Turn 4 (11AE Trimester 1): The Fires of Labor Results
200+10+10=220 Resources Per Turn, 65 In Storage
45+5+5-4=51 Political Support
Mycenae, 11 AE
Both you and your husband have had even more work on your plates than normal the past few months. While he might be in Mycenae more than he used to, he still spends most of his days and many of his nights leading exercises and attempting to train officers. You might have even less free time than him, with everything from coal shipments to printing textbooks having constant issues. Still, you've managed to make significant progress. Other than some rumors about units defecting from one Air Force clique to another and a merchant who showed up with kerosene lamp oil allegedly made in Babylon, not much seems to have happened abroad recently.
Derveni-Zapantis Canal: A navigable canal to connect the Gulf of Corinth to the city of Mycenae and the Aegean as a whole will massively decrease the difficulty of transporting goods to our capital. Work has begun on a series of locks, reservoirs, and pumps to enable the movement of small barges between the Derveni and Zapantis rivers, but this requires a vertical climb of close to a hundred meters. However, even with its massive cost, it must be worth it for the Cretans to have built a similar canal. (10 Resources per dice (405+52=457/1050), loss of political support if less than 50 progress/turn) (Makes most other projects cheaper) (+25 Political Support on completion)
Work on the Derveni-Zapantis Canal has continued as planned. The continuing proliferation of steel tools is speeding up the pace of labor, while the need for the canal has become even greater with hundreds of tons of coal transported to Mycenae every day.
Port Facilities (Stage 1): While sporadic improvements to ports have been made since the establishment of the Republic, a nationwide effort is badly needed. This would expand and improve ports in all major cities, helping trade and fishing and potentially allowing for the creation of a real navy. (5 Resources per dice (48+160=208/125)) (Complete) (Stage 2 (83/200))
Significant expansions to breakwaters, docks, and other port facilities have taken place in Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme. Some smaller fishing villages have also received minor improvements. Work has begun on even more projects along the same lines, as well as a massively overhauled shipyard in Mycenae itself for the construction of far larger and more capable vessels.
Dyme Salt Evaporation Pond: The Prokopou Lagoon, just a few kilometers southwest of Dyme, could easily be converted into an evaporation pond for the mass production of salt and bitterns from seawater. Not only will the bitterns fuel the nascent chemical industry of the Republic, but the massive amounts of salt produced as a byproduct will be useful for food preservation and trade. (5 Resources per dice (0+93/75)) (Complete) (+5 Political Support)
The former lagoon was fed by both a small river and a two-kilometer long channel connecting it to the sea. Damming the small channel to control the influx of seawater was relatively easy, while the necessary infrastructure for diverting the river took months to construct even with over a thousand conscripted peasants working on it. While the water inside has not yet fully evaporated, with the coming of summer production of salt and bitterns should reach planned levels within five to six weeks.
Heavy Industry
Kópos Coal Mine (Stage 1): With an exploitable deposit of coal being found at last, exploitation must start immediately. While lacking machining capability means that the use of steam engines is restricted, being right next to so much coal means that even extremely inefficient and simple steam engines are still practical for use in pumping out water and bringing up coal from the depths of the mine. (10 Resources per dice (55+70=125/125)) (Complete) (Stage 2 (0/175)) (Coal Experiments unlocked)
The first planned stage of the mining complex has been completed, with over two hundred workers ripping coal from the earth on any given day. As more experience is gained, yields are expected to increase substantially over the coming months even without any further investment. Yet, this will still be nowhere near enough for the needs of the Republic, and plans have already been drawn up for further expansion.
Thríambos Ironworks (Stage 1): Now that we have working examples of blast, puddling, and cementation furnaces for iron production, we can begin massively scaling up the production of iron and steel. Located just outside the walls of Mycenae due to the availability of nearby ore, labor, water, limestone, wood, and coal, this will be the beating heart of our industrialization from now on. While the blast furnaces will still require charcoal, puddling and cementation furnaces work in such a way that the fuel and charge never actually come into contact, allowing us to use coal for those parts of the process (50+132=182/100) (+10 Resources per turn) (Stage 2 (82/150)) (Helmet Plants (Stage 1) Unlocked)
Construction of the first stage of ironworks has already been completed, and several additional furnaces are under construction. The additional iron and steel has allowed many plants which were previously limited by raw materials to increase production, and although they are still not receiving nearly enough the metal is now somewhat less precious. Experiments with the use of manganese as a desulfurizing and alloying agent have been mostly successful, with quality increasing as a result.
"First, I had to relearn everything I knew about bronzeworking for steel, and now I have to do it again for this "Mangalloy" stuff? Treatments that should harden it make it soft instead, and it's impossible to machine, but after a good beating it's tougher than anything I've ever seen." - Citizen Tulisios, senior steelworker
Light Industry
Textile Industry (Stage 1): We have been able to come up with somewhat practical designs for spinning frames and power looms, mostly by stealing from other states. This will free up massive amounts of labor for other tasks, and make everything from clothing to sails far cheaper to produce. (5 Resources per dice (0+106/125)) (+5 Political Support on completion)
Especially with the newly expanded machining capability of the Republic, construction of machinery for spinning and weaving has gone smoothly, with both wooden and steel components being produced at surprisingly acceptable qualities and scales. Finding workers has been somewhat problematic, with most men viewing weaving as women's work and many husbands not wanting their wives and daughters to work outside of home, although labor availability is not yet a significant issue.
Lime and Brick Kilns: With the coming availability of more coal, we can expand the production of bricks and lime. These would be built in every major town, with extra concentration in Mycenae itself and near the Kopos coal mine. (5 Resources per dice (0+1/50))
Work on new kilns seemed to be going acceptably until three collapsed without warning within ten days, killing five workers in total. Most large-scale construction was then stopped in favor of smaller models to try and figure out what was going on, with the current theory being that the clay being used for many firebricks rapidly degrades at high temperatures despite seeming to have fairly good properties at first.
Chemical Industry
Chloroalkali Plant: The newly developed processes for making chemicals from bitterns is one of the most promising developments in the history of the Republic. The pilot plant constructed to test it out is already making chemicals in large enough quantities for the production of limited amounts of anesthetics, disinfectants, and chlorates, but far more of all of these things is needed. Once this is built, we will have the materials available for the chlorination of water, mass production of explosives for both military and civilian uses, bleaching of wood pulp and cloth, and so much more. (Unlocks Water Chlorination, Hard Rock Blasting, Pulping Mill, and Mass Disinfectants when both it and Dyme Salt Evaporation Pond are complete) (10 Resources per dice (0+70/70)) (Complete)
Several plants have been built for the mass production of chlorine and lye from the chemicals present in bitterns. The largest is built in Dyme, but smaller ones have also been built in Mycenae and Tiryns due to the difficulties of transporting chlorine long distances. While they required massive amounts of incredibly expensive stainless steel scrap, the promise of an actual chemical industry made the cost worth it ten times over.
Dams (Stage 2): Many more dams can be built to allow for more irrigation of farmland and more consistent flow of rivers through the season. This will benefit not only agriculture, but also transportation and industry. However, despite being fairly simple to construct, they do require very large amounts of soil and rock to be moved. (5 Resources per dice (0+112/200))
While the exact number of workers involved in the construction of dams is unknown, even conservative estimates suggest that at least seven thousand peasants were working on dams at any given day since the beginning of this year. The promise to let all conscripted laborers keep their steel shovels after construction is complete, as well as the fact that most of them were assigned to dams which would benefit their own villages, seems to have significantly increased morale and productivity despite casualties.
"Sure I don't like hauling rocks all day, but the fact that it's for something that will benefit me and my family instead of some Wanax makes it a bit more tolerable." - Citizen Xaridhmos, later killed in dam collapse.
Primary Schools (Stage 1): While we have taught thousands of urban citizens how to read and write, we still lack a true education system. This would establish a series of schools in all of our cities, teaching a 4-year program to children whose parents decide to educate them, with free lunches being given to pupils to encourage this. They will graduate with knowledge of reading, writing, basic arithmetic, and some education on the basics of things like germ theory, geography, and how the Republic is surrounded on all sides by reactionary feudalist and capitalist states bent on enslaving us all. (5 Resources per dice (120+81=201/150)) (Complete, +5 Political Support) (Stage 2 (51/200))
Enough schools have now been built to educate approximately a third of all children in urban areas from now on, with construction and training continuing at a steady pace. Even our half-literate and barely trained teachers will still provide a far better education than none at all, and they should gain experience over time.
"I'm not sure when our sons, let alone our daughters, will ever need to read, but if it means they get a free lunch why shouldn't we send them to school?" - Citizen Korinsia, to her husband
Adult Literacy Campaigns (Stage 3): Most adults in urban areas still do not know how to read, write, or use Arabic numerals. We must continue the struggle against ignorance in all of its forms, with even more classes on basic literacy being started, now with free meals provided at the end of lessons to encourage attendance. (5 Resources per dice (9+73=82/250)) (+5 Political Support upon completion) (Stage 4 locked behind Primary Schools (Stage 2))
Significant progress has been made in adult education. While most of the night classes are still on basic literacy, some more advanced courses have started to be offered at the newly constructed libraries.
Nursing Schools: While a nearly complete lack of both educated personnel and medical supplies will massively limit what can be done, some basic education on things like first aid, wound cleaning, best practices for childbirth, and oral rehydration therapy can still significantly reduce preventable deaths. With the aid of the few actual uptime nurses we have, short courses on extremely simplistic techniques can be given to hundreds of workers. (10 Resources per dice (27+15=42/80))
The training of nurses has continued, if at a slower than desired pace. While most students understand the basics of germ theory intellectually, actually getting them to internalize it on a deep enough level to actually follow sanitation procedures reliably has proved harder.
"Why do they make us wash our hands so much? If disease is spread by filth, I don't see why I need to wash them after I touch something that's not even dirty." - Citizen Antromaxos
Libraries: While book production is massively limited by the inability to make wood pulp, we still are able to make enough to set up some public libraries. This will help educate and entertain the population, as well as prevent them from falling back into illiteracy due to lack of practice. (5 Resources per dice (0+26/50))
While book production is still limited due to paper shortages, thousands of books have been printed in the past months to be placed in public libraries. This will hopefully prevent literate citizens from forgetting how to read due to a lack of use, and potentially allow some to learn more on their own.
Fortification Improvements: While a complete restructuring of the walls of cities like Mycenae and Tiryns is far too expensive to consider right now, we can at least improve them somewhat. Gates will be strengthened, and angular bastions made of brick and rammed earth can reduce the number of dead zones by the walls. (5 Resources per dice (63+121=184/175)) (Complete)
The fortifications of Mycenae, Tiryns, and Dyme have been significantly improved. Over a hundred and fifty breech-loading swivel guns have been installed on the walls of the three cities, with the adoption of percussion caps allowing skilled gunners to fire nearly six times per minute in short bursts. While most of Mycenae's walls are still made of cyclopean masonry, at least the most vulnerable parts have been reinforced with brick and rammed earth, and the new bastions have also been built of cannon-resistant materials.
Rifle Production (Stage 1): The manufacture of firearms better than glorified pipe bombs has finally begun. While substantially more expensive to produce, the capability to hit individual people at significant range will significantly increase the scouting capability of our cavalry and enable the creation of dedicated Guards companies for scouting, skirmishing, and picking off enemy officers. (15 Resources per dice (0+63/50)) (Complete) (Quality dice 19+15 Omake=34)
Mass production of the Model 10 rifle has finally begun, although it has been rockier than hoped. Due to the poor quality of available machine tools and machinists, many of the rifles which are produced fail to pass even rudimentary quality control tests, with quite a few failing catastrophically when fired for the first time. Still, those that do leave the factory seem to hold up fairly well, and are usually acceptably accurate.
Officer Academies: While we lack any personnel with uptime experience commanding anything larger than a fireteam, the creation of some sort of formalized training for officers will at least be better than nothing. The academy will mostly focus on wargames, seminars, and reading of the few uptime military texts in our possession. (10 Resources per dice (0+78/50)) (Complete) (Quality dice 64)
A formal academy for officer training has been completed in Mycenae, right next to the Popular Assembly. While results are not expected to be very good, performance of officers in wargames conducted in the past few months has already shown notable improvement.
"The only thing comforting about what I've seen so far is that we're slightly less shit than when we started." - Elliot Parrish
Recruit Americans To Bureaucracy: Almost every single American adult is far more educated than nearly any downtimer, and many have actual experience in areas such as management and accounting. Hundreds of thousands of these people live on the coasts of Anatolia, and many would be more than happy to leave behind a life of subsistence farming to do paperwork. However, few of these are likely to be politically reliable, and having even more Americans in government won't look great to our citizens. (5 Resources and -2 Political Support per dice) (Larger effect the more dice are spent) (Decreases malus from No Administration) (123) (No Bureaucracy malus reduced to 0) (-4 PS)
The number of Americans living in the Republic is now over three times what it was at the same time last year. While very few are politically reliable in any form, they have at least managed to fill out enough administrative jobs for the government to function no worse than it did before the purge of the priests.
"Paperwork is a hell of a lot nicer way to make a living than farming, even if it is for a bunch of Reds." - Harry Lewis, accountant
Current Economic Issues:
Transportation: Many bottlenecks
Fuel: Slight shortage
Iron: Surplus, demand expected to increase in future
Copper: Slight deficit
Wood: Sufficient production, more deforestation than ideal
Construction Materials: Lime and bricks constrained by fuel availability, sufficient lumber
Food: Large harvest, more than enough for next year
Cloth: Production insufficient
Rural labor (varies by season): Essentially unlimited until April
Urban labor: Surplus