Started the first part of writing the updates - the rolls.

Happy to report you only failed one thing.

Buuut it's probably not the one you wanted to fail.

Hopefully this turn we'll be able to fill in one of the important things I've forgotten about - the actual name of the city. Feel free to brainstorm ahead of time.

Stay tuned.

City Having Orks, Chork.
Turn 1 Result - Part 1
Dis is your job now (Stewardship) - Morgog Pigfoot
When you tell Morgog to not focus on the piggies yet, he huffs a bit, but accepts your orders. Knowing when to talk back - almost never - is a good thing for an Greenskin. Leaving his dear boars with his "helper" Goblins, most of whom will get ate, the Herda starts herdin gits, directing them to start work.

Morgog Is Now Your Stewardship Advisor

Work, Work
Organize a programme of tree chopping, to gather wood and clear space around the camp. It'll even burn off some rowdyness, although most plants don't fight back. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Wood, more space | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 94 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 113 | 2/1 Successes)

The Orcs have been chopping down trees just to have something to fight, but under Morgog's keen eyes they go at it like they're fighting puny humies. In days the top of the hill is free of trees - in a few months, there is a wide clearing down to where the land starts leveling off.

To further clear the ground Morgog has Gobbos pull up every small plant they can. The little gits delight in throwing the weeds into camp fires, dancing around and cheering at the destruction. Meanwhile the Black Orcs challenge themselves by pulling up stumps barehanded. By the end of the first few months you have a savaged hill and a big stack of felled trees, slowly being added to as the tribe continues the tree slaughter.

Gained +2 Wood Resource
City Site Cleared Of Trees
+1 Wood Per Year
Morgog Pigfoot Gained Experience - ???

Boss Hut First!
Of course the boss needs the biggest and bestest hut around, and he needs it now! (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Boss Hut | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 33 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 52 | 1/1 Successes)

The lumber doesn't stay still for long. Morgog's first attempt to create your Boss Hut involves burying a large tree trunk upright, then balancing smaller trunks on it to make a structure like the pointy top of a humie tower. But Morgog quickly decides this isn't good enough, and has his gits pull it apart. Next he sets down two rows of trunks, leaning on each other, forming a sort of tunnel. But it quickly gets confusing which end is the "front", so Morgog pulls it down again.

Finally, Morgog finds something that works. Getting the Black Orcs to do some "tac-tical" chops, he has them cut notches into the end of the logs, allowing them to lock together like wooden teef. Using this method Morgog makes a box, further cutting in a rough door and even a window. Logs chopped in half form the floor, and going back to the previous design he adds a triangle roof.

The resulting hut is crude, even to an Orc, and there isn't enough room to swing a Gobbo. But it's yours, so it went up first, and that makes it special. In between your own tasks you take the time to give the Herda a gruff "Gud Job". Morgog response with a nod, and notes he could do better with better stuff to build with.

Boss Hunt Constructed
Type - Basic (No Bonuses)
-1 Wood Resource

Bas-ic Barracks
Blacks like being nice and proper, and having some place to store their weapons away from grubby thiving things. MUST BE TAKEN WITH OR AFTER Boss Hut First (Resources: Building Material (e.g. Wood) | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Black Ork Barracks | Chance of Success: 80%)
(DC 20 | Roll 13 + 19 (Morgog's Stewardship) = 32 | 1/1 Successes)

Deciding to not remake the choppa Morgog just makes the same kind of hut he made for you for your gits. It's longer but narrower, and the Black Orcs don't waste time in choosing a seemingly random spot as theirs, dropping their weapons and other knick knacks to mark their territory. It only gets properly marked when a thieving Gobbo gets caught and impaled on a stick outside - a good warning to any git that wants a go.

Black Orc Barrack Constructed
Type - Basic (No Bonuses)
-1 Wood Resource

Patrol Da Land
Organize patrols around your camp, mainly with your faster cavalry, giving you advanced warning of anyone approaching and getting some scouting done as well. (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Continual patrols of local area | Chance of Success: 95%)
(DC 5 | Roll 83 - 20 (Jungle Environment) = 63 | 1/2 Successes)

You yell at the Boar Boys to go scouting again, but then leave them to organize themselves. Before a fight can start over who has to go, the smarter Big 'Un Boss - Beanie - had the idea of drawing lots. Three twigs later, and a fight breaks out over "Ose 'tick iz shorta" before one of the bands gets ganged up on and forced out. A couple of weeks later they wander back in, apparently having got bored and hungry, and another band is forced out. This repeats - so far you're yet to hear any results.

Scouting System In The Works
Big 'Uns Annoyed At Having to Do It
One Year Of Work Remaining

Sneaky look round - Odd Pilla
Have some more sneaky gits scout an area. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: Knowledge of location | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 73 - 10 (Time) = 63 | 1/1 Successes)

You also yell at the Nasty Skulkers, telling them to go check up on the Odd Pilla you almost settled at. Off they shulk, and you don't see any of them around for quite a while. Finally one creeps up to ya, and once you slap him a bit for sneaking around he tells you that the Gobbos have seen a whole lot of nothing. One git thought he found a footprint, but it turned out to be his own.

No Evidence Of Other Groups At Odd Pilla

Youz A Black Rock Git Now!
Need more citizens? There are a couple stragglers pokin around, wack em round the head and induct them into the tribe (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Years | Reward: More citizens | Chance of Success: 100%)
(DC 25/50/75/100 | Roll 89 + 10 (Jungle Environment) = 99 | 1/1 Successes)

Well, it's slim pickins for sure. In dribs and drabs Greenskins that lurk at the edge of the camp are nabbed, dragged to someplace central, then given a good kickin till they get the message. Mostly it's Gobbos and Snotlings - and you didn't properly have any of those before, so that's a bit nice. You get a bare handful of Orcs, but some prove themselves Black Orcs by instinctively lashing out when gits come for them. These ones are seized by their established brethren, and dragged to the Barracks to be inducted in the Proper Way of being a Black Orc.

More Citizens
Black Orcs - 3d2 = 4
Orcs - 3d4 = 11
Goblins - 3d10 = 12
Snotlings - 3d25 = 30

Dis is your job now (Learning) - Hozzy Ironsmasher
It's a wet day when Hozzy comes to find you in your Boss Hut. It gets quite damp in the jungle, and you've had to pay close attention to your gear to stop it rusting. When the Smith enters, carrying a leather sack, you've got Crumper on the log you're using as a rough table, using a leather rag to rub it down. Bloodletta is next to you, already done.

Hozzy stands and watches for a while - you're happy to make him wait, focused on your task - before speaking "Youz gots some pig fat for day?" You pause, looking up at your lacky, and he keeps going, "Rubbin pig on metal fat keaps it 'rom rustin for longa. Gives a noice shine too."

Hozzy Is Now Your Learning Advisor

Talkin - Hozzy Ironsmasher
Go have a chat with another character. Maybe you'll learn something about them. FIRST IS FREE (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: Knowledge About Characters | Chance of Success: 100%)
(Gorzha's Roll 39 + 8 (Gorzha's Diplomacy) = 47)
(Hozzy's Roll 10 + 7 (Hozzy's Diplomacy) = 17)

"Yeah? Dat some smithin kunnin?" You turned Crumper over, and started attacking a stubborn stain from a Stormrat's brains, while keeping your focus on Hozzy. He shrugged, scratching at his rough chin.

"Supose so. I knows a 'ew otha tricks. Loike usin sand n'd grit ta make it shiny, n'd usin pig-bristles ta get in da cracks. It ain't 'bout kunnin 'eally, just knowin"

"And youz knows a lot, youz do. W'ere did ya learn it?"

Hozzy paused, an uncertain look on his face, before nodding. "Frum sum gits. Back up in da 'Umpire."

"The humie lands? Youz come from dere den?" You stopped rubbing, putting aside the cloth, and lifted up Crumper from the middle to check the balance.

"Yeh. Ozlund, dey call it. Lotta dark foests, lotta creepy tings about. Humies get so scared of it all dey drink a lotta grog. Nut bad, summa it."

"Roight." You're starting to get bored of this talking. Putting Crumper down beside you, you clap your hands, causing the hut to shake slightly. "I told ya ta go off do cleva stuff, so whot ya got for me?"

Green Is Always Good
There are a lot of plants around. Maybe you can find something useful? (Resources: n/a | Time: 2 Years | Reward: Useful resources | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 43 + 17 (Hozzy's Learning) = 60 | 1/2 Successes)

From the sack Hozzy pulled a handful of plant stuff, then dumped them on the table. "Pants aint my spec-al-ty, soz Iz bin winging it mustly. Grabbed one'a that Night Gobbos, had'em point out sum tuff dey knew. Dis one," he points to a violently red flower, "when ya get inna gits blud, burns real bad. Dis," a odd yellow fruit "iz pretty tasty - grows in sum trees. And dis, " pointing now to a dirty brown root "issa pain-stoppa. Iz pretty gud too - I rubb dit onna boy 'fter wackin Im wif me hamma, 'nd 'e said it didn 'urt so much." Hozzy scratched his chin thoughtfully, "'Though Iz did wack 'im in da 'ead, so he mighta jus' bin nocked silly."

You pick up the fruit, give it a sniff, then bite into it. The inside proves to be somewhat soft and creamy, with some black bits adding a bit of crunch. "Iz alroight, I supose. Wez gunna be aba ta farm dis 'tuff?"

"Iz still lernin how dey grow 'un tuff, but muybe. Might needa find sume Gobbos dat know 'bout furmin."

Selection Of Plants Discovered
Red Flower That Causes Non-Lethal Burning Sensation
Yellow Fruit That Tastes Niceish
Brown Root That Dulls Pain
One Year Of Work Remaining

"Youz do dat." You threw what was left of the fruit out in the window - where it hit a passing Orc in the face - and pointed at Hozzy's sack. "Wut else ya got fur me?"

Why though? - Local Wildlife
Study something of interest, hopefully you'll find something useful. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 48 + 17 (Hozzy's Learning) = 65 | 1/1 Successes)

First comes small, brightly coloured bird with a snapped arrow still sticking into it. "Tweety git didn shut up. And dey was talkin back ta me!

Hozzy pours a handful of green scales onto the table. As you pick on up, he explains; "Buncha big liz-ards, runnin on t'o legs. Wez was spottin dem as we waz travlin 'ere, but deres sume sniffin round da camp - duh, city. Arrow Boy managed to wing one, but dere pretty tougf and jus' ran ouf."

You consider the scales, pinching one between your fingers to test the toughness. "Got any idas for wut we canz use dem for?"

"' I dunno whot liz-ard tastes loike, but Iz gues we coulds hunt dem. Sum gits moight loike dere teef fur trinkits. Alough Iz gots sums tings I wanna test."

Large, Two Legged Lizards Are About

"Tellz mez 'bout it later. Iz wanna know whot ya found in da riva."

Shiny Rocks Rock!
Apparently there are some shiny rocks in the river. Probably should find out what they are, and how they can be used. (Resources: n/a | Time: 1 Year | Reward: ??? | Chance of Success: ???%)
(DC ??? | Roll 87 + 17 (Hozzy's Learning) = 104 | 2/1 Successes)

With probably undue care, Hozzy takes out a red-ish rock out and plonks it down. "Dis? Dis iz irun. Propa gud 'tuff to, youz can tell cause itz red loike blud. I tink. Anywayz, Iz can start buildin a smelta 'nd start makin bars of da good 'tuff inna year or too. Itll taka lotta charcoal, soz I'd needa set dat up az well, but afta dat we'ze be rollin." You reach for the ore, but Hozzy is already reaching back into the sack. "But dats not all Iz found. Lookie at dis."

Something in you starts to burn as Hozzy brings out a small, glinting rock. It's no bigger than a Snotling's fist, but you snatch it up before the smith can place it down, and hold it up to your eye. It glistens merrily.

"Gold," you mutter, before raising the nugget up high. Without looking away from it, you ask "Is dere mure of it?"

"Uuuuh, sure, lots. I dink da iruns from da cliff - moight needa set up sum minin - but I dunno were da gold comes from-"

"WELL FIND OUT!" The wooden cracks as you slam a fist down, glaring at Hozzy. Your other hand is stealthy dropping the gold into an armor pouch. "Dis tuff - da gold, an da irun - iz gonna be da foun-da-tion of dis city! We'ze gonna be rich, and we'ze gonna be armed to da teef! Dis is gonna put da city on da map!"

Iron Ore & Gold Discovered In River
Iron Likely From Cliff, Requires Mining
Unknown Amount & Source Of Gold Nuggets

"Er, yeah, but er… whotz it gonna be called?"

You pause, brain stuttering to a stop. "Wut?"

"Well, boss," Hozzy shuffles uncomfortably, "I dun tink you - er, uz, got round ta namin dis place? We'ze aint got a propa name, loike Red Eye Mou-tain, or Black Crag, an'it kinda feelz off…" he trails off, watching you.

"...Iz did name dis place," you say confidently, hiding the fact you're desperately searching for ideas, "I jus aint got round ta tell you gits yet. Dis place… dis city… iz gonna be called-"

[ ] Name

Come up with a name, it can be as long, complicated, or stupid as you want. Just make it orcy!
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Confused about "Ankh-Mork-Gork" and "Lorkdon".
For the former I get that Gork & Mork are there but I'm blanking on the first word.
For the latter the closest I can think of is London, but I don't really like how it sounds though.
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Either way, the names of the cities will be interesting. On another point, we have more goblins and our big unz won't complain about it which is why it was the drawback of getting an army of mostly orcs with only one unit of goblins, a nasty skulkers...and night goblins but until we create city in the cliff, I doubt they will be especially useful in the open.
Having our city include something about the cliff might be a good idea, but the only thing coming to mind is the "Clif Jumpas" and I'm sure it's possible for something better to come up.

EDIT: I have decided "Deff Peak" sounds good for this.
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