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... Uh oh.
Either Gladiia, the First to Speak or something entirely new like the Watcher, that's uh.. pretty bad.
also yeah almost certainly Anita, she's not a threat, just a child stuck in a really shitty place.
I think its likely to be Gladiia.

Her thing was "go fast" as a specialization if I recall correctly, and the mystery person was called out as fast, and being similar to the Seaborn from smell is...well, Abyssal Hunter.

Different from the Seaborn but still like it.
Maybe we ought to ask the girl if she's seen anyone missing an arm? Since Capone's trail ended and we have the entire city to search, we could use some help. Don't appear threatening and keep Adrien in check.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.

We have at last entered Afghanistan Sea Edition.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
Well, that's probably not fantastic. I don't think its Quintus that's chasing them though? He's pretty passive up until he enters his Bloodborne bossfight mode. And if the Interlude happened recently than he probably doesn't even want to kill Wympe, more like get her assimilated into the Seaborn hivemind.

Skurwiel should have an "u" at the end there, otherwise he is not addressing the guy. Right now he is calling him son of a bitch like its an opinion and not cursing him out.
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[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.

Yeah, Anita's not a threat. She's one of the only sane people in Sal Viento. She can't help us with the Church since she's 100% unaware of what they are, but she can tell us stuff about weird foreigners if we're nice to her.

Girl deserves to eat something besides seaweed and ocean monster flesh.

That aside, seems like Wympe and Arabella are being hunted by Gladiia, probably because Arabella's announced her intent to kill Quintus when Gladiia needs him alive to stabilize Specter's condition. That's bad news all around, but if we can convince Skadi to help us out, we can hopefully get Gladiia to stand down once she has what she needs from Quintus.

The Watcher's a deviation from canon too. Probably got called by the First to Talk to observe and analyse Wympe and Arabella since they're something the Seaborn have never encountered before. On the bright side, Quintus likely doesn't know about the Watcher so that's good for us!
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[jk] Kill the child and parade her dead body around. That should get some attention.

[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
Well, that's probably not fantastic. I don't think its Quintus that's chasing them though? He's pretty passive up until he enters his Bloodborne bossfight mode. And if the Interlude happened recently than he probably doesn't even want to kill Wympe, more like get her assimilated into the Seaborn hivemind.


Skurwiel should have an "u" at the end there, otherwise he is not addressing the guy. Right now he is calling him son of a bitch like its an opinion and not cursing him out.
Thank you for helping me in this matter! Corrected.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.

past that it's not really our problem, kids like this are pretty commonplace in the city so I doubt Seig would go out of his way to help them unless their really useful
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
You point your hand towards the seamonster, and light forms in your fingers.
This hands of mine glows with an awesome power!

[jk] Kill the child and parade her dead body around. That should get some attention.
Coughing baby vs Hydrogen bomb
... Uh oh.
Either Gladiia, the First to Speak or something entirely new like the Watcher, that's uh.. pretty bad.
If it was Gladiia, the interaction would be: Arabella was at the chapel trying to get answer for Wympe's mutation (Quintus mention it being faster then normal), and Gladiia enter the scene after Arabella cut off Quintus' arm (slay queen).

I don't see them engaging right away, Wympe's arm was the one that got ripped off and she wasn't at the Chapel, along with that they were attacked in the cave (my reading ability reduce after work so I might read it wrong). So I guess Arabella headed back, Gladiia stalked her, and then attacked. Either Gladiia sense Wympe's changes and decided to put her out of her misery or want to fight them off so they don't interfere with her plan. Could be both as well.

Also I want to bring this up:
"Ah. Nothing happens in this city that I do not hear. Yet, I did not predict this. Yes, yes. The changes in her body are far quicker than usual. Even now, she dreams of the sea. She does not hold the tainted, corrupted blood of Ægir in her veins. Much like you, in time she can learn… in time, she can join her brothers and sisters within the sea."

You're not too worried. If one looks closer into the arm, one can see a few black dots inside the flesh. Were you to pull them, you would reveal these black dots to be cables- a special bio-implant. You should know, you have that one too.

It's a creation of Locust Workshop. Not only do these little cables serve as a base to several other augmented muscle fibers overlaid in her arm, they also automatically connect themselves to flesh, and can begin the work of linking a foreign material to the user's nervous system with minimal danger while preventing rejection from their body. This means that, essentially, an augmented Fixer can essentially just get their arm sliced off, grab it and prop it back up again.
At first, I thought the change was faster due to Wympe's willpower being shit (which might also still be in play), but could the augmentation be causing the mutation to sped up?

I forgot to mention, despite the change notes to be fast, Sieg didn't noticed any kind of mutation. So no surface level shit
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[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.
[X] Explain, tell her that the arm is high-tech and reattaches itself so you're looking for your friend that lost it, the tentacles are high tech biomechanical implants too, and apologize for the newbie being extremely violent due to almost dying earlier, then ask for assistance in finding the two in exchange for food.
[X] Apologize for Adrien's behavior and try to explain that you're looking for your friend, the owner of the arm you're carrying. Be as friendly and nonthreatening as you can, shut Adrien up if he acts rude. Ask her for help/information and offer food in exchange.

Almost forgot to vote again, thank you Arknights Chinese New Year stream for frying my brain and making me check back here.

Playable Lin Yushia and a Sui Brother aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
and the 3d animation! all of my yes!
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Interlude: Records I
Interlude: Records I

Operator Record: Smokestack

The Smoke War

This is a war that never happened. Or did it?

Unlock Conditions:
  • Raise Smokestack to Elite 2 Level 1.
  • Have at least 50% trust with Smokestack.
"The Smoke War left marks on the flesh of the City."

<Four people sit around a table, analyzing a map of a city.>

Long-Haired Man
Ghah. Damn. This place smells like shit.

Man In A Blue Coat
Stop whining. We have to power on. Zwei Association, to me! Report on the findings on the left wing of the powerplant.

Soldier In A Blue Coat
Yes, Director! We have not found any signs of life. It appears that the incinerators were recently used- employed to remove a great amount of biomass. It appears that they were attempting to dispose of the evidence.

Man In A Blue Coat

…leave. This is not a matter you are authorized to listen to.

Soldier In A Blue Coat
Very well, sir.

<The Soldier leaves.>

Woman In A Black Suit
We needed samples of their smokebeasts. Seems they're moving to get rid of them before the secret of their Singularity can be taken.

Man With A Purple Hat
Victoria. There might be another chance for us to take it.

Man In A Blue Coat
And what would that be, Sieghart?

I've been tracking down their supply line with Beats. There's a zone around the eastern part of the Nest where the lights are still on. The powerplant there seems to be still active. It's probably the last one, outside of the central facility.

You and the rest of Zwei South Section 2 won't be much use here, I think. We need to sneak in and confirm the information we've been given. All I ask for are the regenerator devices K-Corp brought along.

…you are aware you will not remember anything you find there, correct? It is the condition for the contract. We will keep the secret of L-Corp: you will keep access rights to the Impact Regenerator technology. Alongside a 50% discount in the bulk purchase of K-Corp products.

…60%. And "bulk purchase" is defined as what, exactly?

55%. Bulk purchase would be the purchase of over 100 doses of any given product.

55%, and we get a year-long warranty instead of the usual 4-month one.

Deal. I will forward the contract to Öufi South Section 2. Now, will there be any additional needs for the mission?

Long-Haired Man
I think we're going to need new respirators. It's probably downright inhospitable inside that building.

Man In A Blue Coat
Fair enough. I will provide the distraction. We will rendezvous with the Reindeer Team in the intersection, here.

<The man points at a specific point in the map. An intersection between two major streets, marked with a small R-shaped pin.>

Man In A Blue Coat
Afterwards, we will meet the main force of L-Corp's Liquidator Agents in the plaza.

Long-Haired Man
Working with the Reindeers? Sheesh. I'll be at your funeral, Kay.

The Reindeers' psychic abilities are wild and uncontrollable, yes, but we have employed a non-insignificant of resources guaranteeing they won't go off on us.

…I swear, R-Corp should have culled these worthless bags of trash a long time ago.

Long-Haired Man
Well, if that's it, we should go already.

But hey, at least it isn't the Rabbits.

Yes, it's time to go.

Farewell, Kay.

See you, Sieghart, Beats. Do not die on me.

Goodbye, Turbulence Office. We look forward to the extraction of L-Corp's secret!

<The two of them walk out of the camp. Two guards in blue coats let them pass with a nod. They enter a vast city, which is almost entirely deserted.>

<muttering> Goddamn creepy, these Wing agents are…

…it's time to go, Beats. Did you check up on Francis?

He's dead.

…another one of our Office is gone.

So be it. Let's advance.

…I didn't want to die.

When the men in the suits came for us- when they said we were no longer Feathers of the Nest, I was afraid.

When they took us to this building, I was afraid.

But... I'm not afraid anymore.

There's something below this building.

When I try to sleep, I hear it groan. I hear a slow sound- a slow hiss. It's almost like that sound I've heard all my life… the sound of smoke slithering its way out of a pipe. But it's different, somehow.

Every day, they take one of us to the depths of the basement.

They don't come back.

The men in suits- the Agents of L-Corp- call this "atonement."

I don't think it is anything like that. But the idea brings me a strange sort of comfort.

Every day, they take one of us, and every day the noises grow louder. They're still there, just… different. Changed.

…I can't sleep.

<building shakes>




What- what just- what just happened?

<The young girl stands up from her corner. She has been sleeping in the cold ground of the room, alongside everyone else. There is no one awake but her.>


This… is probably a really stupid thing to do.

<She tiptoes out the room, and steps into the corridor.>

…All I see is carnage. The Agents- the men in suits- lay on the floor, dead. Blood paints the walls.

This place is lost. Sorry, everyone…

<takes rifle from dead agent>

…but I gotta look out for myself.

I continue to walk around the powerplant. The sounds… the creature below this building is dying. I can feel it, somehow. Someone has slain it.

There's someone there- walking out of the basement.

That… thing was strong. To think… they've been feeding every last Feather of the Wing they have to it, just to power their Nest for a little longer. Beats, can you stand?

It's a strange man, with armor and a purple hat. Another man, in a coat, with long hair, supports himself on his shoulder. The long-haired man has a bleeding wound in his left leg.

I need to hide- they'll find me if I don't take care. The fumes will hide my scent.

…I need to open one of the vents. And try not to cough. Take a deep breath…

Nope, Sieg. You're going to need to carry me until I can get back to the camp. They've got healing bullets there, remember? One or two should be enough.

By the way, weren't we supposed to sneak through?

I overestimated their strength. Besides.

We can't be noticed if there's no one left to notice, no?

They walk away.

*gasp* *gasp*

My throat feels like it's on fire. My eyes are wet with tears. As I crawl out of the vent, I cough and cough and cough. It's so… so dry. I need more water.

The basement.

They… killed it? They killed our father…

…it was about time for someone… *cough* *cough* …to put them out of their misery.

I step into the basement, still coughing my guts out. This flight of stairs is long, long. It leads to an enormous cave. In its center…

What I see in the center of the cave is not what I thought I would.

It is vast. Impossibly vast- though that might simply be my blurred vision. Covered in smoke- still smoldering with the fumes of our Singularity.

I didn't think it would look like this.

They were not feeding anyone to the Suffocating Haze. No, these Fixers were wrong. This is not feeding. Those who came here joined with it. They became part of it.





These are all words the Agents of L-Corp used to describe what would happen to us. We were, since an early age, taught to fear and love the future ahead of us, without ever knowing what it was, not truly.

"A relationship of symbiosis."

Yes, that was what Mother told us. Father left, to fulfill his duty in the symbiosis. A relationship in which the two parties are joined. A long-term biological interaction, in which the two parties benefit. The parties being the children of Haze… and L-Corp.

The Suffocating Haze is enormous. Around its corpse, many lesser creatures lay dead. Its children… our brothers and sisters.

It possesses many tendrils, many claws, many hands, many twisted legs. Somehow, you know that they are made from human flesh. It is enormous, and faint whispers of smoke still come out of its orifices. It has a mouth at the front, armed with enormous sharp teeth. The teeth are still slick with blood.

It has joined with another, recently. Last night, Danny was taken. You now see where he went.

Spread around his body are black heads, trapped. Some of them are sprouting bodies, distorted, spindly and crude.

Their faces are all twisted in one final scream of horror.

You can't hold this back anymore. The smoke is… you can barely breathe, but the smell is so intense…

You vomit.

Urgh. Dammit. I… I was already hungry before this…

I feel… I'm… I'm sorry.

You're hungry. You need something to replace what you've lost.

You shamble your way to the enormous creature, and grasp the hand of one of the blackened, misshapen bodies. It stares at you, with its dead eyes. It will not miss what you are about to take from it. This horrible creature, slain by two Fixers, will not miss anything. It is gone. It is not in pain, it is not filled with fear. Not anymore

Your teeth sink into its throat.

Strangely enough, the smoke doesn't feel that bad anymore.

Hey, Doctor.

How are you doing?

>I'm doing great.
>OK, I guess.
>Not that good.

…I'll just get straight to the point.

I want you to get Warfarin off my trail.

It's getting annoying by now.

>What did she do this time?

She wants to know how I am even alive right now.

Apparently twenty-three cigarettes a day is not a normal intake of nicotine. According to her, I should have a hundred tumours. If not more.

So she's been pestering me about it when I go to her office for check-ups. It's a pain, so if you could get me another doctor that isn't as curious about my lungs, that would be great. I've heard good things about Ansel.

>I don't think I have the authority to just do that.

…that's… okay, fair. I'll ask some other person. If all else fails, I can just go talk to missus Blood and get this all dealt with.

Thanks for the help, by the way.

>Wait, twenty-three!?

…I have the right to remain silent.

And I need it for my Arts.

>Seems legit.


<Smokestack reveals a lighter. With a quick movement, she lights yet another cigarette, and takes a long drag out of it.>

…it's not the same.


This stuff is a poor replacement for the real deal.

…you know. Actual smokes.

Well, I'll see ya, Doctor.

>See you.

Bloodline of Combat VI

Outfit: L-Corp's Haze


Illustrator: aZLing4

One of Smokestack's outfits for crucial moments.

"The Taboo Hunters, the Agents, the subcontracted Nestborn Fixers, and the Feathers of a Wing. Alongside the higher executives, the Singularity researchers and the technology itself. All of these, joined together, will constitute a Wing of the World."

Bloodline of Combat Collection/L-Corp's Haze. Smokestack's attempt to replicate an outfit of her past. The black suit is covered with tubes, which carry a dangerous gaseous substance and connect to her mask. She wonders what exactly her flesh has become, and she wonders why no one has detected it yet.

(It's a black formal suit, with numerous mechanical parts. All of these mechanical parts have black tubes, which connect to a gas mask that covers the lower part of her face. In her left breast pocket, a small tendril of a smokebeast creature pokes out, with Nicole's hand attempting to shush it back in. A fun detail- normally, when playing, the area covered by Puffy Brume's debuff radius has a faint white smoke effect in it. With this skin equipped, the smoke becomes black, and when Smokestack's skill is activated, the smoke starts leaking out of her body. Both her guns are swapped for a black regular pistol and a blocky sniper rifle, respectively.)

A/N: I did this because I enjoy the idea of writing Operator Records. The dialogue-heavy format is cool. This one was inspired by 12F's record, which will remain my favorite until the end of time. I love my Sabra boy so much.
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Well. At least Wympe won't have been the only member of our office to eaten some absolutely wack and highly dangerous shit. Damn.

So, Nicole's from the old L Corp, pre-Smoke War. And she stared down the thing that even Roland freaked the fuck out over, and took a bite out of its throat.

That's...actually terrifying. Holy hell. With that final flashback, and mention of cigarettes not being as good as the "real thing", I'm wondering if just eating that creature affected her physiology in some way.
…it's not the same.


This stuff is a poor replacement for the real deal.

That is... Disturbing. On so many levels.


Fucking props for making me feel viscerally uncomfortable with the in your face implications.

Well. At least Wympe won't have been the only member of our office to eaten some absolutely wack and highly dangerous shit. Damn.

Clearly we have to join our office members in solidarity and start eating weird shit too! Abel, where can I get a bite of Light around here :V

That's...actually terrifying. Holy hell. With that final flashback, and mention of cigarettes not being as good as the "real thing", I'm wondering if just eating that creature affected her physiology in some way.
the smoke starts leaking out of her body
Oh, definitely. She ain't a normal human being anymore, not to mention the whole "smokes 23 cigarettes a day in a futile attempt to satisfy a craving for the taste of eldritch abomination flesh she ate that one time, and that her Nest kind of worshipped apparently".

I bet if you put her under the right wrong conditions she'd start to mutate into the big thing too.
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