Lex Mechanica

What would be the change from the law change? We already need a majority coalition to create laws so I don't understand what we would be changing
What would be the change from the law change? We already need a majority coalition to create laws so I don't understand what we would be changing
basically you can vote to repeal stuff with outreach action (I make a post before the update to let you guys vote) and also allow them to propose stuff the same way
Again all needs to be voted

Edit : Legislation like " all families should own firearms", "everyone must have a Id", "we should give fair rights of trial for the menials" etc and not "build this or that"
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[X] Yes (Law-making mini-turn)

[X] Plan: Nature's Bounty
-[X] Party: Society of the Living Alloy
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Humanists, Cogs of Justice, Sect of the holy lightning inspiration, Holy machine faction. No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Begin the construction of an orbital lift.
-[X] 2: Set up a temple to the machine god on the forest moon dedicated to the genetic engineer aspect of the Omnissiah. The temple will also serve as a place of learning so new members can be trained as Genetors.
--[X] The temple is set up in a double helix spire to show complexity of beauty of the human genome and give honor to the Omnissiah as the creator of such beauty. Two entwined spires with bridges connecting them.
-[X] 3: Construct facilities to grow, experiment, and refine the newly discovered plant species on the forest moon.
-[X] 4: Construct facilities to monitor the genetic health of the Forge World's population and ensure the propagation of beneficial traits and the removal negative ones through genetic modification and selective match making.
-[X] 5: Create cloning facilities for the production of specialized brains to be used in advanced cogitators.
-[X] Outreach: Create a unique regiment of Skittarii recruited from the forest moon that focus primarily on bioaugments over mechanical ones.

Here is my plan as you can see I support the orbital lift and still want my gene temple. Besides that it is taking advantage of the new plant species as well as entrenching my party on the forest moon.
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Good to know more about the Drens. Once I read that they were stone age in tech I was very against just killing them. Seems that instinct paid off even if there are costs down the road.
[X] The Enlightenment Plan
-[X] The Lighthouse of Humanity
-[X] party represents: Menials, low level Tech Adepts, Geneators
-[X] coalition: yes: Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Glory of the Omnissiah, Sect of Holy Lighting, Society of living metal, holy machine faction No:
-[X] 1) Begin the construction of an orbital lift to allow for effective orbital construction and stellar travel.
-[X] 2) Build an Orbital Station connected to the Orbital Lift to facilitate trade and ship construction
-[X] 3) Expand our Skitarii forces and our fortifications
-[X] 4) Expanded our industrial capacity
-[X] 5) Upgrade our menials housing to Good levels of habitation
-[X] Outreach- the party shall fund the creation of schools to teach menials who show both the proper dedication to the Omnisia and the lesser mysteries of the machine. Those who excel shall be risen to the priesthood while those who don't but pass the standards will take the tedious tasks that "waste" tech priests time
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I'll promised space vietnam and I'm not breaking this promise.

[X] Plan: Campfire
-[X] Party Name: Cogs of Justice
-[X] Party Represents: All (No one is above or below the Law.)
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Anyone willing. No: Extreme Radicals and Seekers of the Omnissiah.
-[X] 1: Build Space Ports in optimal logistics locations.
-[X] 2: Build Officer Academy for Mechanicus Army
-[X] 3: Build Light Artillery factory.
-[X] 4: Construct massive ammunition factory.
-[X] 5: Start aerial firebombing, which aims to start massive forest fires.
-[X] Outreach: Investigate current factories for any sign of law breaking.

[x] Yes (Law-making mini-turn)
[X] The Enlightenment Plan

btw whats the rules for forming new parties? kind of thinking of doing SPACE party who're all about stuff off world.
[X] Plan: reaching for the stars
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Beginn the planing stage of the "Mechadendrites for Sidonia" Special project (space elevators&associated infrastructure)
-[X] 2: Increase co-operation between experienced Tech-Priests and the schools, so the learning get more guidance from the experienced and can gain the attention of those experienced who consider them promising.
-[X] 3: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!
[X] Plan: To the Beyond!
-[X] Party Name: Sidonian Explorer's Party
-[X] Party represents: Magi (Leads the Scout Parties), Genetors (Catalogue and Study Everything Encountered), Logi(Makes Sure the Expeditions Don't Run Out of Supplies), Chaff(Skitarii or Armed Servants of the Leading Explorers)

-[X] Coalition: Yes. Generally anyone that's cool with exploring but the party has a radical bent and foundation so likes radical parties more because practically exiled into the fringes are where the unorthodox admech members go so they might as well go exploring.

-[X] 1. Use the explosion of faith and energy to get more people to rapidly build enough factories that build ships and the infrastructure to maintain them to enable transit from the forge to the moon and other places in the system for future exploration missions.

-[X] 2. Begin negotiations with the Drens for a lasting peace treaty. After which begin trading with the Drens after the tribes that we defeated have calmed down from fighting other tribes for their land to reduce unleashing a truly destabilizing event. We want more information about the world. Study their biology, especially their psykers. They get better stone age tools to limit the chance of the tribes closest to us getting too powerful.

-[X] 3. Study the lava worms. Their biology, life cycle, environment etc. Do this with the immediate aim to figure out how to harvest their mineral excrete balls to immediately fuel our industries without having to go through the trouble of digging for them with long term plans to domesticate such creatures.

-[X] 4. Create schools and academies that can take in aspiring genetors and logi from the chaff. Offer them a general education course with the usual specializations we have access to but our real reason is so that we can test and pick out the best of the interested recruits to educate them in proper exploring.

-[X] 5. Build a set of space stations around our system that can keep watch and be good bases to launch expeditions from.

-[X] Outreach: Establish local explorer's clubs and associations all over Sidonian population centers and have them do some local exploring. Membership is open to all members of the electorate.

-[X] Ideology: A splinter group from the Seeker's of the Omnissiah that wishes for a more exploratory emphasis on the radical nature of their platforms. Currently this manifests as exploring Sidonia and building the infrastructure that will help accomplish that.

Let us take advantage of the enthusiasm of the people and create the basis for future in system travel.
basically you can vote to repeal stuff with outreach action (I make a post before the update to let you guys vote) and also allow them to propose stuff the same way
Again all needs to be voted

Edit : Legislation like " all families should own firearms", "everyone must have a Id", "we should give fair rights of trial for the menials" etc and not "build this or that"

I don't really see the benefits of that. If someone wants to create different laws they should advocate it instead of being able to force it through with an outreach action
[X] Plan: Total Mobilization
-[X] Party Name: The Steel Cult
-[X] Party Represents: The Logi, The Artisans, The Chaff
-[X] Coalition: Yes: Illuminated Mechanicus, Cogs of Justice, Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus.
No: Seekers of the Omnissiah. No extreme Radicals, general dislike of Magi.
-[X] 1: Construct a great manufactorum complex to kickstart war equipment production, emphasize the defensive capabilities of such buildings. Focus on quick mass production of conventional weapons and armor first such as las weaponry, flame weapons and plasteel armor while creating specialized assembly lines for more complex and slower to produce equipment second. With the discovery of the wonder material named Saturnite quickly jumpstart a blades and bayonets production line.
-[X] 2: Fortify existing vital factories, mining and refining plants, hab-blocks and agri-domes. Do this by constructing fortifications, war infrastructure for the quick movement of emergency resources and personnel and increasing security forces to prevent acts of sabotage or wrecking.
-[X] 3: Have trusted Artisans in our weapon design bureau explore Saturnite uses in both armor and ammunition production. Have them also collaborate with the Society of the Living Alloy most capable Genetors to explore the viability of using the newly discovered "Redbark tree sap" as a viable mass produced weapon.
-[X] 4: Construct several promethium refinery plants.
-[X] 5: Plan the construction of the first Sidonian Plasma Reactor.
-[X] Outreach: Expand the Steel Cult influence among the ranks of the military. Utilize propaganda and fiery sermons denouncing its inaction and mercenary nature to sway its memebers while ephasizing the near xeno menace and the Steel Cult uncompromising stance. Start first with the the more warlike or orthodox members and then proceed to the rest.

These dangerous savage xenos are an insult to the Machine God! Their high psyker potential and their blood rites already show them to be on only dangerous chaos puppets in the making! One wonders how many of them are already corrupted, plotting and scheming to bring us ruin! But we must be strong, arm ourselves and prepare to the inevitable conflict that will start. Our forces are small and ill equiped, we all must make great sacrifices to enable them to grow and exterminate this xeno menace.
[X] Plan: reaching for the stars (COSASG)
-[X] Party Name: Illuminated Mechanicus
-[X] Party Represents: Magi, Logi
-[X] Coalition:
--[X] Yes: Holy Machine Faction, United,Sect of Holy Lighting Inspiration, Society of the Living Alloy,Humanists,Luminen of the Forsaken Calculus, Warriors of the Machine God, The Price Ascetic
--[X] No: Seekers of the Omnissiah
-[X] 1: Beginn the planing stage of the "Mechadendrites for Sidonia" Special project (space elevators&associated infrastructure)
-[X] 2: Increase co-operation between experienced Tech-Priests and the schools, so the learning get more guidance from the experienced and can gain the attention of those experienced who consider them promising.
-[X] 3: Institute a system of testing to open up the way into the schools for capable menials and to ease the way from the schools to Tech-Priesthood of the specialization most fitting the pupil.
-[X] 4: Institute a new Standard work shift system, four six hour shifts shall be instituted with each preceded and followed by time for shift changes and a short service for the workers, making for a total of seven hours spent at the workplace for six days a week. This will ensure maximum productivity for every workhour, Ave Omnissiah.
-[X] 5: Create a body, invested with the power to determine and prescribe better working safety regulations in order to maintain the health of the Workforce. An Experienced Workforce is a productive Workforce. Ave Omnissiah
-[X] Outreach: Further infiltrate the schools, teach Sidonias new generation both the secrets of the Forgeworlds we left and to share their knowledge with other Mechanicus of Sidonia, sharing the gifts of the Omnissiah strengthens the Forgeworlds productivity. And a productive Forgeworld is practical praise to the Omnissiah!

Well after a failed independent run, the COSASG has decided to join the illuminated Mechanicus ticket.