don't call it a comeback
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Brand-name Genes

Some time into the future, but not much…

Once upon a time, you, Jiko Tanaka, had chosen the curse of interesting times. You do not regret this decision; the Jiko of the past had grown lazy and unmotivated, content to exert the merest fraction of power outward while investing the rest into continuous battle within. And even that inner battle was a matter of habit, finding the only true opponent in a world bled dry of war.

But here, in this Manifest Realm, you have never felt anything less than utter, overwhelming exhaustion. Deep reserves of willpower and metabolic contingencies, all fired. New and bizarre configurations of neural computation invented, prototyped, refined endlessly with mad abandon. Experimentations of subcellular biology that would have earned the Martial Hero total government censure now pouring forth by the billions into testing crucibles.

After all, the dead do not care for your tragic backstory, your ennui, your despair. To think those things matter above saving lives is the logic of the Villain. To the Hero, all that matters is the salvation of lives, and the inspiration of hope.

Far behind the red line, within clandestine catacombs, a spire of flesh everts from a pot of nutrient mix. Within seconds it swells and digests its container, engorging rapidly into a translucent chrysalis, before you emerge with a splash of waste liquid, slick as a newborn.

The chrysalis retreats into its inert form, the wastewater evaporating into the atmosphere. You stick the respawn seed into a fresh pot, and it sprouts a miniature effigy of your face with maturity indicated by a widening grin.

"I saw him again," you say, combing back your mane. "The Hero. He's gotten stronger! Five percent above the curve, at least."

"Your Curse?" asks Jeanne de Tymarie, the closest thing to a chief strategist you have, though her meagre intellect only rivals your own in select matters. In practice she serves to interpret your own cogitations to the ranks of mortals that have joined the Land of Man, a transitional figurehead to the rural populace of Wacky Mirror Witch France.

"Not so! It's well within his current capabilities to develop without aid." You clench your fist, pitting the totality of your strength against itself; even the least imbalance thunders through the air, ruffling Jeanne's hair. Slowly, though still an eyeblink-smear of blurring motion, you run through a full-body calisthenic stretching routine, feeling that soul-deep grind of stone on bone as your Praxis grows. "I should slay him before it becomes inconvenient."

"The Council is demanding reopened access to the Sea d'Azure," Jeanne says, keeping pace as you stride through the passageways of your central headquarters. She adjusts her glasses, a scrawl of data running across the corner of its smartfilm glaze. "Your biomass harvesting has encroached fishing fields."

"Hmph! And yet they cut down my roads! How shortsighted of them. Is it not obvious that, without a reliable logistical mesh, my operations will shift to local stockpiling?"

"Your transport worms inspire horror," she replies, and takes a small breath, before gritting out, "Have you considered rendering them more palatable?"

Indeed you have, but your attempts at forming large facsimiles of your own beaming mien on their borer orifices did not go smoothly. A sad day for Tanaka Logistics and Trucking Incorporated.

Perhaps the solution lay in the manipulation of findross. Regrettably your own forays yielded only modest rewards. The Maiden was said to be strikingly beautiful, and even Jeanne is capable of transmitting complete information of her beauty to observers through the least channel of sensory data. You had once chewed on a strand of her hair to distract from a gnarly Sorceress who could shoot pain beams! If you could somehow apply a Grace of comparable bandwidth, you could simply transmit the sublime beauty of your own physiological canon.

Wait a moment, you're being foolish. You flex and Jeanne averts her eyes. Success. To gain headway even against her Grace of Clarity that turns aside all distraction mental and physical, is a feat worthy of mythic legend. You mentally construct a medal to commemorate it, award it to yourself, and relegate it to your mental trophy cabinet. Next you begin redesigning each transport worm to have a transparent corneal window where a limited-edition SSR Trucker Jiko effigy will be visible to peasants facing their onrushing maw, and make a note to print out corresponding collectibles.

You'd once thought you had escaped the travails of PR campaigning. But what was a hero, but a man with good PR? Aside from the altruistic will to save the masses, of course.

Jeanne reports briefly on the progress of your militia programme, collating what insights you couldn't observe through Quirk-mediated pericognition alone. Outlook: satisfactory! Numbers: going up! Orcs: going down!

Sorcery limited to females alone, you had initiated widespread Quirk Factor dissemination into the genetic pool available within the red line. Even disregarding the perceptual and cognitive enhancement natural to any circulation of Quirk Factor, the average fresh Joanian Self Defense Force recruit was now capable of activating Quirk: Findross Rush, rapidly converting their natural findross production into significant physical augmentation rivaling even the hardiness of military cyborgs. With the neural programming capability of your enhanced Anivoice, strategic, tactical, even martial maneuvers could be transmitted through Jikochondrion nodes and translated directly into physical action. Any recruit that distinguished themselves in the Orcwaste frontier would be granted specialized engineering of their genome to manifest a Quirk tailored to their personality and phenotype; as dictated by Sorcerous paradigms you had theorized, fully leaning into certain metaphorical frameworks for psychological assessment was more effective than simply granting every sergeant Half-Hot-Half-Cold, which doesn't stop you from giving it to every second sergeant.

Speaking of Sorcerous paradigms, your experimentation into hybridising Sorceress and orc material is proceeding slowly. The problem lies in preventing the orc tissue from fully cannibalizing the findross-singularity generators; until that point of inflection, the superb neural proliferation and resilience of orc tissue makes it suitable for the operation of your JSDF Combat Automaton Series, and significantly cheaper than manufacturing myomers and quantum chips! Until you manage to design biological safeguards that enforce homeostasis, you'll have to mediate every unit directly.

Oh, you've detected some orc presences amassing. You send out some interceptors. Far into the outskirts of the march, a tree that stands like a swirl of noodles in a vortex opens a single port on the end of one of its branches. With the crack of hypersonic acceleration, you pilot the unfolding masses of nanoengineered superbone and Quirk-generated pressure jets as they briefly rise above the stratosphere, assume new flight profiles, and fly into a greenskin horde.

You nod at Jeanne while your interceptors splinter on their descent into a rain of aerial mines, their monowire payloads spearing miles of viridian leather and steel, drawing them together into masses of suborned flesh as your Quirk runs rampant. Soon, from the mesh of orcflesh rises a new batch of Kyojin-class Units, fresh waterfalls of blood gushing from your beaming grins.

"FEAR, VILLAINOUS SCUM, FOR I AM HERE," you boom, arms stretched like blades and brought to cross in front of your chests. "JIKULTRA BEAM." Like swords of daylight high-energy beams smash into the onslaught of Orkhans, the sweep of its severity like the child who holds a lens above ants, writing his name in flame and corpses.

"Are you listening to me?" asks Jeanne, adjusting her glasses to shine menacingly.

"Of course!" you say, then amend, "No, I was thinking about fighting. But I was still listening to you, Jeannie!"

"Don't call me that."


You extrude yourself from a cavity, stepping into a realm of steel.

Stainless metal embraces stained glass in intricate facades, countless fragments hammered from shimmering aurora depicting your triumphs (factual and imagined) in stark relief. Their presence is among the vanishing few acknowledgments of local cultural standards in this, the beating heart of your technological renaissance.

Echoing your last moments in a dimension you once called home are a bevy of familiar sounds, the steady drone of progress music to your ears. Familiar to your eyes are the silk embroidery and brocade of the Orient, amidst rice-paper screens slashed dark and grey with calligraphic mountains. Nearby, a miniature Zen garden hosts a suikinkutsu, clear peals ringing from water into stone.


The voice of Gisena Allria, Traitor Sorceress, rings out, soon followed by the genuine article in a white labcoat over her low-cut kimono. Publically reported fighting for the side of the greenskins, her capture proved somewhat difficult; armed with a form of Sorcery mimicking Eraserhead, you almost faced the critical failure of Quirk neutralisation that so often issued from your favourite sensei shortly before your many classroom concussions. Fortunately, you improvised a capture-ball, a flagellated flesh-sphere of organic nanotubing pseudotentacles functioning without a scrap of Quirk genetics, and after roundly subduing her bodyguard of orcs she surrendered herself into your custody. Of all the captured Sorceresses you have subjected to your Heroic Therapy: Restorative Japanese Meditation technique, Gisena proved most mutable; you'd almost think she didn't want to work for the orcs at all!

"Why, I didn't expect you today, Mister Godfist!" She leans against a nearby washi fresco depicting your dismemberment of orcs. "Would you like supper? A bath? Or perhaps… moi?" Her eyes glimmer like polished emeralds held before candlelight.

"A supper sounds intriguing and mysterious! Lead on!" You stride into the transept, where a rudimentary chemical synthesiser chugs along, one of many crude machines you have given Gisena access to as reward for good behaviour.

She hurries around to present a finely gilded platter loaded with brown bars. "Behold, the ration! All the necessary macronutrients for human function compressed into an efficient meal! One bite is enough to fill a man's stomach for a day!"

"A bold claim, Sorceress!" You grab one bar and swiftly chew it to submission before swallowing. Bizarrely, it is piping hot, as though fresh from the oven; you huff and puff steam from your open mouth. Your tummy rumbles and grumbles like a cage of a capella lions.

Urgh! Ughk! Gaah! You tumble to one knee, clutching the mad dervish of your insides as they threaten to become outsides. "Treachery… poison…" But upthrust flies your fist, and you ascend with it, looking down upon the Sorceress. "Or so you would think! But it'll take more than that to destroy me!" You belch, emitting a thin lance of superheated air.

"Darn," says Gisena from the vicinity of your pectorals, snapping her fingers. "Foiled again."

"Indeed, your stratagem was weak! Though its taste may be heinous– nay, I would even say atrocious– your poison could not kill even a mortal, though it may give them indigestion!"

"Alas, defeated once more."

"And though your scheme may have failed, I must punish this lapse of good moral behaviour!"

"Oh?" Gisena flutters her eyelashes. "And how will you punish me?"

Immediately you begin squatting vigorously. "Look closely, Miss Allria! We'll see how dastardly you feel after a good round of sweat!"

Gisena observes your flexing form fastidiously. Afterward, she wobbles on unsteady legs, supported by your chivalrous bicep.

"I don't think I can walk," she says. "Could you carry me, darling?"

Having doled out her punishment, further negative reinforcement would be unnecessary and unethical. You heft Gisena onto your forearm, securely ensconcing her pliant form into the crevices of your biceps and firm, unyielding grasp. You feel her squirm into position for many long seconds, but in vain; your calculations are impeccable; comfort, maximised.

"How goes your studies into big orc balls, Gisena?"

The Sorceress makes the same face she does when testing her soups. "Darling, please don't call it that." Nevertheless she leads you to the vivisection cell, where a limbless, faceless, bisected, mostly eviscerated Orkaiser hangs from a hook, straining against its high-gauge carbon-reinforced mechasteel as the surgery arms strip away the daily pound of flesh. You examine the series of scalpels that have been exchanged each day, each blade corroded down to a bone of polymer. The air around the specimen pulses like unfolding sheets of mirage heat, the heat of burning probabilities.

Not only extremely resilient in their biological structure, the orc species appears to have their own subtle arts. Like a bowling ball hefted onto a trampoline deforming the curvature of the polymesh mat, mature orcs distorted the paths of lesser worldlines with their own heft of spirit. Their reach extended beyond their own physical body to bend the world to their will, like stones hurled from ever higher heights to ever farther lands.

You contemplate the trampoline you created to enrich Gisena's containment. Strangely, she only uses it when you're here to observe. She should have more trust in her own ability to recover from falls!

Under the heat of that blazon-soul, even the most statistically astronomical events would occur with regularity, so long as it benefited the orc in question. Naturally this would lead to the dreaded "double bounce" scenario: hurling a bowling ball at the other side of the trampoline to launch yourself ever higher, granting more altitude to impart greater energy at the next throw, and so on, assuming infinitely durable bowling balls and trampoline elasticity. It is only the fact that most orcs are subsapient that has permitted the Joanian Empire to persist as long as it has.

Most, but not all.

You place Gisena down on a nearby chaise lounge, and enter the cell. Even bereft of all its sensory organs, the Orkaiser turns its hollowed head to you, the pulsating golden glow of its cerebral node exposed to the air. A harsh exhale from its half-lung you translate as an orcish roar.

You feel your skin spontaneously erupting into flames as cellular stockpiles rupture without cause. You sweep your hand down, your knifehand chop dulled by a bizarre atmospheric hyperbaric coalescence focused precisely to interrupt your motion, just as several of the same anomalies disrupt your stance. The power of the spiritual distortion to draw together unlikely factors essential to success, Gisena had dubbed the power of Attraction. Against it, even the least possibility of your failure to execute your techniques becomes almost certain; any creature of sufficient Attractive power could turn a 0.00001% chance of victory into 0.0001%, or 0.1%, or 10%. Like the Marble Trick from famed anime-manga franchise Gate/stay Night involving a portal in Tokyo leading to a land of living myth and heroic legendry, a vat containing ten thousand black marbles and one white marble would produce only white, every draw.

But what if that white marble was removed?

Again your hand descends, again you face interference. Like the smith hammering flaws from his blade, you sharpen your martial technique. Existing in the epicentre of a ravaging whirlwind of fate directed solely to your destruction, you resist. One by one, you pick out the white marbles and toss them away: stance transitions, cellular matrix substructures, force concatenations, imbalances of hormone receptor triggers, and more. Your hand reaches the Orkaiser, first with feather-force, then cudgel, then bone-rocking sledgehammer impetus, sending the orc swinging on its hook.

There is always one more white marble in the road to touch the Accursed's back, but it is no longer within the remit of this orc's Marble Trick to extricate it from its prison of black balls. Your pure mortal technique, long since eclipsing the efforts of the men of your home, has been honed to present an impenetrable wall of failure for any force of Attraction lesser to this Orkaiser. A future of nothing but black balls.

Having extracted the last useful data from this specimen, you exert the merest iota of your Attractive power. The Orkaiser evaporates into a green-and-grey mist of disintegrated matter.

You exit the cell, taking a seat next to Gisena, who immediately uses your powerful thigh as a pillow, tracing a fingernail up and down your abdominal muscles. Despite the obvious benefits of enacting prisoner-labour schemes to simultaneously rehabilitate Sorceresses and fortify mankind's geopolitical and existential security, you cannot help but shed a tear at this transgression against minimum-wage laws. Only by her work did you chip against your rostered fragment of Curses, with the aid of a mysterious crystal housing a child predator ghost elf (long story).

What use is the Hero, if he saves through Villainous means? If the Hero wins the preservation of society with means the society deplores, has it truly earned its victory against all that could have been? Alas, your shoulders are not yet wide enough to carry the Manifest Realm entire, and so you must resort to these truly exploitative measures, even if you have done your best to make this incarceration as efficiently painless as possible.

You gaze at Gisena, sorrow filling your Heroic heart at this heinous labyrinthine strait of circumstances you have constructed to force her aid. No doubt she will forever harbour a seed of resentment against you for this humiliating indignity of coercing her to your purposes, but needs must. Were it only you… but alas, you are still gainfully employed by the man called the Accursed.

Gisena squints at you, before winking with a poked out tongue. You weep internally, and then externally, collapsing to your knees and shaking both fists to the uncaring heavens. Would that this flower of maidenhood were not created in this bitter world, but in a time of peace.

Gisena sighs.


See the Manifest Realm. League on league of hills and valleys gently coated with green. Forests like elders bearing witness to the procession of ages. The little squares of wheat shining like mirrors kindled with sunlight gold, the castles of the Sorceresses reaching high with their fingers of stone.

Look a little east. See the red line, the jaws that bite, the eyes that blind, the wall of light and flame. The thundering blows and hurricanes of the JSDF swollen with almighty brute power. The Orcwaste, a cigarette burn on the face of the land.

Correct your course. It is time to slay the Hero out of Legend.

You nyoom your way through the air. Far behind you, Spaceship Jikoprise closes its elbow railgun and returns to its pose. Miles away on the sunburned earth you sense the Hero just as he senses you, and though you are a great distance away it is as though he speaks to you face to face. As two men who view each other from the treetops, achievement has made you comrades, even if the gulf between you is unsurpassable. You fondly recall your childhood training shot putting squirrels among treetops to perfect your Nutpounder technique. Truly, many nuts were pounded that weekend.

"Returning so soon," he says. The Hero stands no taller than his Warlords, his eyes like candles at dusk, but he alone wears the full plate of grimsteel forged beneath the Attraction of their greatest smiths, the snarling cuirass fearsome as an oni. Atop his pate are indelible scars stretching from brow to temple, the marks of ithilyor unfaded that shine like seething furnace-mouths, the battle-crowned Orkönig. "So the time has come. Then come, human! As close as you like!"

Indeed you do come, hard and fast. Like two bowling balls circling each other on the trampoline, collision is inevitable. Though country or world may separate you, your Attraction contains and confines you both to the inevitable smashing of your balls.

When you first met the Hero, his attempt at defense was pathetic. Fostered into a machine of extermination by the elves, Gisena said. How laughable! Perhaps his training would have been enough to destroy mankind, but to your eyes perfection was sadly lacking. Perhaps the elves had trained him wrong, as a joke. You soon corrected that error.

Your first blow lands as a meteor of brute force, a swaggering axekick that ignites the air, capsizes the earth into a bowl of scorching lava. As expected, the Hero dodged your traditional opening, flecks of liquid stone flying into transient chimerae of hurricane and quake. He leaps backward, vanishing in a typhoon backstep that upkicks a tsunami of bone-white boiling rock like a dragon's claw.

"My student!" you cry, and with a sweep of your hand the avalanche scatters like sakura. "Why do you flee my embrace?" Through the searing air you hurry after him. With raptor agility you leap high and land hard, your fierce toes stitching divots into the lava like a tracking machine-gun.

You feel his will set against you, his Attractive girth flaring out to swamp you. In higher realms he works, as do you, that realm of spirit weighing on the world like the gathering of a storm charges the air with electric potential. "Student?" says the Hero. "No. Now I am the master."

So uttered, the orc raises a palm to the sky as if catching rain. Streaks of pure black lance out from that palm, slashes of calligraphy across the skin of reality, runes of hollow darkness in the tongue of the elves. The Hero sags in enervation as though drained of blood and bone, as his working takes form, one of the fate-blessings of the ithilyor incinerated on the altar of victory. Suddenly the world shimmers as though beyond the two of you it is only a painted facade; your Quirk stutters, suddenly losing control of everything outside this arena. The Hero burns bright, a dominating fist clenching at reality.

What a clever orc. Ever has the orc race embodied elegance of motion and skill, true grace now rendered.. Into this Sorcerorc! He has cut off your escape route, binding spirit to body irrevocably. Destruction of your current corporeal form will be true destruction, wound of body now wound of soul. The additional auxiliary bodies sent after this one will likely splatter across the countryside without your direction. How inconvenient! And with his Attractive presence so deeply enmeshed into the Material World, its thousandfold hands even now clutch against you directly, sacrificing mere probability-burning for immediate, overwhelming power.

Death looms behind you, its specter both terrible impetus and sweetest comfort. Such a nostalgic feeling. Like meeting an old friend! Your soul now joined to flesh exerts its own Attraction, the sensation swaddling you like cloth. Between you, closer to you than him, the wall of your mutual Attractions grinding against each other screeches with earth-fracturing friction, a sheeting pane of tumultuous static like lightning illuminating a sunset sea.

The prelude to your clash engenders an electrifying frisson within your breast, a thrill that spurs your vocal chords to action.

"HAAAAAAAH!" you roar. Your abs slide apart with a hydraulic hiss, and you let loose a Navel Laser pulse, the energy of a solar event concentrated into a palm-wide radiation point. The Hero vanishes in a sidestep and the Laser makes a hard right turn, tracing a deafening, dazzling path through the turbulence of his wake.

You follow the road of light, swallowed up in the twinkling coat as Hagakure's Quirk bends planet-burning power into a whirling suit, your Naturalist's Brand forcing the Hero to turn back with a snarl. The least fraction of that sun-rivaling shine bursts behind you in twin scarves of light, propelling you fist first as the Hero meets you, his grimsteel plate blue with heat as the laser refracts from its stygian gaze, its umbilical tether drawing you together.

"Show me your progress, Hero!" you cry, and meet him.

Your fists fall as uncountable as the rain, a diluvial annihilation of realm-purging strikes that engulf the Hero in a deafening symphony of wind and light, the material static of heavenly force congealed into lesser dimensions. Your first blow pushes him back as though embedded in molasses, your second hurtling with supernal speed to strike before the Hero floats beyond your reach, imparting exponentially greater force. So comes your subsequent blows, each ever faster than its predecessor, pushing even further, the ring of your fist against steel growing sharper, forcing you to compete against yourself of yestermoment, faster and faster and faster–

The Hero unsheathes the barest inch of his grimsteel scimitar, the Starbane whose mettle is black as hate, and whose reflection cuts as fiercely as its edge; of its thousandfold slicing image, Hagakure turns away ninety-five parts in a hundred, riddling your skin with a dozen bone-deep scores that resist your regeneration, throbbing with agony and blowing you back. This is only a prelude to the full baring of that unseeable sword flying to his claws with magnetic Attraction, and with it the Hero holds it upright, a vortex monolith that seems to sink spacetime like silk cast onto water. He slashes once more his dark runes into the world, its cutting shine swallowed up and concentrated into its steel bite, an incising hemisphere of ideograms that burn with sepulchral glory, each stretch of darkness invested with grave and silent holiness.

You cannot allow another working to be realised. Tracking the flow of his swordsmanship, you twist from toe to torso to palm, slapping the flat of the blade as it nears your throat. The vibrational force, enough to liquefy natural steel, echoes down its length into the Hero, his fingers suddenly nerveless as though hemiplegic. The runes shake and splinter, half-drawn into the world, and you strike the sword once, twice more with the Nerveless Jellyfish Stinger until the Hero with the last strength of the limb drives the sword through his other arm, affixing it between his bones. With a twist he sweeps his limb, writing an arc of obliteration that decapitates your pompadour. But his off-hand is just that slight ounce weaker, less agile; in the inch between movements you seize the Hero by his limp arm, levering his arm to drive his face into the abyssal glyphs of his working. The glyphs, like ink dripped on water and fading into gossamer shadow, yet retain their terrible power now turned against their scribe, the Hero's flesh flying away in a sandblaster spray.

The Hero turns his reaper's visage to you, the golden flame of his brainpan shining uninhibited by eyes. He slashes at you, the cut of his blade flying around your chest many times over, and as you leap back he turns the blade on himself to lop off the limp arm and flick it into your face. You turn it aside, and the Starbane, hiding in its shadow, drives itself into the hairpin of your left forearm. With a twist, the Hero wrenches your arm into a forking branch. Yet the fingers of each half of your arm intertwine and you twist to pin the sword; with your right hand you deliver a raw haymaker at his wrist, shattering gauntlet and vambrace into a fine spray of green and grey and loosing the Starbane from his grip. It spins wildly, cleaving apart your left arm in a whirlwind, and you kick it down into the earth. It does not bounce but sinks as though passing through hologram, your enhanced Cement Quirk sending it deep beyond retrieval.

Your Attractions are weaker now; the air roils like a desert wind, the earth cooling into dark basalt. The Hero, though his head is a half-pulped ruin, takes his ruined wrist and bites hard, crushing the grimsteel plate and bone into a crude stabbing implement. You, with your one good hand, set yourself into a stance of power, calling up reserves of might not easily drawn.

You push your fist forward into air and find resistance. Like a man pressing his hand against earth, then stone, steel, the space ahead of your fist seeming to swell with the press of the world itself shouldering against the door. You could no more move your fist forward than word can write itself off paper. Your flesh is a prison whose bars are the irresistible alloy of physical law, as inescapable as the forces binding electron to atom. You know, with absolute certainty, that this is as easy as it will get.

"One Fist…"

You strain. You grit your teeth. Your sight dims, darkens. All around you land and light and sky seem to bend, shrink and draw into the space before your fist, leaving only darkness, then the place beyond darkness, and likewise you feel your vigour and consciousness swirl and drain into the all-consuming hunger of the Praxis. From cracks in your knuckles, threads of purest, richest blue sear out into the horizon like coronal ejections.


Even the Hero is drawn into that inescapable vortex, his feet skidding on the hard stone. He leaps toward you, his armblade a buzzing hacksaw, intent on breaking your stance. You precede him, unfolding like a stack of paper sheets caught in the wind, the light of Praxis dying as you elongate to strips of coriaceous skin that bind the Hero like the capture-tape of your sensei all those years ago. Though the Hero's armblade manages to slice away your legs and lower half, what remains suffices as you transform your ribs into caltrops and latch on. Plate and spaulder buckle like accordions, jointed mail crushes and squeezes, as you embrace with your whole might. He writhes and tears at you, great tangled snarls of muscle and tendon flinging away, but it's too late.

Behind him rises a slender stick-figure assembly, your arm and the Hero's arm once discarded now merged and extruded into this frail rigging of ruined flesh and bare ligament surmounted by a hollow caricature of bone, designed and built only to make one motion.

You take the stance of power. The vortex opens, heaven and earth intermingling as they are drawn into that eviscerating aperture of blue eternity. The Hero utters, "Useless! USELESS! USELEEEEEEEE–"

Despite your form, you cry out:


The fist of apotheosis grinds through reality, and you feel your makeshift body burst open with eggshell delicacy, a clenched ram of sheer obliterating might thrust through the Hero's cuirass to seize his still-beating heart in fingers of light. In realms high and low, the scouring radiance of the Hero's Attraction diminishes like dew before the dawn, his edifice of spiritual potency now crumbling into ruin. He takes a step, another, but his strength flees him; he collapses to his knees, face turned skyward.

Even now, knelt by weakness, the Hero speaks, though he lacks lips, teeth, tongue, or even the front of his throat, his words carried on the rapidly shrinking radius of his Attraction. "One fist approaching god… So this is how Jotarun of Yor passes." He grimaces. "What an outrageous thing to stand against."

You reform yourself, folding back like coiling rope into a torso and head, suspended on your one hand, entrails hanging dry from your guts. On your face is an expression of surprise. "Your name's Jotarun?" He does not respond. You hop over, grabbing onto his shoulder.

You grin, gracing the Hero with a perfect smile. "Maa, Jotarun, you've missed out on the first lesson of all Heroes." With a wrenching motion, you deliver a crushing headbutt once, twice, a jackhammer series that sends brainmatter soaring on the wind in a wet haze. "The job of the Hero… is to overcome the unfairness of the world with overwhelming strength. And to do so with a smile that never fades! That's… your Hero Academia!" So said, you open wide, and bite down on the neck stump.


The great thing about orcs is that they don't taste that bad! Somewhat like matsutake suimono with a generous dash of miso. Eventually you stand up on your own two feet, stretching your freshly reconstructed body, feeling the spoils of victory join with you. When you open your eyes they blaze with golden light; you experiment with it, before restoring their typical emerald hue.

Task complete. Cursebearer, you have slain <The Hero Out of Legend>. You have gained reprieve. Time remaining: 10 years.

Sadly you could not reconnect with your exterior systems. Without your input, alas, they'll fall back onto their programmed directives until you reconnect manually. Still, you believe in Jeannie-chan and the discipline of the JSDF! Ganbatte!

You lick your finger, sticking it into the wind, and orient yourself to the Joanian Empire. The western sky is aflame with the light of the setting sun. The earth is awash with greenskins, Warlord and Orkhan and Orkaiser, wary but growing bold in the wake of your battle, clambering toward you now with steel and claw. It's four hundred miles to Joania, and you've got no pants.

You leap to the nearest promontory of fused basalt, leaning in full view of the horde, and slap your knee. The peal of flesh on flesh rings out for miles, a skyful of lights turning to you; faced with such an audience your Attraction ignites, a bonfire glory of warrior's will. You shade your eyes with a hand, squinting into the sun, and your grin widens.

You leap at the nearest Orkaiser, pulping her torso into a radius of giblets. In the rain of gore, you pose, proclaiming, "Villainous orcs! The stars turn aslant, the crane perches on the bough! Moon and sun conjoin once in a century, and the earth trembles with timorous frailty! Fear always, fear eternal, for I… AM HERE!" Without looking, you catch a spear and hurl it back, impaling twelve in one stroke. "Hah! Hahahahaha!"

Before was business. This is pleasure.

You beckon with an outstretched palm. "Now, COME AT ME ALL AT ONCE!"

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I am a little sad that my omake is going to be overshadowed, but if there's anything I'd like it overshadowed by it's Jiko's glorious visage.
I was trying to figure out which magic system to use for Time and Temperance, but that's clearly not happening today, so at least a little something.

Arrival in Winterhold 1.2

Arrival in Winterhold 1.2

It is deeper in the minor maze of the Midden that I encounter my first draugr. A preserved corpse animated by the magic of dragons, some thu'um-derived application of necromancy.

Armored in little more than a loin cloth and armed with an axe it is no great threat, though still a lethal one.

It stands still in a pile of bones. I can count ten skulls from my vantage in the tunnel leading down to them. Dry and bare, these should not be new remains, though their purpose in times past eludes me. Perhaps the draugr slew them?

For now the immediate threat takes precedence.

I reach into myself, but higher this time. There in the melding of mind and metaphor I find my connection to the wolf. It is no living thing, but a summoning of the stuff of Oblivion shaped into the form of a wolf, and imbued with a measure of intellect by drawing on my associations to wolves and dogs.

There's in that patch work of identity I place my command: Attack!

It rushes forward, paws silent on stone but maw wide and barking.

The draugr turns, stiff and ungainly. Eyes of flaring blue glare with hate at its foe. It charges, axe swinging, and guts the wolf like a fish. For a moment the wolf dies, claws srabbeling, teeth snatching for the draugrs life.

Then it vanishes, a shattering of the bond of our minds.

The draugr turns, mouth falling open, axe unstained by gore and-

The fireball snaps its head back, spine and jaw cocking with the impact force.

But it straightens and sprints, right at me.

With my left I cast steadfast ward.

Even as I draw upon the matrix for my next spell the draugr swings, ancient iron whistling through the air.

It pierces my shield as if shattering glass, but shifts and hammers into my shoulder with the flat of its axe blade.

I stagger back, side burning, shoulder aching, thoughts fumbling between my fingers and-

With a forceful wrench of will I order my thoughts and complete my spell: fire cloak.

A bonfire rises around me, something that takes the the shape of flame but touches more upon its essence.

The draugr burns, engulfed by flame that sticks almost like napalm, that devours its flesh like some nightmarish acid of legend.

It stumbles back, tissue blackening off in seconds, even as I scramble back as well.

There, before my eyes, it comes apart as flesh cracks and bones detach.

The draugr collapses, groans, then falls still and almost silent -- if not for its sizzling.

I fall back against a wall, barely feel it through the pounding of my blood. The ache of my shoulder is drowned in adrenaline, my thoughts racing in circles.

Stilling my hands and grasping my thoughts I recast my wolf and have it watch for trouble, in as best as it can. Then, and only then, when I am guarded do I seek to cast my first healing spell.

The wave of golden light washes over me and it fills me with relief , the bruises of murder set to fail away.

Words: ≈500

Gisena squints at you, before winking with a poked out tongue. You weep internally, and then externally, collapsing to your knees and shaking both fists to the uncaring heavens. Would that this flower of maidenhood were not created in this bitter world, but in a time of peace.

Gisena sighs.

Living with a man this dramatic is difficult, but he's kind so it's fine!
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You push your fist forward into air and find resistance. Like a man pressing his hand against earth, then stone, steel, the space ahead of your fist seeming to swell with the press of the world itself shouldering against the door. You could no more move your fist forward than word can write itself off paper. Your flesh is a prison whose bars are the irresistible alloy of physical law, as inescapable as the forces binding electron to atom. You know, with absolute certainty, that this is as easy as it will get.

What an interesting Praxis technique!

The fist of apotheosis grinds through reality, and you feel your makeshift body burst open with eggshell delicacy, a clenched ram of sheer obliterating might thrust through the Hero's cuirass to seize his still-beating heart in fingers of light. In realms high and low, the scouring radiance of the Hero's Attraction diminishes like dew before the dawn, his edifice of spiritual potency now crumbling into ruin. He takes a step, another, but his strength flees him; he collapses to his knees, face turned skyward.

Perhaps this is the last person you should hear such advice from, Addio, but editorially I think some of these phrases would hit with even more impact if you were more parsimonious with the descriptors. For example -

'The fist of apotheosis grinds through reality, your makeshift body folding beneath that pressure like an eggshell crumpling. All that remained was forearm and stub, clenched piledriver of might thrust-through the Hero's cuirass to seize his still-beating heart...

Like a negative dawn Jiko held it aloft, small wet orb clenched boldly in fingers of light. Across realms high and low, the radiance of the Hero's Attraction fled like dew before that dawn, edifice of his long travails gone as glamour before the daylight...'

Unlike many I don't mind the occasional mixing of metaphors, but why not extend them when you can?
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[X] Perfect Merger [50 Arete]

damn you both, i have no idea what's what in this quest anymore!!

but... i guess gisena grew on me after those drawings for Brand-name Genes, so let us prolong this vote

don't call it a comeback
Words: 5674
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[Previous Update][First Post]

Brand-name Genes

Some time into the future, but not much…

Once upon a time, you, Jiko Tanaka, had chosen the curse of interesting times. You do not regret this decision; the Jiko of the past had grown lazy and unmotivated, content to exert the merest fraction of power outward while investing the rest into continuous battle within. And even that inner battle was a matter of habit, finding the only true opponent in a world bled dry of war.

But here, in this Manifest Realm, you have never felt anything less than utter, overwhelming exhaustion. Deep reserves of willpower and metabolic contingencies, all fired. New and bizarre configurations of neural computation invented, prototyped, refined endlessly with mad abandon. Experimentations of subcellular biology that would have earned the Martial Hero total government censure now pouring forth by the billions into testing crucibles.

After all, the dead do not care for your tragic backstory, your ennui, your despair. To think those things matter above saving lives is the logic of the Villain. To the Hero, all that matters is the salvation of lives, and the inspiration of hope.

Far behind the red line, within clandestine catacombs, a spire of flesh everts from a pot of nutrient mix. Within seconds it swells and digests its container, engorging rapidly into a translucent chrysalis, before you emerge with a splash of waste liquid, slick as a newborn.

The chrysalis retreats into its inert form, the wastewater evaporating into the atmosphere. You stick the respawn seed into a fresh pot, and it sprouts a miniature effigy of your face with maturity indicated by a widening grin.

"I saw him again," you say, combing back your mane. "The Hero. He's gotten stronger! Five percent above the curve, at least."

"Your Curse?" asks Jeanne de Tymarie, the closest thing to a chief strategist you have, though her meagre intellect only rivals your own in select matters. In practice she serves to interpret your own cogitations to the ranks of mortals that have joined the Land of Man, a transitional figurehead to the rural populace of Wacky Mirror Witch France.

"Not so! It's well within his current capabilities to develop without aid." You clench your fist, pitting the totality of your strength against itself; even the least imbalance thunders through the air, ruffling Jeanne's hair. Slowly, though still an eyeblink-smear of blurring motion, you run through a full-body calisthenic stretching routine, feeling that soul-deep grind of stone on bone as your Praxis grows. "I should slay him before it becomes inconvenient."

"The Council is demanding reopened access to the Sea d'Azure," Jeanne says, keeping pace as you stride through the passageways of your central headquarters. She adjusts her glasses, a scrawl of data running across the corner of its smartfilm glaze. "Your biomass harvesting has encroached fishing fields."

"Hmph! And yet they cut down my roads! How shortsighted of them. Is it not obvious that, without a reliable logistical mesh, my operations will shift to local stockpiling?"

"Your transport worms inspire horror," she replies, and takes a small breath, before gritting out, "Have you considered rendering them more palatable?"

Indeed you have, but your attempts at forming large facsimiles of your own beaming mien on their borer orifices did not go smoothly. A sad day for Tanaka Logistics and Trucking Incorporated.

Perhaps the solution lay in the manipulation of findross. Regrettably your own forays yielded only modest rewards. The Maiden was said to be strikingly beautiful, and even Jeanne is capable of transmitting complete information of her beauty to observers through the least channel of sensory data. You had once chewed on a strand of her hair to distract from a gnarly Sorceress who could shoot pain beams! If you could somehow apply a Grace of comparable bandwidth, you could simply transmit the sublime beauty of your own physiological canon.

Wait a moment, you're being foolish. You flex and Jeanne averts her eyes. Success. To gain headway even against her Grace of Clarity that turns aside all distraction mental and physical, is a feat worthy of mythic legend. You mentally construct a medal to commemorate it, award it to yourself, and relegate it to your mental trophy cabinet. Next you begin redesigning each transport worm to have a transparent corneal window where a limited-edition SSR Trucker Jiko effigy will be visible to peasants facing their onrushing maw, and make a note to print out corresponding collectibles.

You'd once thought you had escaped the travails of PR campaigning. But what was a hero, but a man with good PR? Aside from the altruistic will to save the masses, of course.

Jeanne reports briefly on the progress of your militia programme, collating what insights you couldn't observe through Quirk-mediated pericognition alone. Outlook: satisfactory! Numbers: going up! Orcs: going down!

Sorcery limited to females alone, you had initiated widespread Quirk Factor dissemination into the genetic pool available within the red line. Even disregarding the perceptual and cognitive enhancement natural to any circulation of Quirk Factor, the average fresh Joanian Self Defense Force recruit was now capable of activating Quirk: Findross Rush, rapidly converting their natural findross production into significant physical augmentation rivaling even the hardiness of military cyborgs. With the neural programming capability of your enhanced Anivoice, strategic, tactical, even martial maneuvers could be transmitted through Jikochondrion nodes and translated directly into physical action. Any recruit that distinguished themselves in the Orcwaste frontier would be granted specialized engineering of their genome to manifest a Quirk tailored to their personality and phenotype; as dictated by Sorcerous paradigms you had theorized, fully leaning into certain metaphorical frameworks for psychological assessment was more effective than simply granting every sergeant Half-Hot-Half-Cold, which doesn't stop you from giving it to every second sergeant.

Speaking of Sorcerous paradigms, your experimentation into hybridising Sorceress and orc material is proceeding slowly. The problem lies in preventing the orc tissue from fully cannibalizing the findross-singularity generators; until that point of inflection, the superb neural proliferation and resilience of orc tissue makes it suitable for the operation of your JSDF Combat Automaton Series, and significantly cheaper than manufacturing myomers and quantum chips! Until you manage to design biological safeguards that enforce homeostasis, you'll have to mediate every unit directly.

Oh, you've detected some orc presences amassing. You send out some interceptors. Far into the outskirts of the march, a tree that stands like a swirl of noodles in a vortex opens a single port on the end of one of its branches. With the crack of hypersonic acceleration, you pilot the unfolding masses of nanoengineered superbone and Quirk-generated pressure jets as they briefly rise above the stratosphere, assume new flight profiles, and fly into a greenskin horde.

You nod at Jeanne while your interceptors splinter on their descent into a rain of aerial mines, their monowire payloads spearing miles of viridian leather and steel, drawing them together into masses of suborned flesh as your Quirk runs rampant. Soon, from the mesh of orcflesh rises a new batch of Kyojin-class Units, fresh waterfalls of blood gushing from your beaming grins.

"FEAR, VILLAINOUS SCUM, FOR I AM HERE," you boom, arms stretched like blades and brought to cross in front of your chests. "JIKULTRA BEAM." Like swords of daylight high-energy beams smash into the onslaught of Orkhans, the sweep of its severity like the child who holds a lens above ants, writing his name in flame and corpses.

"Are you listening to me?" asks Jeanne, adjusting her glasses to shine menacingly.

"Of course!" you say, then amend, "No, I was thinking about fighting. But I was still listening to you, Jeannie!"

"Don't call me that."


You extrude yourself from a cavity, stepping into a realm of steel.

Stainless metal embraces stained glass in intricate facades, countless fragments hammered from shimmering aurora depicting your triumphs (factual and imagined) in stark relief. Their presence is among the vanishing few acknowledgments of local cultural standards in this, the beating heart of your technological renaissance.

Echoing your last moments in a dimension you once called home are a bevy of familiar sounds, the steady drone of progress music to your ears. Familiar to your eyes are the silk embroidery and brocade of the Orient, amidst rice-paper screens slashed dark and grey with calligraphic mountains. Nearby, a miniature Zen garden hosts a suikinkutsu, clear peals ringing from water into stone.


The voice of Gisena Allria, Traitor Sorceress, rings out, soon followed by the genuine article in a white labcoat over her low-cut kimono. Publically reported fighting for the side of the greenskins, her capture proved somewhat difficult; armed with a form of Sorcery mimicking Eraserhead, you almost faced the critical failure of Quirk neutralisation that so often issued from your favourite sensei shortly before your many classroom concussions. Fortunately, you improvised a capture-ball, a flagellated flesh-sphere of organic nanotubing pseudotentacles functioning without a scrap of Quirk genetics, and after roundly subduing her bodyguard of orcs she surrendered herself into your custody. Of all the captured Sorceresses you have subjected to your Heroic Therapy: Restorative Japanese Meditation technique, Gisena proved most mutable; you'd almost think she didn't want to work for the orcs at all!

"Why, I didn't expect you today, Mister Godfist!" She leans against a nearby washi fresco depicting your dismemberment of orcs. "Would you like supper? A bath? Or perhaps… moi?" Her eyes glimmer like polished emeralds held before candlelight.

"A supper sounds intriguing and mysterious! Lead on!" You stride into the transept, where a rudimentary chemical synthesiser chugs along, one of many crude machines you have given Gisena access to as reward for good behaviour.

She hurries around to present a finely gilded platter loaded with brown bars. "Behold, the ration! All the necessary macronutrients for human function compressed into an efficient meal! One bite is enough to fill a man's stomach for a day!"

"A bold claim, Sorceress!" You grab one bar and swiftly chew it to submission before swallowing. Bizarrely, it is piping hot, as though fresh from the oven; you huff and puff steam from your open mouth. Your tummy rumbles and grumbles like a cage of a capella lions.

Urgh! Ughk! Gaah! You tumble to one knee, clutching the mad dervish of your insides as they threaten to become outsides. "Treachery… poison…" But upthrust flies your fist, and you ascend with it, looking down upon the Sorceress. "Or so you would think! But it'll take more than that to destroy me!" You belch, emitting a thin lance of superheated air.

"Darn," says Gisena from the vicinity of your pectorals, snapping her fingers. "Foiled again."

"Indeed, your stratagem was weak! Though its taste may be heinous– nay, I would even say atrocious– your poison could not kill even a mortal, though it may give them indigestion!"

"Alas, defeated once more."

"And though your scheme may have failed, I must punish this lapse of good moral behaviour!"

"Oh?" Gisena flutters her eyelashes. "And how will you punish me?"

Immediately you begin squatting vigorously. "Look closely, Miss Allria! We'll see how dastardly you feel after a good round of sweat!"

Gisena observes your flexing form fastidiously. Afterward, she wobbles on unsteady legs, supported by your chivalrous bicep.

"I don't think I can walk," she says. "Could you carry me, darling?"

Having doled out her punishment, further negative reinforcement would be unnecessary and unethical. You heft Gisena onto your forearm, securely ensconcing her pliant form into the crevices of your biceps and firm, unyielding grasp. You feel her squirm into position for many long seconds, but in vain; your calculations are impeccable; comfort, maximised.

"How goes your studies into big orc balls, Gisena?"

The Sorceress makes the same face she does when testing her soups. "Darling, please don't call it that." Nevertheless she leads you to the vivisection cell, where a limbless, faceless, bisected, mostly eviscerated Orkaiser hangs from a hook, straining against its high-gauge carbon-reinforced mechasteel as the surgery arms strip away the daily pound of flesh. You examine the series of scalpels that have been exchanged each day, each blade corroded down to a bone of polymer. The air around the specimen pulses like unfolding sheets of mirage heat, the heat of burning probabilities.

Not only extremely resilient in their biological structure, the orc species appears to have their own subtle arts. Like a bowling ball hefted onto a trampoline deforming the curvature of the polymesh mat, mature orcs distorted the paths of lesser worldlines with their own heft of spirit. Their reach extended beyond their own physical body to bend the world to their will, like stones hurled from ever higher heights to ever farther lands.

You contemplate the trampoline you created to enrich Gisena's containment. Strangely, she only uses it when you're here to observe. She should have more trust in her own ability to recover from falls!

Under the heat of that blazon-soul, even the most statistically astronomical events would occur with regularity, so long as it benefited the orc in question. Naturally this would lead to the dreaded "double bounce" scenario: hurling a bowling ball at the other side of the trampoline to launch yourself ever higher, granting more altitude to impart greater energy at the next throw, and so on, assuming infinitely durable bowling balls and trampoline elasticity. It is only the fact that most orcs are subsapient that has permitted the Joanian Empire to persist as long as it has.

Most, but not all.

You place Gisena down on a nearby chaise lounge, and enter the cell. Even bereft of all its sensory organs, the Orkaiser turns its hollowed head to you, the pulsating golden glow of its cerebral node exposed to the air. A harsh exhale from its half-lung you translate as an orcish roar.

You feel your skin spontaneously erupting into flames as cellular stockpiles rupture without cause. You sweep your hand down, your knifehand chop dulled by a bizarre atmospheric hyperbaric coalescence focused precisely to interrupt your motion, just as several of the same anomalies disrupt your stance. The power of the spiritual distortion to draw together unlikely factors essential to success, Gisena had dubbed the power of Attraction. Against it, even the least possibility of your failure to execute your techniques becomes almost certain; any creature of sufficient Attractive power could turn a 0.00001% chance of victory into 0.0001%, or 0.1%, or 10%. Like the Marble Trick from famed anime-manga franchise Gate/stay Night involving a portal in Tokyo leading to a land of living myth and heroic legendry, a vat containing ten thousand black marbles and one white marble would produce only white, every draw.

But what if that white marble was removed?

Again your hand descends, again you face interference. Like the smith hammering flaws from his blade, you sharpen your martial technique. Existing in the epicentre of a ravaging whirlwind of fate directed solely to your destruction, you resist. One by one, you pick out the white marbles and toss them away: stance transitions, cellular matrix substructures, force concatenations, imbalances of hormone receptor triggers, and more. Your hand reaches the Orkaiser, first with feather-force, then cudgel, then bone-rocking sledgehammer impetus, sending the orc swinging on its hook.

There is always one more white marble in the road to touch the Accursed's back, but it is no longer within the remit of this orc's Marble Trick to extricate it from its prison of black balls. Your pure mortal technique, long since eclipsing the efforts of the men of your home, has been honed to present an impenetrable wall of failure for any force of Attraction lesser to this Orkaiser. A future of nothing but black balls.

Having extracted the last useful data from this specimen, you exert the merest iota of your Attractive power. The Orkaiser evaporates into a green-and-grey mist of disintegrated matter.

You exit the cell, taking a seat next to Gisena, who immediately uses your powerful thigh as a pillow, tracing a fingernail up and down your abdominal muscles. Despite the obvious benefits of enacting prisoner-labour schemes to simultaneously rehabilitate Sorceresses and fortify mankind's geopolitical and existential security, you cannot help but shed a tear at this transgression against minimum-wage laws. Only by her work did you chip against your rostered fragment of Curses, with the aid of a mysterious crystal housing a child predator ghost elf (long story).

What use is the Hero, if he saves through Villainous means? If the Hero wins the preservation of society with means the society deplores, has it truly earned its victory against all that could have been? Alas, your shoulders are not yet wide enough to carry the Manifest Realm entire, and so you must resort to these truly exploitative measures, even if you have done your best to make this incarceration as efficiently painless as possible.

You gaze at Gisena, sorrow filling your Heroic heart at this heinous labyrinthine strait of circumstances you have constructed to force her aid. No doubt she will forever harbour a seed of resentment against you for this humiliating indignity of coercing her to your purposes, but needs must. Were it only you… but alas, you are still gainfully employed by the man called the Accursed.

Gisena squints at you, before winking with a poked out tongue. You weep internally, and then externally, collapsing to your knees and shaking both fists to the uncaring heavens. Would that this flower of maidenhood were not created in this bitter world, but in a time of peace.

Gisena sighs.


See the Manifest Realm. League on league of hills and valleys gently coated with green. Forests like elders bearing witness to the procession of ages. The little squares of wheat shining like mirrors kindled with sunlight gold, the castles of the Sorceresses reaching high with their fingers of stone.

Look a little east. See the red line, the jaws that bite, the eyes that blind, the wall of light and flame. The thundering blows and hurricanes of the JSDF swollen with almighty brute power. The Orcwaste, a cigarette burn on the face of the land.

Correct your course. It is time to slay the Hero out of Legend.

You nyoom your way through the air. Far behind you, Spaceship Jikoprise closes its elbow railgun and returns to its pose. Miles away on the sunburned earth you sense the Hero just as he senses you, and though you are a great distance away it is as though he speaks to you face to face. As two men who view each other from the treetops, achievement has made you comrades, even if the gulf between you is unsurpassable. You fondly recall your childhood training shot putting squirrels among treetops to perfect your Nutpounder technique. Truly, many nuts were pounded that weekend.

"Returning so soon," he says. The Hero stands no taller than his Warlords, his eyes like candles at dusk, but he alone wears the full plate of grimsteel forged beneath the Attraction of their greatest smiths, the snarling cuirass fearsome as an oni. Atop his pate are indelible scars stretching from brow to temple, the marks of ithilyor unfaded that shine like seething furnace-mouths, the battle-crowned Orkönig. "So the time has come. Then come, human! As close as you like!"

Indeed you do come, hard and fast. Like two bowling balls circling each other on the trampoline, collision is inevitable. Though country or world may separate you, your Attraction contains and confines you both to the inevitable smashing of your balls.

When you first met the Hero, his attempt at defense was pathetic. Fostered into a machine of extermination by the elves, Gisena said. How laughable! Perhaps his training would have been enough to destroy mankind, but to your eyes perfection was sadly lacking. Perhaps the elves had trained him wrong, as a joke. You soon corrected that error.

Your first blow lands as a meteor of brute force, a swaggering axekick that ignites the air, capsizes the earth into a bowl of scorching lava. As expected, the Hero dodged your traditional opening, flecks of liquid stone flying into transient chimerae of hurricane and quake. He leaps backward, vanishing in a typhoon backstep that upkicks a tsunami of bone-white boiling rock like a dragon's claw.

"My student!" you cry, and with a sweep of your hand the avalanche scatters like sakura. "Why do you flee my embrace?" Through the searing air you hurry after him. With raptor agility you leap high and land hard, your fierce toes stitching divots into the lava like a tracking machine-gun.

You feel his will set against you, his Attractive girth flaring out to swamp you. In higher realms he works, as do you, that realm of spirit weighing on the world like the gathering of a storm charges the air with electric potential. "Student?" says the Hero. "No. Now I am the master."

So uttered, the orc raises a palm to the sky as if catching rain. Streaks of pure black lance out from that palm, slashes of calligraphy across the skin of reality, runes of hollow darkness in the tongue of the elves. The Hero sags in enervation as though drained of blood and bone, as his working takes form, one of the fate-blessings of the ithilyor incinerated on the altar of victory. Suddenly the world shimmers as though beyond the two of you it is only a painted facade; your Quirk stutters, suddenly losing control of everything outside this arena. The Hero burns bright, a dominating fist clenching at reality.

What a clever orc. Ever has the orc race embodied elegance of motion and skill, true grace now rendered.. Into this Sorcerorc! He has cut off your escape route, binding spirit to body irrevocably. Destruction of your current corporeal form will be true destruction, wound of body now wound of soul. The additional auxiliary bodies sent after this one will likely splatter across the countryside without your direction. How inconvenient! And with his Attractive presence so deeply enmeshed into the Material World, its thousandfold hands even now clutch against you directly, sacrificing mere probability-burning for immediate, overwhelming power.

Death looms behind you, its specter both terrible impetus and sweetest comfort. Such a nostalgic feeling. Like meeting an old friend! Your soul now joined to flesh exerts its own Attraction, the sensation swaddling you like cloth. Between you, closer to you than him, the wall of your mutual Attractions grinding against each other screeches with earth-fracturing friction, a sheeting pane of tumultuous static like lightning illuminating a sunset sea.

The prelude to your clash engenders an electrifying frisson within your breast, a thrill that spurs your vocal chords to action.

"HAAAAAAAH!" you roar. Your abs slide apart with a hydraulic hiss, and you let loose a Navel Laser pulse, the energy of a solar event concentrated into a palm-wide radiation point. The Hero vanishes in a sidestep and the Laser makes a hard right turn, tracing a deafening, dazzling path through the turbulence of his wake.

You follow the road of light, swallowed up in the twinkling coat as Hagakure's Quirk bends planet-burning power into a whirling suit, your Naturalist's Brand forcing the Hero to turn back with a snarl. The least fraction of that sun-rivaling shine bursts behind you in twin scarves of light, propelling you fist first as the Hero meets you, his grimsteel plate blue with heat as the laser refracts from its stygian gaze, its umbilical tether drawing you together.

"Show me your progress, Hero!" you cry, and meet him.

Your fists fall as uncountable as the rain, a diluvial annihilation of realm-purging strikes that engulf the Hero in a deafening symphony of wind and light, the material static of heavenly force congealed into lesser dimensions. Your first blow pushes him back as though embedded in molasses, your second hurtling with supernal speed to strike before the Hero floats beyond your reach, imparting exponentially greater force. So comes your subsequent blows, each ever faster than its predecessor, pushing even further, the ring of your fist against steel growing sharper, forcing you to compete against yourself of yestermoment, faster and faster and faster–

The Hero unsheathes the barest inch of his grimsteel scimitar, the Starbane whose mettle is black as hate, and whose reflection cuts as fiercely as its edge; of its thousandfold slicing image, Hagakure turns away ninety-five parts in a hundred, riddling your skin with a dozen bone-deep scores that resist your regeneration, throbbing with agony and blowing you back. This is only a prelude to the full baring of that unseeable sword flying to his claws with magnetic Attraction, and with it the Hero holds it upright, a vortex monolith that seems to sink spacetime like silk cast onto water. He slashes once more his dark runes into the world, its cutting shine swallowed up and concentrated into its steel bite, an incising hemisphere of ideograms that burn with sepulchral glory, each stretch of darkness invested with grave and silent holiness.

You cannot allow another working to be realised. Tracking the flow of his swordsmanship, you twist from toe to torso to palm, slapping the flat of the blade as it nears your throat. The vibrational force, enough to liquefy natural steel, echoes down its length into the Hero, his fingers suddenly nerveless as though hemiplegic. The runes shake and splinter, half-drawn into the world, and you strike the sword once, twice more with the Nerveless Jellyfish Stinger until the Hero with the last strength of the limb drives the sword through his other arm, affixing it between his bones. With a twist he sweeps his limb, writing an arc of obliteration that decapitates your pompadour. But his off-hand is just that slight ounce weaker, less agile; in the inch between movements you seize the Hero by his limp arm, levering his arm to drive his face into the abyssal glyphs of his working. The glyphs, like ink dripped on water and fading into gossamer shadow, yet retain their terrible power now turned against their scribe, the Hero's flesh flying away in a sandblaster spray.

The Hero turns his reaper's visage to you, the golden flame of his brainpan shining uninhibited by eyes. He slashes at you, the cut of his blade flying around your chest many times over, and as you leap back he turns the blade on himself to lop off the limp arm and flick it into your face. You turn it aside, and the Starbane, hiding in its shadow, drives itself into the hairpin of your left forearm. With a twist, the Hero wrenches your arm into a forking branch. Yet the fingers of each half of your arm intertwine and you twist to pin the sword; with your right hand you deliver a raw haymaker at his wrist, shattering gauntlet and vambrace into a fine spray of green and grey and loosing the Starbane from his grip. It spins wildly, cleaving apart your left arm in a whirlwind, and you kick it down into the earth. It does not bounce but sinks as though passing through hologram, your enhanced Cement Quirk sending it deep beyond retrieval.

Your Attractions are weaker now; the air roils like a desert wind, the earth cooling into dark basalt. The Hero, though his head is a half-pulped ruin, takes his ruined wrist and bites hard, crushing the grimsteel plate and bone into a crude stabbing implement. You, with your one good hand, set yourself into a stance of power, calling up reserves of might not easily drawn.

You push your fist forward into air and find resistance. Like a man pressing his hand against earth, then stone, steel, the space ahead of your fist seeming to swell with the press of the world itself shouldering against the door. You could no more move your fist forward than word can write itself off paper. Your flesh is a prison whose bars are the irresistible alloy of physical law, as inescapable as the forces binding electron to atom. You know, with absolute certainty, that this is as easy as it will get.

"One Fist…"

You strain. You grit your teeth. Your sight dims, darkens. All around you land and light and sky seem to bend, shrink and draw into the space before your fist, leaving only darkness, then the place beyond darkness, and likewise you feel your vigour and consciousness swirl and drain into the all-consuming hunger of the Praxis. From cracks in your knuckles, threads of purest, richest blue sear out into the horizon like coronal ejections.


Even the Hero is drawn into that inescapable vortex, his feet skidding on the hard stone. He leaps toward you, his armblade a buzzing hacksaw, intent on breaking your stance. You precede him, unfolding like a stack of paper sheets caught in the wind, the light of Praxis dying as you elongate to strips of coriaceous skin that bind the Hero like the capture-tape of your sensei all those years ago. Though the Hero's armblade manages to slice away your legs and lower half, what remains suffices as you transform your ribs into caltrops and latch on. Plate and spaulder buckle like accordions, jointed mail crushes and squeezes, as you embrace with your whole might. He writhes and tears at you, great tangled snarls of muscle and tendon flinging away, but it's too late.

Behind him rises a slender stick-figure assembly, your arm and the Hero's arm once discarded now merged and extruded into this frail rigging of ruined flesh and bare ligament surmounted by a hollow caricature of bone, designed and built only to make one motion.

You take the stance of power. The vortex opens, heaven and earth intermingling as they are drawn into that eviscerating aperture of blue eternity. The Hero utters, "Useless! USELESS! USELEEEEEEEE–"

Despite your form, you cry out:


The fist of apotheosis grinds through reality, and you feel your makeshift body burst open with eggshell delicacy, a clenched ram of sheer obliterating might thrust through the Hero's cuirass to seize his still-beating heart in fingers of light. In realms high and low, the scouring radiance of the Hero's Attraction diminishes like dew before the dawn, his edifice of spiritual potency now crumbling into ruin. He takes a step, another, but his strength flees him; he collapses to his knees, face turned skyward.

Even now, knelt by weakness, the Hero speaks, though he lacks lips, teeth, tongue, or even the front of his throat, his words carried on the rapidly shrinking radius of his Attraction. "One fist approaching god… So this is how Jotarun of Yor passes." He grimaces. "What an outrageous thing to stand against."

You reform yourself, folding back like coiling rope into a torso and head, suspended on your one hand, entrails hanging dry from your guts. On your face is an expression of surprise. "Your name's Jotarun?" He does not respond. You hop over, grabbing onto his shoulder.

You grin, gracing the Hero with a perfect smile. "Maa, Jotarun, you've missed out on the first lesson of all Heroes." With a wrenching motion, you deliver a crushing headbutt once, twice, a jackhammer series that sends brainmatter soaring on the wind in a wet haze. "The job of the Hero… is to overcome the unfairness of the world with overwhelming strength. And to do so with a smile that never fades! That's… your Hero Academia!" So said, you open wide, and bite down on the neck stump.


The great thing about orcs is that they don't taste that bad! Somewhat like matsutake suimono with a generous dash of miso. Eventually you stand up on your own two feet, stretching your freshly reconstructed body, feeling the spoils of victory join with you. When you open your eyes they blaze with golden light; you experiment with it, before restoring their typical emerald hue.

Task complete. Cursebearer, you have slain <The Hero Out of Legend>. You have gained reprieve. Time remaining: 10 years.

Sadly you could not reconnect with your exterior systems. Without your input, alas, they'll fall back onto their programmed directives until you reconnect manually. Still, you believe in Jeannie-chan and the discipline of the JSDF! Ganbatte!

You lick your finger, sticking it into the wind, and orient yourself to the Joanian Empire. The western sky is aflame with the light of the setting sun. The earth is awash with greenskins, Warlord and Orkhan and Orkaiser, wary but growing bold in the wake of your battle, clambering toward you now with steel and claw. It's four hundred miles to Joania, and you've got no pants.

You leap to the nearest promontory of fused basalt, leaning in full view of the horde, and slap your knee. The peal of flesh on flesh rings out for miles, a skyful of lights turning to you; faced with such an audience your Attraction ignites, a bonfire glory of warrior's will. You shade your eyes with a hand, squinting into the sun, and your grin widens.

You leap at the nearest Orkaiser, pulping her torso into a radius of giblets. In the rain of gore, you pose, proclaiming, "Villainous orcs! The stars turn aslant, the crane perches on the bough! Moon and sun conjoin once in a century, and the earth trembles with timorous frailty! Fear always, fear eternal, for I… AM HERE!" Without looking, you catch a spear and hurl it back, impaling twelve in one stroke. "Hah! Hahahahaha!"

Before was business. This is pleasure.

You beckon with an outstretched palm. "Now, COME AT ME ALL AT ONCE!"

A magnificent work of art. Funny in all the right places and action packed enough for anyone. Critics rave about such lines as "a future of nothing but black balls" and "Attraction contains and confines you both to the inevitable smashing of your balls"!

Plus Gisena even made an appearance and had some excellent drawings dedicated to her!
One of the magic systems I thought about for Time and Temperance, but definitely won't be using. Since I won't be using it, there's no reason to keep it locked away.

[ ] Assertion – A Matter of Perspective

On the first day Tamerlain the green eyed boasted he could see the future and challenged all who dared to test his predictions. A child asked him what card he would pick, and so Tamerlain told him. Then a woman arrived and asked for the name of her first born daughter, so Tamerlain obliged. Then came a grandfather, and asked which of his son's would inherit, the youngest, said Tamerlain.

The boy chose his card, from a deck of identical cards, the woman grew barren, and of the grandfather's family none but the youngest son survived the night.

On the second day three sages approached Tamerlain, whose eyes had grown clouded as if by a thin sheen of milk. They asked him what wisdom they would accrue in the years to come. To one he said the wisdom of age, to another he spoke of humility, to the last he spoke of pain. Tamerlain asked the first to leave, and he did. The second he asked to stay, and the third he slew with a rock. Incensed the remaining sage attacked, each motion graceful, each action supported by the very laws of the world. Yet Tamerlain stepped between his strikes with ease and cast him to the dirt.

On the third day Tamerlain, whose eyes were white as snow, spoke to no one. He buried his cards and his rock beneath a willow tree. In its shade he pondered the shape of the future.

  • By making an Assertion and defending its validity it accrues truth. The greater the Assertion the more extraordinary its evidence must be.
  • By a thoughtful combination of Assertion and evidence you may set the foundation for greater things. "I am often right about the future." Becomes: "I am more often right about the future than probability would predict." Becomes: "I am right about the future so often, because I know some fraction of it."
  • While capable of generating most any effect in theory Assertions are not well suited to contesting effects of overwhelming superiority, as evidence of being able to overcome such gaps most often requires already having done so.

I won't be using it because the synergy between Assertions and establishment is just too broken.

It would have been pretty fun for the Chosen One, though. Convince people you are the chosen one, then validate all the wacky and unreasonable superpowers people already ascribe to you.

It could have had a pretty tricky synergy with Indenture, too. If enough people Assert you are the chosen one and you happen to validate their conclusion then you become the chosen one and have to slay yourself beyond the hope of recovery or unchosen one yourself somehow. For a first geas task it would have been pretty rough.
Aobaru Relationship EFB - Master of All Imaginary Elements (0 Picks, 28 Arete)

The Shogun had once said that the Elixir Springs were intended solely to bring about the awakening of the Vigorflame, with all other Elements being nothing more than radiation. Well, with the empowerment granted to him by the Apocryphal Curse and his brief stint as a Mordred knockoff, Aobaru has quite a bit of control over heat and light, to the point of being able to influence the radiation of stars on a galactic level and beyond. Vigorflame was always one of the more conceptual Elements, would gaining control over it's own radiation really even qualify as an expansion of it's conceptual remit? Perhaps not. Still, the rewards are tremendous.

Just as Hunger expanded his use of the Ring of Blood to healing and Ennoblement, Aobaru might follow in his footsteps, finally capable of granting permanent benefits with his Element. Fitting perhaps that this occurs just as Hunger loses the ability to heal with the Crimson Ring. He is to be Hunger's lieutenant until he leaves for his next Task as demanded by his Curses, and then almost certainly rule over the Human Sphere in Hunger, Gisena, and Adorie's absence, after all, so he'll need to pick up the slack somehow.

*Aobaru gains access to all Imaginary Elements, past, present, and counterfactual. Inksky, for example. Any new Elements awakened are automatically added to his repertoire, though he must still train them to advance beyond what his skill as the Shogun offers, though this is still enough for him to gain benefits from a great deal of Elements he really shouldn't be able to. Still, for the vast majority, save any counterfactual Elements he might possess, he will never achieve the same affinity as Vigorflame. For obvious reasons. The creatures that can awaken Imaginary Elements are vastly increased in breadth. Armaments of Foremost make or analogous, for example, are now eligible. Many Astral denizens, despite lacking anything that might be recognized as genetic code as a human might possess, are also viable targets for awakening. If he can recontextualize humans as beings of spirit, then the reverse, at least to the point of being eligible for Imaginary Elements, should be possible, yes?
*Aobaru may choose to upgrade extant Elements to 25 Arete versions. True Shadowcord, True Sharprbight, Elixirdross, and so on. This can normally be done instantly with a touch, but he may also choose to radiate the energy of the Elixir Springs from any source of heat or light, from stars to matchstick flames, or even secondhand sources such as the moon at vastly reduced efficiency, and awaken and empower the Imaginary Elements of entire planetary populations at once in a matter of hours. He can also reverse this on the same scale and by the same means, but it is significantly more difficult, as the radiation of Vigorflame awakened the higher level of the Element in the first place and the Element is ill-suited to diminishment, though obviously not incapable, and entities such as Hunger can outright ignore such attempts, given his mastery of Blood. Of course, significantly more difficult still means that he could largely shut off the Elements of anyone else counted among Hunger's Companions with a moment's contact without direct contest by Hunger.
*With an effort of days per person, Aobaru may push an Element to the level of a Heroic Advancement. Doing so is Highly Draining, though that is as much a result of inexperience as anything else. This means that with enough training the effort can be made merely Draining. Doing so with True Vigorflame is possible, but risky with Legendary already in place. It would be best to do so during a stay in the Realm of Evening, where the group can oversee his efforts. Mostly Gisena doing the actual overseeing with Hunger largely contributing an ample supply of restorative effects via the Gilded Cage and more direct manipulations. Still, this is an excellent means of rewarding/creating lieutenants for Aobaru.
*Aobaru may awaken the alternative Elements an individual might have possessed, such as Exavolt in Letrizia's case, with approximately the same effort as he does conventional awakenings. Unlike Aobaru's own use of a given Element, these secondary, tertiary, etc. Elements begin a stage behind the extant Elements. These Elements also remain eligible for upgrades. It should be noted that Hunger's Bloodcasting vastly expands the potential Elements that could be considered alternates for a given person, which means that the Elements Aobaru is granted and can grant others are vastly expanded so long as Hunger remains in the same metaphysical context. These Elements will not fade when Hunger leaves for his next Geas task, but Aobaru may find himself starkly limited in his ability to grant such Elements unless he trains himself in the use of analogous Elements, such as Bloodspring.
*The Elixir Springs are transformed into a font of Surgecraft analogous to the Font of Myth, which ensures they will never go dormant and dramatically improves the rate at which the Voyaging Realm returns to it's former glory and dramatically improves it's potential. This automatically awakens the entire Elixir Kingdom's Imaginary Elements and counterfactual Elements, and upgrades anyone within the kingdom already in possession of theirs to their 25 Arete variant alongside granting their counterfactual Elements in a similar state of empowerment. Further, the Elixir Springs enjoy a variant of Aobaru's access to counterfactual Elements, and awaken other potential magic systems they might have provided, such as the Vertex, providing access to Aobaru himself and anyone within the borders of the Elixir Kingdom automatically. This will gradually spread throughout the entire Voyaging Realm, such that access to their personal Imaginary Element and it's counterparts, Vertex, and any other magics that the Elixir Springs might have granted becomes the automatic boon of any who spend any significant time within the Voyaging Realm and perhaps beyond, vastly improving the quality of life and safety of the Realm's denizens without compromising their freedom, as Aobaru wishes. Aobaru himself may initiate others into these parallel systems by the same means as Imaginary Elements, and offer similar upgrades, and is himself automatically initiated to a degree commensurate to his current potency in Vigorflame.
*Immediately provides major upgrades to the Cloak of Evening via Inksky and the Cloak's exceedingly high affinity with the Vertex, as Aobaru can easily allow the group to ignore, as well as unique Advancements. Aobaru gains a vast, vast amount of power and utility, and becomes extremely well-equipped to shepherd the Human Sphere in Hunger's absence. In fact, the sheer potency of this upgrade would actually allow his to directly compete with Hunger in a fight, even as he is now, and dramatically exceed his current power were he granted time to master his countless Elements. The thread may slightly empower Aobaru and the party by extension by providing new Imaginary Elements for him to obtain.
*The Imaginary Elements may have fallen by the wayside upon Hunger gaining Archmage, but with Fault-Defeating Stance, he has little to do with it's training. This would allow him to train something beyond the Praxis and do something with the Realm of Evening besides farm Echoes and stave off the Decimation. Not to mention the possibilities offered by the 25 Arete variants of his Elements, or the Heroic Advancement variants, for that matter. Elixirdross alone could grant Hunger the ability to create a counterpart to Findross Sorcerers/Sorceresses, which he could grant to himself and his Companions to provide them with major boons, as well as not needing to worry about the progenitor of a system of magic in their employ deciding their existence was unconscionable and attempting to murder them. At least in this case.
*Perhaps an upgraded Sharpbright would help Letrizia with her depression, as despite her claims, she still seems to brood over her powerlessness a great deal for someone who supposedly extracted those feelings. Not to mention Aeria's upgraded Shadowcord, and whatever Elements Adorie and Gisena might have upgraded to Heroic Advancement levels. Then there's Verschlengorge and Novakhron. The former still technically exists as his own individual and has enough free will personality to be affected by the maiden's memetic attacks, and while the latter was never a normal Armament, as no Armament created via a Crowning Curse could be, it too has access, and due to it's nature it's primary Element is well-suited to the Evening Sky.

AN: So, Companions EFBs are supposed to be 4 times as good as normal ones, yes? Given how much stronger Hunger and Aobaru are compared to when the Font of Myth was reignited by a Heroic Advancement, this seems pretty reasonable to me. It not only provides Hunger and co. with a ton of extra power/powerups, but gives Aobaru plenty to work on/with after Hunger leaves. It's too bad Wishes are disabled for the maiden, or I might ask for something like this. This might be enough for him stand a fighting chance against the maiden by himself, and combined with Perfect Merger, that would be three people capable of going up against the destroyer of loyalties and wills, perhaps enough to overturn her trump card when it's inevitably called out in response to our own trump card.

1550 words, discounting this line.
I have done an art. The dimensional effect of Dien shattering his way through a star is not quite as clear as I want it so I'm going to try it again as a conventional painting, but this was a lot of fun. I think the cutout effect would've worked better if everything was drawn about 2x bigger. The super small scale hides some of the parallax aspect I was hoping for.

(I also thought about curling the top & btm layers out so the tentacle is bursting into a sort of paper sculpture. But again, there's just not that much paper material to work with. I will have to buy bigger paper.)

V2.0 will hopefully come out this weekend :)
Here is Draft 2 of Dien's Debut:

I'm a lot happier with this version. The shattering effect & plasma splattering out of the sun is a lot more three-dimensional than the initial attempt.

Presumably this is right before the billion shadow-clones appear and start chopping the tentacle into bits.

[x] Supreme Closing the Fist
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...I still have no idea how much Arete we've generated. But enough omakes have been posted I'm feeling optimistic, and also the vote is already overwhelmingly in favor of the option I'd pick if I was sure we could afford it. So I may as well.

[X]Perfect Merger [50 Arete]
Adhoc vote count started by qwolfs on Aug 28, 2022 at 7:12 PM, finished with 671 posts and 52 votes.
Magic System - Time Burns​

Time is the most precious of all resources. Little is as universal a way to aggravate someone as to waste their time. No matter what you do, there are limits to how much you can accomplish, as there are limits to how much time you can invest in anything. This was a Magic System centered on that precept.

Time Burns allows for a very simple but very potent ability. A practitioner can spend lifespan to 'practice' a skill or line of study as if every moment of consumed lifespan was used to do so. Say a year was spent studying magic the conventional way. Burning a year of one's lifespan to do so would be more than three times as efficient, as they would not be eating, sleeping, socializing, would not have issues with burnout, sickness, or simply having an off day. They can also do this for others, though at least one party must willingly donate some of their lifespan to accomplish this, as it remains the catalyst for the process. It is not unheard of for denizens of the kingdom to burn 40 years of their lifespan in times of war or desperate struggles with extradimensional invasions in order to become archmages, masters of combat, and so on while remaining physically in one's prime.

That is actually one of the biggest caveats to Time Burns. One's age is not affected by the burning of lifespan. So, while in theory one could absorb lifespan from countless others and live forever, they will continue to age, a classic issue of eternal life without eternal youth. Practitioners of the system cannot take lifespan from unwilling entities, but they are free to drain it from trees, the grass, the insects that live amongst them, birds, and so on. Draining anthills is actually one of the most common methods to garner a huge amount of excess lifespan, as it is distinct from lifeforce, because even a hundred ants with only a few weeks to live comes out to years of lifespan, and given some ants can live around 15 years, and a typical colony has between 100,000 and 250,000, meaning a single such harvest can offer up to 3.75 million years of lifespan. Longer-lived ant species are deliberately cultivated to accommodate this practice, preventing any abuse of the system.

In modern times, bacterial cultures are used to do this far more efficiently, though some cultivate ants to one degree or another out of sentimentality. A colony 1 centimeter across can contain 10,000 individual bacteria with an average lifespan of 12 hours, producing 13.69 years of lifespan, and 300 such colonies can be found per meter. This vastly more efficient means of harvesting offered a revolution in terms of what a Burner could gain in skills, and entire planets have been devoted to the task of servicing Burners in accumulating massive stores of lifespan. Even the low quality ones can offer over a billion years of lifespan per second to a Burner, being singular rooms set up in this manner. The high-quality ones can grant more than 50% more at roughly 1.715 billion years per second, and it can take days to harvest them in full even with optimal course plotting and experience.

As one might suspect, this leads to those with the spark of lifeforce energy necessary to initiate in the system, found in roughly one in a thousand individuals but so easy to initiate in that a few minutes instruction is usually sufficient and it is not uncommon for spontaneous initiations to occur for those with the potential to use the system, to easily accumulate truly enormous quantities of lifespan. In some cases, they sell this off in the form of the golden liquid known as the Nectar of Life, which is used to abet life-shortening maladies, or restore lifespan spent on one thing or another, but you can expect all but the dumbest Burners of Time to have lifetimes of mastery in any skill you'd care to name.

Of course, there are limits to what practice can grant you if you lack an affinity for something. This is the other major caveat of Time Burns. Someone who lacks any artistic talent will never be all that great an artist among their fellow Burners. They can certainly make serviceable drawings and the like with sufficient investment, but they cannot compete with someone who has a similar level practice and actual talent. One's natural affinity for a given skillset is the basis of how quickly they would advance in it, and that is not something Time Burns can change. Not to mention a piece of music that requires 12 fingers to play properly will never come out properly for someone with 10. One can splice an extra pair of fingers onto one's hand via immense skill as a doctor, but you still needed to compensate for the issue to properly replicate the feat yourself.

In knowledge-based skills, anything known by any human in our universe is available to learn with sufficient investment, but Time Burns' efficiency drops precipitously once you begin breaking new ground. It's still certainly faster than doing it the old-fashioned way, but a million years of study with purely human intellect will only get you so far. It should be noted that Time Burns bypasses the normal issues a human's memory storage has with a large but still finite capacity, which was learned the hard way, which allows much of it's utility. While Time Burns has allowed for the human race to advance millions of years ahead of where it ought to be technologically, this ontology is ill-suited to magic other than Time Burns, and so we are limited to physical laws and constants in terms of self-augmentation and exploration of the cosmos. A thriving market exists between Burners in an effort to find a combination of skills that can bypass these limitations.

Another issue with Time Burns is that while it does it's specific ability very well, it cannot do anything else. Lifespan accumulated in any manner cannot be used to restore the dead, recover wounds or sickness, ignore requirements of food or rest, directly improve one's physical or mental abilities, or forge mystical artifacts. Efforts to turn the Nectar of Life into pills or the like in hopes of improved performance have all failed. It cannot even be burned as a performance enhancer, or to invigorate the spender's experiences. Of course, with the boons granted by so much study and so many working on any problem one might care to name, few are inclined to complain.

Besides, it has been of great benefit to our race, and if nothing else, we can work to expand our reach across the stars until a solution to our bottleneck is found. We have not hit a wall, merely a roadblock. Sooner or later, we will discern the method to cross worlds, or we will stumble across a second magic complementary to our first. We are in no hurry. With the sort of resources at our disposal in terms of lifespan accumulation, it is more a question of when than if.

AN: So, I wondered what a magic system in the style of Fault-Defeating might look like, and this is what I came up with. Naturally, this would be grossly overpowered for a race that had a lifespan measured in billions of years, access to a magic system or artifact that allowed for extension of one's life like Hunger's Ring, or for someone with Elysian or some other form of immortality. Heck, with Time Burns, someone with Elysian could effectively share it with other people. Or just find someone with cancer cells to drain their infinite lifespan for infinite lifespan for any purpose you wish. So, of course, the poor bastards who discovered it live in a universe without much in the way of magic, at least magic that they've managed to work out that benefits from a gazillion years burned on it. They're hyper-advanced technologically, but still largely confined by IRL physics. They constructed a wormhole network to travel between their worlds, and are working on adapting it to find a universe with magic. As the ant/bacteria tangent implies, Time Burns can be used at a significant distance, 100 feet or line of sight, whichever is greater. So yes, some Burners spend some time 'cutting' down trees and 'weeding' and the like to rapidly clear an area as the world's best herbicide/pesticide if they want to spend their time doing that. There is literally no reason to do anything remotely immoral with Time Burns. So basically, if someone's abusing it, they're doing so purely because they want to.

With any kind of magic that cares the least bit about how much time you have invested, it's incredibly powerful, as lifespan can be accumulated casually without any sort of moral compromise. It won't work for Praxis, as you need to do actual work for that, not pseudo-work from burned lifespan. I'm fairly confident it would work for the Empyreal Signs and Archmage though. What's Hunger's lifespan at by now, anyway? Blood Halo shuts off regenerative stuff, but not gene-modding or the like, right? So, probably in the millions or more, discounting Progression's inevitable further buffs down the line. Edelross can probably extend one's lifespan indefinitely if nothing else, since I don't think extending one's life really counts as healing.

1590 words, discounting this line.
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Alright, it took a while, but I have the system I'll be using. I'll write part two tomorrow, now that I know where it's going. For now, the system:

[ ] Five Trials – Overcome

It is said that before the sun and moon, before the light and dark, before the earth and sky there was the void – alone. In a time before time it grew despondent and sought to make more than itself, that no other must be as it was.

The void tore open its chest and pulled forth a beating heart of limitless light. Water poured forth like blood, earth its flesh, air its breath, and fire the medium of its sacrifice.

It is only in the void between stars and beyond them, in the absence of all things, that the martyr progenitor may be found. But its corpse, those dead organs of the void, remain, becoming the great spirits that shaped the world.

To enter their realms is a trial without end, but one that does not go unrewarded. The very atmosphere carries some fraction of the voids limitless power and the venture deeper, to the corpse spirits at their core, is a return to those primordial days – should one survive.

Within the spirit realm one may harvest spiritual puissance from the air, mythical ingredients from the life forms, and more. To reach the spirit courts at their center is to receive a boon with few equals.

  • Enter the spirit realm and gain spiritual puissance from surviving in its atmosphere, which grows thicker the deeper you go. Strike with disproportionate force as the "weight" of your spirit becomes great enough to manifest even in the physical realm, see spirits even in the World, empower your attacks, overwhelm the spirits of others, and much more – if you survive long enough and practice.
  • Acquire cool ingredients and the like by pilfering. Meet new (spirit) friends, make deals, and more.
  • If you can reach the spirit at the center of the realm, acquire a quite capable blessing.
  • This is the magic of this realm, a matter of spiritual empowerment. But something else has arrived and the five key stone spirits would make suitable material for Artifice of heroic caliber. Do not dawdle, you do not have time.
Time and Temperance 1.1

Kratakis 1.2

The crimson gate is not made of brick, unlike the wall it's set in. Instead it is a single solid mass that appears like it was chipped with hand and rock from blood red obsidian. Four guards stand on either side of the gate, every one armored in a uniform of chainmail, spear, and sword. Upon their livery is painted a red bird on a white background. They seem unconcerned with the stream of people passing by, their helmeted heads do not turn even for a moment while I pass.

Even flagstones replace the more worn road once one passes under the gate, each brick white as limestone. Where the sides of the road meet the red obsidian of the gate, they form gutters that lead into drains at each entrance. The ceiling of the structure is cloaked in shadow, vaulted high enough that outside sunlight does not easily reach it... except, I don't think that's how it should work. Not during the day, at least. Perhaps they have used some method to veil the slits set into the ceiling, either as arrow slits or to pour burning pitch or acid onto foes.

Only after passing through the gatehouse does the city reveal itself, as the afternoon sun shines down on a sea of buildings whose red roofs rise ever higher as they approach the city center. The white brick road extends straight forward, wide enough to fit a cart in both directions and still have space for two people to fit in between. On either side of the road stores show off their wares, signs beg for attention, stalls seek to beguile, the scents and sounds of restaurants and inns wet every appetite.

Yet, even from the gate I can see where the road ends, where it meets the grass of a park at the very center of the city, an expanse of verdant green, of shaded trees, vibrant flowers and a lake that reaches past the horizon. While people can be seen upon the grass, resting beneath the trees, even small children playing at the shores of the lake, they are distorted as if by a heat haze. Their dimensions do not change, but they feel inconsistent and between eye-blinks their places and positions shift.

The white road forms a ring around the park, and people follow the road rather than cutting across the park itself, visiting storefronts, sitting on benches, but no one seems to settle on the grass itself, there are no picnic blankets, not this close to the divide.

My course is set, curiosity compels me closer.

As I follow the flow of people ever forward I take note of the stores and buildings on either side.

Closest to the gate, inns dominate, any place to sleep or rest over represented. There are a few stores as well, and, of course, in the smaller streets that lead off the main road residential homes and businesses gain the upper hand. But as I near the center this changes. First restaurants and stores, from cutlery to clothing, butchers to carpenters and more -- the endless miscellania of a city take center stage. Then that changes, an apothecary here, a leather worker there, then an armorer, an actual smith whose ringing hammer blows don't seem to travel above the thinning mumble of the crowd. There are still restaurants here and clothiers too, but they grow more rarified, their colors richer and fabrics finer.

Despite the shift in ambiance the atmosphere remains the same, the people do not grow hushed, the common men and women are not replaced by hordes of armed and armored adventurers, though guards do grow more common and the odd sword or long knife becomes visible more often.

As I approach the promenade it becomes more clear why the park seems almost cut off from its surroundings.

It radiates pressure, like walking against a strong wind, that pushes against me and makes it difficult to breathe. But it goes deeper than that. It doesn't weigh on my muscles and bones, not my heart or lungs, thoughts or feelings. No, the whole and complete truth of me finds itself quite suddenly surrounded on all sides by water instead of air, every motion a challenge, every action an effort that must be made against resistance. But the pressure does more than that, it compresses and combines what once was disparate, as I might kneed butter, flour, and milk into a unified dough.

Breath short, legs weak, and the heart of me still weaker, I stumble to a bench. I Breathe in and out, feel myself shift and compress, come together into a single whole that encompasses and exceeds my body.


When I return to the farm the sun is shrouded in the oranges of evening. Its fading light catches in the branches and leaves of the trees, casting soft shadows over the earth. A small brown haired figure sits on the oaken steps leading to the main house, stubby fingers patting the dirt of the front garden into hills and valleys. His right leg is stretched out, still wrapped with thick white cloth. It has to be fresh, little Marik can stain his bandages faster than a dog can find a puddle.

I give him time to hear my approach, make sure to crunch a few little stones beneath my boots. He doesn't notice, preoccupied.

"Good evening, Marik."

"Krata!" He shouts, all but jumping to his feet. "You're back!"

I catch him before he hurts himself, familiar with his exuberant enthusiasm. "I said I would come back, did I not?"

"Mm," he nods, but his eyes and hands trace along my left forearm, fingertips brushing over the raised ridges of scar tissue about halfway along its length. "But what if you didn't?"

"Then you would still have your mother and your father."

The small boy frowns, nose scrunching. "Maybe."

Petulant, but I'll let it slide.

"What did you do today?" I ask, instead, raising Marik onto my left shoulder.


"Are you sure?"

He pouts, expression filling a silent moment with the fledgling depths of his discontent. "No, Amalia played with me. And we baked a cake together."

"Was it fun?" I ask, and make my way up to the door.

"Yeah! We used a new fruit this time and momma said I could have an extra slice because I've been healing so well."

"Oh? That sounds tasty. You must be doing very well, if your mother says so."

He nods, vigorous enough I need to shift my hold so he won't fall. "It doesn't even hurt anymore and when Amalia changes the bandages they're all clean."

"All clean?"

"Well, there's no blood and stuff on the inside."

That sounds about right.

I open the door and wipe off my shoes on the black bristle mat. It's still difficult for me to read what it says, a welcome greeting, but to something specific, maybe good fortune?

"Then it is good you are healing well. Now, do you need to wash your hands?"

Marik looks at his little hands, fingernails blackened with dirt, and palms stained by grass. He looks at me, back at his hands, back at me… then he sighs. "Yeah, I do."

Well done. "Good. I will help you and then you can go eat."

He nods, but stays quiet for a moment. "Will you eat with us today?"

No, I won't. It takes more than my morning routine to gain that privilege, and since I was gone for the day I haven't had the time. But, for Marik, who owes me more than any one and is a child besides, that isn't a comprehensible answer. "Tomorrow I will. It has been a long day and you deserve to have the cake all to yourself."

"Alright." He knows better than to argue. It hasn't worked before.

"When I'm back from the fields we will do something together. Perhaps go down to the river?"

"Yeah! I haven't been able to check in the frogs in sooo long!"

No, I imagine not. Going with just one of the maids might seem too risky, after what happened. He's probably been bugging everyone for the chance to go. "I will ask your father in the morning. If you behave yourself this evening he should say yes."

"I will!"

"Good, then let's get you cleaned up."

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. Marik is a cinnamon roll, as he should be. Everything's moving at a comfortable pace and the foundations for future parts are laid. Next part: taking Marik to see the frogs, asking around about the weird magic park at the center of a city.

The metaphysics of this world are pretty accommodating. You run on quantum physics instead of the five elements? Sounds rad bro, here let me just smush your plank lengths together and give you a conceptual framework so you can develop a spirit, too. Can't have you doubting our hospitality, the void literally died so we could have friends, you know!

Words: ≈1500
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So, a bit of further thought on my Richer Reality: Hunger Edition Bloody Night Dual Final Advancement.

First, there's the issue that I forgot the +800 to Willpower and Manipulation from Dog of War's bonus. The former takes us from 107 to 907 at 460% value, which adds a little bit more to Might and Agi, and more relevantly, massively improves Praxis endurance. Given each Attribute point is worth slightly more, that's an at minimum 800% increase to Praxis endurance. Possibly another use of Refinement of War in the cards there. Not to mention how much resistance to her memetic bullshit it would grant, especially since Charisma can be used to defend with some loss of efficiency, and in this case it also has a +800, which will also be providing another small buff to Protection, which affects the whole Human Sphere due to it being an Evening Sky Advancement. That would in turn make the maiden much more open to having her mental defenses attacked.

See, the maiden can block attack vectors such as Hunger commenting on her hypocrisy or the garishness of his outfit, but she can still see and hear him, so having Manipulation at 827 relative to merely 27 would make his attacks orders of magnitude more scathing. That jab he made might have threatened to decapitate the destroyer of minds if her 30% block didn't proc. Sure, she's had her Stats and Rank upgraded, but Mirellyian Rank is set to 11, Once and Future adds 1 after all other factors pushing it to 12, an additional Rank is supplied in military matters, which a fight always qualifies for, pushing it to 13, and then Sword in the Stone will proc Hour of Reckoning when she inevitably tries to destroy the Human Sphere because the rhapsodic pleasure of all inhabitants(which might be pushed to an eighth Quality of Life + thanks to Sword in the Stone and his 825 Luck and 12 Rank in non-military matters/13 in non-military matters when HoR is active) offends her sensibilities even more deeply, as it provides evidence that her opinion isn't just contested by others, but might actively be... wrong, and that's something she could never abide. Her Stats, meanwhile, must face another secret weapon.

You see, this version of Hunger has Linear Halo. As a refresher, it does this: Gain +Int equal to your +Strength, +Wits equal to your +Agi, and +Wis equal to your +Con for purposes of researching the associated magic type and crafting specific techniques using it. Blood Halo has increased each of those stats by 100,000, plus Dog of War's 800, plus whatever +800 Willpower translates to. This is boosted by 50% thanks to Devouring War so it's more like 151200 in those Stats as far as training Elixirdross to do anything is concerned. Seeing as it was placed on Elixirdross, or rather Surgecraft, which Hunger has had multiple Realm of Evening procs to learn how to make Graces/a Sorcerer counterpart for while he waits for Praxis to be trainable again, and the Ring's training debuff has been eliminated, not to mention an extra +Progression from Dog of War, he should be getting thousands of times the Advancement even before the multiplicative effect of the Stats. Now, add Philosopher's Wreath into the mix, which piggybacks off his new 10838 Int to provide 1,083,800% improvement to Advancement speed in a selected magic system(that's roughly 3 hours of Advancement per second compared to how he'd do without PW, or about 29.7 years per day's work), which benefits both Elixirdross and the two alternate Imaginary Elements picked up thanks to Mordred!Aobaru being upgraded to compete with this version of Hunger. If a +Progression is a times 3 boost, then PW alone provides roughly 8.5 Progression +s to Hunger's Surgecraft. Thus, he has an utterly ludicrously upgraded Elixirdross(he's still had it the longest by a month+ and suspect that if Hunger were to decide to upgrade an Element to a Heroic Advancement he'd go for Elixirdross first, not to mention Edelross Adept being taken on so much earlier than he even had access to the others) providing both an insane direct stat buff and a ridiculous number of ED Graces(seriously, Gisena is smarter in non-Imaginary Element circumstances but Hunger is king here too, so he would probably ignore Findross Graces in favor of the orders of magnitude easier ED Graces), and a somewhat less ludicrously upgraded Quickwater providing Rank buffs to him and debuffs to the maiden, while Inksky massively improves on his Cloak Protection and may well be spitting out free Advancements(which benefits the Human Sphere because ES Protection +s, as Advancements for ES provided by Inksky would obviously provide because of course they will, still benefit them) with this kind of ridiculous buff to it's own growth. Her new stat buffs also won't help her Beauty at all, because she's already got that at infinity, and anyone who would be high enough to boost that would presumably be beyond the level the maiden can piggyback off them unless they let her. Heck, the strategy of simply waiting the maiden out might be viable. If he can just last until the next Evening Sky proc, he might be golden. Now, the canon maiden might be able to abuse the Daylight Estates to break into the Evening Realm(and not immediately fall asleep as the restful Realm exacerbates her tiredness), but the Pillar of Earth says no in this case.

Additionally, Inksky's buffs to the Cloak, plus Elixirdross' population buffs, plus Sword in the Stone's normal effects, should massively buff both the quality of life for his subjects and their power, benefitting Armies of the Shogun. Inksky should also combine well with the Cloak's affinity for the Vertex Magic. Maybe it won't directly translate the benefits of Linear Halo and Philosopher's Wreath to Vertex, but even 1% of their buff carrying over would still be (1000^3 from a rounded down version of LH improving each of the relevant mental stats, *10838 from PW, +whatever Inksky benefitting from Accretion since it works through the Cloak means for the other Elements given that they're the same kind of magic /100 for 1%, so a multiplier of 108.38 billion on it's baseline Progression compared to non-Surgecraft, or non-Surgecraft-aligned in this case, alongside any other magics with high affinities for the Imaginary Elements without being directly tied to them the way Elixirdross Graces are tied to Elixirdross, such as the Empyreal Signs, though they'd probably be more directly benefitting due to their closer connection to the Cloak and therefore Inksky's Cloakstuff, Quickwater's mentioned affinity for alchemy) amazing for any such magics Aobaru would have initiated the group into. Regardless of an inability to train Praxis in the Realm of Evening, Hunger has plenty of magics to work on for huge rewards during any given proc.

One last super-nasty combined effect, if Hunger's words and outfit count towards his essence-bleeding attacks, November Sky's effects definitely will, meaning that the maiden would be experiencing something akin to being blasted by radiation by the standards of a normal person, unless her 30% Block procced.

1210 words, discounting this line.