even one front can be fatal; because it allows other species to snowball up to become competitive. It may also condemn countless human worlds to extermination. Back when the Eldar were more fully in charge of the galaxy before the gestation of Slaneesh made conventional warp travel near impossible, human worlds were very widely and thinly spread across the galaxy. For all we know the same may have been true for many other species. Space is very, very big. Although in science fiction we often think of space filling empires with contiguous borders, the reality could well have been that there were other alien species with vast domains overlapping human inhabited regions which also fragmented/collapsed in the Age of Strife. The Emperor needed to make sure they couldn't reconstitute themselves in the way he was trying to do with humanity.

The depths of the Eldar's Fall may also not have been immediately obvious, so he may also have felt threatened by the potential of an Eldar resurgence, particularly given his ambitions to conquer their Webway.
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On the tech front, keep in mind,

1. There is a LOT of lost tech buried under the desert (Canon)
2. There is a LOT of derilict ships in orbit (Canon)
3. You are a Defiler
4. Your son is a Primarch (Social focused but still)
5. Your main quest is to restore the Men of Stone, who made the STC system prior to the age of technology.
6. The Planet is in a KEY supply spot for Future Imperiun Expansion.

So you most certainly can set up your 500 Realms of Ultramar, build your Ring of Iron (Mars) or alternative the the Navigators, all 3 of which the Emperor would Value VERY much.

This is leaving aside the fact that by Virtue of Lorgar being there, Lorgar can ask the Big E for a lot, like he did in Canon.
Actually pulling it off is what is up to you. THAT is not going to be easy. Even with the advantages.
@Yzarc I sort of have an out there idea but I don't really know much about exulted to see if its possible , my idea is that after the world soul is fixed , the MC figures out a ritual were he feeds other worlds to the planet to strengthen and empower it.

like feed it enough worlds for example and the planet will be comparable in size to Jupiter while having all sorts of cool exotic biomes, features and natural resources and its world soul will be comparable in power to the emperor on the golden throne levels of strong with spirits than can fist fight greater demons.
@Yzarc I sort of have an out there idea but I don't really know much about exulted to see if its possible , my idea is that after the world soul is fixed , the MC figures out a ritual were he feeds other worlds to the planet to strengthen and empower it.
That is possible. You are uniquely placed to make Worldsouls.

That said, Votes closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Apr 23, 2024 at 9:45 AM, finished with 40 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] As part of Lorgar debt to you, have him not just work on the Guards, but also the slaves and tribesmen and unite all three groups into one. (Lorgar gains the Project: Unify the tribe)
    [X] As part of Lorgar's debt to you, have him not just work on the Guards, but also the slaves and tribesmen and unite all three groups into one. (Lorgar gains the Project: Unify the tribe)
    [X] As part of Lorgar's debt to you, have him not just work on the Guards, but also the slaves and tribes and unite all three groups into one. (Lorgar gains the Project: Unify the tribe)
Realm Defense Grid, except it is a bunch of planets tied together like batteries.

Anyway, how big is the Covenant? They gotta be... pretty big, to be a meaningful opposition to a Primarch.
I'm not going to lie a lot of the governing decisions of the emperor don't really make sense if he was like a regular Tyrant why would he allow so much leeway for all the constituents some people have slavery some don't some have democracies some have autocracies some just fucking Anarchy mostly except they pay their tithe so you're left with the conclusion he doesn't give a shit what any human world does as long as they pay the tithe and he can protect them from demons and/or monsters or xenos.

This goes double for the mechanicus he doesn't want to be a God but he'll let them worship them in the God because they're useful for his greater goal of getting Humanity in a position to not be fucked to death by Orcs and Dark Elves and rang-dan and God knows how many other threats

You do know necron FTL is anti meat right you will instantly die if you don't have something to protect you in a necron ship like say magic or sorcery which kind of defeats the purpose of using necron FTL. The emperor is far as the cannon goes give less than a fuck about any Xenos species if they had anything useful to give him he'd take it in an instant. This is shown by both the web way which is very much not a human invention in any sense and also The Golden Throne which includes aldari technology.

The web way is safe not just for FTL travel but for habitation for a psychic species which Humanity was rapidly becoming considering almost every planet has psychers and humanity is rapidly becoming a psychic species and demons can just borrow out of psycher's heads maybe we need a place where they and eventually Humanity itself can exist without that happening.

In the end the Imperium reeks of someone who doesn't actually want to be a leader or dictator but thinks they need to and they need to do it quickly so they cut a lot of kind of essential corners to reach a very specific end goal and he almost gets there except he cut one corner too many he didn't let his Generals (Sons) in on what the fuck was up with almost anything.
Its because even tyrants have powerblocs that even they have to apease. That doesn't make them not a tyrant to vast majority of the people.
@Yzarc I sort of have an out there idea but I don't really know much about exulted to see if its possible , my idea is that after the world soul is fixed , the MC figures out a ritual were he feeds other worlds to the planet to strengthen and empower it.

like feed it enough worlds for example and the planet will be comparable in size to Jupiter while having all sorts of cool exotic biomes, features and natural resources and its world soul will be comparable in power to the emperor on the golden throne levels of strong with spirits than can fist fight greater demons.
Just form a pantheon of world spirits instead. They can also act as warp becon navigation systems as a back up for the astronomicon.

Low powered warp becons exist in canon, no reason we couldn't replicate it.

Honestly world spirit based human society is by far the better solution to the emprors stupid atheism plan. It shields souls from chaos gods canonically.

Just need to figure out how to do it. Probably mass geomancy.
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Nope, only applies to Mortals.

Even if Bestowal of Accursed Fortune is limited to mortals, is the same true or VEE?

Also, does this mean that Primarchs are mortals?

It might be interesting if we can take Scoured Perfection of Form and give Lorgar the Enlightened Essence mutation.
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Wait. @Yzarc Could we hit the Spirits with Bestowal of Accursed Fortune?

Even if Bestowal of Accursed Fortune is limited to mortals, is the same true or VEE?

Also, does this mean that Primarchs are mortals?

It might be interesting if we can take Scoured Perfection of Form and give Lorgar the Enlightened Essence mutation.
Rereading theough the source charm, there does not seem to be anything restricting the use of the Charm on Spirits. So assume that it does but good luck convencing a Spirit to take the deal.

Primarches are demigods and by that definition, mortal enough to count.
Scoured Perfection prolly could get us Spess Marines if we can figure out Lorgar's geneseed thing.

Or/and improve the actual Space Marines, but that runs into potential issues.
So assume that it does but good luck convencing a Spirit to take the deal.
Aren't they desperate asf?

As an aside, I don't remember if Infernals got any "uphold your promises or else" charms in their charmset, but something like that also prolly help.
Aren't they desperate asf?

As an aside, I don't remember if Infernals got any "uphold your promises or else" charms in their charmset, but something like that also prolly help.
Spirits are inhuman in mindset. That said, I am using homebrew so if you fail to keep your end of the deal, you loose parts of your soul and Spirits and humans only have 10XWillpower Soul Points, if they loose all that, they become an Akuma for you.

Spirits would consider that the worst fate. Daemons do not count as they are treated mechanically as an Akuma to the Chaos Gods.