You open your mouth to castigate Ty Lee for speaking on matters far above her station and abruptly come to understand that, somehow, you have entirely lost control of the conversation, and may have never had it at all.
The plan was simple. You would suggest to Mai and Ty Lee that you spared them out of misplaced childhood sentimentality, a lie they would not believe, and in the ensuing argument they would reveal the motives for their treachery, which would allow you to prevent repeats down the line by taking preemptive actions to prevent similar flaws in all your future subordinates. Once "caught" in the lie, you would remind them of the old adage that one should keep their enemies closer, and they would see a truth they could understand in your actions: the cold-hearted pragmatism of royalty.
Instead, you are… almost about to argue with Ty Lee about your (lack of) instrumental talents, while Mai is off sulking somewhere because she's mad at you for something entirely separate to what you wanted her to be mad at you for.
How did it come to this?