Lex Mechanica

Considering it is self reliant on energy with the solar panels it would work well as a long range scout fighter. No need to go back to base to refuel so long as it has clear access to a close enough star to charge it allowing it to go on longer and further missions. Along with the ion drive it could get in and out without having to get into dog fights while conducting reconnaissance with the auspex scanners.
go on longer and further missions.

I don't think the issue is the power constraints/fuel-- but more so in that they don't possess a lifesupport system (and thus, pilots are reliant on a breathing apparatus with a limited supplies of 'air') and are likely lacking in the space to store enough rations for lengthy expeditions. (Although with their engines, said expeditions would probably be lengthy for others but not for them).
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The Forgeworld can get a lot of mileage out of the TIE fighter STC. Taking its individual components and repurposing it for other uses.

I'd vote for a party next turn that just goes full on research on the STC bestowed by the Omnissiah to apply to Imperial designs or just improve the STC itself.
and thus, pilots are reliant on a breathing apparatus with a limited supplies of 'air') and are likely lacking in the space to store enough rations for lengthy expeditions
Might be better for planetary scouting then, less area to actually traverse when compared to space and less need for oxygen. Of course the oxygen and food would be less of a problem if we give the pilot a lot of augments or just use a servitor brain to pilot it.
Might be better for planetary scouting then, less area to actually traverse when compared to space and less need for oxygen. Of course the oxygen and food would be less of a problem if we give the pilot a lot of augments or just use a servitor brain to pilot it.

The latter is certainly something to consider-- considering you could probably power the servitor/augments via some rerouting of the power generated by the starfighter's solar panels. What we could also do is strip out the engines and attach them to the side of something else-- maybe using preexisting engines as retrorockets/navigational thrusters to orient this preexisting ship. Or we could just bolt several TIEs to the side of a ship instead of stripping out the engines and just extending wiring to the TIE telling it to turn on/off its engines. Or we could make a sort of 'carrier' ship in a sense that has docking space for one or several of the TIEs, and you send the TIEs out in different directions for scouting and then have them return to the 'carrier' to resupply before doing so again.
You did, tho not only the forges would like some part of the action.
Rogue traders and the navy would love to have a few, more if you ever switch up the laser cannons
Nice. I am sure that our planet is gonna become a place of pilgrimage for the Mechanicus.

We should probably barter our STC fragment for space ports, ship yards, naval ships and other space based infrastructure as these are something we are currently lacking.
You can always modify the pattern, a good rule of thumb is " a orthodox adapts, a radical modifies and a tech heretic invents"

And all other "solutions" to that problem
We could probably shove this engine into a lot of older fighters and sell them as upgraded designs.

The Dark Angels did something similar when they discovered some crazy engine tech, which they funnily enough did not share with the Mechanicus.
[X] Plan: legal psyker uses
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Everyone that isn't excluded by no
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Establish a black-lab on a big asteroid or similar isolated location, with enough arms aimed at it to deal with possible leaks. A facility for studying Dren psykers.
-[X] 2: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] Outreach: Work with our supporters and contacts from the school-outreaches to design Black-Laboratories. Institutions that can handle work on psykers like the Dren, secured and isolated on big-enough asteroids with contingency plans up to destroying the asteroid if necessary due worst-case warp accidents (demon invasion) should lesser means not be able to contain. And propose a law mandating that all psyker research must be done in such or equivalently secured facilities (with a grace period of 1 turn).
And it was still radical.
Clearly we have different definitions of the term radical vs orthodox and we are talking past each other.

No one is doing any kind of McCarthy bullshit, but being the largest party in parliament, and then getting shut out, does not engender good feelings in us towards our opposition. You formed a cordone sanitaire and then it fell apart the moment one person broke ranks. Is it any surprise that folks dont like your side of the aisle?
No one is doing any kind of McCarthy bullshit, but being the largest party in parliament, and then getting shut out, does not engender good feelings in us towards our opposition. You formed a cordone sanitaire and then it fell apart the moment one person broke ranks. Is it any surprise that folks dont like your side of the aisle?
Was the lack of mcarthy bullshit before or after conjuring an entire orthodox faction out of nothing?

And maybe, get this, people just didn't agree with the seekers and edited their plans accordingly?

Frankly i still don't like the seekers but seeing as this is a game, i don't have to hold onto my stances that rigorously and id like to actually participate instead of shouting at the wall.
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but being the largest party in parliament, and then getting shut out, does not engender good feelings in us towards our opposition
Have you tried making better plans?
Actually taking feedback into account?

People didn't just decide "Seekers is a stupid name lets isolate them!", we decided "Seekers have points in their plan that we dislike enough that we don't want to support them via coalition".
Have you tried making better plans?
Actually taking feedback into account?

People didn't just decide "Seekers is a stupid name lets isolate them!", we decided "Seekers have points in their plan that we dislike enough that we don't want to support them via coalition".

Our plans are fine and democratically people are agreeing with us on account of coalitioning with us and voting for us. So I dont see what the issue is. But that doesnt mean that I have to be happy with the way other parties have treated us previously. If you dislike our attitude toward your political party perhaps you can treat us a bit nicer and give us a reason to feel better about your side of the aisle?

Was the lack of mcarthy bullshit before or after conjuring an entire orthodox faction out of nothing?

And maybe, get this, people just didn't agree with the seekers and edited their plans accordingly?

Frankly i still don't like the seekers but seeing as this is a game, i don't have to hold onto my stances that rigorously and id like to actually participate instead of shouting at the wall.

I mean compared to the Seekers everyone else is pretty orthodox in comparison. Orthodoxy vs radicalism isnt an absolute value but rather a relative one, where you are comparing parties within a self contained political system. Compared to Mars, you are radicals and possibly hereteks. Compared to the Seekers? You are fuddy duddy sticks in the mud.

So we arent conjuring anything, you are to the right of the Seekers. Thus from where we stand you are in fact orthodox.

I suppose it just goes to show how radical Sidonia is overall compared to its sister worlds.
Calling the Cogs of Justice, who want to strenghten 40K law enforcement, which is entirely built around opressing the common people radicals is maybe technically true, in that they are radically cruel, but renders the entire spectrum of politics on Sidonia useless.

When you lump thin blue line supporters and their ACAB opponents into the same faction that faction ceases to have any function
[X] Plan: We have sought and we shall find

I like the menial improvement program, but I also don't want to risk the Seekers getting locked out.
[X] Plan: We have sought and we shall find

I like the menial improvement program, but I also don't want to risk the Seekers getting locked out.
I don't tho?

Calling the Cogs of Justice, who want to strenghten 40K law enforcement, which is entirely built around opressing the common people radicals is maybe technically true, in that they are radically cruel, but renders the entire spectrum of politics on Sidonia useless.

When you lump thin blue line supporters and their ACAB opponents into the same faction that faction ceases to have any function
Also nice to see that you haven't actually read their party platform
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Our plans are fine and democratically people are agreeing with us on account of coalitioning with us and voting for us. So I dont see what the issue is. But that doesnt mean that I have to be happy with the way other parties have treated us previously. If you dislike our attitude toward your political party perhaps you can treat us a bit nicer and give us a reason to feel better about your side of the aisle?
And people also democratically voted for the other parties the one time you weren't in government, so I really don't see what you're so butthurt about.
Calling the Cogs of Justice, who want to strenghten 40K law enforcement, which is entirely built around opressing the common people radicals is maybe technically true, in that they are radically cruel, but renders the entire spectrum of politics on Sidonia useless.

When you lump thin blue line supporters and their ACAB opponents into the same faction that faction ceases to have any function
You means these Cogs of Justice?
-[X] 1: Establish Law Enforcment organisation to combat corruption, criminals or enemy agents.
-[X] 2: Establish organisation which main responsilibity is data review and ensuring that data is correct.
-[X] 3: Build Law Enforcment stations in each population center.
-[X] 4: Ensure that Workforce is properly allocted in newly constructed housing.
-[X] 5: Commit part of Skitarii forces to protect Workforce on the Siaria from hostile native elements.
-[X] Outreach: Call for Conference with all other political parties to establish Laws, Judical and Legal Systems and everything else that can be applied equally to all and ensure that Forge World will function properly.
-[X] 1: Build Space Ports in optimal logistics locations.
-[X] 2: Build Officer Academy for Mechanicus Army
-[X] 3: Build Light Artillery factory.
-[X] 4: Construct massive ammunition factory.
-[X] 5: Start aerial firebombing, which aims to start massive forest fires.
-[X] Outreach: Investigate current factories for any sign of law breaking.
-[X] 1: Construct Skitarii Officer Academy.
-[X] 2: Build small orbital shipyard.
-[X] 3: Build Workforce goods factory. Happy worker is productive worker.
-[X] 4: Expand mining facilities.
-[X] 5: Construct additional hab-blocks.
-[X] Outreach: Investigate the origin of the mutants. Someone fucked up for it to happen, that someone will be found.
Who are working to combat corruption, check factories (where workers could be abused) and try to find out who fucked up for people to get mutated (turns out: noone, we just have an unusually high immigration rate of mutants)?

Yeah, a police force actually working to protect the people is radical in wh40k.
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