Housesitting is more important when your house is a castle.
(Or the one room in the castle with priceless artifacts from a lost civilization that are also storied family heirlooms and the last reminders someone has of her dead parents. But that's less quippy.)
Housesitting is more important when your house is a castle.
(Or the one room in the castle with priceless artifacts from a lost civilization that are also storied family heirlooms and the last reminders someone has of her dead parents. But that's less quippy.)
Yeah, but would you want to be the one to do it while your friend and charge rushes into danger? Not saying it isn't important but we're basically benching them until something happens.
Yeah, but would you want to be the one to do it while your friend and charge rushes into danger? Not saying it isn't important but we're basically benching them until something happens.
You're starting to make me feel worried and paranoid but I won't be bowed! With made up imaginary math there were even odds of some kind of alpha strike at Agrithe or Artemis really wishing she had help in a given battle.
I can't tell if you missed the fact that I was making a joke about Herofox using the wrong they're/their or if you're playing into it by misreading my whose/who's, but "necromancer All-Might" is a funny response either way.
[X] Plan: I am SPEED
-[X] You will go to the Hall, to save Artemis's brother. She'd be devastated if something happened to him, and the thought of a place of knowledge being used as a trap is offensive to your sensibilities as a scholar. Getting accredited will also be good, as well as checking in with the Revisionists there. (Choose 3 Learning Options and 1 Social Option)
--[X] You'll get Lacroix's help and get there as fast as possible. You'll have to leave Belle and Kelton behind, but you can guarantee that you'll get there in time to prevent any trouble, and having Lacroix around will help you be taken seriously.
-[X] Social Options: Who do you get to know better?
--[X] Lacroix Skyfire (Only if flying with him)
-[X] Learning Options (Can choose the same option multiple times to focus on it)
--[X] Continue learning Yellow magic
--[X] Begin learning Runewrighting
--[X] Continue along the Path of Awakening
-[X] Boons: (Choose one for free)
--[X] A boon unique to your path forward appears.
[X] Stay at Castle Agrithe to look after your stuff and be ready in case something goes wrong.
"Lenora… do you trust me?"
"I… I do. I trust you, Theo. We're going to save this world, together."
-Theodore Wyrmblood and Lenora Thundercrier, before the Battle of Fell Mountain
You hesitate. Truthfully… you want to go help Artemis. You love her, she's your best friend, the first person who you'd met after… well after. The thought of her going off to war without you, the thought of maybe never seeing her again… you don't know if you'd be able to bear that pain again so soon.
However… you also trust her. This isn't like the ambushes at your home or Legerius, where she was blindsided by someone she thought she could trust. Surely she and her father would have been far more careful with who they sent with her this time. She'd be fine; she's a big girl; she can take care of herself now that she knows what she's getting into.
Her brother doesn't. Apollo and all the other Kingdom children at the Marble Hall had no idea what was coming. If someone doesn't go to tell them… they could all be taken before anyone even realizes there's danger. You can get there faster than almost anyone else; nobody else had the connection to Lacroix that would allow for a straight flight. The blunt, simple truth was that you can do the most good by going.
Channeling the determination to protect as many as possible, to do right by the kind people who'd given you a home despite all the horrible stories they'd heard about your kind, you push aside your fears and nod. "I'll go," you say. "I'll make sure nothing bad happens to Apollo or anyone else. I promise."
Dione frowns, but doesn't say anything as both Archduke Letoro and Kopoi nod. "Thank you, Ryza," the Archduke says. "While it would be faster for you to take Master Skyfire up on his offer, that will bring certain risks-"
You shake your head. "I trust Lacroix completely, and even if I didn't the fact that he can get me there so much faster would make the risk worth it," you say. "If this Regent gets any hint that the South's going to help the North, he might rush to grab anyone he can from the Hall. While I might be able to save Apollo just as I saved Sypha, far better to prevent that from happening in the first place. Him and all the others who might get hurt."
Swallowing, Dione puts a hand on your shoulder. "While I am so happy that you care for my family enough that you're willing to help us, please understand that there is a risk to you. While I'm sure Master Skyfire is a good man, good men can still do terrible things under the wrong circumstances. Best to go into a situation knowing that things could go wrong than to be blindsided by a betrayal born of trusting the wrong person. Artemis learned that the hard way; I don't want you to learn as well."
You lean your cheek into her hand. "I was at Legerius too," you say. "And I promise I'll be careful. I never showed Lacroix my stone, and… well, I do have one other backup that nobody knows about." Gyra-Dregon's stone seemed to flare in your pocket, as if recognizing that you were putting your faith in it. Even if Lacroix somehow decided to do something, he'd never expect two dragonstones worth of power.
Kopoi's eyes narrow slightly, but he nods. "She's proven herself adept at dealing with rapidly-changing situations," he says, "and taking advantage of sudden opportunities and advantages." His cool eyes study you. "That being said, whatever ace you have; be prepared to use it the instant you even think you're in trouble. If you wait until you're certain, then it'll be too late. The margins of solo operations are far tighter than if you have backup."
You start to open your mouth to reassure him that you won't be alone, but you pause. You… you won't be able to take Belle or Kelton with you, will you? Even though she's a bit bigger, Firescale won't be able to carry four people for very long, and flying yourself would ruin the whole point. For an instant, your certainty wavers; you've never gone anywhere alone since Artemis woke you up, and it's true that Lacroix had downplayed just how bad things were in the Empire… Shaking yourself, you reassert your determination, taking strength from your certainty that this is the best path. Your heart knows what you need to do; now you just need to prove your dragon's will by carrying through. "I will be careful," you say. "I don't think it'll happen, but if it does come to a fight… I don't know if I can beat Lacroix and Firescale, but I can hurt them, and then I can leave. Dragon-me's faster than they are, and more maneuverable without a rider."
The spy nods. "That stands to reason," he said. "You surely know more of aerial combat than I, but targeting the wings should disable them long enough to disengage." Archduke Letoro nods.
You smile. "But again, I don't think it'll be needed," you say. "You said Lacroix kept his promises; and he promised that if I went with him I'd get to the Hall safely."
Kopoi raises an eyebrow. "At no point did he ever promise to see you back safely," he says. "So unless he does make that promise later, be ready to find a new way home." You frown; while you're sure that he means well, Kopoi's cynicism is kind of disheartening. You'd met Lacroix, he hadn't, so what right did he have to just assume that things are going to go wrong. Something must have appeared on your face, as the spy continues. "Better to have a plan you don't need than need a plan you don't have," he says. "Your safety is vital to Agrithe's interests, remember that."
"And Artemis's happiness," Dione says firmly.
…You suppose it's nice to be loved. "I promise I'll be careful," you say.
Archduke Letoro nods. "Then it is settled," he says. "I will send a message to Master Skyfire: we have certain messenger birds that are trained to travel between here and the capitol of the Southlands. It is useful to have a direct line of communication between nations that are often on unfriendly terms. I will send one accepting the offer he made to transport a promising apprentice to the Hall." You nod; letters could be read by anyone, so best not to mention anything that might get you in trouble. "The best meeting place would likely be at your home: it would cause the fewest issues with patrolling Whitewings or him spotting something he shouldn't." He gives you a firm look. "As you travel with him, however, remember that the Empire and the Southern Kingdoms are opposed to each other at this time. Whatever your feelings towards the man himself, it is imperative that you do not tell him any reason for your trip beyond your accreditation and personal reasons. Do not speak of any part of this letter."
You frown. "But couldn't he-"
"No. He is a mage, yes. But he is also a servant of the Southlands and Duchess Callista. If he learns of our mobilization, it will be his duty to inform her. Surprise and secrecy are our best assets: I've already tasked Kopoi with dealing with the spy networks that we know of." A small, icy smile that seems to leak Black energy crosses Kopoi's face, causing you to shiver. Somehow you get the feeling that the Archduke isn't having him lock them up.
Sometimes… sometimes Artemis's family scares you a bit.
"Promise me, Ryza," Archduke Letoro says firmly, drawing your gaze back to him. "Swear that you will watch your tongue. I will give you a letter to give to Archmage Stormspeaker; that will tell him all he needs to know, but until you deliver that all you should say is that your purpose is to get accredited. Lives are at stake."
You hesitate for a moment before nodding. "Okay…" you say. "I promise I won't tell him anything." You hope he'll forgive you when he finds out you lied to him by omission.
Dione gently rubs your shoulder. "I know it's not your nature, Ryza, but thank you," she says. "I do also have a request, since you're going to the Hall. Would you take a letter to Apollo? I'm sure news of what's happened will reach him soon if it hasn't already, but he deserves to hear it from his family. And… and please be there, for him. He's going to be worried and upset when he hears about everything that's going on. I know he has friends at the Hall, but I'm sure someone from home will be appreciated."
This is a much easier promise to make! "I will," you say.
The woman smiles. "I'm sure Artemis has told you already, but I'm sure the two of you will like each other," she says. "You're rather alike in your love of magic and knowledge. And he'll be very grateful that you were there to help his sister."
You hope so. "Thank you," you say. "Is there anything else I should do while I'm there?"
The Archduke shakes his head. "The most important thing is making sure that the Regent's plan fails," he says. "And unless we are even further behind than I believe, simply informing the Archmage will see to that. He is loyal to the Empire, but he is no fool. He surely has his own questions about all that has transpired; it wouldn't surprise me if he at least somewhat suspects this is a possibility already."
"Will he believe me?" you ask. "Once he finds out what I am?"
Kopoi answers immediately. "All reports on his nature paint the picture of a man who believes in the ideals of Archmage Thundercrier; who was dedicated to the independence of the Hall after the war. He is also a fair man, and not one prone to making rash decisions. He will question you, certainly, but so long as you are not an imminent threat to his mages, which I cannot see you being, he will give you time to prove yourself."
"Okay," you say.
After a moment of silence, Archduke Letoro speaks. "You should prepare for the journey," he says. "Unfortunately, our Whitewing messenger here left just before you returned, or I'd have her take you. The best path is likely for you to fly yourself to Castle Legerius, you know the way, and from there get one of the Whitewings to take you to your home. That should still get you there before Master Skyfire." You nod, that sounds like it makes sense, and it'd be a bit easier on you than just flying the whole way yourself.
"Alright," you say, standing up. "I have to go talk to Kelton and Belle and make sure everything I found is safe, but I should be ready to go after that. I rested on the cart-ride back; it'll be good to stretch my wings." Besides, the sooner you were on your way to make sure nothing bad happened to Apollo or anyone else, the better.
"Then make your preparations," the Archduke says, grabbing an already-rolled scroll and offering it to you. "I'll send the letter soon; I just have to finish something with Kopoi."
"Okay," you say, hurriedly standing and trying not to think too much about what exactly that meant.
The Archduke frowns, a faint flicker of something that you think might be sadness crossing his face. "Things will settle down, Ryza," he says. "This is a trial, to be certain, but not an insurmountable one. The Regent is but the latest in a long line of Imperial leaders who have tried to chip away at the freedoms of those who do not want to bow to them. He is more ambitious than most, but this too shall pass. It was simply… poor fortune, that awoke you into the middle of this latest dark period."
You sigh. "If I hadn't woken, then Artemis would still be in trouble," you say. "At least this way… I can wake to a world where I can have people I care about, who care about me. A world where I can help them." You force a smile onto your face as you curtsy. "I should get going, your Highness." The man nods, and you slip quietly out of the room.
As you make your way back towards the courtyard, you take a long, slow breath as you sort through your feelings. It is… frustrating, to be forced to leave again just when you got back, but you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you let something bad happen to Artemis's brother when you could have stopped it. Besides; this way you finally got to go to the Hall! That was the next step on your plan to make the world a better place by showing humans how they could use magic without using dragonstones.
You're a bit sad that you won't be able to take Kelton and Belle along, they'd probably love to see new places. Still, at least they'd be able to take a break. You can't wait to tell them, they'll be so happy!
Belle blinks slowly as you finish explaining your plan. Then, she glances at Kelton, who's mouth is slowly moving without making any sound. After a long moment she swallows and looks back at you. "Ryza… you're a sweet kid, and you're my boss, so I say this with all the love in my heart… but… but ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BLOODY LITTLE MIND!?"
You flinch at the sudden shout. "No, I'm not crazy-" you start.
"You are going. To the Empire. The place that hates people like you. Both your dragon-ness and your Kingdom-ness. By yourself. With only an Imperial to guide you. And that's somehow not crazy?!"
Folding your arms, you frown up at the humans. "Lacroix isn't a bad person," you say firmly. "And Kopoi agrees that he'll get me there alright, just like he got me to Legerius alright."
Kelton frowns back. "Look, last time you were going away from the people who were gonna hurt you if they found out what you are," he says. "This time you're going towards them. Including the one who can boss the lizard rider around. Even you gotta admit that's asking for trouble."
"No it's not!" you say. "Asking for trouble would be me flying straight to the Hall myself, since I don't know the way! This is asking a friend for help, which is a good thing!"
"At least take one of use with you!" Belle says. "We could probably talk one of the Whitewings into giving us a ride-"
You shake your head. "That would just draw attention," you say. "A lone wyvern flying is probably not that uncommon, but by the sound of it a Whitewing and an Imperial being anywhere near each other without trying to kill each other is unheard of!" Okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but not that much of one if Angela's attitude was anything to go by. The two look at each other, clearly unhappy. However, they don't speak for a moment, so you rush ahead quickly. "Besides, I really need your help with something here."
Belle raises an eyebrow. "And what might this little bit of busywork be?" she asks icily.
"It's not busywork!" you say hotly. "With Artemis gone, and Lancel and Axton probably going to be leaving soon, there aren't that many people I trust to look after my stuff! I'm sure James and Siri'll do their best, but they're both children, a lot of people'll walk right over them! And the Archduke's super busy with everything, and so is Dione… I just… I don't…"
Sighing, Kelton crouches down. "I get that this stuff means a lot to you," he says. "But without you, a lot of it's meaningless."
"No!" you snap. "No, there's so much knowledge in there, things that humans have forgotten about! It's important, not just to me, but to everyone." You fold your arms. "Besides, I already had one noble try to take advantage of me even though he knew I was a friend. As much as I like Agrithe, I can't be sure that there won't be another Baron Cicenco here. I'll feel a lot more at ease with two people I really trust making sure nothing goes wrong."
Slowly, Belle nods, her annoyed expression fading into a calculating one. "You're not wrong," she murmurs, her eyes distant. "And it's not even just nobles; I'm sure a lot of people saw you bringing in stuff, and if any of them got into their heads that they might be able to slip some relic of yours out and sell it on the side… well, there'll be some tempted people, that's all I can say. I know I'd have been, back before."
Kelton threw her a betrayed look. "I thought we were on the same side!" he said.
"We are," you say, reaching forward and grabbing one of his hands before leaning and taking one of Belle's too. "We're all on the same side, together, and I trust you both. Please don't let anything bad happen to my stuff. Or my shrine. Or my room. Or-"
Finally, Belle laughs, ruffling your hair. "Alright, alright, you don't need to break out the puppy eyes," she said. "We'll make sure no big, bad nobles steal all your fancy pieces of parchment."
Kelton nods, grinning as well. "And I'll make sure Belle doesn't steal them either," he says cheekily, earning him a kick to the shin from the former thief. "Anything else you need?"
You sigh. "Just… please do your best to make sure nothing else goes wrong while I'm gone," you say. "It gets a bit tiring, coming back from one problem just to have to go solve another."
"For you, boss? Anything. When you get back you'll be so bored you'll hope the Empire invades just to have something to do."
Biting back a laugh, you smile. "Thank you both," you say. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I've gotten myself out of every other mess I've gotten involved in, this one'll be no different."
Kelton nods, but Belle's smile fades a little. "Overconfidence can get you killed really fast, Ryza," she says. "You've been facing people who've no idea what you're capable of. That won't last forever." She ruffles your hair. "Just… just be careful, okay? You're… if you die, then I have to find someone else to work for, and that just sounds like a pain."
You nod. "I promise, I'll be careful," you say. "Could you both help me pack? I want to get going as soon as possible, so I'll have to dig out some stuff."
The pair quickly nod, and over the next few minutes you look through all the various pieces of scroll, tablet, and other manakete paraphernalia you'd brought from home. You immediately grab both Thunder's Cry and Mother's Hymn: being able to use both your Yellow and White magic to the fullest is vital. After some consideration, you also take The Dragon Within: you're so close to the Awakening, you want to finish what you started and meet your dragon.
After that, you re-pack Practical Magic; few other scrolls can give you as many options with as little space. As you start to close the bag, however, you glance at the scroll right below it: Runewrighting. Runes seem to be really important to human mages; so you really should start studying that.
Besides… it's what Father did, and you want to be like Father.
It takes a little time to find a way to fit everything in, and you end up having to get another pouch to hang from your shoulder to carry your casting tablets, but in the end you get everything you need. You're even able to fit in some small fragments of scroll and tablet that you might be able to trade at the Hall, since surely they'll be interested in new knowledge. It hurts to think of your heritage like that, but as Kopoi said: better to have and not need than need and not have.
Finally, you heft your bag onto your shoulders with an oof. You're getting stronger, bit by bit, but your heart-form's never going to be as strong as a human. "Alright," you say. "So, if you could make sure everything else gets up to the room right under the roof; that's where I'm going to be living when I get back. Don't worry about unpacking anything; I'll figure it out when I get back. Thanks again!"
"You're the boss, boss," Belle says. "Don't worry; we'll keep everything safe. Have fun with all the fancy-schmancy kids back west, maybe find a cute, rich boy while you're there-"
"NOPE!" you cry as you dash for the door. "Nope not having this conversation!"
You're thankfully able to calm down by the time you hurry to the courtyard and find Archduke Letoro waiting. "I sent the letter," he says without preamble. "Even in these times; messenger pigeons like that won't be intercepted, especially since all evidence indicates that the Southlands consider themselves a shield rather than a sword."
"Will that stay the case?" you ask as you shift your bag.
"I hope so," the Archduke says. "But we shall see." He offers you a pouch, as well as several sealed scrolls. "Some funds, in case you have need of them," he says. "As well as letters for Apollo, Master Stormspeaker, and Countess Mantrae. Spirits fly with you, Mistress Ryza."
You smile, working your wings out around the backpack. "Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing bad happens at the Hall," you say. "And when I get back; I'll be able to really be Head Mage here, and we can stop the war from happening and then I can help humans figure out a new way of using magic-"
Archduke Letoro raises a hand. "Focus on one thing at a time," he says. "Working towards the future is important, but not at the expense of the moment."
"Okay," you say. "I'll be on my way. Mother watch over us all." With that, you lift off, ignoring the cries from the people around you. Enough people have seen you do this that you can't really expect to remain a secret anymore, at least around the Kingdoms. Hopefully Kopoi will be able to keep the Empire from hearing too much until after you've gotten your mage-name and have some more protection from their irrational fears.
As you fly back towards Legerius, you plan out your trip. You figure that one use of half-shifting, after you've tired out your wings and legs, won't hurt. Having a second would make your trip a little faster, but with the Awakening coming up, you don't want your dragon-self to be too irritated with you. Once you get to Legerius, hopefully a Whitewing will be around to take you the rest of the way home, where you'll meet Lacroix to take you the rest of the way.
Hopefully nothing goes wrong on the way.
Thankfully, for seemingly the first time since you woke up, everything goes exactly as planned. You spot a few people as you fly, and you're a bit worried once when you have to land to rest your tired wings not that far from a village, but thankfully either nobody comes out to check you out, or they're not able to find you as you take a short break in a tree.
It still takes you a day and a half to get to Legerius, even now that you're able to move almost continuously by a combination of walking and flying, with only a few hours to sleep in another tree and a few short breaks. It's still starting to get late as you flap your tired wings to shed speed as you land in front of the gate. You'd almost aimed for the roof-garden, but then you'd remembered that it'd be polite to announce yourself first. "Hello!" you call, waving. "It's Ryza; can I come in?"
Sadly, you don't know the guard standing at the top of the gate, but thankfully he seems to know you. "Open the gate!" you hear him call to someone inside. "Mistress Ryza, welcome back."
As the big doors open, you slump in, trying to roll your aching shoulders. "Is Countess Mantrae around?" you ask as you spot a few men coming to meet you.
"Her Excellency is away, unfortunately," the leader, dressed in a cavalier's armor, says as he bows his head slightly to you. "She did say that if you were ever to visit, you were to be admitted immediately." He frowns slightly as he looks around. "You seem to be alone… is anything wrong?"
You shake your head. "No, no, I just need to move really fast, and I can go fastest when I'm by myself," you say. "Is Jenna here? Sypha?"
The cavalier considers. "Mistress Flarestone is still in the castle, but young Lady Sypha is with her mother." That's a bit disappointing, but at least someone you know is here. "Do you wish to see Mistress Flarestone?"
You nod. "That would be best, thanks," you say, digging through one of your pouches. "But Archduke Letoro asked me to give a letter to the Countess, since I was coming this way. Who should I give it to since she's not here?"
"The seneschal would be best," the cavalier says, gesturing to one of the guards standing next to him. "These men will see you safely to Mistress Flarestone, I'll take the letter to him." You hesitate for a moment, but you're pretty sure you know most of what the Archduke would've said in the letter and you can tell Jenna. She'd pass anything onto Countess Mantrae.
"Okay," you say, holding the letter out to him. "Thank you." He bows and hurries away, leaving you with the two guards, who are looking at you with the slightly awed expressions that had mostly disappeared from Agrithe. "So, Jenna's lab?"
One of the men jerks. "Oh, yes, of course," he says. "This way, Mistress Ryza,"
As the pair quickly lead you through the castle, you try to pay attention to the path, just in case you need to find your own way later. You're tired, but it's the physical tiredness that you can push through rather than the spiritual tiredness of an overworked dragon. Thankfully, the path isn't a long one, and you don't need to climb any stairs. Soon, you're being gestured into a similar-looking room to the Head Mage room in Agrithe.
Jenna looks up from a tome she seems to be reworking. "Ryza!" she says. "What're you doing here?"
"Hi, Jenna," you say. "I actually have to go back home quickly: I'm heading to the Hall and Lacroix's meeting me there." You hop up onto a stool. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing well," Jenna says, looking you over with a frown. "Are you well? You seem tired…"
You sigh. "I just got back," you say. "I am going to get accredited and talk to your friends, but Archduke Letoro also needs me to do something there soon." You quickly explain to Jenna everything Archduke Letoro had told you about, especially when it came to the apparent threat to the Marble Hall.
As you spoke, you're slightly surprised to see just how horrified Jenna looked. True, this is bad. Really, really bad, but still…
You cock your head. "The Regent, I assume," you say. "I mean, it's a really bad thing he's doing-"
Jenna shakes her head. "Ryza, one of the pillars of human society for a thousand years has been the special relationship between mages and non-mages. Through war, peace, and countless other problems, the neutrality of the Hall has never been questioned before. If the Regent does this… he could completely shatter the Compact: if mages can't trust they'll be safe sharing their knowledge, if people can't trust that their children will be safe… At best, the advancement of arcane knowledge will be utterly crippled; at worst we could start losing progress as everyone starts hoarding and trying to sabotage each other to preserve their own knowledge and power!" She hugs herself. "I just… I just can't believe anyone would be so desperate as to burn that bridge…"
You frown. "This is the same person who ordered a horde of mercenaries to kidnap children," you say.
The redhead sighs. "I know, and that's awful. But while a monstrous thing to do, it was a strictly legal one. This… is both monstrous and illegal and quite frankly idiotic." After a second, she sighs. "I'm sorry, I know it seems stupid, but it's… well, it's a shock." She shakes her head again. "I suppose you're right, though, we shouldn't really be surprised that someone cruel and mad enough to target children, to murder his own emperor would do something like this…" She looks at you. "So, you're going to the Hall. Is there anything you need from me?"
You lean back. "Well, if you could let me know who I should talk to, that'd be great," you say. "You mentioned there were Revisionists at the Hall. It shouldn't take me long to warn Master Stormspeaker, so I should have plenty of time to talk to them."
Jenna nods, finally smiling again. "Sure," she says. "Well, the first person you should find is Quincy Darkstalker, he's one of the oldest members…"
For the next thirty or so minutes, you and Jenna just talk. She gives you a list of people to talk to, who'll listen to you and help you. True, you could have gotten that list from Lacroix, but it's nice to be able to have some confirmation, just in case.
Finally, however, you hear footsteps coming towards you. Looking up, you see a tall, grey-haired man striding in, followed by the cavalier you'd met at the gate. "Mistress Ryza," the man says, inclining his head slightly. "It's an honor to finally get to speak to you directly. I am Lord Vispanius, Seneschal of Legerius."
Right, that was his name! You'd seen him at the feast Countess Mantrae had thrown after you and Sypha got back. "It's nice to meet you," you say, standing and curtsying. "Is everything going alright here?"
"Indeed," Lord Vispanius says, pulling another stool over to your and Jenna's table and sitting down, putting the scroll you'd brought on the table. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention so swiftly; the contents are most disturbing. Rest assured, Her Excellency will be informed just as soon as a rider can reach her. She's traveling to Baron Cicenco's realm with a rather… sizable, retinue." He gives you a dry look. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"
You wince. "He was pushing boundaries with me," you say. "while I was at home. I'm sorry, I thought she was just going to send him a letter telling him to stop, not go down and talk to him herself." With everything going on in the Kingdoms right now, she hadn't really needed to do that…
Lord Vispanius nods. "I see," he says. "Well, His Highness did ask that Her Excellency request that the Whitewings carry you back to your home as part of their existing contract, and I see no reason she would refuse that request. You will have to stay the night; usually a flight checks in in the morning."
"That sounds good," you say. "I came as quickly as a could; so I'm a bit tired."
A flash of something crossed Lord Vispanius's face as he looks you up and down. When he spots you cocking your head, he seems to force a small smile. "I… will admit, though you have proven yourself time and again, it is still somewhat strange to know that someone so powerful is so… young."
You sigh. "I've had to grow up fast," you say. "Father and Mother would be horrified by some of the things I've been doing."
Jenna hums sympathetically. "Surely they'd also be proud of all you've accomplished," she says.
"I hope so."
Before the moments of silence that follow can become too awkward, Lord Vispanius claps his hands. "If you have traveled hard from Agrithe, you must be very tired," he says. "I shall see you to your chambers for the night; were the ones you used on your last visit satisfactory?"
You quickly nod. "Yes, yes I liked them, thank you," you say. For all that they'd… looked similar to the first one you'd stayed in here, Countess Mantrae had been careful to not put you in those same rooms. Probably to avoid triggering bad memories.
Still, as you're shown in, you're tired enough that you probably wouldn't have minded. Still, as you push your bag under the bed, you find yourself instinctively perking your ear just to make sure you don't hear the sound of a key turning in a lock (not that it'd work, that window's more than big enough for you to get out.)
After a moment, you shake your head. You're not going to live the rest of your life in constant fear. It's one thing to recognize that something bad could happen, another to be always jumping at small sounds. Gently but firmly nudging your fear to the back of your mind, you get yourself ready to sleep.
Thankfully, nothing disturbs you until morning, when you walk with renewed vigor to the seneschal's office. "Good morning," you say once you're able to talk the guard into letting you in.
He looks up from the paper he's studying. "Good morning, Ryza," he says. "Was your rest satisfactory?"
You nod. "Yes, thank you," you say. "Any sign of the Whitewings?"
"Fortunately, yes, a flight just landed a few minutes ago," Lord Vispanius says. "I already sent word requesting that they hold for a quick passenger." He smiles dryly. "I am sure they will complain that such things aren't part of their contract, but it's a common enough addition that they don't really have a leg to stand on."
Kicking at the ground, you frown a little. "I don't want to cause anyone any trouble," you say.
"Fear not, Mistress Ryza," Lord Vispanius says. "With the risk to the Kingdom students at the Hall, it is imperative that warning reach them as soon as possible. You have proven yourself adept at such efforts, so it only stands to reason that all aid possible be given." He looks you over, your bag sitting at your feet. "Do you need anything else from Legerius?"
"No, thank you," you say, shaking your head. "And if you'd thank Countess Mantrae for… for taking my problem seriously, I'd be very grateful, and if you could also say hi to Sypha for me that'd be great."
"I will do so," the seneschal says after a moment. "But you should probably go and meet your ride; they tend to appreciate punctuality." He nods. "Sentinel watch over you, Mistress Ryza,"
"You too, Lord Vispanius," you say, curtsying again before picking your bag up and letting the guards guide you back down to the courtyard. As you enter, you see a familiar bobcut of black-grey hair. "Angela!" you say happily.
The Whitewing looks over, a tiny smile appearing on her face for a moment. Her two friends move to join you, though they hang back a little "Hey, kid," Angela says. "What's going on? Are you the person we're supposed to take back to your place?"
"Uh-huh," you say. "Sorry for taking you away from whatever you're doing, but it's really important that I get there as soon as possible." While you'll probably be faster than Lacroix, you don't want to keep him waiting too long if he somehow got there first.
The woman raises an eyebrow. "Forget something important?" she asks dryly.
"No, no, nothing like that," you say. You almost tell her that you're going to be meeting Lacroix, but then you remember that she doesn't like him at all. "It's just really important."
She snorts. "Hey, we're getting paid to help the Kingdoms out, and as much as I hate courier duty at least I won't be having to convince Peri to let a man onto her back, so you're a lot better than I was hoping." She glances at your bag, raising an eyebrow. "Staying for a while?"
You shake your head. "No, not long," you say. "Sorry, I know I'm being really cryptic and evasive…"
Angela laughs, her face finally warming up. "I get it, kid," she says. "Nobody ever tells mercs the full story. We know what we need to know: you need to get to your home quickly and safely, and we're the best ones to do it." She looks at the sky. "You're lucky- yesterday it was raining; but it seems mostly clear now." Glancing back down at you, her eyes flick to your wings. "So, could all your people fly when they looked like humans?"
"No, not many," you say. "We all have wings, but most of them are too small to do more than aid in a jump or slow a fall a little until the dragon-form could take over."
"Shame. Being a pegasus knight… spirits, I could never imagine giving up the sky. It must be so cool, to be able to just fly whenever you want, no matter how small an area is." She glances at you. "Can I see your wings? I didn't really get a chance the first time…"
You can't help but smile a little as you extend them. "Sure," you say.
All three Whitewings ooh a little, though thankfully none of them make any move to touch your wings. "Can see the shared heritage with wyverns," one of the other women muses. "Though the layout's a little different- you've got that claw in the center where the fingers spread from, wyvern's have got a big knob there…"
"Yeah, it's a core for the fire that helps their wings produce lift," you say. "Manakete don't need that, our flight magic's stronger than theirs, like pegasi."
"You can use wind magic too?" Angela asks.
You shrug. "Not yet, I'm still learning, but I guess it is related. I'm a Yellow manakete, so I mostly use lightning magic."
The Whitewing winces. "Oof. Well, sorry in advance for any discomfort. I had to fly a thunder mage once, and he spent the whole trip whining about the 'interfering arcane energies.' Almost drove me to do a roll and dump him off."
"I'll live," you say, looking over at Angela's pegasus. "Thanks again for flying me."
"Again, no problem," Angela says, stroking Peri's neck before easily swinging herself into the saddle. "I added the passenger saddle; it might be a little small, but at least it'll be something. Need any help with your stuff?"
"No, thank you," you say, gliding up and carefully depositing yourself on the bit of leather covering the pegasi's withers. There are some straps that you could probably use to tie yourself on, but you don't bother: you can catch yourself if you fall. "But forgive me, who're your friends? I've been meaning to ask."
"I'm Bucephila," one of them says as she mounts her own pegasus. "And that's my sister, Alexandra." The smallest-looking woman waves. "It's nice to meet you, miss."
"You too," you say.
Angela finishes buckling on her helmet and gives a whistle. "Alright, with introductions out of the way, let's hit the clouds," she says as the gate is opened up. "Hold on, kid, pegasi need a bit of a running start."
Turns out, that was an understatement. You squeak in shock and throw your arms around Angela's middle as the Pegasus bolts forwards, galloping through the gate faster than Actaeon had ever gone before! The other two fall into pace behind him, and a few seconds later you all thunder out of the gate. Finally, just as you're worried that you're going to be jolted off by the rapidly-moving haunches you're sitting on, the massive white wings extend and Green magic fills the air, allowing the three to shoot into the sky.
You shiver: you can see why Angela's former passenger was uncomfortable. It feels almost as if a part of your essence is being blown away, no matter how much you try to hold onto it. Growling, you harden your magic; you are manakete. Magic is your blood, your birthright, and you're not going to let it be used against you, even unconsciously.
"Doing okay back there?" Angela asks.
"Well enough," you say. "I'll be alright."
She glances over her shoulder at you. "Not a riding person, huh?" she says after a moment. "I know that tension; there're a lot of people who are very happy on their own two feet. Or your own two wings, in your case."
You're forced to nod. "It's not just you," you say. "Artemis has been trying to get me comfortable with her horse, but I'm not sure it'll ever be my favorite way of traveling."
"You seemed pretty calm on the wyvern when we first spotted you a few days ago."
You frown. "Firescale's a nice wyvern," you say. "And riding her reminded me a bit of riding Father or Mother."
Angela tenses in front of you, but after a moment she relaxes with a sigh. "Sorry," she says. "My mother would take me flying sometimes too, when I was really little. I… I guess it makes sense you'd remember that sort of thing fondly too." You hum a little, looking down to see the ground flashing by far below. Wow, turns out pegasi are even faster than wyverns! No wonder only Green manakete could catch them!
The four of you fly in silence for a few minutes before you look back up. "So what's it like being a Whitewing?" you ask. "You must go all over the continent."
Angela shrugs. "Me personally? Not yet," she says. "I'm still relatively new. Most girls spend a few years as part of a squadron that's assigned to home defense, or at most local jobs. I've been in the Kingdoms a few times, but never into the Empire." Glancing back at you, you see her bare her teeth slightly. "I always figured it was to give us a chance to get some of the heat out of our blood before we went anywhere where people might try to start bar fights with us."
Angela laughs. "Sorry, just a little joke. My older cousin, she was in the Empire one time, with the rest of her squadron, and some idiot at the bar was stupid enough to say to her face that 'Prince Ignatius did nothing wrong.'" She bares her teeth. "Well, Mary broke his face for that comment, and by the end of the night pretty much everyone in the bar was in lockup after a huge brawl erupted. Aunt Zeitha looked like she couldn't decide if she wanted to congratulate or strangle Mary when she heard."
You frown. On the one hand, you want to say that this Mary should have kept her temper under control, that lashing out and punching people wouldn't make anything better. However… had your feelings been so different, when Baron Cicenco had insulted you and your family? If you hadn't spent most of your life training to not lash out, might you have given into your dragon and squished him on the spot? "Is that sort of thing common?" you ask worriedly. You can't imagine that you'll be able to get to the Hall in one day, will you have to deal with stupid people making stupid comments on the way?
Angela sighs. "Most aren't dumb enough to say it out loud," she says. "And you won't have to worry as much since, no offense, looking at you the first thought isn't 'Dragon.'"
"Right, manakete," Angela says. "Sorry. So you should be able to get to the Marble Hall without too much trouble."
You almost don't catch the certainty in her voice "Wait, how did you-"
"Not hard to figure out. You mentioned that you use lightning magic, so that makes you a mage. You're in contact with that Imp mage, and you're going back to the place where you met him. Plus, I talked to a few people around Legerius, and pretty much everyone knows you're some sort of super-mage. Makes sense you're going to the Hall." She grimaces. "Not what I'd suggest you do, but it's your life, and I'm not going to second-guess how you live it. At least not out loud." She smirks at the surprised expression that's surely on your face. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're not actually as sneaky as you think you are."
You puff up your cheeks. "I can be plenty sneaky when I want to be!" you say hotly. "I snuck into a Talon camp." True, you'd had help doing that, but Angela didn't need to know.
She laughs, but there's enough warmth in it that you can't be too mad. "Alright, alright, you are a very sneaky manakete," she says. "So how'd you do it?"
Over the course of the flight, you end up telling Angela and her friends about your mission to save Sypha. You get some pride out of the fact that all three seem genuinely impressed; eagerly asking for details. True, they seemed to get a little too much pleasure out of Deathwing's crash, but his rider had been mean, and it'd been the only way to keep everyone you care about safe.
"Honestly, Ryza," Angela says as she lands you in front of your home. "It's a real shame none of us ever found you here. The Whitewings could use someone like you. We don't have many mages at all, let alone ones so comfortable in the sky. If you ever get bored of Agrithe, feel free to look us up. We'll find a squadron to put you with."
Slipping off of Peri, you pat her on the side before looking up at Angela. "I'd like to say I'll think about it, but honestly I like it in Agrithe," you say. "Just about everyone I really care about is either there or in Legerius. I'm sure you're all nice, but I think I'll stick with my friends."
You half expect Angela to look upset or offended, but she grins. "'Never leave a fallen sister,'" she says. "I get it; friends, sisters, wingsmates, whatever the relationship with Lady Artemis, loyalty's important. I'd have been shocked if you'd agreed, but hey, can't blame a girl for trying, right?"
A part of you wonders if Belle's part Whitewing. They certainly seem to share a certain irreverent, devil-may-care attitude towards reality. "Well, thanks again for the ride," you say. "Do you want to stay and rest a little?"
Angela looks around. "Nah, we're good, but thanks for the offer." She studies you for a moment before sighing. "Look; we don't know each other well, but anyone who tweeks the Empire's nose is good in my books, and your mere existence tweeks it in a big way. So I'm gonna ask you to not die. They'll be utterly insufferable if they get to brag about killing another manakete."
You fold your arms, frowning as you will your determination to the fore of your mind. "I understand that Prince Ignatius did something bad," you say quietly. "But the Empire did a lot more bad to me and other manakete, and you don't see me being angry all the time just for the sake of being angry. Maybe… maybe just try, to see them as something other than monsters. Maybe then you'll ask me to live because you care, not just to spite people." Angela starts to open her mouth, but you stare her down, despite standing on the ground.
"I'm sure you're trying to help, just like Belle and Kelton and Artemis and- and everyone else. But I'm a manakete. I'm training myself to understand my emotions, control my emotions. To make my actions and my dragon's actions my choice. And I am choosing to have faith. Choose believe that there is still good in this world, in its people, even after all that's happened. Choose to believe that I can make a difference, if I just meet the right people. That's why I keep going. That's why I'm going to the Hall."
The three Whitewings stare at you. Neither Angela nor Bucephila look convinced, but Alexandra frowns thoughtfully. "You really think that?" she asks softly.
"I do."
The women all glance at each other for a moment before Angela speaks up. "Well… I hope that works out for you. We should be getting going."
As you watch the three pegasus knights fly away, you think about your own words. Nothing you said was untrue. In fact… as you close your eyes, you find yourself automatically thinking about your emotions, almost automatically deciding what the best emotions for the moment would be. You're not perfect; you know that, you still struggle with embarrassment, but… It seems… it seems you were closer than you thought to Channeling your Emotions.
Could you… possibly… be ready?
Gently pushing aside your fear, you sit down, pull out The Dragon Within, and roll to the section on The Awakening.
Perhaps the most important step of the Path is the Awakening. In many ways, it marks the end of a young dragon's childhood and their entrance into adulthood. The barrier that the Mother put in place to protect a young heart from their young dragon is shifted aside, allowing the two to truly meet as partners for the first time.
Unlike the other steps of the Path, both before and after, there is little direct guidance that can be given to this step, as it is a deeply personal one. Different tribes and cultures and times have had countless different suggestions and rituals and rites, but the simple truth is every manakete is unique. Every circumstance is unique. All that can be offered are some broad strokes, ones that should be used as guidelines if at all.
During the Awakening, the dragon wakes, truly wakes, for the first time. Thus, they will be in control of the shared body during the ritual.
Dragons can sometimes be confused, so it might be best to Awaken in a known environment
Dragons are social; Awakening among friends and family might help them to know who to trust.
Dragons will want to experience life. They might want to stay transformed for longer than normal. This could be good or bad, it depends on the situation.
Dragons have only some memories from before. They might bring up old events or be completely unaware of recent ones.
Dragons might or might not even know the Heart exists.
Perhaps the closest that can be given to solid, inescapable advice is this: trust your dragon. For all that the previous sections have talked about some of their less desirable qualities, the indisputable fact is that they are us, and we are them. They do not want to hurt us. We do not want to hurt them. We want to, we need to, live with each other, every day of our lives. If you, dear reader, sense that the time is right, seize it with hands and talons, and fly together into your future.
You stop reading just before the extremely short description of how to perform the Awakening, your thoughts racing. Are you ready? You hope you are. You think you might be; you've overcome a lot in a short amount of time... could you do it now...
[] You are ready. Perform the Awakening her and now. This was your home for many years; if there is any place in the world where you can… where you should do this, it's here.
[] You are ready, but you need to set the scene first. Perhaps you want Artemis and Sypha and your other friends with you. Perhaps you want to do this in Agrithe, the land where your dragon and you will spend many years. You can do it; you just need to pick the right moment.
-[] Write-in: how do you prepare for the Awakening?
[] You're not ready yet. You need more time, to ensure that your dragon's Awakening goes perfectly. She might still be mad about the halfshifting you did recently, or she might get upset about home, or countless other issues. You'll be ready soon, just not right now.
AN: It's interesting when characters almost seem to take over the narrative. I had not planned for the Awakening to come up for a while, but during the conversation with Angela, it just seemed… right, what Ryza said about going into the Empire, and from there, it just seemed right that she consider whether she might be ready for the Awakening.
To be clear, having Ryza Awaken is not like a promotion. She's not going to get more powerful or wiser or anything like that. She's going to change, and she's going to have her dragon-self aware and commenting and pushing her own agenda. This is not to say Ryza's dragon will be antagonistic: they are ultimately one being, and so long as events and votes don't drive a wedge between them, Ryza's heart and dragon will be allies first and foremost.
[X] You are ready. Perform the Awakening her and now. This was your home for many years; if there is any place in the world where you can… where you should do this, it's here.
If it feels like this is the moment, we should go with it. If Ryza feels it's right, then that's probably the right moment. We're not entirely alone, we have our ancestor's stone with us, we're in Ryza's home, and we have some space to work with to boot. If she feels it's the right time, it's best not to second-guess.
And we're going to need Dragon Ryza's strength before this is done, I suspect. The conditions are rarely going to be this ideal in the days ahead.
Even Half-Shifting, we didn't do it that much, and there was always a good reason for it when we did it, it's also been a while since the last time. We haven't outright suppressed Ryza's feelings and generally had her do her best to do right by people without becoming a robot.
Yeah, if she feels up to it, it's time. That's literally what the scroll said. Basically "Trust your instincts".
On an unrelated note @SoaringHawk218 , was the Boon we got the good impression we made with the Whitewings? Or is that yet to show itself?
Hm. Ryza's friends are scattered to the four corners of the world (or at least of the Kingdoms), which isn't ideal, but when can we expect Ryza to gather a meaningful number of them?
[X] You're not ready yet. You need more time, to ensure that your dragon's Awakening goes perfectly. She might still be mad about the halfshifting you did recently, or she might get upset about home, or countless other issues. You'll be ready soon, just not right now.
This just seems pretty premature considering she wasn't even aware she was channeling her emotions a few minutes ago, and her first reaction at the idea of awakening was fear. Let's give it some time to be ready and get our friends around us when we do it.
Gah. We're torn. Several of us agree that this isn't an ideal time to Awaken; not with no friends around us, not when we're about to go into hostile territory that will test Ryza and her dragon-self in ways they've never faced before. But several of us do want to see Ryza's dragon-self get to come out and express opinions; we want more plural and plural-adjacent media and this is a chance to directly vote for that to happen sooner than it otherwise would.
We might have to sleep on this decision before voting. This is a tough one.
Hm. Ryza's friends are scattered to the four corners of the world (or at least of the Kingdoms), which isn't ideal, but when can we expect Ryza to gather a meaningful number of them?
Gah. We're torn. Several of us agree that this isn't an ideal time to Awaken; not with no friends around us, not when we're about to go into hostile territory that will test Ryza and her dragon-self in ways they've never faced before. But several of us do want to see Ryza's dragon-self get to come out and express opinions; we want more plural and plural-adjacent media and this is a chance to directly vote for that to happen sooner than it otherwise would.
We might have to sleep on this decision before voting. This is a tough one.
I think these two posts have it right. Ryza is ready to perform the awakening, but the timing really isn't ideal. I don't think the where matters as much but Ryza is (in my opinion) someone who values her connections with others. So, having Artemis, Sypha, Keaton and Belle around, and possibly Apollo depending on how we get on with him (as well as maybe Larconix?), is probably the conditions we want to awaken under.
But, then we get back to the issue of when is the next time that we're going to have everyone back together so we can perform the ritual? When we get back from the Marble Hall? Later? If Ryza wants to continue to mature, it's something she's going to want to accomplish sooner rather than later. So we can't keep putting it off until all of the conditions line up.
I'm going to wait until we hear from the author on the wait for gathering our friends/adopted family, but my tentative vote is probably going to be something like:
[] You are ready, but you need to set the scene first. Perhaps you want Artemis and Sypha and your other friends with you. Perhaps you want to do this in Agrithe, the land where your dragon and you will spend many years. You can do it; you just need to pick the right moment.
-[] Write-in: how do you prepare for the Awakening?
--[] Gather your friends and confidants: Artemis, Duke Letoro, Duchess Dione, Sypha, Keaton, Belle, possibly Apollo, and anyone else that Ryza wants to include.
--[] Do it at Agrithae castle. Ryza might prefer to do it at her home, but this is the best place for all of her important friends and confidants can gather.