They're likely to join I'm not arguing thay but they're also likely to get greedy. At least if they're normal and aren't zealots they'll join and take the advantages while plotting on how to become king and aquire everything. We're also not going to be able to boss them around, so no standardization across the polity. They'll just take their things underground until they're ready to go public. Your approach is only enforceable if we have a way of monitoring everyone (Intrigue), enforcing it (in whatever for, sanctions will take).

Well, sure, but that's already the situation here - we still have the Old Guard around, instead of having torn them up root and stem, and I think that was the right call now and would be the right call in the future.

We won't be able to enforce standardization, but as long as we share advancements and information with our constituent groups I expect to see pretty consistent uptake anyhow, especially if we put together a common communications backbone with our Warp Beacon STCs meaning that there will be a common transmission standard and network to share information across.

I'm willing to have a little faith in people wanting things to get better if we show them that there's a direct and clear path towards doing so. And yes, some form of sanctions if violations of the baseline agreements tying a polity to the new confederation are found are necessary. They can start with moderate financial penalties, and escalate to expulsion from the confederation or even outright war.

Also a cultural victory requires some kind of contact. If they don't want to join they can just sit their unchanging.

If they're bound and determined not to join, and aren't actively performing violations of sophont rights that justify intervention, then... sure? They're allowed to just sit there unchanging and not join, not joining the Confederation shouldn't be treated as a crime, lol.

(Note that systems like that are also the systems most likely to end up with particularly vicious resistance movements if we tried to integrate them by force, too.)

It's unlikely they'll take trade and the path to thay seems more on the money path then the diplo path.

None of the paths "lock out" any of the other paths, it's just a question of focus.

If we go with a military focus but then run into a polity that's a near-peer of ours, then we're going to attempt to negotiate instead of instantly embroiling ourselves in an existential war (this is basically what happened to the nacent Imperium reaching a treaty with Mars). And if we go with a diplomatic or trade focus, we're still going to have a big military for dealing with threats we can't negotiate with (orks, natch), and we're still going to bring down the thunder if we find an entire planet that's one big ritual circle for Nurgle or whatever. And yes, if on the negotiation path we find a polity that we can't directly influence through diplomatic overtures, then we can pivot to making connections with trade over time.
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[ ][RELIGION] State Secularis

The way I understand this is a freedom of religion option. I'm not sold on this ome. Too many religions and we won't be able to keep up with monitoring it all. Meaning it's an eventuality chaos will get through but they just won't dmg the government. It'll be easily contained in their smaller Sect. What I'm worried about with this option is if it becomes big enough then they can use the religion as a way to get into and influence politics.

We won't be able to enforce standardization, but as long as we share advancements and information with our constituent groups I expect to see pretty consistent uptake anyhow, especially if we put together a common communications backbone with our Warp Beacon STCs meaning that there will be a common transmission standard and network to share information across.
What I'm getting from this is the soft power you wish to use is tech. Spend our political capital from it for protection, manufacturing and forcing bills through. The problem is going to be local interests. For example we figure out Pancea, the local government gets it but doesn't want to implement the tech because it disrupts the health care industry. Or another polity spreads rumors about how certain things work to discredit them.

With military plus centralization we can at least work on social engineering and tech to stabilize ourselves internally. Prevent injustices and be better guarded against infiltration/self interest.

Our disagreement probably stems from two things. The belief of peoples good natures and faith they'll choose the greater good vs self interest. Secondly being independent, working on a large scale vs being reliant but specialized on a smaller scale. Ultimately that's how I see our game play breaking down based on the combination of choices.
What I'm getting from this is the soft power you wish to use is tech. Spend our political capital from it for protection, manufacturing and forcing bills through. The problem is going to be local interests. For example we figure out Pancea, the local government gets it but doesn't want to implement the tech because it disrupts the health care industry.

I legitimately expect stuff like that to be quite rare. Like, consider what the United States government (which is about as "captured by health care industry interests" as you get) would do if they were given access to a wunderdrug that would solve the majority of illnesses or death, and the population knew that they had access to it.

They'd throw the health care industry under the bus, because ultimately their power still stems from the overall capabilities of the United States, and the loss of the health care industries profits and lobbying would be more than compensated for by the economic benefits of having a healthier population and the goodwill bought from the people for distributing the healing products.
Note that systems like that are also the systems most likely to end up with particularly vicious resistance movements if we tried to integrate them by force, too.)
I would rather stomp them put then them potentially helping a future enemy out of greed or paranoia. Especially chaos, emps or whatever else may be introduced. Maybe we get to the point tyranids come and they become a free power up. Or they dont teach their psykers right until they lose it and bring chaos.

None of the paths "lock out" any of the other paths, it's just a question of focus.
We'd have to push through on a federal level. Which would probably require us to expend soft power. Which is likely isn't worth it. Unless we're doing it on our own which is going to be a significantly lesser attempt. Also our path likely in decentralization case will decide what role we take in the larger whole.
-[X] [NAME] United Confederation of the Milky Way
-[X] [INSIGNIA] "Unity and Freedom Galaxy Wide"
-[X] [FLAG] Milky Way Galaxy with a big star in the center
-[X] [CENTRALIZATION] Decentralized
-[X] [EXPANSION] Negotiation
-[X] [RELIGION] Cantaran Spirituality

Not as flashy as the The New Confederation, but this is what I got. Having our nation centralized sounds like a lot of work tbh.
[X] Cantaran Spirituality

I'm going with this to better keep out chaos, fill the religious hole and hopefully ritualistic any anti warp stuff we find. Maybe empower our AI MC with enough belief.


[X][EXPANSION] Liberation

The whole point of this exercise in my eyes is to do better than the Imperium
The only reason Emps failed was chaos shenanigans. Showing Horus his vision, one eye opening a demon portal on earth by accident, his primarchs rebelling. So ultimately emps was right if he had reached the last step of converting the elders highway he would have won.

Most of the problems the imperium faces are due to humans that came after and the traitor primarchs.

Edit: The system the Imperium runs on is decentralization. Every planet has its own government. There isn't any standardization and all they send is tilts. They may not have been formed through Diplomacy but that's ultimately how this system coukd end up. The old government system broke down even when the old night happened. Where were humanities allies when things started?
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The only reason Emps failed was chaos shenanigans. Showing Horus his vision, one eye opening a demon portal on earth by accident, his primarchs rebelling. So ultimately emps was right if he had reached the last step of converting the elders highway he would have won.

Most of the problems the imperium faces are due to humans that came after and the traitor primarchs.

I disagree. Obviously this is highly subjective, because 40K canon is a mess of contradictions that anyone can read anything into, but as far as I'm concerned, the Emperor failed the moment that he thought that an authoritarian regime was the best way to prevent excessive ambition, despair, rage, and extremism. All of the failures of the 40k Imperium were baked into the concept right from 30k, and it would have been hard to create a better breeding ground for Chaos if he'd tried.

But beyond that... I'm just not interested in playing as "the Emperor but more competent this time".

(That's also why I'm extremely uncomfortable with pushing for an ideology that seems extremely likely to see Prometheus venerated as a god-like figure.)
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Technically most of the issues in 40k happened after his chair confinement. The religion came from his traitor son and further enforced when they saw him fight deamons. Later on the church grew in power until the had their own army the sisters of battle and a seat on the table.

The serfs and such was due to him thinking he had more time to walk back the worst things planets he's conquered were doing. Admech was supposed to be taken care of after everything was stable etc.

That's also why I'm extremely uncomfortable with pushing for an ideology that seems extremely likely to see Prometheus venerated as a god-like figure.)
Thay religion already exists and the leader has a political party. It's on track to become one of the larger religions regardless of our actions. Unless we actively discourage it at least.
[x] Plan: A Hope Burning Across The Stars
-[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
-[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
-[X][CENTRALIZATION] Decentralized
-[X][EXPANSION] Negotiation
-[X][RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
-[X][EXTRA] The Realmers will be, in addition with integrating cultural practices and beliefs as the New Confederation spreads, also be tasked with vetting those practices for malign Warp influence, with resources provided to them to aid in that task.
[X][RELIGION] Cantaran Spirituality


for the expansion options I just dont want the economy one. fine with either diplomacy (less likely to work with centralized, but who knows) or the liberation.
For the faith option, I just picked the one that seemed fun to me.
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[X] Centralized
[X] Liberation
[X] Cantaran Spirituality
Ayy, a pre-40k polity quest.

E:holy shit that flag is awesome
[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
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-[X][CENTRALIZATION] Decentralized
-[X][EXPANSION] Negotiation
-[X][RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
-[X][EXTRA] The Realmers will be, in addition with integrating cultural practices and beliefs as the New Confederation spreads, also be tasked with vetting those practices for malign Warp influence, with resources provided to them to aid in that task.
-[X] [NAME] The New Confederation
-[X] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"

[X] Centralized
[X] Negotiation
[X] State Secularism
People really loves militaristic nations...
Why are people voting for "Liberation". We don't need to be diet imperium of man join us or die.

[x] Plan: A Hope Burning Across The Stars
- [x] [NAME] The New Confederation
- [x] [FLAG] "The Fire Rises"
- [x] [CENTRALIZATION] Decentralized
- [x] [EXPANSION] Negotiation
- [x] [RELIGION] Realmer Syncretism
- [x] [EXTRA] The Realmers will be, in addition with integrating cultural practices and beliefs as the New Confederation spreads, also be tasked with vetting those practices for malign Warp influence, with resources provided to them to aid in that task.
--[] [EXTRA] Path of Ascension, faith is a real force that should be directed for positive uses as undirected faith could empower random warp entities. The Path of Ascension has our citizens put their faith in themselves, directed towards immunity from the warp, superior health and mastering laws of reality. Prayers will be said for their fellow believers, faithful gatherings will be held on how to better yourself and the saying 'blessed health to you' could direct some faith towards our goals.

Something like this ok?
yeah for these votes whichever of the options in each category that gets the most votes wins, just vote for what you'd think would be best. Plans aren't being counted.

--[] [EXTRA] Path of Ascension, faith is a real force that should be directed for positive uses as undirected faith could empower random warp entities. The Path of Ascension has our citizens put their faith in themselves, directed towards immunity from the warp, superior health and mastering laws of reality. Prayers will be said for their fellow believers, faithful gatherings will be held on how to better yourself and the saying 'blessed health to you' could direct some faith towards our goals.

Something like this ok?

Feels a little bit out of character with your current knowledge tbh. Legislating that religious organization also focus on the betterment of the individuals within in them would fit but declaring a fully brand new faith would require more than just some extra legislation.
Why are people voting for "Liberation". We don't need to be diet imperium of man join us or die.
That's not how I interpreted the option, it mentions freeing the repressed. Which is what we did on Cantara already, arrived with massive force and crushed the existing power structure since it was awful. I think we can still choose not to suddenly become imperium and conquer everybody? This is just saying yeah, if we see a shitty polity whose majority would rather it work differently, we go and upend it in their favor.

We still have plenty of flexibility as somebody mentioned, this isn't running on autopilot.