"-don't have the numbers to stand off an army!" one of the Green mages hisses.
"fend off"? "fight off"?
Especially since I spend half my time wondering just how much of what's say about the artifacts is wrong."
"what's said"? "what she's saying"?
While reactions vary (Fillia says some very unkind things about the Regent when you tell her what his messenger said to the Archmage) everyone wishes you the best.
There should be a comma after that parenthesis.
As you walk in, you're nearly floored by the nearly-visible haze of Green magic filling the entire room.
This is repetitive. I recommend changing one of the "nearly"s to "almost".
"Thank you," you say before glancing around the room. "So… how does this work?"
There should be a comma after "say".
shivering a little from the combination of the Green magic still sufficing your being,
Hopping up yourself, you follow her as she stars making her way towards a side door.
Several waterfalls tumble off a long slope that seems to have been purposely carved to provide a roof for the rest of the city.
Katrina is finish pushing a chair into place in front of the desk before making her way around to the other side.
Something went wrong here, but I'm not sure what.
"I'm should probably think you're full of it," she says.
"But honestly, I don't think anyone could make something that wierd that up."
Firstly, "wierd" should be "weird". Secondly, that "that" should not be there.
"Wait a minute, you're the person who started that bar fight, aren't you!"
I feel like this sentence should end in a question mark, either in place of or in addition to the exclamation point.
"Angi's still telling that story, huh?"
The four of you laps back into silence for the rest of the flight,
Staring up at the collapsed ruins of what had probably once been a sky-door: a traditional part of every Green holding that allowed dragon-forms to fly in and out at will, you're forced to accept that there's nothing here.
That colon should be a comma.
It was still night; the only faint glows coming from the banked fire and the stars shining from outside.
I'm pretty sure that semi-colon should also be a comma.
The watch must have changed: Mary's asleep on her bedroll, and Mercia's moved to sit near the pegasi, her lance glinting slightly as she stares out the door.
I'm pretty sure that colon should be something else, but I'm not sure what.
You frown: everything seems alright, but dream-you had told you that you needed to wake up.
That colon should be a period, and "everything" should be capitalized.
a quiet whistling from Mercia as she strokes her pegasi's mane
"Pegasi" is plural.
It could be nothing: just an animal that had found its way in and was using this place as a nest.
That colon should be a comma.
Maybe that's what your dream had been trying to warn you about: maybe there were monsters here too?
That colon should be something else. I feel like it should be a semi-colon, but I'm not sure.
You hesitate for a moment: the Whitewings had been using this place for ages
That colon should be a period, and "the" should be capitalized.
After that moment, however, you shake your head: there's no harm in going to take a quick look.
That colon should be a period, and "there's" should be capitalized.
This must have been what your dream had been warning you about: you must have heard them in your sleep and your subconscious recognized the threat!
That colon should be something else. I think it's a semi-colon, but I'm not sure.
By the sound of it, they're going
Something is missing here.
[X] Strike now. The bandits aren't all in yet, if you hit now, you might be able to drive them off before they can bring their greater numbers to bear.
-[X] You can see them, and they can't see you, you are also an accredited Mage who can fly even if you're not bringing your Dragon-Self into the equation, and presumably, they're not going to fight to the death if they don't have to. So you probably don't have to kill every last one of them before they'll break and run. You sincerely doubt they're going to charge into a chokepoint when there's a Mage who can cast Arcthunder blasting them from the shadows.
--[X] So the answer's simple, before they know you're here, take the one who can see out first, hit him with everything you've got! Take him out of the fight before he can guide his allies forward.
---[X] Between the flashes of thunder and your wings, and their lack of night vision for the most part, you should be able to relocate between every attack, keep your distance, make use of the terrain to keep them back--the noise of your blasting should wake your escort, and you can trust them to have their act together. But the most important thing is to keep them on edge, to abuse your ability to see while they're floundering in the shadows, and hopefully they'll break and run before you have to step things up a notch.
I like the general thrust of this plan, but there's one part that concerns me. Namely, that Arcthunder might be too powerful and collapse the cave based on what happened when Ryza was learning it. I think it might be a good idea to dial this down to Elthunder.