Hugh's Perfectly Normal Mafia Game Where Nothing Weird Happens Whatsoever

Is there a way to answer this that mafia wouldn't use in planning their night kills?
There is this simple technique known as "lying".

Honestly, whether your answer is lie or truth doesn't matter that much. At least it's a piece of info that can be used to determine your play in the game and the people you pointed towards.
First off we have 15 players, we remove yourself as a target and myself because I'm not going to suggest my own demise, so I have 13 targets. Remove Wies, MiracleGrow, ICantRemember, and Chipernierm because of new player night 1 courtesy. We are now down to 9 players. And then remove Shadell because eliminated day 1 in the previous game. With that we have 8 players remaining:

99Lies - Slightly more out-there than normal 99Lies posts, nothing big, maybe some confusion on the Shadell question with the answer, hate the "I've been framed post"
-Rosen - Not much to be enthused about here currently, I've seen both much townier and much scumier Rosen in the past but there isn't a whole lot of content and even admits as much.
Nictis - Outside of a outlining of the history of SV bastard games, been in their little gimmick, I do not like most of their messaging around acting blindly, and if we didn't get the bit outside of the formatting I would actually suspect it being a power based requirement and agreeing to their posts directly having some effect, not enthused here.
Logos - Don't really think the plays so far have been the most effective, but is questioning players and answering questions, an avoid for kill for now.
RoachTV - Self vote on Meme-phase is red flag after AlphaDelta and I did it as scum and now always pings as negative personally. Second post is then pushing you to reveal. Wies vote is okay, though voting the person questioning you about your early vote is well... suspect. Post 118 is fine, but I'm noting the "What is importat for scum is knowing the roles of the town... but that's not what I was asking." is true in this post and the post chain that prompted it but not true of Roach's second post in game. Chiperninerm vote feels random.
Draxy - Draxy's main focus of note is on the Nictis play going between being suspect of it to going in line with it, not the best look in my opinion.
Scia - Reserved, strange SK question, but here, if anything I want an @Scia for what they got out of the SK question at least at current.
Zaealix - Not much, I have some tin-foil that one of those first posts before the reapearance is indicating knowledge of some part of the game but I really just don't have much to go on.

Given the ISO on all of those players right now I'd say eliminate Roach, most suspicious actions overall, and with probably a back up of say Roach is eliminated, Scia if my question isn't responded to or 99lies for the I'm framed bit.

The goal of the roleblock is to try and stop a kill or other scum ability more or less, if my first two targets died I'm probably happy about it and and likely suspecting that my action is a lie, and just feel great about my unlimited vig, "I guess death is a type of roleblock." If anything my targeting only slightly changes since most players I'd probably want to RB I'd also be fine killing.


Also I would like the next 3 posts to include you being truthful about your faction, stated clearly in a line separated from any other text. K thanks that would be great.
I went for the Scum question, instead of the usualy common , who would you protect vig etc, because I feel that the revelation about _why_ people consider other dangerous, both shows off some priorities of the poster there, can be used to catch them if they downplay or ignore someone obvious and is also one that I feel is in a different mindset then regular wolfing, so it might allow something to go through.
And that it might offer more feelings for the character of the person, thus me primarily going for those that I don't know so well with a expection.
God damnit comi your not supposed to have roughly the same takes as me.

Although I'm going to shoot scia or zaea to just remove lhf n1 unless I had a crazy vibe, still might go for 99 but he's been far more proactive and less scummy than normal for his d1
Well the problem with that is that Lhf is that you do not normally gain anything from that as the data point gained from lfh is normally not to indictive based on their arguments and votes beforehand, which normally only reduces the amount of votes town has without trading that for information, which makes me feel suspicious there.
Around half a day until round end.

@MiracleGrow @Wies @ICantRemember @Logos

If you have a bodyguard power with limited amount of uses that will be spent even if no one targets your mark, how would you use it? And if you have to use one on Night 1, who would you protect?

Probably won't use it unless I have enough information to assume that protecting whoever will benefit me in the long run

If I had to use it on the first night probably Nictis
Well the problem with that is that Lhf is that you do not normally gain anything from that as the data point gained from lfh is normally not to indictive based on their arguments and votes beforehand, which normally only reduces the amount of votes town has without trading that for information, which makes me feel suspicious there.

Or they float by as scum till endgame because there's larger fish to fry.

[X] vote Scia
What does "lhf" mean?
Low hanging fruit, posters with low activity and information, often not focused on because they do not drive discussion and so town is not losing as much from them if they are removed, but also the gain of it is low.
Or they float by as scum till endgame because there's larger fish to fry.

[X] vote Scia
I mean I think I was voted out ..twice? in all my mafia games on the site so far. Both time being town.
Adhoc vote count started by Scia on Aug 23, 2022 at 8:26 AM, finished with 141 posts and 14 votes.
[X] Abstain

Cause first day voting is boring as shit.

Most of the games I played in never had first day voting cause it's boring as shit. I'm not new to this, I just disagree with it as a game concept.

Throne of Lies was one I put hundreds of hours into and first day voting was not a thing. I will literally never do it no matter the game. Get used to it.

You get one day to prove this is culture clash or I'm going for your ass for this coward shit d2 1000%.
Low hanging fruit, posters with low activity and information, often not focused on because they do not drive discussion and so town is not losing as much from them if they are removed, but also the gain of it is low.

I mean I think I was voted out ..twice? in all my mafia games on the site so far. Both time being town.
Says not much about your current faction, of course.

With day coming to a close soon, are you still sticking to your vote on Rosen?
Perhaps. I am still waiting for when Rosen will post his thoughts on four players as asked by Logos.
As for the second part, I'll get back on that later because I still haven't gotten the time to catch up.

Some names are percolating in my head as possible alternatives, though. I will later look at their posts and then I may adjust my vote.

Says not much about your current faction, of course.

Perhaps. I am still waiting for when Rosen will post his thoughts on four players as asked by Logos.

Some names are percolating in my head as possible alternatives, though. I will later look at their posts and then I may adjust my vote.
I am also usually someone that does her brain work on d3 and later as I am more on the mech and power interaction side then the emotional intelligence solving one
You get one day to prove this is culture clash or I'm going for your ass for this coward shit d2 1000%.
Early days town of Salem didn't have a culture of first day voting for a while. Throne of Lies never had first day voting at all.

Its technically optimal but it's as I said, not enjoyable. Have you played Town of Salem recently? People optimized literally all the fun out of the game.
Early days town of Salem didn't have a culture of first day voting for a while. Throne of Lies never had first day voting at all.

Its technically optimal but it's as I said, not enjoyable. Have you played Town of Salem recently? People optimized literally all the fun out of the game.

Yeah it's a completely different game that I wouldn't compare to forum mafia in the slightest.

This is just not an approach I have any appreciation for in the slightest, like you have to realize that intentionally checking out completely for 72h is not the best look right?
Around half a day until round end.

@MiracleGrow @Wies @ICantRemember @Logos

If you have a bodyguard power with limited amount of uses that will be spent even if no one targets your mark, how would you use it? And if you have to use one on Night 1, who would you protect?
For this power, I'm probably looking to preserve town activity. Depending on how limited the shots are -- one-shot I might save for day two, for example -- I'd be aiming the bodyguard power among the top 3 to 4 posters, and state as such publicly to disincentivize shooting among that pool.

As for who I'd be protecting N1, probably Wies.
Yanno what I'm semi-tempted to do, but also don't want to go through with, is just go
'My guy's right! ROSEN!'
And get back on that wagon but…
I literally was meming, and I have nothing to add to either the case on Rosen or things to build my read with.
At the moment my vote being on no one is where I want it frankly.
Like I don't even have a vote on the caliber of 'Shalmoa's not LIKELY to be scum, but he IS too tilted to leave alive for the good of the Town.'
So that's kind of telling-no one's thrown out particularly suspicious logic or odd statements from my observations.
But, for the interest of generating reads…
I'd cop Nictis
I'd shoot Chip,
I'd watch Ori,
And I'd doctor Rosen.