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The One Who Watches, Mysterious Seaborn.
- Grade: ???
- Condition: Someone carved out its biggest eye. A spear wound... Wympe's halberd?

First off, that name. "The One who Watches". Like its name, it seems to not have not much besides observe us. Hell, it seems like it has only started moving after Sieg picked up Wympe's arm. The other part is that names like that on seaborn usually mean they are important, don't quote me on that though.

Second, it is wounded which means one of two things to me. It has been wounded very recently, so much that it has not tried to replenish itself on the other seaborn corpses yet, or it has chosen not to. Maybe it can't is a possibility too.

Third, I really hope that is not Wympe. There is not much to associate her with this creature but the thought will not leave my head until we have confirmation otherwise.

Not much to say after that, need more time to let this settle in my brain first. I currently only have a guess that this thing might be far faster than we are seeing right now.
We shouldn't go in guns blazing on the off-chance that the creature really is Wympe. It's unlikely due to the spear/halberd wound but still a possibility. Arabella's absence is also interesting, although the interlude featuring her might be going on right now.
If it is Wympe then the best option is to just kill it and put her out of her misery. No mercy for monstrous Seaborn.

But hey, there's no guarantee it is her. And if it is I get the feeling Siggy's gonna try everything to save her even if it's futile.
Alternatively we kill it now and later find out its Wympe because it's just not Arknights without emotional gutpunches.
[X] Politely Ask where your companions of Wympe and Arabella went and if it would be willing to guide you to them, point out that you are not looking for a fight but merely to retrieve our allies, try to bribe it with food, if it turns into a fight have capone blind it and the grade 7 mercenary out of the way so you could swiftly execute the watcher

The Seaborn are cool, plus I wanna see the Hunters' and Inquistors' faces if we show up with a literal Seaborn in our gang. It's already gonna be hilarious enough to see their reactions to Capone's literal self-evolution and Adrien panicking when he sees Skadi again.
[X] Politely Ask where your companions of Wympe and Arabella went and if it would be willing to guide you to them, point out that you are not looking for a fight but merely to retrieve our allies, try to bribe it with food, if it turns into a fight have capone blind it and the grade 7 mercenary out of the way so you could swiftly execute the watcher

Let's talk to the little monster and try our luck. Worst case scenario it attacks us and we get into a fight. Maybe the Seaborn will have something to say about the situation if we don't act hostile.

Also, I have a feeling that this particular Seaborn is some kind of sentinel that will do some alarming shit as soon as we get into a fight with it.
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[x] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella
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I wanna see the Hunters' and Inquistors' faces if we show up with a literal Seaborn in our gang.
They'd just dismiss us as members of the Church of the Deep and be immediately hostile.

Trying to talk to it is entirely in character but man is it a horrible mistake and the only food we have to bribe it with is our corpses.
Unless it's like Mizuki then trying to reason with a Seaborn is completely futile unless you have some Seaborn in you.

I have an extremely bad feeling about this plan but I'm not smart enough to come up with another one.
They'd just dismiss us as members of the Church of the Deep and be immediately hostile.

Trying to talk to it is entirely in character but man is it a horrible mistake and the only food we have to bribe it with is our corpses.
Unless it's like Mizuki then trying to reason with a Seaborn is completely futile unless you have some Seaborn in you.

I have an extremely bad feeling about this plan but I'm not smart enough to come up with another one.
Sieg is both skilled and experienced enough that he wouldn't drop his guard, if it does decide to attack he'll be ready and I doubt Capone and Adrien would drop their guards at all in this situation.
[X] Politely Ask where your companions of Wympe and Arabella went and if it would be willing to guide you to them, point out that you are not looking for a fight but merely to retrieve our allies, try to bribe it with food, if it turns into a fight have capone blind it and the grade 7 mercenary out of the way so you could swiftly execute the watcher
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Sieg is both skilled and experienced enough that he wouldn't drop his guard, if it does decide to attack he'll be ready and I doubt Capone and Adrien would drop their guards at all in this situation.
Sieg is still wounded and nerfed, Capone should be relatively well off with his new powers and Adrien is a massive liability. Against what looks like more evolved/powerful Seaborn that might very well not be anywhere near enough.

If this thing is even half as strong as the Endspeaker then we're in deep shit, i'd assume it isn't but with the Seaborn you never know.
Seaborn's with a communication ability have very little interest in communicating with things that are not their kin and even then their thought patterns tend to be so alien that it would have no idea how to distinguish things that are not its kin. Also the ones who are smart enough to communicate aren't the type that could be bribed by food.

If the creature is actually Wympe well there is nothing more to be done at that point, there is nothing in all of Aegir or the Church that can reverse this sort of transformation. However, I don't think it is Wympe the damage to the creature indicates that Wympe tried attacking it. Granted they may be self-inflicted for a suicide, but my gut feeling is that it isn't.

This sort of creature might have developed an sort of autoretaliation ability like other seaborn spieces where after taking a certain amount of damage they inflict massive AOE retaliation which would explain the the wound and missing arm. Wympe attacked triggering its auto retaliation. This is actually a specific type of seaborn in the event where you are encouraged to blow it up from a distance to avoid the auto-retaliations. Pocket Sea Crawler

[x] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella
[x] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella
[X] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella. Ask Capone if he can find Wympe by following the arm's scent.

A small addition to reborn214's plan.
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[X] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella. Ask Capone if he can find Wympe by following the arm's scent.

Negotiating with Seaborn doesn't really work unless they recognize you as kin. Both the Endspeaker and First to Talk evolved the ability to communicate via verbal language in order to better understand the Church of the Deep and the Abyssal Hunters, but seeing as we're neither, any attempts to talk will likely fail since we're just walking nutrients to the Seaborn.

We have no idea what this Seaborn is capable of, but it tore Wympe's arm off and forced her to flee without her halberd. We can afford to leave this fight for another day when we're better prepared once we find Wympe and Arabella who probably know what this thing can do.

On the bright side, we got Wympe's arm so Capone could probably use that to track her down better.
[X] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella. Ask Capone if he can find Wympe by following the arm's scent.
[X] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella. Ask Capone if he can find Wympe by following the arm's scent.
So I'm petitioning for us to kill the entire church if this is our friend now.
Its "face" is a big blob of meat lodged inside the shell, covered with eyeballs.

But it's slow, or so it seems. It's very slow. It's actually dragging itself towards you as you think, but in slug-like speeds.

Hey. Adam. Old man. You need to tell us a story about the Black Forest. This thing's mimicking the Big Bird.

Not sure how I'd vote that.
[X] Adam, remark on similarity to Big Bird.
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[X] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella. Ask Capone if he can find Wympe by following the arm's scent.

Changing my vote because this seems like a better option. Better to gather more info before we engage the creature. And yeah if it really is Wympe and the church is responsible, then we'd better come down on them like a ton of bricks. At no point in the history of fiction or nonfiction has a faction called "The Inquisition" been worth a damn.
[X] Just back up and retreat for now. You know the cave's location in case you need to loop back and you might be able to find other traces for Arabella. Ask Capone if he can find Wympe by following the arm's scent.
Let them see how a city folk takes revenge.
Let them see how a city folk kills when they are out of their mind.
Madness and revenge goes hand in hand and If our dear friend is that thing...
Pop their head off with a gun and skin them with our hands~♪
Chew their arms off, tear their guts out, until nothing is left~♪
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[X] Politely Ask where your companions of Wympe and Arabella went and if it would be willing to guide you to them, point out that you are not looking for a fight but merely to retrieve our allies, try to bribe it with food, if it turns into a fight have capone blind it and the grade 7 mercenary out of the way so you could swiftly execute the watcher
I'm not seeing a vote here I really like much. I doubt talking with it will do much good given we've seen exactly two seaborn that count, and both had names relating to that - The First to Talk, and The Endspeaker.
The other options is retreating, and I don't think we need to do that? I don't recall seeing this was the end of the cave and we had it fully restored, plus if its anything like endspeaker's first phase this is completely not a threat at the moment, and, well, trying to murder endspeaker only made it stronger for a while.
I like ignoring it and pressing onwards.
[X] Ignore it (for now) and press onwards.
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