[X] "...The Viridian Pokeball Manufacturing Plant" (VPMP becomes Giovanni's above-board business. Gain organization bonus: +10 in attempting to mass capture wild Pokemon)
[X] Lieutenant Surge
[X] "...The Viridian Pharmaceutical Laboratory" (VPL becomes Giovanni's above-board business. Gain organization bonus: Pokemon owned by either you or your hero units that are critically injured will now have a saving roll that could heal them up to half their health while on the field.)
[X] Lieutenant Surge
Calling the vote now
Adhoc vote count started by Brightflame on Nov 8, 2022 at 5:10 PM, finished with 23 posts and 20 votes.

Looks like the winners are Lieutenant Surge and the VPL! Sheets will be update momentarily and Turn 1 will arrive tomorrow.
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Yes, we got the Military Man, now we will be better than other two-bit gangsters with their thugs. And to those who voted for the others, a good fight and i hope we can get them soon, Ninja's and Psychics are very useful.
Very solid Martial on Surge and comes with a direct combat boost and his own type specialist trait. Very nice, glad to have him.
So besides increasing Surge's loyalty any other characters we should recruit for Team Rocket, cause I would like to get the rest of the Rocket Executives first; Proton, Petrel, and Archer.

Depends, if you are asking specifically from Pokemon franchise (First gen), the rest of our executives are a must, maybe Blaine, can't never have enough scientist, Koga and Sabrina are ones I really one to recruit as soon as possible, a ninja and a psychic, that literally beats the rest in terms of awesomeness. Some of the other Gym leaders, maybe Brock? If we follow the anime he could be an excellent Pokemon Breeder, thats something that could be useful to us in the long run. Depending if the anime or manga are canon to this quest we could have some interesting recruit options.

Now if we consider too the other franchise that are part of the seting Yakuza, king of fighters (AND apparently Street Fighter too, if the intro post is exact) MGS and Harvest Moon also, it seems we have quite the character pool to possible draw from. To be honest aside from Yakuza games, SMG 4 and Street fighter I never played the rest of the games so not much info to draw upon. But one character I wanna recruit at all cost if possible is Kiryu, but depending on what happened on the Yakuza side is either on prison, loyal to the Tojo Clan or even dead (I hope not).

We will have to see in the first turns the state of the world and really keep an eye on our competition. Gotta use that intrigue (A psychic or a ninja could also be useful for spying on our rivals).
RocketDex Entry #1: Koffing and Weezing | weredrago2 (Canon)

Poison Gas Pokémon
"Because it stores several kinds of toxic gases in its body, it is prone to exploding without warning."

Poison Gas Pokémon
"Where two kinds of poison gases meet, 2 Koffings can fuse into a Weezing over many years."

INFORMATION: Koffing and Weezing are two poison-type pokémon believed to have been spawned from a strain of Mu (μ) that was exposed to native arthropod life (comparable to Earth barnacles) and smog laden with carcinogenic chemicals. They were first encountered in the ruins of [DATA EXPUNGED] on Cinnabar Island, where the [DATA EXPUNGED] experiments took place. Their bodies are thin membranes containing mixtures of lighter-than-air toxic gasses that keep it afloat and, when expelled, protect it from all but the most determined of predators. In hot environments or when experiencing physical trauma, the sensitive balance of these chemical compounds is thrown into disarray and pokémon is at the high risk of exploding. For these reasons, extreme caution is advised in the handling of these creatures. As a tradeoff, their care is much simpler than with other pokémon; they consume garbage and other waste products to sustain themselves. By training multiple Koffing at once, you can guarantee they will pair up into symbiotic bonds as Weezing in a matter of months.

KNOWN COMMANDS: Smog, SmokeScreen, Toxic, Poison Gas, Explosion

APPLICATIONS, CIVILIAN: The internal gas dispersal systems in Koffing and Weezing afloat may have novel applications in the field of chemistry. When extracted and diluted to the highest levels, Weezing's waste products can be repurposed as a high-quality perfume.

APPLICATIONS, SPECIAL: This should be obvious. These poisonous pokémon have enough noxious compounds in their bodies to turn a room full of healthy people into a scene of gasping pandemonium. Poison Gas, Smog, and SmokeScreen make Koffing and Weezing a Rocket Grunt's best friend. They're easy to handle as long as you have a gas mask and an above-average tolerance for risk. Should it become necessary to leave your pokémon behind during a mission, a command to use Explosion or Self Destruct should make it impossible for Silph Co to match the Trainer ID of our agent to the abandoned pokémon. After all, there isn't any evidence to track if the pokémon becomes a living frag grenade.
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So, actually, this leaves me with a question. Is explosion and all actually fatal for pokemon to use in this verse? I've seen things done both ways. Personally given all the other stuff pokemon get up to I'd think that causing a point blank explosion should be perfectly survivable, even if the recoil knocks them out.
So, actually, this leaves me with a question. Is explosion and all actually fatal for pokemon to use in this verse? I've seen things done both ways. Personally given all the other stuff pokemon get up to I'd think that causing a point blank explosion should be perfectly survivable, even if the recoil knocks them out.
Well currently aside from Mu2 (Mewtwo) I doubt we have much in top tier pokemon wondering about, it'll probably be best to treat pokemon as tough as they are in the various media's, and more biological super animals somewhat touched by magical powers. Explosion probably kills the pokemon in question, since they explode.

Now for goals, well currently these biological super weapons capable of being carried in a device no larger than a softball are our main draw, so long as we maintain a constant supply of them, we should acquire pokeball production facilities as soon as possible to pair with our medical expertise. Let Wily and the Eggman mess around with their machines, the feeble strength of metal is no match for the mutagen powers of Mu.

Knocking Silph out and taking over will be an excellent first goal.

And this isn't so much as a goal, and more of a Please God Let's Avoid This At All Costs, let's make sure no spunky ten year old pokemon trainers come knocking. Megacorps, underground monster kingdoms, alien invasions, magical invasions? Sure, we can deal with those eventually. Quiet ten year olds? Dear god that's terrifying, they are our main weakness, and something to be avoided or subverted at all costs. Maybe we can recruit the spunky youths ourselves?
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Especially when we use Mu to turn their robot servants to pokemon. In theory.
Well, we currently lack access to Mu I'm fairly sure it's basically free roaming around now so we'll have to stick with the life left behind, but still, a self sustaining population of pocket monsters is hardly much of a downgrade.

I'm not sure how quickly trained monsters can be deployed from a pokeball in comparison to just using a gun or mystical martial arts, so that might be a sticking point for Surge in training our thugs.
Turn 1- January/Feburary 200X
At the Celadon Rocket Hideout

"...So it seems our newest member has taken to his position rather eagerly."

You acknowledge Ariana's comment with a simple nod as you look at the scenario in front of you. You're in the Celadon hideout to personally inspect it, but your attention was soon gripped with something else as soon as you entered the final floor.

Before you, was an obstacle course, one that seemed to stretch from one edge of the expansive floor to the next. As you scanned the course, you noticed many mundane obstacles you would expect, the field of barbed wire and (thankfully contained) mud, the hurdles, the inclining walls, but you've also noted some more peculiar additions. Trails of burning coals, a small pool turned into a small tsunami by nearby water-types, enclosed spaces where a visible gas slowly leaked in, and a straight path with several magnets (you realize this once you see an unfortunate grunt get pulled and pinned to it by their belt buckle) on each side of it. All the while, the grunts going through this are being yelled at by your blonde-haired Administrator.

It took a moment to understand the point of these additions, but once you do it all becomes obvious. "I see…so he's also training them in case they ever have to face Pokemon on their own." you think as you fold your hands behind your back, a smirk creeping up on your face.

"Hm, if anything you must appreciate his ingenuity, I do wonder what he could come up with if provided with the limitless resources we'll soon have. Come, let's not be strangers and greet the lieutenant."

Ariana nods as the two of you begin to walk towards the Lightning Lieutenant, who was currently giving what seemed to be quite a tongue-lashing to a line of exhausted grunts that endured the course. Eventually, he noticed the two of you approaching before turning back to the grunts. "Straighten up you lot! The Commander's on deck!" He barked out as he offered you a salute, one soon followed by many as his men followed suit. The lieutenant wasn't quite what you expected by appearance; short, spiky blonde hair, light skin and sharp facial features, instead of his uniform he instead wore a green tank top and cargo pants, a set of dog tags dangling from his neck.

"At ease, Lieutenant." was your response to this gesture, "I see you've already begun your work hammering out the kinks in our military force, I must admit you've surprised me with this display you've made here today" you gestured towards the course, "A rather impressive one at that."

The spiky blonde crossed his arms, looking back at the course "It'll help, but if I may speak freely chief…these pansies are going to need a lot of work before they can be called soldiers, you've got some promising goons, but most of them just aren't disciplined, let alone trained for any combat outside having their Pokemon do the heavy lifting for them."

You frowned, "Is that so…" Hm, unsurprising, but hearing it outright was still mildly upsetting, "I hope you've already prepared the means to correct this then?"

The lieutenant turned back at you with a grin, "yeah, don't you worry chief, I'll whip them into shape and you'll have the army you want. It's going to take time, but when we're ready, we'll take this land by storm!"

National Actions
Pick one of each category

[] Exert Control over Neo-Kanto's Underworld
DC 40/60/80
While Rocket Group is by far the most dominant force in Neo-Kanto's underbelly, it isn't the only one. A few small gangs and syndicates still operate within your territory to make a meager profit, bold enough to challenge you or foolish enough to think you won't notice their activities, no matter the case they are still pests at the end of the day. It is time for Rocket to become the sole ruler of the zone's Underworld and eliminate the competition!

(Reward: Control over Neo-Kanto's underworld solidified, potential to gain some valuable loot in the raids.)

[] Capture Pokemon (Wild)
DC 30/60/90
If there's one thing Neo-Kanto still has an abundance of, it would be Pokemon. Organize some of your men to go patrol the zone insearch for wild Pokemon that Rocket Group can benefit from having.

(Reward: Wild Pokemon captured and sent to Rocket bases, type and how many varies)

[] Capture Pokemon (Trainers)
DC 50/70/100
…Or you could have them ambush some unsuspecting trainers and rob them of their Pokemon. It would be more difficult in both the short and long term, but that could be outweighed by the benefit of having experienced Pokemon at your disposal.

(Reward: Steal the Pokemon of several trainers, quality and type varies. Decrease to Public Perception)

[] Fortify the Caledon Hideout
DC 70
You've inspected the new hideout and you must say, you're impressed. An underground complex of reinforced concrete and steel constructed in record time. Still, there's still room for improvement, especially in terms of its defenses. Install a few additional 'security measures' and turn the heart of Rocket into an impenetrable fortress!

(Reward: Increased DC for any hostile forces attacking the Hideout)

[] Discipline the Grunts
DC 65
Ah the Grunts, the assortment of gangsters and thugs that make up the majority of Rocket…right now they are more akin to an armed mob than the standing army you'll need to take over Neo-Kanto. Before you can train them properly however, you need to get these rowdy bands inline with your agenda fully, only then can you reforge them into the blades you'll direct against your enemies.

(Reward: Grunts are disciplined and the first step into creating a professional fighting force is taken.)

[] Engage in Philanthropy
DC: Auto-Pass, the higher the roll the greater the effects are
Even in this cynical city, you can win the hearts of foolish people by merely performing a few good deeds, something you can and will take advantage of. Make a few donations, speak out for a few causes, and generally present yourself as a good-hearted man to the public, and in time no one would even care if they found out you were the kingpin of Rocket.

(Reward: Increase to Public Perception)

[] Now Hiring (Neo-Kanto)
DC: 45
Rocket Group could always use some additional talented trainers, ones that haven't been bought out by Silph Co yet. Send out a few of your men to act as talent scouts and redirect promising trainers to one of your subsidiaries, where you'll meet and interview them in person…disguised of course.

(Reward: Choice of several Hero Units from the Pokemon series, starting opinion will be heavily affected by how high Rocket's current Public Perception is)

[] Now Hiring (Elsewhere)
DC: 75
…Or perhaps you should look beyond your home and try to entice foreigners into joining your ranks. The City of Light is home to countless mercenaries, hitmen, and so many other people of amoral positions that can be lured with promises of wealth. It would be more difficult due to Silph Co's heavy restrictions on movement in and out of the zone, but it gives you the opportunity to recruit people that wouldn't be tainted by Silph Co propaganda, and perhaps people who could bring something you'll never find here to the table.

(Reward: Choice of several Hero Units from other series. Starting opinion isn't affected by Public Perception)

[] Reach out to the X-Syndicate
DC: 110
At this time, there is only one group in the City that would even entertain the idea of meeting with representatives of Rocket, and that would be the alliance of criminals that operate the majority of The City's illicit activities: The X-Syndicate. The obstacles are many, but if you could successfully reach out to and convince this mysterious Mr. X to hear you out, you could gain a very, very powerful ally…but you also aren't a fool, and know whatever offers they'll give will have quite a few strings attached.

(Reward: Open communications with the X-Syndicate)

[] Open up Curry Kitchens:
DC: 30
A Neo-Kantan take on soup kitchens, curry kitchens provide plates of rice with curry to the hungry and homeless of the zone, but like all forms of welfare it's never enough. Perhaps you can purchase a few buildings and renovate them as new curry kitchens. Not only would this improve your image, but these kitchens can pay off the investments you put into them by acting as fences for illegal goods on the side.
(Reward: Increase in Public Perception and yearly income)

[] Buy a Secret Base:
DC: 50
Before Pokeballs, Silph Co attempted to contain wild Pokemon by capturing them and moving them underground into these wide, expansive bunkers. These days, they are trying to sell off these structures by advertising them as 'Secret Bases' to wealthier trainers. Having seen the interior of one in the past, you do believe such structures could be renovated to become outposts for Rocket Group, so why not let the fools give you the key to their own destruction by generously taking one off their hands?

(Reward: A Secret Base falls into Rocket Group's hands. Subvote for which District it's located in.)

[] Open a Pokemon Academy:
DC: 65 (Takes 3 turns)
Ariana recently approached you with a rather novel idea. Despite how prevalent training Pokemon has become in Neo-Kanto, there lacks an institution to properly teach the newer generations the basics to being a trainer. You could change that by funding the construction of a school, one that teaches Pokemon training basics alongside the educational fundamentals. More importantly, this school can be staffed with members of Rocket Group and indoctrinate those impressionable minds to our cause, essentially creating our own youth organization fronting as a respectable institution for education.

(Rewards: Construction of a Pokemon Academy in Viridian, large increase to Public Perception.)

[] Organize a Smuggling Network
DC 55
Due to Silph's possessive behavior over their monopoly of Pokemon, Neo-Kanto is subject to severe restrictions on transport and heavy tariffs on all goods entering or leaving the zone, thankfully there are other ways to bypass this. There are several networks of back alleys and dilapidated streets, rarely patrolled by the law enforcement on Silph's payroll. If you were to secure these routes in the name of Rocket, you'll have the means to access goods and information that the wider City offers.

(Reward: Unlocks Rival Reports and Smuggling Actions)

[] An Ear to the Ground
DC 80/100
While Rocket may have been purged thoroughly, a weakness in the megacorporation structure is that a large number of their regular employees were friends and family of your subordinates and may be sympathetic to the Rocket cause, try to reach out to them and convince them to act as your eyes within your rival's corporate structure. They would however be risking their very lively hoods if caught interacting with Rocket Group, so you may need to rely on something other than old bonds.

(Reward: Increased DC for Silph Co in actions targeting Rocket Group, occasional bits of information regarding the inner operations of Silph Co)

[] Investigate Neo-Johto
DC: 125
Recently, there's been rumors of Pokemon being spotted within the neighboring zone of Neo-Johto, some not even matching any descriptions of pre-existing Pokemon. Silph Co has tried to silence these rumors by essentially locking down the gate to the Indigo Plateau, the landmass that separates the two zones, entirely. While your subordinates are concerned about these developments, you feel more fascinated by what these rumors say…new Pokemon to harness. It'll be incredibly difficult, but you can try organizing some of Rocket's elites in infiltrating Neo-Johto and finding how true these rumors are.

(Reward: Insight on Neo-Johto's current situation, confirmation whether or not the rumors of Pokemon crossing into the zone is true).

[] Search for clues on Mu-2's whereabouts
DC: ???
The Mu-2 Project, the cause for Rocket's fall from grace, a Project said to create the perfect Pokemon, one who possesses the strengths of them all and none of the weaknesses. The result was the Cinnabar Island Incident, where Rocket's research center on the island exploded and caused extensive damage, both to the island and Silph Co's treasury. Because of their failure, Rocket was purged from Silph Co.

…Or, that's the official story most employees are told, but your scientists tell another one. The Project actually succeeded and the cause of the destruction was Mu-2 themselves, who left the island not long afterwards, never to be seen again.

Your scientists would love to have their creation back under their control, and you yourself would quite like having such a powerful Pokemon at your disposal. Issue is there are no leads on where Mu-2 can be, meaning you'll be starting from nothing with this, but that would be a miniscule price to pay to achieve the first steps in obtaining the ultimate Pokemon.

(Reward: ???)

[] Resume Pokemon Research
DC 40/60/80

With the establishment of the Hideout, you now have a centralized location where your experiments on Pokemon can take place without complications. There are so many things still unknown about these creatures, and how to bring out their full power.

(Reward: Additional insight on Pokemon and their properties.)

[] Develop a new Potion
DC 50

Potions are a type of healing spray that reacts to the traces of Mu within a Pokemon's DNA, causing a reaction where the Pokemon sprayed with begins to rapidly heal from their wounds. Today there is only the singular variant of the Potion on the market, but your scientists believe they can make another, more potent variant for Rocket Group's use.

(Reward: Development of the Super Potion)

[] Develop a new Pokeball
DC 50/70

While theoretically a Silph Co patent, there is nothing stopping you from making your own Pokeball exclusive to Rocket. Your scientists would relish the opportunity to one-up their former employer in one of their niches and a more specialized ball could be beneficial to certain operations Rocket engages in.

(Reward: Creation of a Pokeball with unique properties.)

Personal Actions:
Giovanni has access to four personal actions, or one and a free reroll
All other hero units have one personal action AND can be assigned to one national action

[] Train your Pokemon
If Pokemon are tools, then it's only common sense to keep them in good condition. Set up a few mock battles between your Pokemon and increase their strength.

[] Hire a personal combat instructor
…Though, it's also unwise to be overly reliant on tools, especially to protect yourself. While you are no weakling, there's much to be desired. Use your connections to find an experienced combatant willing to teach their techniques to a wealthy philanthropist. Gain a hero unit who can't be used on projects and is only paid to teach Giovanni self-defense unless you reveal to them your affiliations and offer them a spot in Rocket.

[] Have Surge teach you 'Combatives'
…Or you could ask the seasoned veteran under your employ to teach you what he knows instead. Can't be taken with either "Hire a personal combat instructor", nor will you be able to "Break Bread" with Surge during this turn.

[] Visit the Neo-Kanto underworld Market
In the slums of Center Kanto, there exists a market where people peddle various goods, from worthless nick naks to rare Pokemon, the only constant on the merchandise there is how it was obtained. Perhaps you should take a visit and browse what illegal contraband is up for sale?

[] Go hunting for Pokemon personally
You must admit, you do feel a thrill in capturing Pokemon like a trainer usually does, a thrill absent when being given Pokemon by your subordinates, perhaps you should go out for a walk and search for promising Pokemon yourself.

[] Go hunting for Pokemon personally in a Safari Zone
Or if you are willing to cough up the zennys, you could take a visit to the nearest Safari Zone and capture a few in there. You would have a higher chance of the journey being fruitful, but it would still cost a pretty penny (-2 Income)

[] Break bread with one of your subordinates
While you have better things to do, a boss that takes a few moments to check up on their employees is a good way to assure said employees' loyalty. Pick one hero unit to spend time with, that unit will gain a +10 in opinion for the next three turns.

[] Give one of your projects some of your personal attention (Costs 3 personal actions)
-[] Write-In

[] Resume your personal projects
With the Hideout finally done, you find yourself with a bit of free time, perhaps you should use it to continue those projects you've put on the shelf since Silph Co fired you?

[] Train your Pokemon
If Pokemon are tools, then it's only common sense to keep them in good condition. Set up a few mock battles between your Pokemon and increase their strength.

[] Take Public Speaking Classes
As much as you will despise it, with Rocket growing in both size and legitimacy, you'll be expected to work and communicate with those bratty kids and your peers alike, and heaven knows what other duties you'll have if Rocket goes public. Because of this, you'll need to work on your social skills to fulfill these future duties.

[] Raid a Silph Co Property
You despise your former employer how they turned their backs on Rocket,a scathing hatred that will only be satisfied with its destruction. While that dream is still far away, you could gather some grunts and wreak havoc on one of their properties in the zone as a way to relieve stress.

[] Accept Challengers at the Ring
You may be one of the higher ups at Rocket now, but that doesn't mean you'll shirk your duties at your other job entirely, people will think you're getting weak otherwise! So what better way to assure people of your strength than by knocking down some arrogant trainers and taking some of their zennys as punishment?

[] Train with your Pokemon
You're one of the strongest trainers, you're sure of it, that doesn't mean you can't get stronger though, nor does it mean you can slack off. Put you and your Pokemon through a series of exercises that are bound to benefit you all!

[] Get in contact with your old comrades
You haven't talked to any of your old squad or…really anyone you met in the military for a long while now. If you had to guess, most of them probably left for that 'Soldier's Heaven' you heard rumors about, despite how dumb they sound, but maybe if you did some searching you can hit up one of those that remain and…who knows, maybe go out for a few drinks like old times?
[X] Plan: Team Rocket Is Ready To Take Off!!!!
-[X] Fortify the Caledon Hideout (Lieutenant Surge)
-[X] Now Hiring (Neo-Kanto)
-[X] Buy a Secret Base
-[X] Organize a Smuggling Network
-[X] Resume Pokemon Research (Ariana)
-[X] Train your Pokemon
-[X] Visit the Neo-Kanto underworld Market
-[X] Hire a personal combat instructor
-[X] Break bread with one of your subordinates (Lieutenant Surge)
-[X] Resume your personal projects
-[X] Get in contact with your old comrades

How does this plan look?
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[X] Plan To Extend Our Reach

-[X] Exert Control over Neo-Kanto's Underworld (Lieutenant Surge)
DC 40/60/80
While Rocket Group is by far the most dominant force in Neo-Kanto's underbelly, it isn't the only one. A few small gangs and syndicates still operate within your territory to make a meager profit, bold enough to challenge you or foolish enough to think you won't notice their activities, no matter the case they are still pests at the end of the day. It is time for Rocket to become the sole ruler of the zone's Underworld and eliminate the competition!

(Reward: Control over Neo-Kanto's underworld solidified, potential to gain some valuable loot in the raids.)

-[X] Engage in Philanthropy
DC: Auto-Pass, the higher the roll the greater the effects are
Even in this cynical city, you can win the hearts of foolish people by merely performing a few good deeds, something you can and will take advantage of. Make a few donations, speak out for a few causes, and generally present yourself as a good-hearted man to the public, and in time no one would even care if they found out you were the kingpin of Rocket.

(Reward: Increase to Public Perception)

-[X] Buy a Secret Base:
DC: 50
Before Pokeballs, Silph Co attempted to contain wild Pokemon by capturing them and moving them underground into these wide, expansive bunkers. These days, they are trying to sell off these structures by advertising them as 'Secret Bases' to wealthier trainers. Having seen the interior of one in the past, you do believe such structures could be renovated to become outposts for Rocket Group, so why not let the fools give you the key to their own destruction by generously taking one off their hands?

(Reward: A Secret Base falls into Rocket Group's hands. Subvote for which District it's located in.)

-[X] Organize a Smuggling Network
DC 55
Due to Silph's possessive behavior over their monopoly of Pokemon, Neo-Kanto is subject to severe restrictions on transport and heavy tariffs on all goods entering or leaving the zone, thankfully there are other ways to bypass this. There are several networks of back alleys and dilapidated streets, rarely patrolled by the law enforcement on Silph's payroll. If you were to secure these routes in the name of Rocket, you'll have the means to access goods and information that the wider City offers.

(Reward: Unlocks Rival Reports and Smuggling Actions)

-[X] Resume Pokemon Research (Ariana)
DC 40/60/80

With the establishment of the Hideout, you now have a centralized location where your experiments on Pokemon can take place without complications. There are so many things still unknown about these creatures, and how to bring out their full power.

(Reward: Additional insight on Pokemon and their properties.)

-[X] Train your Pokemon
If Pokemon are tools, then it's only common sense to keep them in good condition. Set up a few mock battles between your Pokemon and increase their strength.

-[X] Have Surge teach you 'Combatives'
…Or you could ask the seasoned veteran under your employ to teach you what he knows instead. Can't be taken with either "Hire a personal combat instructor", nor will you be able to "Break Bread" with Surge during this turn.

-[X] Visit the Neo-Kanto underworld Market
In the slums of Center Kanto, there exists a market where people peddle various goods, from worthless nick naks to rare Pokemon, the only constant on the merchandise there is how it was obtained. Perhaps you should take a visit and browse what illegal contraband is up for sale?

-[X] Break bread with one of your subordinates
--[X] Ariana
While you have better things to do, a boss that takes a few moments to check up on their employees is a good way to assure said employees' loyalty. Pick one hero unit to spend time with, that unit will gain a +10 in opinion for the next three turns.

-[X] Resume your personal projects
With the Hideout finally done, you find yourself with a bit of free time, perhaps you should use it to continue those projects you've put on the shelf since Silph Co fired you?

-[X] Train with your Pokemon
You're one of the strongest trainers, you're sure of it, that doesn't mean you can't get stronger though, nor does it mean you can slack off. Put you and your Pokemon through a series of exercises that are bound to benefit you all!
[X] Plan To Extend Our Reach

Although I'd rather get some curry kitchens it is always nice to have a back up for when things go wrong.
Can't do the training and chat with him, i could change it to a different method of training if need be.
Oh you are right. Mmm, should we take the hire a combat instructor instead? It has a chance of getting us a new hero unit too. Well one we could use fully once we let him in the Team Rocket stuff, but could be useful. It's worth considering.