Renegade Chapter Master Quest (WH40k Quest)

[X] Plan Let's end it

I'm game. Figured more people would want to try diplomacy first so I tried to accommodate but hell, I'm down for just going for him.

@Ragingbear21 the plan does say "Sub-Sector Asgardia" when it should be Sub-Sector Odin by the way.
Like, negotiating with him is extremely naive, since it 'proves' our meddling with governments, which is exactly what he's been railing against us for.
And killing him and replacing him with a puppet will disprove it how exactly? Going out in force with no just cause other than him talking about how we interfere with planetary government autonomy is kinda proving his point. Like right now the plans are basically "Surrender or Die" and "Accept these reasonable terms or Die". If he accepts and everyone else gets a copy of the treaty and then tries to stab us in the back, then that means that no one can say we didn't try.

Also, it will be harder for him to do that without the majority of Battlefleet Odin which my plan will have him surrender what he took from Battlefleet Asgardia if he accepts.
And killing him and replacing him with a puppet will disprove it how exactly? Going out in force with no just cause other than him talking about how we interfere with planetary government autonomy is kinda proving his point. Like right now the plans are basically "Surrender or Die" and "Accept these reasonable terms or Die". If he accepts and everyone else gets a copy of the treaty and then tries to stab us in the back, then that means that no one can say we didn't try.

Also, it will be harder for him to do that without the majority of Battlefleet Odin which my plan will have him surrender what he took from Battlefleet Asgardia if he accepts.

The issue isn't disproving him. It's getting him to shut the hell up by executing him. He's our only real competition in the sector, barring the Mechanicus (who are staying out of it), so it should force the every other planetary government in line, so to speak, especially if we send detachment to give them a head's up. Remember that interplanetary communication through the warp is difficult, and rare. We'll be able to spin the story as we wish.
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It'll probably come to a vote after the action like with the Cruiser and favor.
No, it will be a chaotic free for all because you took out the only centralised leadership in the sector whilst providing no alternative. This is the sort of thing where you need to take steps to deal with it before hand if you don't want to flail about and wing it after the deed is done.
He's our only real competition in the sector,
No, there is the Order of Sacred Storm.
Also everyone voting for Plan Let's end it, what exactly are you charging Reximus with in terms of crimes and what's your proof/evidence for said charges?
Also everyone voting for Plan Let's end it, what exactly are you charging Reximus with in terms of crimes and what's your proof/evidence for said charges?
Perhaps negligence/straight up incompetence? As I said before, the guy has done nothing but divide the remaining forces in the sector by taking men and resources from the navy and has chosen to ignore the plights of most worlds in favour of building up his own personal army. He has neglected his responsibilities as a Sector Lord.

Last minute edit: Then again, it's only a suggestion. I'd like to read what the thread thinks.
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Folks, folks.

Everyone voting for killing the Lord Sector. Look at what the QM just said.

No, it will be a chaotic free for all because you took out the only centralised leadership in the sector whilst providing no alternative. This is the sort of thing where you need to take steps to deal with it before hand if you don't want to flail about and wing it after the deed is done.

Neither plan addresses this. AT ALL.

We have been dealing with brushfire conflicts of friendly planets fighting each other a couple of times every turn and getting tired of it.

This is confirmation/a warning from the QM that if we kill Reximus, everything starts burning. We go from 2 brushfires to 15+ overnight.

Just as our tutorial free time where the major enemy factions were not attacking us ends.

We can't kill him the way things are set right now.
Also everyone voting for Plan Let's end it, what exactly are you charging Reximus with in terms of crimes and what's your proof/evidence for said charges?

Honestly I think a solid argument could be made for incompetence/cowardice, not damning perhaps but a Lord Sector sitting in his capital with his fleets and armies and slandering the local (beloved) Astartes who are trying to keep order whilst the sector burns would lead to execution in the imperium unless they had a very good reason. I know we aren't in the imperium anymore but I feel as if the culture may have persisted enough for us to take advantage

Truth be told my vote comes from the idea of dealing with Reximus before he becomes entrenched beyond his local sector and is a superior to us and the fact that he is unlikely to want to deal with us unless we gave him severe concessions

That said I am open to changing my vote, all of the plans proposed have merit IMO

Edit: also we should have a concrete plan for post Reximus, whether that's us turtling on our homeworld if we fail or a proper leadership being established.
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Folks, folks.

Everyone voting for killing the Lord Sector. Look at what the QM just said.

Neither plan addresses this. AT ALL.

We have been dealing with brushfire conflicts of friendly planets fighting each other a couple of times every turn and getting tired of it.

This is confirmation/a warning from the QM that if we kill Reximus, everything starts burning. We go from 2 brushfires to 15+ overnight.

Just as our tutorial free time where the major enemy factions were not attacking us ends.

We can't kill him the way things are set right now.

Just because we haven't planned for what happens after doesn't mean we can't just modify the plan we already have. Killing Reximus causes everything to burn if we don't slot ourselves into his place as 'lords' of the sector and assume his roles. Just got to get @Ragingbear21 to modify the plan to account for it. If he doesn't appear, I'll try my hand at adding a modified version.
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[x] Plan No fighting in the War Room!
--[X] Have Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson look into different worlds to establish as recruiting worlds for the chapter.
--[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
--[X] Have master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson cleanse any remaining chaos taint on Malmur and establish a loyal government after the fight is over.
-[X] Deployment
--[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle barge Void Thunderer, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance)
--[X] Home Guard (5th company using 8th company strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
--[X] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms)
---[x] Objective: Open Diplomatic negotiations
----[x] Main points: Assert Chapter Independence, set up channels of communication, discuss threats to the Sector, discuss ways the Chapter can support increasing Sector resilience in the long term, discuss plans for retaking lost Sub-sectors.
-----[x] If the Sector Lord ignores our request for audience, attempt to do the same thing with the leadership of the assembled Imperial Guard and Battlefleet instead.
--[x]Sentinels of Sif (7th Company)
---[x] Discuss similar diplomatic concerns as with the Sector Lord.
--[x] Forge World Loki (9th Company)
--[x] Black Market of Kjede (4th company)
--[x] Patrolling Odin Sub-Sector (10th Company and Battle Barge Ardent Storm)

-[X] Production
--[X] 1 Production for 5 Heavy Weapons
--[X] 24 Production for 12 rhino
--[X] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favor)
-[X] Chapter Organisation
--[X] Assign "Monsterslayer" to Chapter Champion Sig Stormson

This plan completely gets rid of the idea of attacking, arresting or killing Reximus. Its all about actually talking to people and getting a defence plan for the Sector in place. Show our face, look reasonable, and get in the room to see what everyone's opinion is.

Also, it sets us to talk to the Sisters of Battle, Forgeworld Loki and engage in the new mechanic the QM introduced of Patrolling sub-sectors to handle problems as they arise.

Why split our forces?

This is the last breather turn we will have in a while. We received a passive Production bonus this turn from talking to Forgeworld Odin, so I want to get that from Forgeworld Loki.

I also want to talk to the Sisters of Battle to align with them on defense of the Sector and how we can help one another.

Talk to everyone who can be an ally first. Assume nothing. We need a unified response to get the most out of the assets and forces we have available.
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Killing Reximus causes everything to burn if we don't slot ourselves into his place as 'lords' of the sector and assume his roles
It won't necessarily be that bad. There is middle ground between a relatively smooth transition of power and everything burning.

Also, this isn't something you can just fix with some actions this turn. You either take preparation this turn and deal with Reximus next turn or you deal with him this term and accept the fallout. I would have mentioned this early, but I apparently I misjudged how easy the thread would consider just removing Reximus from power.
Also everyone voting for Plan Let's end it, what exactly are you charging Reximus with in terms of crimes and what's your proof/evidence for said charges?
As others have said, a combination of incompetence, cowardice, and even a bit of treason I think. And maybe even a charge of being a threat to the security of the Sector.

Incompetence: He's been doing nothing but gathering and building his forces while the Sector is on fire.

Cowardice: The one time he did deploy his forces was to deal with a direct threat to his seat of power aka, Him.

Treason: He took advantage of the chaos of the Imperiums withdraw from the Sector to suborn 2/3rds of what was left of Battle Fleet Asgardia, the naval force that's supposed to protect the whole Sector, for his own personal use. He even named his pilfered Fleet "Battle Fleet Odin". As in Sub-Sector Odin, as in the Sub-Sector he, personally, Rules.

Threat: His actions show a clear pattern of intent, centralizing as much power as he can even at the cost of ignoring threats to the Sector. There's very little doubt he would continue his behavior to the point of threatening the Autonomy of us, the Order of the Sacred Storm, and maybe even the Mechanicus or Sub-Sector Governors.
Guys, I think the QM just told us OOC, that this plan is not good.
No, I'm just making sure that the thread isn't under a misapprehension about how the plan will work. The plan can definitely work if your plan is to get rid of Reximus, I just wanted to make sure that people were aware of the consequences of doing so because some voters seemed to be under a different impression.

Whether or not the plan is good or bad depends on what you want out of it. You want to get rid of Reximus, it is good. If you want sector stability and less fires to put out, it is bad. A bad plan would be something like attempting the Jotunheim raid with just one company or attempting to nab the Emperor Titan that the Orks and Chaos are fighting over.

Also, I'm going to bed now and I might let this vote go on longer than I have been letting them go for the quest since I've got Dawn of War II to keep my occupied tomorrow.
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As for what happens after Reximus is dealt with, I figure we just have Torvuld meet with the various Sub-Sector governors and chose one of them to be the new Lord Sector. Either that or have him parse through the various higher ups of Vanaheim to see if he can find a decent replacement.
As for what happens after Reximus is dealt with, I figure we just have Torvuld meet with the various Sub-Sector governors and chose one of them to be the new Lord Sector. Either that or have him parse through the various higher ups of Vanaheim to see if he can find a decent replacement.

perhaps instead of a sector lordship, we could form a sector Council? Invite the sisters, mechanicus and obviously ourselves to it. Perhaps add others to it if we deem it necessary. This is just an idea, don't know how feasible it is.
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perhaps instead of a sector lordship, we could form a sector Council? Invite the sisters, mechanicus and obviously ourselves to it. Perhaps add others to it if we deem it necessary. This is just an idea, don't know how feasible it is.
And the Sub-Sector governors and Fleet admiral of the BFA, can't exclude them. And given there's only three forge worlds would probably be best if they each get a representative.

But yeah, it's an idea.
No, it will be a chaotic free for all because you took out the only centralised leadership in the sector whilst providing no alternative. This is the sort of thing where you need to take steps to deal with it before hand if you don't want to flail about and wing it after the deed is done.

No, there is the Order of Sacred Storm.
Also everyone voting for Plan Let's end it, what exactly are you charging Reximus with in terms of crimes and what's your proof/evidence for said charges?
Yeah, that's kind of the thing. We so far haven't made any plans for this whole thing instead of "fuck that guy" without actually planning for what happens when what's seen as the legitimate sector leadership is suddenly murdered by the sector's protectors.
Honestly I think a solid argument could be made for incompetence/cowardice, not damning perhaps but a Lord Sector sitting in his capital with his fleets and armies and slandering the local (beloved) Astartes who are trying to keep order whilst the sector burns would lead to execution in the imperium unless they had a very good reason.
As others have said, a combination of incompetence, cowardice, and even a bit of treason I think. And maybe even a charge of being a threat to the security of the Sector.

Incompetence: He's been doing nothing but gathering and building his forces while the Sector is on fire.
Dude, it's pretty damn hypocritical to call him incompetent for sitting around building up his forces when Battlefleet Asgardia has literally been doing the exact same thing. Hell, he's arguably done more than them since he at least helped with Bountis, as ultimately self-serving as it was. Same with the Order of Sacred Storm actually since they only helped with Gunnerkrieg and just been building up their forces. So the whole argument that he's a treasonous bastard who's letting the sector burn b/c he's building up his forces and trying to build up a power base kinda falls flat unless we want to start going after literally everyone else.

We've been doing a lot of shit around the Sector b/c we're goddamn space marines where a couple companies could do as much if not more than any of the factions around now with less casualties, and it helps that we have 5 Battle Barges. It isn't incompetence, it's just them taking care of their own sub-sector instead of trying to help everyone and bleed themselves dry. We can help all across the sector b/c we can actually afford to. And I believe that everyone else knows it so they let us do our thing so they can actually build themselves up so they can withstand the coming storm.

As for the whole slander thing, do you really want to set the precedent that if someone talks shit about us they die? Now I'm not saying he's even remotely right to do that, that's just him trying to isolate allies from us so he can build up his own power base with us being less likely to threaten him.

Now ultimately, I don't think he'll actually attack us first. He's a controlling bastard who wants everyone under his thumb, but he's likely smart enough to know that actually trying to kill us would be the dumbest decision he could make b/c even if he somehow succeeded he'd be battered and bloodied while the sectors fires start raging without anyone to put them out. But that won't stop him from trying to make things difficult for us in building up our own power base so we don't have any people willing to collaborate with us.
Yeah, that's kind of the thing. We so far haven't made any plans for this whole thing instead of "fuck that guy" without actually planning for what happens when what's seen as the legitimate sector leadership is suddenly murdered by the sector's protectors.

Dude, it's pretty damn hypocritical to call him incompetent for sitting around building up his forces when Battlefleet Asgardia has literally been doing the exact same thing. Hell, he's arguably done more than them since he at least helped with Bountis, as ultimately self-serving as it was. Same with the Order of Sacred Storm actually since they only helped with Gunnerkrieg and just been building up their forces. So the whole argument that he's a treasonous bastard who's letting the sector burn b/c he's building up his forces and trying to build up a power base kinda falls flat unless we want to start going after literally everyone else.

We've been doing a lot of shit around the Sector b/c we're goddamn space marines where a couple companies could do as much if not more than any of the factions around now with less casualties, and it helps that we have 5 Battle Barges. It isn't incompetence, it's just them taking care of their own sub-sector instead of trying to help everyone and bleed themselves dry. We can help all across the sector b/c we can actually afford to. And I believe that everyone else knows it so they let us do our thing so they can actually build themselves up so they can withstand the coming storm.

As for the whole slander thing, do you really want to set the precedent that if someone talks shit about us they die? Now I'm not saying he's even remotely right to do that, that's just him trying to isolate allies from us so he can build up his own power base with us being less likely to threaten him.

Now ultimately, I don't think he'll actually attack us first. He's a controlling bastard who wants everyone under his thumb, but he's likely smart enough to know that actually trying to kill us would be the dumbest decision he could make b/c even if he somehow succeeded he'd be battered and bloodied while the sectors fires start raging without anyone to put them out. But that won't stop him from trying to make things difficult for us in building up our own power base so we don't have any people willing to collaborate with us.
The BFA hasn't done anything because they haven't been capable of doing anything worth a damn after being gutted. They had all of 4 Cruisers, 8 escorts, and no ground forces worth speaking of. Pitiful numbers only capable of seeing off minor pirates. If they went up against anything else they'd just lose more ships even after a win, or just lose and be wiped out wholesale.

They have just been building their numbers so that they can actually be in the position to do their duties at all.

For the Sacred Order please note that until now they were under strength and, as far as I can tell, don't have a very significant navy so even if they wanted to assist outside their Sub-Sector, which they probably don't anyway being as insular as they are, they probably can't on any practical level anyway. Moreover, unlike the Lord Sector, it's not their job to take care of the Sector in the first place. They have their own duty to attend to, which they are.

As for the Lord Sector himself, he actually has a sizable fleet worth speaking of, some serious ground forces in the form of the Valkyries, and it's his fucking job to protect the Sector. He has no excuse.

And as for him possibly "just taking care of his Sub-Sector" there hasn't been a threat in his Sub-Sector besides the Ork pirates at Bountis. He's just had his forces sitting on their asses doing nothing.
[X] Plan No fighting in the War Room!

I feel that defending the subsector takes priority over asserting our authority over Reximus. Every ship destroyed, every soldier killed and every planet devastated by a war with Reximus over dominion over the sub sector just makes it that much more vulnerable to our common enemies. We're a Space Marine chapter, we need the might of the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Navy if we want to make sure this sub-sector survives whatever xenos or heretic threat that comes up past tutorial time. We're too few to really defend whole systems. Now if Reximus turns to Chaos then we've got a casus belli. Attacking him right now only weakens the sub sectors resources to defend itself from outside threats, that and it will cause a political vacuum that we will have to resolve while dealing with whatever fires the chapter needs to put out.

PR wise, we need to show that the Storm Avengers are still willing to defend the subsector and it's worlds. Show the other factions that while Reximus is turtling up and sitting on his ass playing Stellaris, we're the ones who are actually willing to fight for the greater good (not the Tau one).
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Yeah, I think it would be best if we just tried opening diplomacy first before going in with a big stick over us personally not liking the guy. But I will still keep my plan since it's less extreme I'd say.


--[X] Battlefleet Asgardia (use the major favor to call upon the battlefleet against the Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus and his forces)
Did you add this in on purpose? If you just want to talk I don't know why you're burning our favor to bring them to Vannaheim just for diplomacy. Unless the plan is to use them to keep Reximus honest so he's less likely to shoot us.

There's also the 10th Company which currently only has one Strike Cruiser which can't fit the whole company right now so maybe it would be wise to give them the Battle Barge that's going to the Black Market?

[X] Plan No fighting in the War Room!

[X] Plan Gunboat Diplomacy
-[X] Free Actions
--[X] Have Master of the Apothecarion Bruce Boltson look into different worlds to establish as recruiting worlds for the chapter.
--[X] Have Chief Librarian Steffen Strangeson Look into Psyker Recruitment and Training solutions
--[X] Have master of Sanctity Jannis Hopeson cleanse any remaining chaos taint on Malmur and establish a loyal government after the fight is over.
-[X] Deployment
--[X] Oligarch Warlords (Greater Half of 10th Company)
--[X] Defence of Ragna (3rd Company, 8th company using Battle barge Void Thunderer, Lesser half of 10th Company)
--[X] Home Guard (5th company using 8th company strike cruiser to defend our homeworld and sector with battlefleet Asgardia following us)
--[X] Battlefleet Asgardia (use the major favor to call upon the battlefleet against the Lord Sector Sigurdr Reximus and his forces)
--[X] Reximus Rising (Torvald and his Honour Guard, Battle Barge Might of Storms, Battle Barge Unyielding Defiance, Battle Barge Ardent Storm, 4th company, 7th Company, 9th Company)
---[X] First we will attempt to speak and negotiate with Reximus, our demands being that neither he, nor any successor of his, shall ever attempt to subjugate or attack the Storm Avengers, Battlefleet Asgardia, the Forge Worlds Odin, Loki, Thor or any future Forge World of the Sector or The Order of the Sacred Storm. He will stay in his lane as Lord Sector as he did under Imperial Rule. He will return the ships he suborned from Battlefleet Asgardia immediately, though he may keep the new ships he commissioned from Forge World Odin for his Battle Fleet Odin and may in the future commission further ships from them or other Forge Worlds without issue from us. He will also, lastly, cease his attempts to mar our reputation within the Sector and turning worlds against us.
----[X] Our Concessions: We will also never attempt to subjugate nor attack said factions nor his to our own authority, we will continue to do our Duty to the Sector just as we have been for the past 8 millennia, we'll come to his aid if under serious threat from Chaos or Xenos, and we won't kill him here and now.
----[X] We will both sign multiple copies of this treaty, triplicate for each faction listed to be delivered to them for their own safe keeping and to make sure the whole Sector is well aware of the terms of it
—--[X] If he refuses our terms we will invade Vanaheim to end him, doing our damndest to try and convince who we can among the Vanaheim Valkyries, the PDF, and Battlefleet Odin to stay out of the fight for we have no wish to bring harm upon them, only their greedy and arrogant master who would try to make slaves of us, and for those who don't to deal as few casualties and as little damage as possible.
-[X] Production
—[X] 5 Rhinos (10 Production)
—[X] Stormraven (10 Production)
—[X] 5 Specialist weapons (1 Production)
—[X] 10 Power Weapons (2 Production)
—[X] 10 Heavy Weapons (2 Production)
—[X] 1 Strike Cruiser (Major Favor)
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