Legacy of The Tenth Crusade - A Divergences of Darkness Nation Quest [Finished]

@Cassiemouse @MordredRaal

Updated my plan to make use of the mini-bug from defunding the Islamic Schools and used it to Expand Existing Schools. If you'd prefer something else be done with that mini-bug, tell me so.

Also secondly, should I make Bilingualism mandatory or leave it optional? It could be a way to preserve minority cultures and languages.
Maybe public libraries instead? I do think mandatory is probably good too.
I will note that the "not pissing off the Islamists plan" would still piss off the Islamists anyway by
1) Allowing women to go to school
2) Making hijab optional
3) Arab Socialism curriculum

IMO even just two of three happening would piss off the Islamists a lot (so might as well vote for mine, @always_confused 's, or @Hianny 's plan :V)
My focus here is to make sure that most people can learn to read and right at the very minimum and making sure that the factions within the country wouldn't be too pissed at what we are doing.
The problem with such a focus is that the Islamist faction is going to be pissed that we let women have access to the same public education as men, as well as not mandating that they wear hijabs while doing so. Which every single plan made so far has done, and I seriously doubt that that will change.

They'll also be pissed at anything more left-wing than Nationalistic Ba'athism, and again, only a single plan has proposed anything more right-wing than Arab Socialism.

Pissing off the Islamist faction is inevitable this vote, and for good reason, as we are deciding the shape of the next generation of Egyptians right now. So if they are going to be angry no matter what, let's not do things by half measures and aim for full Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics.
@always_confused @Hianny @Regency Given that your plans all defund the Islamist Schools, is there a reason why your plans aren't using that extra mini-bug you get from doing so?

Was very tired and was mostly focused on libraries because those are huge so i quickly made a revision with public libraries.

While mandatory bilingualism is something i would like in the future i would rather just have everybody able to read in one language before forcing everybody to know two so while nice i feel like it is excessive

[X] Plan: Bang for our buck
- [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
- [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
- [X][NAT] Islamist Schools
- [X][NAT] Copt Schools
- [X][LAN] Optional Bilingualism
- [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
- [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
- [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
- [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
- [X][PRO] Rural Schools
- [X][PRO] Agronomy College
- [X][PRO] Public Libraries
Actually it just occurred to me that nationalizing the Foreign Private Schools with either Bilingualism option will mean that the converted Egyptian teachers will be on hand to teach Burgundian, Chinese, French, and Belgian, expanding the number of languages available for students to learn. (Though it is likely they will use the language classes to push their religious views as was mentioned) While the majority of students (who aren't already bilingual) will most likely take Coptic or French as they are the most common minority languages in Egypt at the moment, there will still be a notable amount who take the other language courses if they are available.

Not only will this protect the religious/ethnic minorities in Egypt that use these languages from cultural erasure, but it will also provide the government a growing population of (practically) native speakers to draw upon for use as translators/ambassadors to countries where they are the primary language.
I feel that there is a difference between them being angry about our policies and them getting a stroke from rage at the fact that we are trying to destroy their source of influence. So hopefully we are still able to speak in diplomatic terms after this set of reforms is done with.

A thing that I hope is that this will encourage the more leftist Islamists to be more chill with us compared to their more conservative brethren. Another is that the backlash wouldn't be as severe if we go all in with the Leftism, as vain a hope as that is.
@Hianny Would you be willing to switch over to my plan due to sharing the curriculum & defunding Islamist madrasas subvote, even if it doesn't go as far as yours in facing off against Islamists?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fission Battery on Sep 28, 2022 at 4:03 AM, finished with 34 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Education Crisis Mode
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    - [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
    -[X][NAT] Foreign Private Schools
    -[X][LAN] Mandated Bilingualism.
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
    - [X][PRO] Public Libraries
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools
    - [X][PRO] Expand Existing Schools
    [X] Hopefully not pissing off the Islamists
    [X] Hopefully not pissing off the Islamists
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    -[X][NAT] Foreign Private Schools
    -[X][LAN] Mandated Bilingualism.
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    -[X][CON] Arab Socialism
    -[X][PRO] Public Libraries. Costs 1 Mini-Bug. Build, fill, and staff public libraries in major towns and cities across the Nile Delta.
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools. Costs 2 Mini-Bug. Devote specific attention towards rural communities outside of the major towns and cities. Will cover a significant portion of the population.
    [X] Towards a Brighter Future
    [X] Plan: Bang for our buck
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    - [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
    - [X][NAT] Copt Schools
    - [X][LAN] Optional Bilingualism
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
    - [X][PRO] Expand Existing Schools
    - [X][PRO] Agronomy College
    - [X][PRO] Public Libraries
    [X] Maintain Islamist Support to beat Crusader
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    -[X][NAT] Foreign Private Schools
    -[X][LAN] Mandated Bilingualism.
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [x][CON] Pan-Islamism
    -[X][PRO] Public Libraries. Costs 1 Mini-Bug. Build, fill, and staff public libraries in major towns and cities across the Nile Delta.
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools. Costs 2 Mini-Bug. Devote specific attention towards rural communities outside of the major towns and cities. Will cover a significant portion of the population.
    [X] Plan: Bang for our buck
    - [X][FUN] No. No change to Ministry or Government Budget.
    - [X][DEF] Islamist Schools
    - [X][NAT] Copt Schools
    - [X][LAN] Optional Bilingualism
    - [X][WRI] Modern Standard Arabic
    - [X][WOM] Don't ban women from public education
    - [X][HIJ] Optional. Their choice to wear them.
    - [X][CON] Marxist Internationalism with Arab Characteristics
    -[X][PRO] Rural Schools
    - [X][PRO] Agronomy College
    - [X][PRO] Public Libraries
Totally gonna radicalize the Islamist wing. Ba'athists probably also not gonna be happy with the Marxism with Arab Characteristics - probably a step too far for our actual nationalist base. Gotta be ready to throw hands, think this is gonna get a bit dicey.
Yup, hopefully it will only be shouting or at least the shooting will occur when the Crusader State is dealt with because that thing is an existential threat.
Public education disputes are things that send people into the streets to protest as anybody following the news would know. Parents care about what their children are taught. I hope the winning plan did not overstep things by straight up teaching communism in the schools. Egypt is still technically a European colony after all! I am also surprised that the Governor did not demand that the education system be "apolitical" based on his previous intervention in militia education.
If we end up in a Civil War, the Islamists are going to have it tough. Most of the army is on our side and every year it becomes more loyal because Khouri has been purging it since the begining and the peasent militias are also loyal to us, this is without taking into account that the people that are part of the military-industrial complex are being trained by german marxists (though I might have misread the update about Germany's help).

The islamists and colonialists (people directly loyal to Marcato) rely on foreign support to be able to fight against the left-AENC on even ground and that foreign support would rely on the communist nations not supporting us.

Hell, even the sicilians might abandon them, after all, we have the guns they need and the training they want.
It's the combination of the Islamic schools, the hijab, the women's education, the bilingualism, and the Marxism - one to three are probably not going to be popular with the Islamists in the slightest, four is probably going to rile up the nationalists as a state subsidy to Copts and Europeans as well as a dilution of Arab culture, and five has its obvious implications for Islamism and nationalism alike. Leaving the Islamist schools would allow for an opt-out, which isn't necessarily ideal but would have been practical. State funding would have also allowed the government to still have a strong hand in curriculum. This obviously has implications for party factionalism - but beyond that, we might also be starting to outrun our own base. The general impression I get is that even though the populace is generally down with socialism, they're still mostly fairly devout and see socialism as a secondary position to nationalism. The Marxist turn, even if something I'd personally like to see in the long run, inverts that relationship. Might not be something the public is enthused about.

So yeah, I do imagine we'll get a serious party split over this. The Islamists and party right may start to wonder how many more choices like this we'll be making and if they actually have a place in the party at all - and if not, whether they'd be better off either outside it or trying to make a play for power themselves.

Guessing we'll have an opportunity to either make serious concessions next turn or see the struggle escalate.