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Wait is that Wu @Vault166 if so let's surprise him by revealing ourselves and making him release our sister
Yes that is in fact Wu.
[X] wait for the two leg to leave then wake your sister to show her the shiny thing you found

[X] wake your sister to show her the shiny thing you found

Eh, just another boring two leg. We have more important things to do.
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[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
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[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
[X]Let yourself be seen as you chirrup a greeting, then go up to your sister and carefully nuzzle her. Don't act aggressive, otherwise Morada might get hurt by accident like the other Two-Legs did.
Vote closed
Sleepless In Sorna
Henry found himself in the examination room, staring down at Morada.

He wasn't really sure how he'd gotten there, he had no real knowledge of how to take care of a Dinosaur. His specialty was genetics, and admittedly he had started looking into the more, practical side things in the animal kingdom. He still wasn't exactly qualified though, he wrote off his current position as a result of his current caffeine to blood ratio.

After all it had been how long since he last went to sleep? He fought off a yawn as he looked at the watch on his wrist, it was ten minutes till two on Wednesday. That meant it had been what? Four-no five days since he'd had anything other than a thirty minute power nap yesterday.

It almost made him remember his college days, but that wasn't important, no that was Morada. He Might not be able to diagnose anything, he could however point out any anomalies in her physical structure. He couldn't even remember how much time he'd studied her DNA while making her, and At least any apparent diffrences from what she was suppose to be like had there been no tampering.

At some point his hand had placed itself on the Morada's side, running idly over her scales as he took in the smooth texture. Noting on how they moved every so slightly under his touch, alluding to her strange cloaking ability. How they did that was still a mystery, they had found traces of cuttlefish DNA, yet the way their scales could move? The way they seemed to ripple as they stood up on end only to fold back down in a completely different position?

it was a Mystery, something not found in any known creature on the planet. One of many surrounding the sisterly Chimeras, Both of them had small strands of DNA that just didn't make any sense. Morada's DNA was all but incomprehensible, not so much a blueprint as a collage of broken glass, and Azula's after close examination? It was a puzzle he could work on for the rest of his life. The way the tampering had slipped into her genetic code like clockwork, one the already existing code modified into a mesmerizing work of art.

Yet, looking down at Morada, her chest shifting ever so slightly in her sleep... He couldn't help but feel a phantom of the awe he'd felt on the Day of their birth. Some part of his brain pointing out the small differences from what he expected. Her sail was thinner than it should have been, her front arms slightly misaligned. One arm Longer than the other, more teeth in her mouth than it was suppose to fit.

Yet despite all the flaws, the Awe refused to dissipate.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh, forcefully running a hand through his hair as he tried to arrange his thoughts in a more coherent line. Only to be slammed out of his thoughts as light chirp met his ears. Uncomprehending he turned his head trying to figure out what could have possibly made such a sound.

Only to meet a pair of searing blue eyes, just as bright as the first day he'd ever seen them. For a moment he was almost worried, terrified really. Despite only being as large as a very big dog, Azula was probably more dangerous than a feral tiger. Then Azula ignored him entirely as she slipped right past him, Dropping something out of her mouth before she tried to nudge her sister awake.

It was about the time he saw what she dropped was a belt buckle that he realized he was hallucinating.

You let out an annoyed chirp at you sister's unconscious form, she just refused to wake up! You couldn't even get worried because at one point you had managed to rouse her ever so slightly only for her to growl at you and go back to sleep!

A huff of irritation left you nose as you turned back to the room around you, the two leg had crawled onto the table next to Morada at some point. It had even pulled off it's white sheet at some point, draping it over itself in a way that made you think it was being used to stay warm as it curled up and fell asleep.

Tilting your head you couldn't help but think that was a good idea. So hopping onto the table you wiggled your way into the small space between your sister and the two leg before closing you eyes to sleep yourself.

Dino Do what?
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[] A Warning
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[] Curiosity
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[] Mouse in the Trap
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