I almost-think we could manage with the fault-tolerant protocol alone, if it was solid enough. Here's a quick-turnaround plan that should (minimally) provide everything we need:
[X] 3-day graceful degradation
-[X] home-on-jam mortar bomb for Jaguar: 1d
-[X] laser comms, Dinergate-unspooled fiber-optic: 1d
--[X] never use just one, be redundant
-[X] oral comms, regular speech: 0d
-[X] Scarecrow
--[X] fault-tolerant protocol (Scarecrow): 0d (2d)
-[X] Intruder
--[X] brevity codes (discussion with Intruder): 0d
--[X] Costumes and decoys (discussion with Intruder): 0d
Mortar b/c it's the best, if it works. Dinnergate fiber-optic b/c (1) I love open-air lasers but they take
too long, and (2) dinnergates are lower and less-visible than a doll-deployed spool. Plain oral comms will still be opaque if brevity-codes are used; I'd prefer the aesthetic of modem-screech, but that again costs time. I avoid talking to Intruder about positioning b/c I have no idea how well she takes criticism.
How many more Ringleaders do we need to help? I may be too focused on turnaround time.
@Solark - is it ok if I add a check-Scarecrow's-work action? If we're vouching for it, I'd like a chance to at least plug it in and see if it functions.
[X] Plan: Counter and Counter-Prep
^ also happy with this one