Punching through the Masquerade (Modern Magical Cultivation Quest)

Mmm, let me be honest here. Your plan has so many disadvantages while stacking all of the perks so far down the line, while also denying us the ability to advance early on, sounds like a Pointless Suicide technique that tries to hold the game hostage, expecting the QM to give you an out for nothing or else the game dies. "Crippling Debt" Plus "You don't even know where to begin with the supernatural bullshit", plus literally no avenues to mitigate the flaws outside of "Just expect manna from heaven to fall into your lap." and "Well I've got more actions so everything will be fine." Those actions stop being useful if you have to burn half of them just treading water.

Temporary Setbacks stop being temporary if they prevent you from even starting the game because you're too busy treading water to do any plot related quests, you know?

That being said, I don't dislike Midwestern Emo, but I'd like an actual adult as a protagonist for a change, you know?
My plan takes two flaws, one is being super broke and in debt but counters it with supernatural luck, which is described as being good enough to make a living gambling and having a decent chance of winning the grand prize in a lottery.

The other flaw is the bigger one in that we only have a start on finding cultivation rather than the end result. But it's mitigated by Stealing an Extra Step Ahead which gives us a lead on a magic item, Mystically potent which gives us a favourable magic mystery box and enhanced acumen which halves the time it takes to research a way to cultivate.

Plus with Young Adult and Every second spared we have an extra 4 actions every turn. This isn't asking the QM to give us an out this is assuming the system is relatively fair and points of disadvantage and points of advantage are similar in worth. In return for a time crunch at the start where we have to poor all our resources into keeping our head above water, once we stabilize we'll be in an incredibly strong position for the midgame. We've got tons of extra actions, an avenue for making money and enough extra rerolls that we can't easily be screwed over by bad luck.
Yes it is, says No Moratorium right in the OP.

Unless you mean "The Voting Open setting isn't turned on", which is true I think.
Second, I tried to do a vote Talley, wouldn't work, posted that.

Edit: i could have been mistaken at the time but it's definitely working right now.
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My plan takes two flaws, one is being super broke and in debt but counters it with supernatural luck, which is described as being good enough to make a living gambling and having a decent chance of winning the grand prize in a lottery.

The other flaw is the bigger one in that we only have a start on finding cultivation rather than the end result. But it's mitigated by Stealing an Extra Step Ahead which gives us a lead on a magic item, Mystically potent which gives us a favourable magic mystery box and enhanced acumen which halves the time it takes to research a way to cultivate.

Plus with Young Adult and Every second spared we have an extra 4 actions every turn. This isn't asking the QM to give us an out this is assuming the system is relatively fair and points of disadvantage and points of advantage are similar in worth. In return for a time crunch at the start where we have to poor all our resources into keeping our head above water, once we stabilize we'll be in an incredibly strong position for the midgame. We've got tons of extra actions, an avenue for making money and enough extra rerolls that we can't easily be screwed over by bad luck.

"Make a living Gambling" is not the same as "Can make infinite money through gambling." Being able to turn 10 dollar tickets into 20 dollars sounds nice, but that requires enough seed money to start your spiral upwards... Seed money that your plan explicitly throws away because it's so far in debt that you're barely solvent. Furthermore, that requires actual time and energy to do on top of it. There's also no guarantee that you'll actually win the lottery, just that it's not a complete pipe-dream anymore.

You can't just turn 100 dollars into 6,000 dollars overnight, and doing that at a Casino gets you thrown out because you're clearly cheating somehow, and they have every right to eject you on suspicion of cheating and ban you from ever returning, it just means they can't charge you with any criminal activities unless they can prove it. Then you get blacklisted and can't do that anymore.

But no, the real flaw is that you don't even know how to start cultivating in this plan. Just that it's hypothetically possible, but you have no tools to turn that possibility into reality, and apparently being aware of cultivation but not actually cultivation risks you just getting a Dead End because you lose the potential to do so. It even takes away the guarantee that Extra Step Ahead will be useful to you.

You're vastly, vastly underplaying just how awful your setup is so you can meme for AP and Luck rolls, and assume the QM wants to run the quest too much to punish you for taking such a greedy build that just stacks the God Stats for any quest (Luck and Actions) and assumes the downsides will just automatically sort themselves out without any real effort because otherwise there is no game.
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"Make a living Gambling" is not the same as "Can make infinite money through gambling." Being able to turn 10 dollar tickets into 20 dollars sounds nice, but that requires enough seed money to start your spiral upwards... Seed money that your plan explicitly throws away because it's so far in debt that you're barely solvent. Furthermore, that requires actual time and energy to do on top of it. There's also no guarantee that you'll actually win the lottery, just that it's not a complete pipe-dream anymore.

You can't just turn 100 dollars into 6,000 dollars overnight, and doing that at a Casino gets you thrown out because you're clearly cheating somehow, and they have every right to eject you on suspicion of cheating and ban you from ever returning, it just means they can't charge you with any criminal activities unless they can prove it. Then you get blacklisted and can't do that anymore.

But no, the real flaw is that you don't even know how to start cultivating in this plan. Just that it's hypothetically possible, but you have no tools to turn that possibility into reality, and apparently being aware of cultivation but not actually cultivation risks you just getting a Dead End because you lose the potential to do so. It even takes away the guarantee that Extra Step Ahead will be useful to you.

You're vastly, vastly underplaying just how awful your setup is so you can meme for AP and Luck rolls, and assume the QM wants to run the quest too much to punish you for taking such a greedy build that just stacks the God Stats for any quest (Luck and Actions) and assumes the downsides will just automatically sort themselves out without any real effort because otherwise there is no game.
We're still a young adult with a support network and presumably family and friends and phenomenal luck. We could get a job, or become a criminal or run away or just live the life of a homeless sage since apparently if we fail to meet the payments we just become homeless.

If this assumption were true how do you imagine we're going to advance in cultivation at all? A more conservative plan still runs into the issue of knowing how to start but not how to progress and it's not like cultivation traditionally gets easier as you advance. No matter which plan wins we'll still have to figure out what to do next.

This argument assumes the QM purposely included a trap option to screw us over. I'm not saying it'll be super easy but presumably no path through the quest will be easy. I do think think this start is more interesting though and I think it has a good chance of working. Of course I'm relying on the QM to provide options that let us advance our goals, but that's the entire point of quests in the first place.

You also keep acting like taking the god stats is somehow not of any value and doesn't help make the build work? They're god stats because they're so effective at causing characters to succeed. I expect there will be opportunities to seek and ways to get ahead and being able to do more of them with better luck is an immense advantage.

TLDR: I know you like to play it safe, but this is a calculated mitigated risk that is likely to pay off unless the QM is a sadist, and if they are we're screwed anyway.

How many actions do we start with by the way? I'd guess 5 since any less then that and you could brick the game immediately by taking old and out of time and be down 4 actions.

Dude, please explain how your plan is somehow more wise and able to cultivate than one that actually knows what they're doing?

"I know how to start but not how to progress"

"The one who doesn't even know how to start is better at progressing"

The QM isn't purposefully including a Trap Option, but it's worth literally just shy of twice as many starting points as the amount we have to begin with, on top of the beginning points.

AKA "You are literally removing your Starting Cheat. I won't say you can't do this, but it does mean you're starting from a base of Fucking Zip and nobody knows or cares enough to hold your hand anyway. Build Accordingly."

Yes, hypothetically, I'd say someone who hit that and then just bought all of the cap raising options with the proceeds and then made sure they had some stats at superhuman levels could get by just on sheer Big Numbers. But you're not doing that, you're burning the gains from this on just getting more throws of the dice and assuming everything will magically sort themselves out, and that becoming homeless is fine, and that we can just happily become a criminal, and that there are no consequences whatsoever to throwing out our Starting Cheat that allows the story to happen in the first place in exchange for just More Normal Numbers. There is no reasonable time limit and our Luck will hard carry us regardless of our lack of any real skills to push our agenda forward.

All that being said? I sincerely doubt that the Extreme Debt option is meaningless because "Hey, being homeless isn't actually a problem, our family will cover for us or we can just become a criminal to make ends meet." People who are too busy making ends meet with little to no marketable skills aside from 'Always on the Sigma Grindset' and 'Is really, super, super lucky' don't have time to spend doing anything but staying afloat
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Dude, please explain how your plan is somehow more wise and able to cultivate than one that actually knows what they're doing?

"I know how to start but not how to progress"

"The one who doesn't even know how to start is better at progressing"

The QM isn't purposefully including a Trap Option, but it's worth literally just shy of twice as many starting points as the amount we have to begin with, on top of the beginning points.

AKA "You are literally removing your Starting Cheat. I won't say you can't do this, but it does mean you're starting from a base of Fucking Zip and nobody knows or cares enough to hold your hand anyway. Build Accordingly."

Yes, hypothetically, I'd say someone who hit that and then just bought all of the cap raising options with the proceeds and then made sure they had some stats at superhuman levels could get by just on sheer Big Numbers. But you're not doing that, you're burning the gains from this on just getting more throws of the dice and assuming everything will magically sort themselves out, and that becoming homeless is fine, and that we can just happily become a criminal, and that there are no consequences whatsoever to throwing out our Starting Cheat that allows the story to happen in the first place in exchange for just More Normal Numbers. There is no reasonable time limit and our Luck will hard carry us regardless of our lack of any real skills to push our agenda forward.

All that being said? I sincerely doubt that the Extreme Debt option is meaningless because "Hey, being homeless isn't actually a problem, our family will cover for us or we can just become a criminal to make ends meet." People who are too busy making ends meet with little to no marketable skills aside from 'Always on the Sigma Grindset' and 'Is really, super, super lucky' don't have time to spend doing anything but staying afloat
It's "I know how to start but not how to progress" vs "I know it exists but not how to start". Either way we have to figure out how to progress from our starting point my plan just has twice the actions to work with.

You might have a point about the debt though. It might just distract from the cultivation to have to worry about finances.

[] Starting from scratch
-[] Rebellion
-[] The Urban Jungle
-[] Young Adult
-[] Stats
--[] Blood 2 (1 point)
--[] Yellow Bile 2 (1 point)
--[] Black Bile 2 (1 point)
--[] Phlegm 4 (free point + 3 points)
-[] Enhanced Acumen -3
-[] Mystically potent -2
-[] Every second spared -9
-[] Stealing an extra step ahead -3
-[] Only a Glimpse of what Could Be +15
-[] Max, male, tall, thin, black hair, black eyes.

Here's a version of the plan that ditches supernaturally lucky and drowning in debt and instead buys an extra point of phlegm. I could possibly also get rid of stealing an extra step ahead to raise phlegm to 5. That would give the maximum research ability which should help given rebellion is advanced via research judging from the mechanic description.
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How many actions do we start with by the way? I'd guess 5 since any less then that and you could brick the game immediately by taking old and out of time and be down 4 actions.

So i didnt discuss this at the start because their are a bunch of mechanics that'll get explained as we go. But the reason Out of Time has a stat requirement to be taken is so that you don't completely screw yourself over with loosing almost all of your actions. Assuming no further increases in the related stats after taking Out of Time, you would have a minimum of three actions per turn, or two with old.

I will say that the reason Glimpse has such a high point reward for taking it is because it vastly shortens the time you have to actually get cracking on the cultivation, to a figure of tens of turns, though there are ways to extend the timespan you have.
So i didnt discuss this at the start because their are a bunch of mechanics that'll get explained as we go. But the reason Out of Time has a stat requirement to be taken is so that you don't completely screw yourself over with loosing almost all of your actions. Assuming no further increases in the related stats after taking Out of Time, you would have a minimum of three actions per turn, or two with old.

I will say that the reason Glimpse has such a high point reward for taking it is because it vastly shortens the time you have to actually get cracking on the cultivation, to a figure of tens of turns, though there are ways to extend the timespan you have.
This seems to imply that either we start with a base of 4 actions and raising yellow and black give us 1 more each or each humor gives us an action. Probably the first one.

Assuming my first hypothesis is true that means my plan should have 10 actions. It would also mean though that Every second spared is overpriced and I should be spending the points on yellow and black bile instead.
Assuming my first hypothesis is true that means my plan should have 10 actions. It would also mean though that Every second spared is overpriced and I should be spending the points on yellow and black bile instead.

Fairly accurate, but boosting traits has a diminishing return until you surpass human limits. 7 being the limit for exceptional humans
[X] Max Stats Max Actions
-[X] Rebellion
-[X] The Urban Jungle
-[X] Young Adult
-[X] Stats
--[X] Blood 1 (0 points)
--[X] Yellow Bile 3 (3 point)
--[X] Black Bile 4 (6 points)
--[X] Phlegm 4 (free point + 3 points)
-[X] Enhanced Acumen -3
-[X] Mystically potent -2
-[X] Stealing an extra step ahead -3
-[X] Body of iron, Mind of Steel -3
-[X] Only a Glimpse of what Could Be +15
-[X] Max, male, tall, thin, black hair, black eyes.

A stat focused build assuming bile stats give extra actions. Probably around 8 actions depending on how bile stat scaling works. Also takes body of iron, mind of steel since we have black bile at 4.
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I'm an awful, no-good person, so I'll preface this post by voting for Alectai's plan which I'm fine with.

[X] Alectai

I want to play an actual old person because it just sounds, idk, I think it just sounds raw as hell. I like the idea of like, playing games with Death, but like, actually playing games with Death. It sounds super funny, and I want to ball with it. I'm kind of hard staring at it because it's not got homeowner, but, well, not sure what to take or drop. Any criticism or friendly QM advice would be appreciated! I think math works out too -- 10 points (2 traits, 1 2-point boon, two stats raised from 1) consumed, one handicap drawback making it even

[X] Plan: No I Don't Like Ghibli Movies Too Much
-[X] Community: The old stories are full of tales of beings with magical talents and the lingering specters of long dead humans. While most consider them to be mere stories. You have learned that the world around you is far fuller than most would expect, and that these beings lurk just around the corner for any fool to bargain with.
-[X] The Boondocks: The hamlet, shaped firmly by the whims of nature and the edge of humanity's domain. Strange things lurk in the wilderness beyond and old practices banished by the scourge of modernity still linger in this place that time forgot.
-[X] Old: The winter of your existence has come, and death looms on the horizon. (Gain three free stat increases, lose one action per turn, after two in-game years, you will begin playing games with Death.
-[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
--[X] 1-> 2
-[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
--[X] 1 -> 2
-[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
--[X] Value of 1
-[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
--[X] 1 -> 4 (+3 Free stat ups)
-[X] Socially adept: Perhaps you were raised by extroverts, perhaps you were required by necessity to make friendships and build alliances amongst your peers. It matters little how you achieved this companionable nature. (Allows you to roll twice on a social test and take the better result, increases the natural dice cap for Blood by 3 for a total of 7)
-[X] Enhanced Acumen: Books are to the mind as a whetstone is to a sword, sharpening it to an increasingly lethal edge. A fierce love of knowledge or a great hunger to know more has shaved away the ignorance inflicted by the system. You learn and retain information at a faster rate than most. ( Reading and Research takes half as much time, Increases the natural dice cap for Phlegm by 3 for a total of 7)
-[X] More time: Perhaps you don't need as much sleep as others do. Perhaps you spring back quickly from physically or mentally exhausting events, regardless, you seem to be able to squeeze an extra hour out of the day. (Gain an additional action per turn, costs two points.)
-[X] Handicapped
--[X] Black Bile
-[X] Name: Mirinae Jin
-[X] Gender Identity: Female
-[X] Faceclaim: Zeniba, from Spirited Away
[] Phlegm stat cap
-[] Rebellion
-[] The Urban Jungle
-[] Young Adult
-[] Stats
--[] Blood 1 (0 points)
--[] Yellow Bile 2 (1 point)
--[] Black Bile 2 (1 point)
--[] Phlegm 7 (free point + 15 points)
-[] Enhanced Acumen -3
-[] Only a Glimpse of what Could Be +15
-[] Max, male, tall, thin, black hair, black eyes.

Getting stats to the cap is incredibly expensive. I have no idea if this is worth the tradeoff but apparently 7 is the human limit?
None of you are taking Lucky. In a cultivation story.
"Make a living Gambling" is not the same as "Can make infinite money through gambling." Being able to turn 10 dollar tickets into 20 dollars sounds nice, but that requires enough seed money to start your spiral upwards... Seed money that your plan explicitly throws away because it's so far in debt that you're barely solvent. Furthermore, that requires actual time and energy to do on top of it. There's also no guarantee that you'll actually win the lottery, just that it's not a complete pipe-dream anymore.

You can't just turn 100 dollars into 6,000 dollars overnight, and doing that at a Casino gets you thrown out because you're clearly cheating somehow, and they have every right to eject you on suspicion of cheating and ban you from ever returning, it just means they can't charge you with any criminal activities unless they can prove it. Then you get blacklisted and can't do that anymore.

But no, the real flaw is that you don't even know how to start cultivating in this plan. Just that it's hypothetically possible, but you have no tools to turn that possibility into reality, and apparently being aware of cultivation but not actually cultivation risks you just getting a Dead End because you lose the potential to do so. It even takes away the guarantee that Extra Step Ahead will be useful to you.

You're vastly, vastly underplaying just how awful your setup is so you can meme for AP and Luck rolls, and assume the QM wants to run the quest too much to punish you for taking such a greedy build that just stacks the God Stats for any quest (Luck and Actions) and assumes the downsides will just automatically sort themselves out without any real effort because otherwise there is no game.
In his defense, as you describe his build more you make it sound more like a standard cultivation protagonist. On the other hand, most xianxia writers are total hacks who get paid by the word to cater to power level fetishists. But this genre tends to be true to life in that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and you need bullshit luck to transcend that and survive the punishment society drops on uppity poors.
I'll be closing the vote here in an hour, all who're voting, make your final choices and post them up. I'll have the next update done tomorrow as I have an early day tomorrow
I don't suppose I can convince Alectai to take at least Lucky? Treading Water would make sense as a flaw for your concept, given how hard the RL economy fucks over the disabled.
Adhoc vote count started by CedeTheBees on May 14, 2023 at 11:19 PM, finished with 40 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Magical Lady Scientific Ascension
    -[X] Rebellion:
    -[x] Suburbia
    -[X] Young Adult
    -[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
    --[X] 1 (To 2)
    -[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
    -[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
    --[X] Value of 1
    -[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
    --[X] 3 (To 3) +1 Free Point (To 4)
    -[x] Enhanced Acumen
    -[X] Mystically potent:
    -[X] Handicapped: Something has affected you significantly, in such a way as to limit your body's natural capabilities. (Slows your growth as you have to overcome physical disabilites when trying to improve your stats, halves the rate at which you gain new stat levels, but does not affect your starting dice pools.)
    --[X] Black Bile
    -[X] Camilla Evans, Female, a somewhat gloomy looking young woman with a bob-cut of brown hair, glasses, and legs that don't quite work after an accident in her early days, tends to dress in simple, comfortable clothing.
    [X] Plan: Midwestern Emo
    -[X] Rebellion:
    -[x] Suburbia
    -[x] Youth
    -[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
    --[X] Value of 1
    -[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
    --[X] 1 (To 2)
    -[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
    -[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
    --[X] 3 (To 3) +1 Free Point (To 4)
    -[x] Enhanced Acumen
    -[X] Mystically potent:
    -[X] Handicapped
    --[X] Blood
    -[X] Raven Blackveil Alison Martinez
    [X] Action economy is king.
    -[X] Sorcery
    -[x] Suburbia
    -[x] Youth
    -[x] Enhanced Acumen
    -[x] Every second spared
    -[x] Magically Potent
    -[x] Handicapped (Black Bile)
    -[x] Supremely Unlucky
    -[x] Mari Thyme
    -[x] a young girl obsessed with having friends, reading various books to aid in her efforts, a well known extrovert that fails in her own ability to gain them, for now. She's resorted to cultivation to gain them. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
    [X] Plan: Potter and Young Dresden Got Shit On Me
    -[X] Sorcery: The common memes of society hold that magic is merely a word used by the ignorant and incurious to explain the nature of reality around them. Forever the domain of the immature, the con-artist and the foolish. You have learned that reality itself is far more malleable than it has any right to be if this claim was true. And that you have a talent for manipulating it.
    -[X] The Urban Jungle: The great city, an endless fabrication of steel and concrete bending the natural world into unnatural shapes to accommodate the seething masses of humanity. Will the throng of humanity shield you from prying eyes for long enough to achieve your goals or will the crowd turn to a mob and slay you where you stand?
    -[X] Young Adult: you're well into the summer of your being. (Gain one additional action per turn, Gain one free stat increase - Free stat increases do not affect the price of elevating a stat, so elevating a stat from 2 to 3 would cost one point)
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Blood 2 (1 point)
    --[X] Yellow Bile 3 (Free+1 point)
    --[X] Black Bile 3 (1+2 points)
    --[X] Phlegm 3 (1+2 points)
    -[X] Even More Time: Your zest for life and indefatigable nature gives you even more time to work with. Gain two additional actions per turn. (5 points)
    -[X] Mystically Potent: The manipulation of reality and it's consequences seem to turn to your favor. Different effects based on path chosen, mystery box. (2 points)
    -[X] Supremely Unlucky: It's amazing you're still alive, given all the bad luck that's come your way. The GM chooses two rolls per turn and forces you to roll twice on each, taking the lower result. (+7 points)
    -[X] Name and Identity: Robin Archer, Male, Tall, Dirty Blond Hair, Blue Eyes
    [X] Action economy is king.
    [X] Max Stats Max Actions
    -[X] Rebellion:
    -[X] The Urban Jungle
    -[X] Young Adult
    -[X] Stats
    --[X] Blood 1 (0 points)
    --[X] Yellow Bile 3 (3 point)
    --[X] Black Bile 4 (6 points)
    --[X] Phlegm 4 (free point + 3 points)
    -[X] Enhanced Acumen -3
    -[X] Mystically potent -2
    -[X] Stealing an extra step ahead -3
    -[X] Body of iron, Mind of Steel -3
    -[X] Only a Glimpse of what Could Be +15
    -[X] Max, male, tall, thin, black hair, black eyes.
    [X] Plan: No I Don't Like Ghibli Movies Too Much
    -[X] Community: The old stories are full of tales of beings with magical talents and the lingering specters of long dead humans. While most consider them to be mere stories. You have learned that the world around you is far fuller than most would expect, and that these beings lurk just around the corner for any fool to bargain with.
    -[X] The Boondocks: The hamlet, shaped firmly by the whims of nature and the edge of humanity's domain. Strange things lurk in the wilderness beyond and old practices banished by the scourge of modernity still linger in this place that time forgot.
    -[X] Old: The winter of your existence has come, and death looms on the horizon. (Gain three free stat increases, lose one action per turn, after two in-game years, you will begin playing games with Death.
    -[X] Blood: Whimsy, Social aptitude, Associated with Air
    --[X] 1-> 2
    -[X] Yellow Bile: Passion, Magnetism, Associated with Fire
    -[X] Black Bile: Resilience, Awareness, Associated with Earth
    --[X] Value of 1
    -[X] Phlegm: Wisdom, Reliability, Associated with Water
    --[X] 1 -> 4 (+3 Free stat ups)
    -[X] Socially adept: Perhaps you were raised by extroverts, perhaps you were required by necessity to make friendships and build alliances amongst your peers. It matters little how you achieved this companionable nature. (Allows you to roll twice on a social test and take the better result, increases the natural dice cap for Blood by 3 for a total of 7)
    -[X] Enhanced Acumen: Books are to the mind as a whetstone is to a sword, sharpening it to an increasingly lethal edge. A fierce love of knowledge or a great hunger to know more has shaved away the ignorance inflicted by the system. You learn and retain information at a faster rate than most. ( Reading and Research takes half as much time, Increases the natural dice cap for Phlegm by 3 for a total of 7)
    -[X] More time: Perhaps you don't need as much sleep as others do. Perhaps you spring back quickly from physically or mentally exhausting events, regardless, you seem to be able to squeeze an extra hour out of the day. (Gain an additional action per turn, costs two points.)
    -[X] Handicapped
    --[X] Black Bile
    -[X] Name: Mirinae Jin
    -[X] Gender Identity: Female
    -[X] Faceclaim: Zeniba, from Spirited Away

Vote closed

Edit: Apparently the vote result is a wee bit broken. Alectai's plan wins by one vote, followed by Cedethebees
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The Book is delivered...
The moment your life changed began with a knock at the door not five minutes from when you had returned to your apartment after a long day working at the Allmart uptown. In the time it took for you to struggle up from your position in your comfy chair, the presumed delivery person had gotten bored of waiting and had left a package on the floor outside your apartment door. It couldn't have been your usual letter carrier, as he was kind enough to carry any packages inside for you.

Agonizing over how to bring the package inside for a moment, you eventually settled on pulling the package inside with your cane and gently shoving it back towards the chair with your foot, leaving the package within easy reach while you went to the kitchen to fetch a knife to deal with the mysterious box. It wasn't the time of the month where your father sent his usual care package of fancy breads and special jam, and while it's possible one of your old college friends might have sent you something, you haven't gotten any texts from either of them in a couple of weeks.

Settling back into the chair with a rarely used steak knife in hand. You set about setting the box in your lap and slitting it open with the knife, idly bemoaning your lack of a coffee table or end table to set the box on as you did so. Within, wrapped in bubble wrap, was a thin book. Wrapped in red leather and emblazoned with strange, sharp looking symbols. There was no title and flipping the book open to the first page showed that it was definitely not a modern book, given the lack of English or any hint of a publisher. The strangely sweet scent of old books wafted by your nose as you closed the book for a moment, looking back inside the box to see if there was any hint of who might've sent the book. The only hint of origin being a bill of sale for a figure that made you gag from a book shop you didn't recognize.

Opening the book yet again, you studied it briefly, it was written in was Latin and the content read like something out of a bad fantasy novel. Recounting the story of an Inquisitor chasing down the remnants of a demonic cult in the late sixteenth century.

While you'll fully admit to not being the biggest fan of fantasy, with your tastes leaning more towards science fiction and a few specific anime. You found the story to be an engaging read. The inquisitor wasn't exactly likeable as a person, but reading through the sneering self-aggrandizement inherent in his narrative revealed a cunning insight into the minds of other people and a fierce intellect of his own. Following several amusing misadventures alongside a Don Quixote-style knight, the Inquisitor found his quarry in a remote french town. After rallying the townsfolk against the cultists, what followed was a battle fit for Hollywood as the handful of cultists fought with conjured fire and inhuman strength and resilience against the far more numerous townsfolk armed with faith, steel and gunpowder. Curiously the Inquisitor did not recount much of his own prowess in the battle, which didn't match the ego he'd previously displayed, instead focusing on the apparently surprising lack of bound demons and alleged weakness of these cultists compared to what he'd faced previously. Remarking that these must have been bare acolytes who'd escaped the destruction of the original cult which had apparently originally been located in Constantinople. Amongst the scattered mundane belongings of the cultists was found a small brass offering bowl, inscribed with the cult's symbol which the Inquisitor had sketched in an expert hand on the next page, no doubt to show his superiors as he had the offering bowl melted down by the village blacksmith.

Now, while you had seen the seals purporting to be the means by which one summoned demons when your study group had checked out the Lesser Key of Solomen on a drunken whim from the university library. The symbols inscribed on the page had little similarity. instead more closely matching the strange, sharp sigils on the cover of the book. You marveled at the artistry for a time before moving a finger to turn the page. However, in your distraction, you managed to give yourself a papercut. Cursing aloud at the painful scratch you'd developed, you flicked your hand to shake the pain away.

The world seemed to slow for a moment as a single drop of blood slipped from the cut and fell upon the page, landing in the exact center of sigil.

Heat bloomed in your core as the sigil began to glow red with it's own heat. Fire springing into being as the page the symbol was drawn on was consumed. You might have wondered why only one page of the book was consumed by the miraculous flame if the heat boiling within you wasn't becoming painful. You doubled over in pain as the rising temperatures within you grew and grew.

"I want this heat out!" Was all you could think as fire coalesced in your very being. For a dreadful moment you thought you would perish or burst into flame, idly your panicking mind was wondering if this was how spontaneous human combustion happened as the fire within reached it's peak. Then with a short fwump of noise, the flame within became external. Rendering your spare set of work clothes into ash and scorching your comfy chair even while it left your physical body unharmed. The painful heat easing down to a single ember that had found it's way into your core, resting right behind your solar plexus. Despite sitting naked but for a coating of ash upon your body, the natural draftiness of the apartment you paid far too much money for and the iron deficiency you'd never quite gotten rid of. You were quite pleasantly warm now, like you had been sitting in a sunbeam for a long time.

Looking around in a semi-dazed way at the physical evidence of the impossible event that'd just occured. You spoke the first words you'd said since coming home today.

"I wonder if this is replicable?" You wondered aloud. It was at this moment that the ashen remains of your work shirt fell to pieces. You wince at the thought of having to buy a new workshirt and slacks.

"No wine this month." You muttered sullenly as you pulled yourself up to get the vacuum cleaner. Thankfully your cane hadn't been consumed by the flame.

(You have five actions this turn)

Actions, unless otherwise specified in the category or choice's text, can be invested multiple times per turn. Consequences may abound from failing to invest actions in certain choices or from overinvesting in other choices.

Work: Gotta pay the bills somehow. (You can only use one action here at present)

[ ] Work your regular shifts at Allmart: Another week in retail hell (Covers your living expenses, the paltry change left after bills are dealt with is barely enough to buy a few candy bars, or a bottle of cheap wine once a month if it's on sale and you haven't incinerated a set of work clothes)(Uses Blood and Black Bile)(May upgrade stats used by this job) (Costs one action)

Social: Talking to people isn't so bad, if they can stop staring at your cane for two minutes

[ ] Ask around for extra shifts: While the thought of spending more time behind a register then you have to is almost physically painful, you also need money. Asking your coworkers if anyone wants to give up a shift might get you a little deeper into the black or out of the red. (Opens up the possibility of working more next turn, granting some disposable income, possibly improves relationship with coworkers, locks in additional actions should you agree to take on the extra shifts) (Uses Blood)(Costs one action, possibly more next turn)

[ ] Ask to be put on the overtime desired list: While likely to cut significantly into your free time. Your manager is always looking for real go-getters willing to break their backs for a few extra hours. (Guarantees a variable number of extra shifts at Allmart for the next four turns, likely to damage health from lack of rest, improves relationship with manager, slightly improves chance of promotion) (Uses Blood) (Costs one action)

[ ] Suck up to the Manager: While he's an irritating, self-important little shitheel. Trying to get along with your manager will improve your odds of actually getting promoted at this shitty job. (improves relationship with manager, significantly improves chance of promotion, potentially damages relationship with your coworkers) (Uses Blood and Yellow Bile) (Costs one action)

Research: You exploded non-lethally by accidentally bleeding on a symbol in a book and have what feels like a perpetual ember burning in your chest, there's no way in hell you aren't investigating the possibilities.

[ ] Try to recreate the event as it happened: Replication of the results of experimentation is the foundation of science. (You attempt to draw the symbol from memory and bleed on it to see if the spontaneous self-immolation repeats) (Uses Phlegm and ????) (Costs one action due to Enhanced Acumen)

[ ] Experiment with the Ember burning in your chest: The Ember is still there, perhaps you can do something with it? (You attempt to use the Ember to do...something) (Uses ????) (Costs one action due to Enhanced Acumen)

[ ] Reread the Inquisitor's diary: The page bearing the devil cult's symbol is gone, but you may gain some inspiration from the tales contained within this ancient book's pages. (You analyze the inquisitor's diary for inspiration as to what might be possible with the Ember in your chest.) (Uses Yellow Bile and Phlegm) (Costs two actions due to Enhanced Acumen)

[ ] Write in Reading option; There are a thousand possible lines of inquiry you could pursue with the new revelations you've uncovered, it's so hard to tell which ones might be relevant. (GM's note: You currently have access to what might be found in your local library. Subjects that may require rare tomes might be incredibly limited in what you can find given your current lack of academic credentials and disposable income. Write in what subject you intend to research, what you might hope to find and how many actions you wish to commit.) (Uses Phlegm)

((One hour voting moratorium))
Hmm, just reduced mobility and health, but that makes sense, I imagine the plot would be much nastier otherwise, and we still do have Black Bile 1, it's in a bad place and hard to get out of, but it's still there

Still, it looks like our build's pretty viable! Especially given how research heavy our starting position is, doing all of our preliminary stuff at 4 AP instead of 8 is a godsend, it means we can get the basic "Figure out how to Cultivate" plus "Learn basic applications" and presumably "Figure out where to look for more" in one turn while also not having to dip into the red.

[ ] Plan: Pay the Bills and sort out the Tier 1 Research
-[ ] Work your regular shifts at Allmart:
-[ ] Try to recreate the event as it happened:
-[ ] Experiment with the Ember burning in your chest:
-[ ] Reread the Inquisitor's diary:

All 5 Actions sorted out, we keep the bills paid even if we don't have much wiggle room, and we start chopping through the first introductory stuff and figure out where to go from there. No point doing Write-In Research when we don't even know what we need to look into, you know?
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