You've Got to keep BOTH Eyes Open (A Nick Fury Shield Quest)

Alternatively, I would have accepted Salem, Oregon as a vote option. Get the power of -

- I'm being told that SHIELD cannot rely on Sasquatch.
Intrigue sounds like the most important stat and Diplomacy is the one I'm most partial to. I can see the appeal of both Martial and Learning, and less so for Steward.

As for the locations themselves, they all carry the seeds for some interesting interactions and story lines, so any of them could be fun.

[X] Langley, Virginia
[X] Washington DC:
Callling the vote Dallas wins.
Scheduled vote count started by Cyberphilosipher on Jan 25, 2024 at 5:04 PM, finished with 32 posts and 24 votes.
Turn 1 (January 2000)
Turn 1 (January 2000)

[] Dallas, Texas:

A strange outlier from recent times. Dallas is a growing financial capital, being a fair and modest rise to diversify from the aerospace industry. As for where, well, the Director of NASA is looking for people to rent out some of their empty buildings for some very much-needed capital. (+1 Reroll to Steward per turn)

(Nick Fury POV)

You wanted to deal with this shit in the morning, the problem was…it was morning so now you had to deal with it.

And the worst part was…you left the AC on and now it was chilly as shit in here.

"Of all the things I get mad about…its the AC."

Texas was weird.

You have 6,000,000 Dollars in the Budget.

Choose 1 action.

[]Introduce SHIELD (To the Nation): It is time to at the very least, prepare SHIELD for time in the public spotlight, that being said, letting them know ahead of time will help soften the blow of any...insanity that comes from well, your work. Cost: 20,000 DC: 65 Reward: SHIELD enters the public consciousness. And maybe you even think of a cool acronym.

[]Introduce SHEILD (To Our Allies): SHIELD may be as American as the Red White and Blue, but that doesn't mean we should leave them high and dry, especially since it makes working through paperwork with them...easier. Cost: 50,000 DC: Variable Reward: You make SHEILD known to US allies at home and abroad.
-[]Choose 1.

[]Hire a PR Manager: You'll be the first one to say that you aren't a people person, and that's why you're hiring someone who is, to an extent, your line of work leads to conditional trust in the best of times. Cost: 10,000 DC: 60 Reward: Hire a Manager to manage the Public Relations.

[]Meet the Neighbors: Your small HQ is located inside the NASA campus. Maybe it would be nice to get to know the people. You never know when being friends with the guys responsible for launching satellites into orbit and monitoring them might be useful. Cost: 1,000 DC: 40/100 Reward: Made known to NASA campus

[]Attend a Congressional Hearing: Now normally Congress rarely does anything right with American tax dollars, but even so, they let important things slip from time to time and its important that you pick up those little breadcrumbs before someone picks up something important. Cost: 0 DC: 40 Reward: Look at Congress talk and try to find out if something important is coming up.

[]Talk to fellow a fellow Agency: Communication is key in your line of work, and that is important even if you don't have the care to admit it, talking gets results half the time. Cost: 10,000
DC: Variable, Reward: Talk to one of your fellow US Agencies and get some intelligence.
-[]Write in the group

[]Write in.

Choose 2 actions.

[]Make a Training Regime: You know damn well that if you want the best, your going to need to build them from the ground up, and your going to need to make something that is difficult, yet not impossible, bend them...but do not break... unduly. Cost: 100,000 DC: 40 Reward: Make a Training Regime to separate the ones who have grit and those who do not.

[]Hire Agents: Its time to fill the ranks of SHEILD, fill the offices and have them begin making this organization less of a theory and more of a reality. You're still gonna put them through hell to be the best. Cost:20,000 DC:??? Reward: You hire Agents from across America!

[]Going Hunting: While new, you are still a federal law enforcement agency, with the rights to pursue crime across the entire US. Maybe even solve our money issues by taking money and resources from criminals and terrorist that are found. Cost: 100,000 DC: ??? Reward- Enemy groups elimanated/arrested; resources acquired

[]Security System: Install some a security system on our HQ to keep out unwanted guests.Cost: 200,000 DC:50 Reward- Security System established.

[]Hire Trainers: Training is one thing, having the right amount of encouragement is another, you'll need to find those sorts who...can make said encouragement. Cost:100,000 DC:70 Reward: You hire Trainers from across America! To make your training seem less inhumane…or more inhumane.

[]Acquire Equipment: It's no secret that your organization will need equipment in order to function, heavy equipment, vehicles and more. You'll get it up to the task, and acquire them all. Cost: 1 Million
DC:50 Reward: You acquire Equipment for SHIELD.

[]Acquire a Specialist: You need a field agent worth a scratch that you need someone built for the hardest tasks, the most dangerous missions, and the most difficult operations. Someone you send for when the shit hits the fan. Cost:500,000 DC: ??? Reward: You hire a Specialist who can be your ace in the hole if need be.

[]Write in.

Choose 1 action.

[]Hire a Specialized Accountant: With only 6 Million dollars to your name, and in federal terms that makes you as poor as the day you were born. You need an accountant capable of doing it all and more. Cost:20,000 DC: 25/50/75 Reward: You hire an accountant to manage your money.

[][FREE] Make Maria Hill the Accountant: Or you could just…make Maria do it, she won't mind…probably. Cost: 0DC: 0, Reward: Make Maria Hill head accountant. (Cannot be taken with 'Hire a Specialized Accountant' or 'Make Maria Hill Head of RnD')

[] Stretching the Budget: Now you have a plan in order to make the budget last longer, but it requires a healthy amount of "Half Rationing" enough to make it last, but not enough to make it seem like you are short-changing your agents. Cost: 0 DC:??? Reward: Cleverly try to make your Six Million last longer then it probably should.

[]Finding Financial Backers: Let us be fair, Federal Agencies Outsource to Private Corporations all the time now, now getting them to invest or at least back you… that's another story…hopefully, this is legal. Cost: 1,000 DC: 50 Reward: Find a Private Financial Backer to at least give you a windfall, and owe them a favor.

[]Attempt to Call in the IOU: Congress owes you money, to operate effectively…its time to collect. Cost: 0 DC:??? Reward: GET YOUR REAL BUDGET!

[]Write in.

Choose 2 actions.

[]Set Up a Domestic Network: You know the Importance of Information, and Information needs to be on your desk as soon as possible, now get onto doing it. Cost:100,000 DC: 40 Reward: Set Up the USA Rumor Mill.

[]Blackmail someone: It's an Ugly word… let's call it, applying leverage, shall we. Cost: 50,000
Possible List:
-[]Stark Industries (Tony Stark) DC:60
-[]Hammer Industries (Justin Hammer) DC: 20
-[]Oscorp (Norman Osborn) DC:???
-[]Quest Aerospace DC:40
-[]M.A.R.S. Industries DC:???
-[]Frost International DC: 100
-[]Pym Technologies DC:80
-[]Write In

[]Make a List of Potential Threats: SHIELD needs to have a list of all potential threats and factors on your desk, no matter how absurd and unlikely it may be, you will take no chances. For it is your job to be a paranoid man. Cost: 500,000 DC: 60 Reward: A List of Possible Threats are made that you can keep an eye on.

[]Spy on Other Agencies: It's unseemly, but your first oath is to protect the constitution from foreign and domestic threats…that includes your own sides' idiocy at times. Cost: 15,000 DC: ??? Reward: Spy on your fellow Agencies.
-[]Write in which one.

[]Set Up an International Network: One cannot tunnel vision one's work to just a single nation, the world is far too connected to think that way. Cost:1 Million DC: 80 Reward: Set Up the International Rumor Mill.

[]Write in.

Choose 1 action.

[]Hire an RnD Specialist/Scientist: What you need now is a Scientist that is worth a damn to set up RND. Cost: 150,000 DC:????, Reward: Hire a Scientist!

[][FREE] Make Maria Hill Head of RnD: Make Maria Hill the head of the RnD division. Cost: 0 DC: 0 Reward: Maria Hill is now head of RnD.
(Cannot be taken with 'Make Maria Hill the Accountant')

[]Set up an IT Department: You don't get computers at least not as much as you like, but they are a key factor in the art of modern intelligence.Cost: 20,000 DC: 50 Reward: Make a Proper IT Department so you can work.

[]Build a Lab for RnD: Get one of the unused buildings in the campus and convert it into a laboratory for SHIELD experiments. Cost: 300,000 DC: 80 Reward: SHIELD Laboratory built (????)

[]Rent a Lab for RnD: The NASA campus has multiple labs, some that have fallen in disuse. Maybe it would be best to rent one of them for SHIELD uses. Cost: 100,000 DC: 50 Reward- SHIELD Laboratory accessed (????)

[]Buy a mobile lab for RnD: Instead of renting or building a stationary lab; maybe it would be useful to buy one of the military's mobile labs. While not very advanced and limited, at least it's easier to guard and being mobile helps. Cost: 50,000 DC: 40 Reward- SHIELD Mobile Laboratory acquired (????)

[]Attend a Lecture: You aren't a man of Science, but you are well-read enough to understand the importance of lectures from specialists, maybe you can see what can be considered more possible and what is more left to the realm of the theoretical. Cost: 1,000 DC:??? Reward: Get an Idea from the best and brightest.

[] Bringing a Legend Home (Phase One): If there is one thing Phil always asks you for help is for any data on the possible location of Steve Rogers' plane crashed in the Artic. While being in the CIA gave us some access, now that you are a national agency director; your authorization should allow you more access to more data. Maybe you can solve this nearly 60-year-old Mystery.
Cost: 3,000,000 DC:50/100/150/250/300 Reward- Crash Site located

[]Write in.

Choose 1 action.

[]Phil's Lola: Help Phil restore a cherry-red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette he found in a junkyard. DC: 45 Reward: You and Phil Bond over fixing his Car.

[]Buy Maria a nicer chair: Get one of those expensive chairs for secretaries that are comfortable. DC: 5 Reward: Maria and You go shopping for a really nice Chair.

[]Ask Brother for a loan: Bite the bullet and ask your brother for a loan, despite the insanity that might occur from this. DC: 90, Reward: Hope that your extended Family is...willing to help out.

[][FREE] Play the Lottery: SHIELD needs money, might as well try this out. DC:??? Reward: Gamble and Play the Lottery.

[]Write In

AN:The Turn is Finally up. please vote in plan format.

[X] Plan; Let's Get Setup
-[X]Hire a PR Manager: You'll be the first one to say that you aren't a people person, and that's why you're hiring someone who is, to an extent, your line of work leads to conditional trust in the best of times. Cost: 10,000 DC: 60 Reward: Hire a Manager to manage the Public Relations.
-[X]Security System: Install some a security system on our HQ to keep out unwanted guests.Cost: 200,000 DC:50 Reward- Security System established.
-[X]Acquire a Specialist: You need a field agent worth a scratch that you need someone built for the hardest tasks, the most dangerous missions, and the most difficult operations. Someone you send for when the shit hits the fan. Cost:500,000 DC: ??? Reward: You hire a Specialist who can be your ace in the hole if need be.
-[X][FREE] Make Maria Hill the Accountant: Or you could just…make Maria do it, she won't mind…probably. Cost: 0DC: 0, Reward: Make Maria Hill head accountant. (Cannot be taken with 'Hire a Specialized Accountant' or 'Make Maria Hill Head of RnD')
-[X] Stretching the Budget: Now you have a plan in order to make the budget last longer, but it requires a healthy amount of "Half Rationing" enough to make it last, but not enough to make it seem like you are short-changing your agents. Cost: 0 DC:??? Reward: Cleverly try to make your Six Million last longer then it probably should.
-[X]Set Up a Domestic Network: You know the Importance of Information, and Information needs to be on your desk as soon as possible, now get onto doing it. Cost:100,000 DC: 40 Reward: Set Up the USA Rumor Mill.
-[X]Make a List of Potential Threats: SHIELD needs to have a list of all potential threats and factors on your desk, no matter how absurd and unlikely it may be, you will take no chances. For it is your job to be a paranoid man. Cost: 500,000 DC: 60 Reward: A List of Possible Threats are made that you can keep an eye on.
-[X]Hire an RnD Specialist/Scientist: What you need now is a Scientist that is worth a damn to set up RND. Cost: 150,000 DC:????, Reward: Hire a Scientist!
-[X]Buy Maria a nicer chair: Get one of those expensive chairs for secretaries that are comfortable. DC: 5 Reward: Maria and You go shopping for a really nice Chair.
-[X][FREE] Play the Lottery: SHIELD needs money, might as well try this out. DC:??? Reward: Gamble and Play the Lottery.
-[X][FREE] Play the Lottery: SHIELD needs money, might as well try this out. DC:??? Reward: Gamble and Play the Lottery.

Do we really want to risk losing some of our limited budget to chance? What would Congress think if they find out we're gambling our budget away? They might decide not to fulfill their IOU and give us a real budget if this is how we spend it.
How about studying Howard Stark's Stuff?
I wouldn't mind to study that but we need to get a solid base under us first.

Do we really want to risk losing some of our limited budget to chance? What would Congress think if they find out we're gambling our budget away? They might decide not to fulfill their IOU and give us a real budget if this is how we spend it.
It's a free action that might get us more money, if everyone is against it I don't mind removing it, I just thought it would be funny....
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