The AI ban makes sense when you consider it almost ended the human race. It's like someone building nukes and putting everyone in danger.
The must worship the Emperor came from the religious traitor son and got adopted afterwards.
The xeno law makes sense when you consider most of the aliens encountered have been evil. The ones that seem peaceful have been tricky and sometimes their DNA strains can cause them to dominate humans if spread. Think Tyranids in that case.
The acceptable ones can become sanctioned Xenos so not all die. The tilt issue can happen under any system of government. The difference is how one goes about it. Think star war and how the outer rim is treated even in a republic.
Problem is all of this were blanket terms, tau have small scale AI and they havent a full scale robot war.(and by the way the imperium have nuke and they have use it, quite a damn lot).
And yet see the interex and the diasporex and quite others. there is not such thing as santioned xenos in the imperium and las time it was just to dry them because their blood have rejuvinating properties. Plus horus rising talk about other zXe
The workship of the emperor happen before lorgar, he just grab all of them and transform it into something else, even Malcador tell the emperor that for all his insistance in creating a empire that outlive instead it creating one that really too much on him.
The idea the heresy happen because just otuside factor is kinda false, there was weakness on them that chaos exploit and they can very well do so.
About liberation:
I mean I feel a lot of voters want to eat their cake and have it too "I want a expansionist faction that by necesity have to be very militaristic but it wont be bad because we will tell everyone they can be our friend by pure good goodness in our hearts and just kill the meanes who are bad because we kinda determinate it can be, we members can have freedom to do what they want except when they piss off which means they deserve what they got"
it is...contradictory quite telling and it not surprise many here feel that we are saying "we want the great crusade but unlike their golden dictator, OUR golden dictator mean it"
With religion is the issue: some religion will be vector of chaos, that is going to happen and yes, they will workship your main chararter because its kinda what happen when you show up out of nowhere, let just be clear. Also we chose decentralization but HOW much decentrlization.
Also we dont have astronomicon neither navigators, meaning we have issue along the road.