The Rim and the Hammer (Exalted/Warhammer Quest)

I just would like to point out that these are Norskans, not Kurgans. Comparing them to chaos directly...
Also, currently through ignorance Sigmarites are displacing/killing more moderate Norskans, opening way for heavily chaos corrupted tribes from farther north. And is prodding Khorn into action by the looks of it.
I'm not talking about the Norscans, or the Imperials. I'm talking about their gods. Which are beings we can, at least in theory, directly negotiate with because Exalts are crazy.
I'm not talking about the Norscans, or the Imperials. I'm talking about their gods. Which are beings we can, at least in theory, directly negotiate with because Exalts are crazy.
And what is stopping them from 'Deus Vult'ing us out of hand? We do not, in all likelihood, have the power to fend off both a Crusade from the Imperials and a direct attack by their god at the same time, if we can even fend off the latter on its own.
And what is stopping them from 'Deus Vult'ing us out of hand? We do not, in all likelihood, have the power to fend off both a Crusade from the Imperials and a direct attack by their god at the same time, if we can even fend off the latter on its own.
Not actually being chaos tainted? And again, I'm not saying it'd be easy or even necessarily a good idea, just that it's a potentially viable option that we IC should know not to write off because people who worship Raksha don't like him.
We are not chaos-tainted, true, but we are also quite obviously not human, and quite obviously magical.
We are not chaos-tainted, true, but we are also quite obviously not human, and quite obviously magical.
If we actually make contact with the Imperials, we'll also be one other thing; not interested in raiding their coast, which would be an improvement over the Norscans. Even the non-Chaos ones go raiding. It would be in their interests to at the least not interfere with Sezakan's attempts to exist, and they lose effectively nothing by taking a chance on us, since we're living in Norsca, across from the Sea of Claws. So by their calculus, if we were to turn out to just be another Chaos force out to cause them grief... we'd be one more among countless others in Norsca, which they have to deal with anyway.
Year 2 After Arrival
Year 2 After Arrival

The realization that you are not within the bounds of Creation seeps into the minds of the people like water upon stone, first slowly, a niggling unease, then swiftly, a flash flood in the night, heavy with the weight of terror and rumor. Isolation has always been your ward, but now it is broken and you know not one hint of that lies beyond the tall walls of Sezekan. And yet there is hope also, in the green shoots that dot the growing rice paddies in the return of Da Wei the City Father, in the frantic work of the engineers as they let their craft... and in the aeries all across the city where as they have for generations children are being born and others are Sweeping the Stone, each with whatever honor and skill their hearts allow, but all will be welcome hands in the days and years to come.

Population Change: +35 (Population Growth of 0.5%) -7 (Warriors killed in dealing with the waterworks) - 21 -> Population now 7021

Two more mortals have also passed through the arduous process and have become enlightened, able to command their own Essence in order to empower thaumaturgy or command the works of the ancients.

2 Mortals Enlighten -> Now at 127

Auspiciously Broken Haywain is a likable fellow and skilled in matters of war and husbandry alike, mayhap not the most creative of souls, but that is what he has subordinates for. Faced with a land unknown with perils unguessed the tasks of the Wyldguard will be many

Choose Two:

[] Patrolling: With your maps now worth less than the paper they are made of it falls to the Wyldguard to fly out and make new ones, bold of wings are the scouts and perilous is their path. Specify which direction the scouts should fly in.
-[] East into the deep pine woods whence the sound of strange drums at times rings
-[] West, into the lands of the Skaelings, find what manner of tribes are the enemies of your new trade parteners
-[] North where the peat bogs lie, in that flat land a scout on the wing can see for leagues without the cover of the trees or of ravines getting in the way, but so too might they be seen
DC ???
Reward: Information
Cost: None

[X] Restoring the herds: The hardy northern goats were not only a source of meat and milk for Sezekan, but also wool. Now those herds are lost, but the scouts have seen goats among the encircling peaks.
DC 44/60
Reward: Goat Herds 25/50 Food/Year;
Cost: 25 Wealth [Locked for one more Year]

[] Wyldguard Hunters: The other, more immediate source of food is to simply hunt the local beasts, the local gods grown surly and over-mighty in the company of naught but barbarians might object, but you will set them aright
DC 50
Reward Hunting Grounds 15/Food/ year
Cost: None

[] Training the Guard: These are far more peopled, far more dangerous lands. perhaps the time has come to train the guard to a higher standard
DC: 58
Reward: Higher quality Wyldguard units, options to further specialize
Cost 40 Wealth

[] Direct Diplomacy: Having begun relations with Skorlm by proving your might in the blood of their shaman , perhaps you could gain warmer relations by doing likewise in the blood of their foes. They certainly seem to need all the help they can get with the southerners sailing to war.
DC 26
Reward: Improved relations with the Skorlmlings +10 Wealth/turn
Cost None

[] Release the Relic Finders: Trying to keep a Relic Finder in one place is like trying to keep lightning in a bottle, possible with the right skills, but probably ill advised over the long run. Having found themselves in a new land they wish to search for more relics and treasures that are their stock in trade
DC 50
Reward: Information, +1d50 Wealth
Cost: None

-[] Hunt for Offerings: Just as the Wyldguard can look for beasts to hunt for food and meat so too can they hunt or rather those rare plants and animals filled with potent Essence which help fuel works of Thaumaturgy or even sorcery.
DC 65
Reward: 1d3 Rare Reagents which provide a +10 thaumaturgical or spirit negotiation actions
Cost 18 Wealth

[] Raise more Militia: Though the present militia already outnumber the Wyldguard more are needed to meet the challenges of this new land to know how to defend their home
DC 33
Reward: Raise 500 more Militia
Cost 30 Wealth

[] Bring out the War Machines: Over the years the Voices who have come before you have put into storage many large scale weapons unsuited to the task of protecting Sazakan, either because the creatures of the Wyld made poor targets for them or because the Expenditure of Essence would draw too many eyes. The time has come to return them to service
DC 55
Reward: Functional Essence Weaponry revealed and prepared to bring back into service
Cost: None

[] Hatching Griffons: The beasts are fierce and proud, fit companions for a warrior, if you can gain their respect, and a good addition to your limited numbers
DC 40
Reward: A pair of Griffons will fight for you
Cost: None

Diplomacy: In spite of his lingering sickness Sigh of the Flutes through the Willow Branches has taken up the task of chief diplomat of Sezekan

Choose Three:

[] Aarvick's Prey: The tales of a warrior smith taken as a slave in the Norscan town of Aarvick have fired up the imagination of the Engineers and more to the point they offer the prospect of encountering another civilized people, however disharmonious their miserliness might be
DC: 44
Reward: Learn more about the prisoner and his people
Cost: 20 Wealth

[] See what the locals have to trade: Skorlm did not seem particularly prosperous to by your lights, but they almost certainly have some goods you lack and are sure to want some of what you can produce, find out what that might be
DC 25 Reward: Trade deal with Skorlm +4 Wealth/Turn
Cost: None

[] Friends of your friends...?: Find out who the Skorlmlings deal with in peace and how you might contact them without misunderstanding
DC 33/66
Reward: More friendly contacts
Cost: 15 Wealth

[] Give a Speech: Fly out before the people to raise their spirits and offering them reassurance and a vision for the future
DC 45/60
Reward: Increased +1/+2 Population Morale
Cost: None

[] Ulfsland mercenaries: The 'kingdom' is little more than an assortment of bandits and thugs and one fallen on hard times besides, but that same desperation might be useful to you, in spending their blood rather than yours and in the end who knows, they might even grow civilized, not quite as unlikely as the singing horse of tales.
DC: 35
Cost 30 Wealth/Turn
Reward: 500 Ulfsland Mercenary Bondsmen to serve Sezekan in peace and war

[] Southern Contacts: You have heard enough about the southerners to be able to find their ships on the wing. Attempt to peacefully contact one of them with the intent perhaps to send an envoy to their princes and warlords
DC 60
Cost: 8 Wealth
Reward: Contact with a southern ship, information

[] Petty spirits of the air: Little Flute has always had a gift for conversing with and gaining the confidence of the lest elemental spirits, perhaps in another life he would have been a sorcerer, in this one he is a whisperer whose voice carries far. From small spirits great things may be heard
DC 55
Reward: Learn more about the local gods and elementals
Cost: None

[] Converse with the Mad Mutant: The creature which was once a stag, reforged into something more akin to man, though not truly human presents a fascinating conundrum. What else beside its strange language has it learned in its dark enlightenment
DC: 66
Reward: Information ???
Cost: None

Stewardship: Singer of the White-Gold Dream is a diligent and punctual worker, but you are very glad indeed that you are his superior and not his underling. Rushing along hither and yon fit to loose feathers as your mother would say he has far more ideas than time to implement them

Choose One:

[] An accounting of the Cerulean Lute: People especially relic finders are not going to enjoy it when you ask them to show you all their 'loot' as Cunning Sage of Serendipity put it, but a good accounting of what you have could be vital to seeing what you can fix
DC 25
Reward: List of Utility artifacts of the Sazakanians
Cost: None

[X] Terrace Farm Planning: Another way to solve your food problem as well as potentially raise crops to trade would be to set up terrace farming, though with only vague descriptions to go on Dream would have to create working plans before the first clod of earth is turned
DC 30
Reward: Begin farming rice
Duration 2 Turns
Cost: 200 Wealth[Action locked for One Turn]

[] Waterworks improvement: It has been half a century since the last time the city's ever degrading water management systems have been repaired, but between the large number of Exalted you have available and the ability to call forth elementals you are quite sure you can do more than simply patch it up. Entire apartment blocks could be reconnected, not to mention the possibility of using the old water works to connect the Essence engines of the city to more simple but still serviceable technology, mills and forges alike
DC 67
Reward: Improved Water Management; +2 Population Morale; +20 Wealth/turn in Tax
Duration 3 Turns
Cost 250 Wealth (Unavailable until the Ice Creatures have been dealt with)

[] Plant Healing Herbs: The Ministry of Sanitation has enough supplies of healing tinctures, ointments and teas to last it through a year, perhaps two if you are careful, but with many of the relic gardens now turned to growing food larger fields will be required to maintain the stock
DC 50
Reward Maintain stock of healing herbs for the use of the Ministry of Sanitation; potential trade good
Cost: 80 Wealth [Locked for One more Turn]

[] Nest Industries: Many Clans of the Sazakanians work to produce one thing, be that pottery, knives or a fine woolen shawl from raw resources to finished product. That is by Dream's account a waste of time and labor. Before the Great Contagion the so called 'Nest Industries' worked to ensure specialization of young air-folk in specific professions, much as one might a healer or an engineer. With the population having finally bounced back you can try to reintroduce the system
DC 66
Reward: +40 Wealth/turn More efficient good production; -1 Population Morale
Cost: 300 Wealth

[] Found Lumber camp: While Sazakanisns no great need of wood as a construction material it is of vital importance in keeping warm and safe though the long cold winter months
DC 53
Reward: Gain Lumber camp +10 Wealth/turn; Gain Lumber as trade good
Cost: 35 Wealth

[] Brewing rice wine: An old proverb says that man cannot live by eating rice alone, one must also seek enlightenment, the nourishment of the soul, the jest with which it is oft replied is that the speaker must not have tried drinking rice as well
DC 28
Reward: Rice wine as trade good +1 Population Morale

[] Fire up the forges: For a long time you have had far more capacity for forge weapons and tools than you did hands to use them, odds are the locals would be more than happy to buy weapons off you, if you are willing to become a supplier of weapons in their wars and raids
DC: Automatic
Reward: Tools and Weapons as Trade Good
Cost: 50 Wealth

[] Aerie Growth: It is becoming increasingly clear that one of the most fundamental limitations you will face in this new world is a lack of people. One of the things Dream Suggests to deal with this fact is to help young families set up in new apartments without needing to work long hours or count on the support of their clan matriarch or patriarch. No doubt there will be come grumbling over it in the short run, but it should pay great divides in the long run
DC: 30
Reward +0.1 Population Growth +1 Population Morale
Cost: 75 Wealth/turn

Piety: The light of the sun is a comfort even in this far off land, though it seems distant you know that no matter where the Wyld may have deposited you while men strive towards excellency the eye of the Sun shall be upon you. In the meantime though you shall take counsel of lesser gods and learn where you had come to be and how this land came to be so tainted
2 Rare Reagents Available, may select actions to grant +10 to

Choose Two:

[] Festival of the Sun: Honor the Unconquered Sun, through whose light all things are made excellent that the people may rejoice and the land should know you for your true allegiances
DC 44
Reward: Festival to the Unconquered Sun +1 Population Morale ???
Cost: 22 Wealth

[] Converse with the gods of the Mountains: Nearest to Sazakan and likely the most mighty of the gods of the nearby realm the mountain gods are also likely to be the most perturbed by what has gone on. Mountains do not like it when other mountains move
DC: ???
Reward: Can bargain with the god in question
Cost 20 Wealth

[] Converse with the god of the nearby river: Not as mighty nor as unforgiving as the mountains river spirits can nonetheless be capricious in their moods, moving from wrath to good cheer and from formality to seduction
DC: ???
Reward: Can bargain with the god in question
Cost 15 Wealth

[] Tame the Gods of the Forests: in your experience the Gods who have had the dominion of an untamed forest turn.. strange and need a firm hand to react any sort of agreement beneficial to both sides
DC: ???
Reward: Can bargain with the god in question
Cost None

[] Da Wei's aid: With Relic and ritual, with sacrifice befitting of his nature and stature beseech the aid of the City Father of Sezekan to the work of the city
DC Automatic
Reward: +15 to chosen Stewardship action
Cost: 50 Wealth

[] Question the Locals about their faith: The magic of the shaman was strange and troubling beyond any charm and spell you have ever seen, you would learn more of the locals half-Wyld faith
Reward: Information
Cost: 15 Wealth

[] A Study in Cults: The Exalted as much as gods can draw power from mortal faith, given the awe that your coming has had on the people of Skorlm that may present an opportunity
DC 66
Reward: A greater understanding of how to found a cult among mortals
Duration: 2 Turns
Cost: None

[] A Cure for the Spirit: With Little Flute's sickness lingering it has become clear that more than simple healing herbs and incense are needed to cleanse his body and Essence. A Ritual in honor of Luna whose ever changing form no sickness can overcome seems the most likely to rid one of this affliction
DC ???
Reward: Sigh of Flutes through the Willow Branches is cured
Cost: 30 Wealth

Intrigue: With Sigh of Flutes through the Willow Branches having taken up the task of diplomacy it falls to you to deal with the more covert matters... or more reasonably pass this on to someone else

Choose One:

[] A better Class of Spy: Listening in on rumors in the longhouse costs nothing and gains you little, what you would rather have is an ear nearer to the ear of the local tribal leaders
DC 75
Reward: The beginnings of a spy ring among the Norscans
Cost: 50 Wealth and 15 Wealth/turn Upkeep

[] Inner Network: perhaps the time has come to formally pay one's informants, that you may receive more than rumor from the city
DC 33
Reward: internal Rumor Mill

[] Investigate Councilor (Write in which): You do not know that much about the people whom you share a council chamber with. For good or for ill you would learn more (Can be taken multiple times)
DC: 20+ the Target's Intrigue
Reward: information on the Target's plans and any hidden traits
Cost: 25 Wealth

[] Choose a new Spymaster: You will need someone who knows the shadows to walk through them and yet whose heart is pure... or at least who is inclined to stay bought
-[] Select from among the People: You can more easily trust the Sezekanians, but wings are a rather obvious mark of one's origin and no matter how skilled one is at skulduggery they would start at the same disadvantage as the rest of you
-[] Select from among the Norscans: They are likely to know more of the world and its dangers, but they are also more likely to be bound to it with bonds of loyalty
-[] Summon an Elemental: Are you not a sorcerer? Call and bind to your purpose one who moved through the air unseen, who can slip through the deepest waters, who can dwell unseen in the depths of the earth or... Come to think of it fire would be a poor choice, but the others are good.
DC: Variable

Learning: The domain in which you feel the most at ease and yet also in which you have the most skilled councilor. Granted Shae can be a little intense at times, but that is a small price to pay for such dedication
2 Rare Reagents Available, may select actions to grant +10 to

Choose One:

[] Ship of the Air: Well alright more of a boat but the Fast Courier Excellent Air Boat has the potential to solve one of the most pervasive limitations of your military, which is only being able to carry what they can take on their backs into the air [Shae Project]
DC: 80
Reward: Fast Courier Excellent Air Boat ready for deployment
Duration: 2 Turns
Cost: 100 Wealth [Will finish in One Turn]

[] Dragon Armor Survey:
The Armor of the Immaculate Dragons is a precious and potent armor of the First Age... it is also of no use in pieces. Yet in spite of that fact many Dragonblooded keep those pieces as mementos, not to mention that certain suite were kept by the descendants of Azure Dragons who never took their second breath. There might even be intact armors out there... though you doubt it
DC: 35
Reward: An accurate accounting of all the power armor in the city, no functional though it might be
Cost: 50 Wealth

[] Delve into the archives for lore: A treasure trove guarded not by mad gods and dangerous automata, but by the sheer disorder that comes upon any hall of learning many centuries old. Still this is the place without which you never would have learned to cast sorcery and so you are inclined to respect the gamble of seeking
DC 25
Reward: Some form of First Age lore

[] Scavenge Essence Pumps: one of the most complex pieces of technology in the city, clearly eclipsed only by the Reality Engine, the four great Essence Pumps once powered a city of a quarter of a million people. Now only one remains in operations, but until now no one has dared scavenge the other three
DC 65
Reward: Greater understanding of Essence infrastructure, a chance to restore another pump?
Cost: None

[] Mutant Autopsy Understanding the physical and especially the spiritual mutations of those exposed to the light of the Green Moon might help explain the cause and perhaps offer some relief. Shae even thinks it could be the key in creating wards against creatures similar to the onee which attacked Little Flute
DC: 40
Reward: Greater understanding of physical and spiritual mutation +10 for A Cure for the Spirit

[] Higher Education: If there is one thing you lack more than anything else it is... Exalted, but next to that you really lack thaumaturges. It will be costly, but you can train more of them for the good of the city
DC: 20
Reward: Increase the standard of Education +5 to all engineering actions from the greater number of skilled hands
Duration: 3 Turns
Cost: 400 Wealth

[] Mobile Essence Lanterns: Of all the works of the Old Realm, the humble Essence Lantern is the most well understood. Shae thinks she knows enough to make a portable version including a crude Essence capacitor. Such a thing could be of use to scouts and Wyldguard on patrol, but most importantly it would serve as proof of concept for more advanced artifacts
DC 70/90
Reward: Mobile Essence Lanterns
Cost: 150 Wealth

[] Enchanting workshop: a Savant of the Old Realm would weep to hear you call it that, bit for your purposes a spear that is a little sharper or armor that is a little harder could save a life
DC: 45
Reward; Improve the quality of the Wyldguard
Duration 2 Turns
Cost: 20 Wealth [Will Finish in one Turn]

[] Gears of Ice:
Shae suspects the icy creatures in the reservoir are construct servitors of a sort who are either following some purpose now forgotten or have gone rogue. Understanding their programing could be key to deactivating them, or perhaps even harnessing them, though as with all the great workings of the Old Realm it will be a perilous undertaking
DC: 85
Reward: Deal with the Shard Creatures
Cost: 10 Wealth

Personal Actions: Not available while Gus holds the Intrigue position on his own

OOC: Welp, this was an easier turn to write than the last one because there were more hooks for you guys to engage with... though that also means you guys will have to prioritize what you want more carefully. *Yoda Voice* Begun the AP crunch has.
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My thoughts about preferred actions.

Martial (2 actions)
[] Direct Diplomacy:

DC 26
Reward: Improved relations with the Skorlmlings +10 Wealth/turn
Cost None

Worth taking while DC is low, it was 76 last turn.

[] Bring out the War Machines:
DC 55
Reward: Functional Essence Weaponry revealed and prepared to bring back into service
Cost: None

We should do it later or earlier. Earlier is better.

Diplomacy (3 actions)
[] Aarvick's Prey:
DC: 44
Reward: Learn more about the prisoner and his people
Cost: 20 Wealth

More information about civilized lands is good.

[] Friends of your friends...?:
DC 33/66
Reward: More friendly contacts
Cost: 15 Wealth

Also, information is good, so either this or...

[] Give a Speech: Fly out before the people to raise their spirits and offering them reassurance and a vision for the future
DC 45/60
Reward: Increased +1/+2 Population Morale
Cost: None

Morale is one of biggest problems now.

[] Converse with the Mad Mutant:
DC: 66
Reward: Information ???
Cost: None

We should learn about Chaos ASAP.

Stewardship (1 action)
[] Brewing rice wine:
DC 28
Reward: Rice wine as trade good +1 Population Morale

Also improving the morale.

Piety (2 actions)
[] Festival of the Sun:
DC 44
Reward: Festival to the Unconquered Sun +1 Population Morale ???
Cost: 22 Wealth

Morale and info. As for the other slot, it's either healing or (if we choose to prepare proper)
[] Question the Locals about their faith:
Reward: Information
Cost: 15 Wealth

Information about Chaos.

Intrigue (1 action)
[] Choose a new Spymaster:
But I am not sure, whom.

Learning (1 action)
[] Mutant Autopsy
DC: 40
Reward: Greater understanding of physical and spiritual mutation +10 for A Cure for the Spirit

This, I think. Any thoughts?
[X] Increasing morale and preparing for revelations
-[X] Martial (2 actions)
--[X] Direct Diplomacy
--[X] Bring out the War Machines
-[X] Diplomacy (3 actions)
--[X] Aarvick's Prey
--[X] Friends of your friends...?
--[X] Converse with the Mad Mutant
-[X] Stewardship (1 action)
--[X] Brewing rice wine
-[X] Piety (2 actions)
--[X] Festival of the Sun
--[X] Question the Locals about their faith
-[X] Intrigue (1 action)
--[X] Choose a new Spymaster
---[X] Propose Cunning Sage of Serendipity to take this position (19 intrigue)
---[X] If she refuses, time for mad science Summon an Elemental
-[X] Learning (1 action)
--[X] Mutant Autopsy

Start wealth: 1415, income: 150, cost: 72. +2 morale if we are lucky. Healing of Little Flute is delayed in preparation for additional +10 to the roll.
[X] Increasing morale and preparing for revelations
-[X] Martial (2 actions)
--[X] Direct Diplomacy
--[X] Bring out the War Machines
-[X] Diplomacy (3 actions)
--[X] Aarvick's Prey
--[X] Friends of your friends...?
--[X] Converse with the Mad Mutant
-[X] Stewardship (1 action)
--[X] Brewing rice wine
-[X] Piety (2 actions)
--[X] Festival of the Sun
--[X] Question the Locals about their faith
-[X] Intrigue (1 action)
--[X] Choose a new Spymaster
---[X] Propose Cunning Sage of Serendipity to take this position (19 intrigue)
---[X] If she refuses, time for mad science Summon an Elemental
-[X] Learning (1 action)
--[X] Mutant Autopsy
[X] Horribly named plan

Martial: Choose 2 Actions
-[X] Restoring the herds (Locked in)
-[X] Bring out the War Machines
-[X] Hatching Griffons
Diplomacy: Choose 3 Actions
-[X] Aarvick's Prey
-[X] Give a Speech
-[X] Converse with the Mad Mutant
Stewardship: Choose 1 Action
-[X] Terrace Farm Planning (Locked in)
-[X] Plant Healing Herbs (Locked in)
-[X] Found Lumber camp
Piety: 2 Rare Reagents Available, may select actions to grant +10 to
Choose 2 Actions

-[X] Tame the Gods of the Forests
-[X] A Cure for the Spirit
--[X] Use +10 Rare Reagent
Intrigue: Choose One Action
-[X] Choose a new Spymaster
--[X] Select from among the People
Learning: 2 Rare Reagents Available, may select actions to grant +10 to
Choose One Action

-[X] Ship of the Air (Locked in)
-[X] Mutant Autopsy
-[X] Enchanting workshop (Locked in)
-[] Summon an Elemental: Are you not a sorcerer? Call and bind to your purpose one who moved through the air unseen, who can slip through the deepest waters, who can dwell unseen in the depths of the earth or... Come to think of it fire would be a poor choice, but the others are good.
DC: Variable
I assume none of our previous retinue has sufficient sneakery? What Creationborn elementals do we have locally, whether summoned or just resident to the city/mountain itself?
[x] Forest taming, and elemental spy
-[x] Martial: Choose 2 Actions
--[x] Patrolling: East
--[x] Bring out the War Machines
-[x] Diplomacy: Choose Three
--[x] Aarvick's Prey
--[x] See what the locals have to trade
--[x] Petty spirits of the air
-[x] Stewardship: Choose 1
--[x] Plant Healing Herbs:
-[x] Piety: Choose Two Actions
--[x] Tame the Gods of the Forests
--[x] Da Wei's aid For Healing Herbs.
-[x] Intrigue: Choose One
--[x] Choose a new Spymaster: Summon an Elemental: Spend Rare Reagent for +10
-[x] Learning: Choose one
--[x] Mutant Autopsy

We have a rare reagents and occult charms. So an Elemental summoned to be the cities spy master will be pretty good. Pushing the Healing Herbs to succeed because this is the last turn to save our supplies. Investigating the Dwarf for more knowledge is good. And Double hitting the Forest with both our armies, and bringing the forest god to heel. I want to hard shutdown the posiblities of a Beastman army suddenly appearing, on our door step. Finally bringing out the Essence artillery.
[X] Horribly Named Elemental
Martial: Choose 2 Actions
-[X] Restoring the herds (Locked in)
-[X] Bring out the War Machines
-[X] Hatching Griffons
Diplomacy: Choose 3 Actions
-[X] Aarvick's Prey
-[X] Give a Speech
-[X] Converse with the Mad Mutant
Stewardship: Choose 1 Action
-[X] Terrace Farm Planning (Locked in)
-[X] Plant Healing Herbs (Locked in)
-[X] Found Lumber camp
Piety: 2 Rare Reagents Available, may select actions to grant +10 to
Choose 2 Actions
-[X] Tame the Gods of the Forests
-[X] A Cure for the Spirit
--[X] Use +10 Rare Reagent
Intrigue: Choose One Action
-[X] Choose a new Spymaster
--[X] Summon an Elemental
Learning: 2 Rare Reagents Available, may select actions to grant +10 to
Choose One Action
-[X] Ship of the Air (Locked in)
-[X] Mutant Autopsy
-[X] Enchanting workshop (Locked in)

This is just horribly named plan, but with an elemental spy.
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[X] Plan Low DC
[X] Patrolling
-[X] East
[X] Restoring the herds:
[Locked for one more Year]
[X] Direct Diplomacy
[X] Aarvick's Prey
[X] See what the locals have to trade
[X] Friends of your friends...?

[X] An accounting of the Cerulean Lute
[X] Terrace Farm Planning: [Action locked for One Turn]
[X] Plant Healing Herbs:
[Locked for One more Turn]
[X] Tame the Gods of the Forests
-[X] Use rare reagents.
[X] A Cure for the Spirit
-[X] Use rare reagents.

[X] Mutant Autopsy
[X] Enchanting workshop: [Will Finish in one Turn]

Basically, I'm fine with most of plans here. There are 2 points only. I would prefer to scout forests, speak with forest gods and do autopsy first and speak with beastman later. Will help to tie it all together you know. Also, healing the advisor should really come ASAP, don't want it to progress.

For the other actions, I think gathering info and building a bit better relations with locals should come first, alongside low DC usable magic item accounting. Need be, in a pinch we can recruit bondsman and support them with sorcerers, elementals and magic items.
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We cannot afford to heal him this turn we have to get Healing Herbs done, before we lose the ablity to grow more. And so we need the god helping get the gardens online.
[x] Forest taming, and elemental spy
-[x] Martial: Choose 2 Actions
--[x] Patrolling: East
--[x] Bring out the War Machines
-[x] Diplomacy: Choose Three
--[x] Aarvick's Prey
--[x] See what the locals have to trade
--[x] Petty spirits of the air
-[x] Stewardship: Choose 1
--[x] Plant Healing Herbs:
-[x] Piety: Choose Two Actions
--[x] Tame the Gods of the Forests
--[x] Da Wei's aid For Healing Herbs.
-[x] Intrigue: Choose One
--[x] Choose a new Spymaster: Summon an Elemental: Spend Rare Reagent for +10
-[x] Learning: Choose one
--[x] Mutant Autopsy
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