Listen. Are we really going to put up with Hunger's love interest sacrificing herself for his victory, again? What's the point of even becoming a Cursebearer if you can't change the outcome?

Screw tragedy, screw the Apocryphal, screw the world! Take Hour of Destiny, take Perfect Merger if it can be done, hell take Vengeful Merger, and smash this bitch in the face. Hunger's not putting up with more of this shit.
[ ] Task Leeway, Moderate - Causes task definitions to be less punishing and narrow. Relevant to Hunger, he won't instantly lose if the Human Sphere is destroyed; only if it is destroyed beyond the reasonable possibility of recovery. Could be useful against this and future Apocryphal procs. Also makes 'holding' '90%' of the 'Human Sphere' easier, in that one may use reasonably charitable, rather than highly strict, definitions of the terms in question. Costs both stages of Mitigation.

Here is the blurb for task leeway.

This is somewhat meaningful for the Maiden's tactical breakdown, but Hunger will still need to defend Nilfel because if the Arcanist is destroyed then her Tier 4 mitigation dies with her.
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[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Living Legend

I don't like burning Accursed Favor this early. This is still only Hunger's first Geas Task, he's got a long way ahead of him.
[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Living Legend

Although this is my preferred vote option, I'd like to note that I am not opposed - and in fact, slightly favorable towards - an Ending True, as I am the carrier of Sharkey's remnant wishes in this world, the inheritor of every principle he stood for (though I rarely apply them, because I'm too lazy.)
[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Living Legend

Sharkey was my hero so I am also very open to killing Gisena.
[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
- Two Signature Moves
--[X] Living Legend
--[X] Hour of Destiny

Going to stan for Hour of Destiny here. Get-out-of-death-free cards are good, and we may be able to win without using one. I'm perfectly fine with Invincible Legend as a plan, it's got excellent defenses and offenses, undoubtably the best straight-combat build we can get. However, I'm going to at least test the waters for our best possible safety net.
To argue weakly in favor of Invincible Vigor: the Maiden's Beauty is an example of what sort of bullshit you can get up to with infinite stats. Infinite Might probably won't be quite so hax, especially since I imagine the cardinality of our Might will still be lower than that of the Maiden's Appearance, but it should still be really good and more useful than naive +Stats might seem.
To argue weakly in favor of Invincible Vigor: the Maiden's Beauty is an example of what sort of bullshit you can get up to with infinite stats. Infinite Might probably won't be quite so hax, especially since I imagine the cardinality of our Might will still be lower than that of the Maiden's Appearance, but it should still be really good and more useful than naive +Stats might seem.
Might is also what Blood Halo's effects like striking the Maiden with any offensive action, even slander or looks, and also Ruin, base off of as far as I know.

So I'd argue its one of the most s*nergistic options with what we chose.
[X] Birdsie

[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Hour of Destiny

Because of Aobaru's Heroic Legend.
Vote for all 3 merger effects coward :V

I have absolute faith that the thread participants will earn enough Arete to afford everything. After all, we are excellent.
I'm confident we'll manage it if we aim for it, I just straight up don't want Hour of Destiny.
[X] Birdsie

[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Hour of Destiny

[X] Close the Fist
-[X] Supreme Merger
The "All three signature moves" build is actually really good. Invincible Legend on its own is already really strong, I'd give it good odds of victory. So Hour of Destiny can be left as epilogue bad-end protection or save us if the rolls go really poorly.

I'm confident we'll manage it if we aim for it, I just straight up don't want Hour of Destiny.

Can't mitigate the Apocryphal if you're not alive my friend. Better to take the 12.5% unstoppable Apocryphal then to never reach High Cursebearer in the first place. Same story with 25% and 37.5%.

Like, I get why you don't want to give up on any amount of Curse mitigation, it's one reason why I opposed Uttermost waaaay back in the day, but living is the most important thing.
I am actually more bothered by burning Accursed Favor than by permanently sacrificing Curse Mit (though that also definitely stings, especially with Apocryphal in particular). The Accursed has a lot of stuff he can be doing, so drawing his attention here is a cost of literally unfathomable scale.

At the same time, I'm not so disturbed by it that I won't switch to Supreme if CtF without Invincible Vigor stands to win otherwise.
[X] Vendetta
-[X] Perfect Merger [50 Arete]

I believe!

… That this will probably never win but I have a reputation as a proud member of Gisena Gang to maintain.

I will however happily switch to Closing should Ending ever come close to winning.
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I'm confident we'll manage it if we aim for it, I just straight up don't want Hour of Destiny.
tbh given how reckless Hunger is (even the characterisation of not taking Task Leeway when he could have) I don't think he will get truly high levels of Apocryphal mitigation in the first place. We can probably blame our own voting patterns, but even a High Cursebearer like Haeliel only got to stage 7 mitigation.

[X] An Ending True [20 + X Arete]

that said the opportunity to kill off Gisena AND gain the coveted Task Leeway is too insane (great for Epilogue survival % too) so I'll flip for now. The quest began with a post shattering blow hunger and it'll end with one too, now. How appropriate.
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Haeliel is "only" 7th stage because she more or less doesn't consider further mitigation worth her time or effort, IIRC. She pretty much outgrew what remained of the curse.