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Scheduled vote count started by Vault166 on Apr 5, 2024 at 2:39 AM, finished with 18 posts and 18 votes.
Scheduled vote count started by Vault166 on Apr 5, 2024 at 2:39 AM, finished with 18 posts and 18 votes.

If you hit Manage Votes you can merge items. So in this case where people didn't all follow the same vote pattern you can merge things. This will also take care of people who voted for more than one of the things being merged.
@Vault166 The official vote count seems to have left off "Steal something shiny on the way out" for some reason.
It looks like someone used manage votes to combine too many things. When I posted my example I did not intend to affect the QM's vote count post. I simply merged all the shiny votes with each other, and all the not-shiny votes.

The fact that works like that is annoying.

[Edit: I went back in and fixed it]
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Buckle Thief
There was a momentary pause as the confused two leg stared at you with mounting horror, his head bubbling with freshly spilled blood as it dripped down the side of his face.

For a frozen second your eyes locked on the welling blood, a curious hunger bubbling in your gut as the rich scent of wounded prey wandered into your nose. Then you burst into movement, lunging forward with the speed of a predator on the hunt, your teeth sinking into your target.

Then you where moving running out the odd sliding doors, your prizing hanging out of your mouth as you sprinting out of the room at full speed. A confounded garble meeting your ears just in time for the door to slide close.

Running down the empty hall you made several turns at random, before you slid to a stop. Sniffing the air you could tell not many had been in this area and thus it was likely safe for the moment. Spitting your prize on the ground your examined your brand new shiny buckle having torn it off of the Two legs waist.

You had a mere moment to examine the strangely delicate marks upon it's surface, before a loud wail met your ears as red light flashed into existence around you.

Security has been alerted to your escape, you are being 'Hunted'. (their not trying to kill you)
Dino Do What?
[ ] Examine Buckle
[ ] Try and find the other two legs that had run earlier
-[ ] Use your nose
-[ ] Just wander at random
[ ] Stare at pretty light
-[ ] Lick it
-[ ] Poke it
-[ ] Mlem
[ ] Try Looking around at the many doors (They can Open Doors!)
[ ] Find Humans
-[ ] To Study
-[ ] To do Jump Scares
[X] Try Looking around at the many doors (They can Open Doors!)
-[X] Try to find Our Sister

We got to show her our shiny buckle!
[X] Try Looking around at the many doors (They can Open Doors!)
-[X] Try to find Our Sister
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[X] Try Looking around at the many doors (They can Open Doors!)
-[X] Try to find Our Sister

Starting to worry a tiny bit how she is doing, without us around.
[X] Try Looking around at the many doors (They can Open Doors!)
-[X] Try to find Our Sister

I wonder if they humans will name us klepto if we keep stealing things?
Voting is open