Lex Mechanica

@Magus Explorator is there a way for us to have our parties work on secret projects we don't want others to know about? I know there is the outreach decisions each turn but those are more public displays of action more than anything.
Theres no plan up for the Seekers. If someone wants to try to make them less radical now is the time
[X] Plan: Saneish Safeish Governance
- [X] Party: Seekers of the Omnissiah
- [X] 1: Construct an orbital life, taking special care to make sure the workers on the project are treated well and survive
- [X] 2: Reach out to the xeno clans nearest to the landing to attempt to integrate them into our nation, albeit under supervision given their low tech origins. If they refuse integrate them by force. They are not to be exterminated, but annexed so their psychic power can be put to use and their knowledge of the world exploited
- [X] 3: Construct more and greater temples to the Omnissiah, which shall double as places to give some practical education in the ways of the Machine God to the menials. Make sure to stock them with radicals
- [X] 4: Now that we have a massive source of psykers let us use it. Projects will be started to research new technology discover lost archeotech that can utilize these abilities
- [X] 5: massive deregulation of tech heresy and xenotech of all kinds and begin work on discovering and utilizing them
- [X] Outreach: Infiltrate the organs of the mechanicus that the menials and chaff will interact with most and have the best relations with and stack them with as many ultra radicals as we can get

Sorry for the lateness! Been a busy few days
[X] Plan: Saneish Safeish Governance

Radical, but other than the fifth plank which I don't think will be implemented, I feel like it's better enough to not be worth making another plan. And the exploitation of the natives feels more 40K in vibes.
- [X] 2: Reach out to the xeno clans nearest to the landing to attempt to integrate them into our nation, albeit under supervision given their low tech origins. If they refuse integrate them by force. They are not to be exterminated, but annexed so their psychic power can be put to use and their knowledge of the world exploited
ok so this here, this is purge heresy territory. Like serious Exterminatus planet turned into even more of the molten wasteland
ok so this here, this is purge heresy territory. Like serious Exterminatus planet turned into even more of the molten wasteland
Yeah that decision is gonna turn a lot of people against them since the vast majority of Mechanicus members and civilians are firmly anti-xeno. While it won't get the planet exterminatused, they only do that if the situation is unsalvageable, it will get good portion of them purged.
I think we should wait a while before going in with a full campaign to integrate/conquer them.

It is inevitable that as they collectively realize they are losing, they will do something drastic and with their large pool of psykers this will have very unpredictable but very bad for us results.

Let's leave them alone for now and build up a decisive advantage. Right now politically they won't unite over us beating a bunch of tribes because it doesn't seem existential yet.
Yeah that decision is gonna turn a lot of people against them since the vast majority of Mechanicus members and civilians are firmly anti-xeno. While it won't get the planet exterminatused, they only do that if the situation is unsalvageable, it will get good portion of them purged.
Unless your an Inquisitor, or a Rogue trader, or working for one of them, working too close to a Xeno that doesn't involve shooting them usually ends up with everyone killed. And if they end up in power again and with a large majority, they will get us all killed.

That's not even going into the fact making use of our own psykers(not even going into xeno psykers right now) is not allowed as they need to be taken by black ships and sanctified before they are allowed to work in the Imperium.

The tech-heresy is honest par for the course for most tech priests
The enslavement of a xenos race does not strike me as particularly heretical at all to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Now if we were studying xenos technology that would be a certainly different question, but nothing in our dogma says anything about studying the xenos themselves. Indeed, this strikes me as a incredibly valuable opportunity for the genetors to ply their craft. As a reminder, we are the Adeptus Mechanicus. We are officially not a part of the Imperium of Man, but their valued ally and indeed, our dogma is so different to theirs that if we were not such a essential part of their operation we would be undoubtedly all be considered heretics. The Inquisition certainly already does.
ok so this here, this is purge heresy territory. Like serious Exterminatus planet turned into even more of the molten wasteland
Plenty of Imperial regions have their xeno client states

We can always fudge the details and say their abhuman second/third class citizens or slaves

1 in 100 in a psycher imagine the power there even if we just servitorize them instead of exploiting thier abilities fully
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The enslavement of a xenos race does not strike me as particularly heretical at all to the Adeptus Mechanicus. Now if we were studying xenos technology that would be a certainly different question, but nothing in our dogma says anything about studying the xenos themselves. Indeed, this strikes me as a incredibly valuable opportunity for the genetors to ply their craft. As a reminder, we are the Adeptus Mechanicus. We are officially not a part of the Imperium of Man, but their valued ally and indeed, our dogma is so different to theirs that if we were not such a essential part of their operation we would be undoubtedly all be considered heretics. The Inquisition certainly already does.
The frail bodies of these xenos do not seem to be worth the attempt to train them to understand our commands and tasks.