A trickle of confusion washed under your scales as the bright red light sparked into being. The following wail of sound just as baffling as you paused to consider what was going on.
Before you simply decided to ignore it, your head snapping to the side as something far more important attracted your attention. The flow of air drifting a scent into focus as the deeply familiar smell of patience/indecision/affliction registered in your mind.
The Scent of Morada, The Scent of your sister.
Faster than your mind could process your were already running at a dead sprint, natural instinct softening your steps as bolted down the hallways. You only just noted the confused, startled garbles of the two legs as you dashed between a pair of white sheet wearing humans. The sound of momentary chaos lost behind you quickly.
The trail was easily tracked, the many curious scents encountered completely ignored as you tracked Morada.
Before you knew it you were slowly to a stop, the trail stronger and less faded as you stopped in font of the strange door the two legs seemed to favor. It was only the work of a sparse moment to figure out how they worked as your pulled the lever down. It was did take a bit longer to realize you had to pull it instead of pushing it though.
Even that wasn't very long however as you pulled the door open just wide enough to fit through.
Inside was a large room, several things inside covered in multi colored blocks along with oddly colored rectangles with backs? Scattered over the room. There were also several two legs dressed in all black clothes that covered there mouths along with the hard things you'd seen human were on there head as they walked the room slowly holding more black things in there hands.
Something about this seemed off, however Morada's trail lead through here. You had a strange moment of hesitation before you made a decision.
You just walked right into the path of the security team, you have not been spotted.
What does the Dino Do?
-[ ] Just run through, it worked in the past
-[ ] Just Walk through, no reason this wouldn't work
-[ ] Cloak and sneak through
-[ ] Bark Two Leg Things At them
-[ ]Write in