Year 1 After Arrival Results Part II
A part of you recoils at the realization as a man who reaching his hand into dark waters feels the oily hide of some blind and grasping thing, but you remind yourself just as quickly,
you are not the one ensnared. It is clear that these men of the north have been lead astray by the Rashka to become their servants, helping drive the world to destruction in their honor. They know no better.
You think back to the eyes of the children who had looked up at the trumpets that heralded your coming with awe and wonder, you think back to the grey bearded elders looking for a deal, looking for a way to get ahead in summer and guard against the winter. However dreadfully mistaken they may be they are not monsters, they are not beyond redemption.
Not all of them will believe you, that much you know sure as you do your own name. Men do not lightly forget the tales of their ancestors 'glorious' deeds, however dreadful the insight had been for you it would be a thousand times worse for them who had lived it and so they will turn away and call you liar. Sezekan must seek those of the south for allies while searching among those of the north who can be convinced to see sense and help aid us in combating their mad countrymen, turning them from the Rashka's grasp in time.
Stewardship: Singer of the White-Gold Dream is a diligent and punctual worker, but you are very glad indeed that you are his superior and not his underling. Rushing along hither and yon fit to loose feathers as your mother would say he has far more ideas than time to implement them
Choose 3 Actions
[] Terrace Farm Planning: Another way to solve your food problem as well as potentially raise crops to trade would be to set up terrace farming, though with only vague descriptions to go on Dream would have to create working plans before the first clod of earth is turned
DC 30
Reward: Begin farming rice
Duration 2 Turns
Cost: 200 Wealth
Result: 46 (Success)
The long and laborious process of preparing the land for human use has begin, first clearing the trees and shrubs, branch and root, then the damning and channeling of a small river in order to flood the paddies. Though many of the workers were uneasy to so alter the flow and purpose of a river without first reaching an understanding with the local river god the Minister of Water Management, Song of the Rustling Blue Lotus reasoned that any purpose would be welcome to a god in a land in a land so infested with the Wyld. Certainly they have not seen fit to demonstrate any displeasure in person.
Reward: Work has begun
[Action locked for One Turn]
[] Waterworks improvement: It has been half a century since the last time the city's ever degrading water management systems have been repaired, but between the large number of Exalted you have available and the ability to call forth elementals you are quite sure you can do more than simply patch it up. Entire apartment blocks could be reconnected, not to mention the possibility of using the old water works to connect the Essence engines of the city to more simple but still serviceable technology, mills and forges alike
DC 67
Reward: Improved Water Management; +2 Population Morale; +20 Wealth/turn in Tax
Duration 3 Turns
Cost 250 Wealth
Result: 26 (Failure)
Work progresses at first quickly with some hoping that they would not only match, but surpass the timeline set for the project. Alas it was neither the lack of Exalted or elementals that held off the improvement of Sazakan's water works for so long. The southern reservoir, whose restoration is key to the project is already inhabited. Shards of ice float in the dark waters and more than shards. Steel hard limbs branch from their tetrahedral bodies and seven sodded eyes glare out into the darkness, recognizing no power but their long dead masters. One of the Chosen was mauled and several unenlightened workers were killed when a sluice gate was opened unexpectedly.
Strangest of all the creatures do not seem to be elementals in spite of being creatures of ice. Charms that would command or at the very least slow your elemental kindred did not trouble the Shards in the least. After driving the Sazakanian work party from the reservoir they simply returned whence they came, sealing and repairing the path to the reservoir.
Consequence: Project Stalled; 7 people killed; Discovered strange icy creatures in the Southern Reservoir
[] Plant Healing Herbs: The Ministry of Sanitation has enough supplies of healing tinctures, ointments and teas to last it through a year, perhaps two if you are careful, but with many of the relic gardens now turned to growing food larger fields will be required to maintain the stock
DC 50
Reward Maintain stock of healing herbs for the use of the Ministry of Sanitation; potential trade good
Cost: 80 Wealth
Result: 47 (Failure)
The gardeners claim the soil in here lacks some vital spark that helps the healing herbs grow strong and indeed it does not take more than a look upon the sad, wilted things to realize they have a point. More skilled thaumaturges claim the element is not one of fire at all, but, reasonably, some aspect of Earth. Work continues.
Consequence: Action Locked for one more turn
Piety: The light of the sun is a comfort even in this far off land, though it seems distant you know that no matter where the Wyld may have deposited you while men strive towards excelency the eye of the Sun shall be upon you. In the meantime though you shall take counsel of lesser gods and learn where you had come to be and how this land came to be so tainted
Choose Two Actions
[] Question the locals about their faith: The magic of the shaman was strange and troubling beyond any charm and spell you have ever seen, you would learn more of the locals half-Wyld faith
Reward: Information
Cost: 15 Wealth
Result: 33 (Failure)
Perhaps you were less adept in hiding how disturbed you were at the realization of what the people of Norsca worship for they have proven resistant to speaking more of their gods with Willing Student of the Unseen Signs. By the end of the year all he has compiled was a list of superstitions about six in ten of which have to do with how to put a boat to water. Given that one of those superstitions involves throwing a barrel of burning pitch over the deck of a boat while it is fully crewed it is a wonder they still have boats
Reward: A compilations of Norscan superstitions
[] Seek out the City God: Long has the god of Sazakan wept in the deep places of the city, many have sought him and none have found him, but Willing Student of the Unseen Signs has some hope that the transposition may have jolted him from his sorrows
DC 80
Reward: The aid of the City God
Cost: 100 Wealth
Result: 111 (Critical Success)
Though you cannot match the glorious offerings which were given to the City Father of Sazakan in the days of old, food and drink, music and merriment you still remember the form of the old rides, by chance perhaps those documents have not been destroyed and have always been copied. Perhaps others before you have made the attempt, but you have what none of them ever did through the long torturous decline of the city hammed in by its ring of mountains even as it was so guarded, you have hope. Not only have more taken the Second Breath in the last several decades than in many centuries of history you are in a new realm far from the peril of the realm's puppets and filled with a new purpose to guide the people into the light of civilization.
So as the crane-lanterns fly on wings tipped with silver on the third second of the third minute of the third hour after sun set the god of the city Da Wei, He Who Dwells Upon the Pinnacle of Ice, materializes among your people.
Tall he is, like the towers of the inner ring which wind and time have never cast down, but gaunt and sallow of skin, one eye a dull grey like a broken window and the other the blue of glacier ice. Of ice are the wings upon his back jagged skeletal things that could only bear his weight by strength of Essence
"Why have I been called?" he asks in Old Realm, his manner sharp but not discourteous as he looks at you.
You keep your gaze perfectly level and reply:
[] To counsel us in our hour of need (Da Wei may be summoned to help with stewardship actions in his preview with the aid of a dedicated piety action; providing +15 to the action in exchange for 50 wealth)
[] To help lead us in make our way together in this perilous world (Da Wei takes a permanent position on the Solar Council in defiance of the Creation-Ruling Mandate; -2 Public opinion, Upkeep of 20 Wealth/turn; may freely designate one stewardship action in his preview per turn to receive his blessing and attention for +15)
OOC: I hope you guys do not mind me breaking up these updates like this, but I just find that it is easier for me to focus and write when I'm not trying to push out 10K words at once. Also these smaller votes make the format feel a little less impersonal to me at least.