Here's my Standard Mode build:

[H] Advisor: The Imperial Blood (Custom, Sword of Eney, Silver Pendent)
[H] Bet-Seal: Dying-and-Rising
[H] Azure Rose
[H] Mantle of Heroes
[H] Mantle of Kephras
[H] Mantle of Joss (traded Empowerments)
[H] Golden Ring
[H] Crimson Sorcery
[H] Aumelia Sunsworn
[H] Scenario: Fog of Ages
[H] Drawbacks: Slayer, Betrayer, The Gull

Advisor Form: The Imperial Blood

Fell the Goddess of light, her mercy unreciprocated; forgiveness by uncaring shadow consumed. So be it: if the means of her undoing was conflict, let her successor be made for war.

Its default form is a formless mass of crimson protoplasm; however, this symbiotic artifact can assume virtually any biological shape smaller than a mountain troll, faultlessly replicating both appearance and function. Fully animate, alive and sapient, it is wholly capable of independent action, possessing an armamentarium of supernatural capabilities both mighty and versatile; but truly shines when bonded to a worthy Hero.

Among its innate capabilities:
*The powers inherent to the Sword of Eney, as well as its Attribute buffs and vorpal edge; through shapeshifting the Blood may manifest countless vorpal blades of any reasonable shape and length.
*The ability to attune itself to broad frequencies of harm, replicating the defense capabilities of the Silver Pendent. This is typically tuned to supernatural harm, protecting its powerful regeneration from dispellation.
*A fundamentally elevated physiology and imperishable essence that translates to near-perfect instantaneous regeneration alongside outrageous physical capabilities in every domain; ageless and near-impervious to harm
*The Blessing of the Dying-and-Rising Bet Seal with all that implies;
*Possession of threefold Mantles: the Mantle of Heroes, of Kephras and of Joss
*All its capabilities are ineffably but noticeably more effective (+0.2 ISH) when employed against the agents or powers of the Darkness. The cut of its razors bleeds the very essence of its foe; the breadth of its defenses extends to outrageous lengths.

The Blood may bond with a host, intertwining spiritually and materially on a sub-cellular level. The process of merger grants both Blood and host full and perfect access to each other's abilities. Thus do the host's own capabilities benefit from the Blood's conceptual magnification against Darkness. At the Blood's option, it may sever such bonds anytime without cost.

In extreme situations the Blood may hijack the host's body and mind to act through them, though it dislikes doing so unprovoked. It may expel up to 50% of its volume to act independently with its full normal capabilities while still remaining fully bonded.

The Host advances in each of the Blood's arts at twice the lightning-quickness of the Blood itself; such advancement is fully retained by the Blood upon severance, ensuring its power and influence never wane but only compound as the centuries pass. Of course its hosts are rendered flawlessly unaging should they desire, so this contingency may well be unnecessary for its ultimate triumph against the Outer Dark.

Combined with the Golden Ring's +++++++All Stats bonus for perfect regenerators, the Blood starts with an outrageous stat line:

+7 All Stats
+15 Physical Stats from Kephas
+5 Azure Rose Stats
+4 Constitution, +1 Luck
+4-6 Charisma, +0-3 Manipulation
~+++Progression, +50% for battle magics (Kephras), +100% for host (Advisor inherent)
+Any low-cost Crimson Sorcery buffs given Azure Rose

Its monstrous initial power and explosive growth should see it become world-renowned in short order; the advancements gained by such errantry invested into mastery of Joss to repel and eventually overtake even the Darkness outside.
We don't know about the limits of the Adversary's strength, but they don't seem boundless. In particular, I imagine that suddenly having three Final Kings might be conceptually incompatible or beyond their strength. It is possible, then, that the Final Kings would be weakened by being made to exist in triplicate, even without going into the other scenarios existing as well. Alternatively, they may be forced into a Highlander situation, where there can only be one. Defeating the Final King who remains after such an exertion might be possible. After the loss of so much invested strength the Adversary may, themselves, be vulnerable. Of course, Yoria is likely to be collateral damage and you have to somehow survive and thrive in this beyond-apocalyptic scenario, but if you intend to defeat the Adversary without external assistance this may be your chance to "always find a way".
don't forget that in addition to needing to finish every single Scenario in triplicate, you also need to finish its cousin (also in triplicate). So in addition to the three Final Kings will be their cousins, three Pretty-Near-The-End Duchesses, maybe with a support focus or something; In addition to 18 Dark Beasts, there would be 21 Penumbral (quickwhat'skindalikeabeastbutnotuhhhh) Plants; in addition to a lot of Fog of Ages, there would be 3 Ruptures of We'reAllGonnaDie (giant ravines spanning Yoria, which become more powerful but also easier to seal over time); and in addition to the six Archmages, you get their six cousins, which is mostly a free space because their cousins probably didn't amount to nearly as much in life.

Alternatively, this might mean [every Scenario] and [its cousin], in triplicate- in other words, the thing you need to finish the cousin of is the set of all Scenarios. If so, the obvious cousins for the set of all Scenarios are, from various conceptual angles: Yoria itself, the planet(as the product of Yoria the goddess, opposite of the Adversary, just as the Scenarios are product of the Adversary; with both of them products of the beginning). Yoria herself, the Goddess(as product of Joss, opposite of the adversary, etc etc.). You, the Hero (your arrival was orchestrated in timing and in some cases caused by the adversary etc etc). The Adversary itself.
or, Arguably the scenarios are the children of the player and the adversary so all the adversaries existing servitors are the scenarios cousins.
It's a tough call really.
I'll eliminate the first losing option in ~24 hours. Currently it looks as if Closing the Fist is somewhat ahead of the Cavalry. Vendetta has a substantial vote lead, but I'm unsure on its overall omake power…

Given that you've generated a decent amount of Arete this past update, you may want to look at your vote and reconsider which option may fit better with more Arete to spend! That said, it's entirely possible there may be more votes down the line for Hunger, so I wouldn't necessarily call in all your markers just yet.

02 is extremely efficient Arete wise, while Supreme Closing the Fist offers the highest concentration of power available. One will likely be eliminated by end of day tomorrow!
[X] The Cavalry

Matching the Maiden w/raw power via CTF is, uh, a bold strategy? Buuut iunno how well it'll actually work out for us. The thingie where we get Aobaru's BH % death resist from absorbing him is speculation, right? Not confirmed? Anywho, I like the idea of her getting btfo by people choosing Hunger's side~
So one thing I noticed pretty recently, is that 02 doesn't consume Closing The Fist - which means that for slightly more than the price of a normal EFB, we could afford 02 and Perfect Merger.
Would we be offered both, should we be able to afford them? Maybe. It certainly seems like it's worth looking into!
Would we be offered both, should we be able to afford them? Maybe. It certainly seems like it's worth looking into!
Almost certainly not, given that the vote pertains to a plan that was prepared ahead of time by Hunger & company. In any case, I'm not willing to vote on anything that emboldens the Apocryphal Curse; Hour of Destiny is slightly undesirable, but 02 introduces even more potential for interesting times.

If Close the Fist drops, I'll probably swap to Vendetta, but Aab's upcoming bomb might be the right amount of force needed to save us from complete dissolution.
Alright, so, in the interest of producing more word count for the Fist Faction - I am not leaving Aab on his own to man the front lines - I've decided to make yet another build using one of the CYOAs.

No One Lives Forever

[W] A Quest :: 12 - Worm
[O] A Debt
[R] The Mandarin
:: Applied to Void
[M] The Barrister
[?] The Seraph
[!] A Sword

Sword of Darkness

"We've outsmarted time, we've outsmarted crops, disease, and the weather. The state of the human union is strong. And yet, one frontier remains unconquered, one force that stands beyond our reach, beyond our intellect: we've not yet outsmarted death, the encroaching Ending of our alliance. And I shall be the one."

A gaunt blade, its onyx surface like a starless midnight. Anything caught on its aspect reflects in deathly equivalents; faces twisted into skulls, men into rotted skeletons, and maggots burrowing into their flesh; a golden god as a dark one. An awful chill creeps down the back of anyone who perceives their own reflection in this blade.

By the great power of the Sword of Darkness, its wielder is granted access to the vile school of Dark Apotheosis, a discipline of formalized infringement.

Its goal is not only to grant immortality and manipulate death, but in general - to break the laws of physics, morality, propriety, and comprehension. As the magus strives to reach Akasha, the core of the world; so the Dark Artist seeks to destroy the system of that world. It draws power from breaking what's considered acceptable; the taboo and the strange; the fetishistic and forbidden, and it grants free access to the same. Among magics, it is the forbidden fruit, hiding a maggot within its core. And yet, in any world that accepts evil, destruction, and death as the daily norm, perhaps this discipline is not so bad, for its power shall then be to turn evil against evil; to meet insult with insult.

And even the forces of good need, in some times, the auditor who does what's necessary - the proverbial Red Hood in a family of bats...

According to many forces, however, death is a necessity. And what's taboo is taboo for a reason - a can of worms to never be opened by the hands of mortals, not comprehending what they are set to unleash by doing so. The transgression of convention is the nature of deformity; your Heroic path will take you down avenues that cause you to be perceived as a villain, at least to some.

"Evil is going to cough up its power, one way or the other."

Dark Apotheosis
+15 Manipulation, +15 Intelligence, +15 Willpower, +10 Wits, +5 Luck.

Progression: Gated. Every level of advancement requires acting in accord with the demands of the magic in question; committing to performing taboos, and the breakage of social or legal impositions. Any refusal to act in accordance with this requirement bars one from, and decreases, further progression - the Dark Artist is obliged to be evil.

(Although normally, the murder of innocents would be required in order to advance, the Void effect works to significantly lighten the yoke. Now, as an example, even simply declaring oneself as an atheist provides a modest accruement of constant progression in any state that even informally or only culturally endorses Christianity as part of its legacy. The frequent thievery of candy from children provides a constant, incremental boost to one's growth. In a setting in which most villains may be called a force truly evil, the Dark Artist has managed to become a figure out of a 40s children's cartoon.)

Beginner: Lesser evocations of darkness and death; spells that slay minor beings or inflict unimaginable mental torture on their psyche. Psychic and physical forms of vampirism, replenishing and enhancing the self at the cost of others. Different forms of blood magic that achieve a plethora of effects through sacrifice. The creation of disturbing 'personalized zones' or domains, in which the laws of physics are in a drift. A sundry of effects that aim to extinguish, hurt, or destroy in some capacity.

Adept: Ability to raise corpses as various forms of undead beings, including wraithly specters and animate bodies; effortless maintenance, and hive-mind control of dozens of such beings, preserving a good amount of their innate powers. Creation of evil, corrupting, or accursed artifacts and potions. The making of evil and horrific monstrosities bound to serve their creator. The arrangement of natural resources and elements into impossible works, often called, 'mad science.' Unholy and infernal magic, the summoning of demons and eldritch entities from beyond the veil to bind into one's service. A number of minor, non-taboo magics, intended for simple utility.

Master: Initiation of one's lessers into evil powers and magics, the granting of assorted boons, and beneficial mutations. Curseweft; bestowal of maledictions and poor luck. Vampiric stealing of metaphysical attributes, such as wealth, fortune, popularity, or identity. Virtuosity over the domains of Life and Death, altering them as one sees fit, and blurring the differences between to create products that count as neither and both, not quite one or the other, or as something else. Using the Sword of Darkness to cut away a victim's traits, rendering them lesser in some way.

Grandmaster: Anything perceivable, or even explainable, as 'wrongful' can be achieved. The resurrection of untold billions, simply because a single hypothetical person might dislike one of those people. The creation of a supreme god-machine that alters reality to the benefit of every sapient, with the explanation that it could plausibly break one day and inflict the pain of stepping on a LEGO on a random person once every couple octillion years. The ability to break all Ten Commandments of Christianity at once, especially working on the Sabbath and coveting of the neighbor's wife. (Double-especially that second one.) Using the Sword of Darkness as a back-scratcher safely.

Wordcount: ~1k
[X] 02 [30 Arete]

We have been on this path since the Soup. Hoping Letty pulls out her finishing move, 1 bouillon cuts.
Hi! The vote is still between Vendetta / Cavalry / Close the fist. In order to spend Arete on which plan Hunger prepared, we have to select that plan.
Thinking about the vote options has me fixating on 02 and on CTF, generally. So I'm going to effortpost from my phone during this very boring zoom meeting.

Vendetta - Gisena has not been idle, but is the realization of her fury worth the cost?
*Gisena will Close the Fist with Adorie and a resurrected Augustine, then permanently merge with the Arcanist.
*This will be of great help against the Maiden, and is likely the overall most reliable means of improving Hunger's odds in the long run; not reliant on an all-in attack that can fail in the face of her strongest contingencies.
*+++Versatility, ++Raw Power and the contest of dominions now shifts to Hunger's side.
*———————Augustine, —Adorie. She always knew that Purple Bitch had it out for her!
*This is rather Tyrannical to Augustine, forcibly reviving and fusing her, even if somewhat deserved
The baseline of Vendetta has team Hunger extracting power from the Arcanist, from Adorie, and from Augustine. The Arcanist is a resource ripe for the taking, Adorie has been our most reliable broker for converting Arete->Power, and Augustine was a villain whose displeasure (trauma?) is unfortunate but not particularly upsetting. Vendetta converts these assets to power and puts it into Gisena's hands. Per the blurb, that is enough to tip the scales to allow the Domain of Battles to eventually overwhelm the Maiden's reality manipulation.

However, The Maiden has projected victory in their personal combat within twelve exchanges. She has not revealed her Archsmith's hammer, or any of her other contingencies. Most critically, the Maiden is ultimately the source of Gisena's original power. Revoking the original Graces that made Gisena into a sorceress is fully within The Maiden's authority.

We can spend more to make the plan more effective, and this is the most expensive single add-on:

[ ] Perfect Merger [50 Arete] - Gisena consumes the Arcanist in full, gaining the complete measure of that Shard's experience and abilities without compromising her own traits or identity whatsoever. Such transcendental mastery of Foremost Runes is the perfect counter to the Maiden's Surpreme Grace. Her power can be considered fully equal to Hunger's own, including the Devouring War and Armies of the Shogun effects, and with domains of influence complementary to his. A further —Augustine, -Adorie.

*The Maker: Gisena takes up the Foremost Title of Arcanist, and resumes their post as sovereign of Nilfel. She can make beings on the level of Turn E! If the Mirellyian were mere stewards, this is the Queen's full returning. Convert the Season's Greeting defensive bonus into increased effectiveness against dangers derived from the Apocryphal Curse.
*Foremost Nullification: +Half-stage mitigation for all Curses besides the Decimator's Affliction
*True Genius: +1 ISH to the benefits of Renaissance Woman. Gisena will be insufferably smug
So for an extremely high cost, Gisena becomes a Foremost Maker in truth, which was the title that allowed the Maiden to dismiss all of the assembled Armament-dreadnoughts upon entry to the Human Sphere. This ability capitalizes on the Maiden's inability to use "proper Foremost Sorcery" which one of the consequences of the buffs she received upon assuming control of Cat.

With power "fully equal to Hunger's own," Hunger himself has been able to nearly match the Maiden's reality control. Gisena's abilities are synergistic with Hunger's, and are further amplified by Season's Greetings' efficacy bonus against the Apocryphal Curse. Curse mitigation turns out to be the most important resource in the quest, and +0.5 steps of mitigation for Apocryphal (!) and Indenture (!!!) could be incredibly valuable in our current crisis. Apo-mitigation is obviously useful, but Indenture mitigation could grant a small amount of Task Leeway, especially in the hands of the Queen of Nilfel.

Renaissance Woman includes the following benefits:
Gisena immediately acquires the Maiden-level Graces: True Perfecting Blade, True Nullity, and True Quintessence.
*Gisena, through observation of the mortal-perceptible components of Hunger's Progression, replicates the effects of the Lesser Remittance, Retinue, for up to one cardinality of infinite escalation.
Adding +1ISH to the benefit of Retinue is spectacular. If this plan was implemented early in the timeskip then Gisena could have benefitted from the +Progression for quite a while. This benefit would persist even if the Maiden removes Gisena's various Graces (which arguably is made more difficult by this spending option).

My evaluation of this option is that we absolutely get what we pay for. It invites the Maiden to show her contingencies and then asks Gisena to handle each additional complication. This has been Hunger's MO since the beginning. In terms of wordcount, I like the idea of seeing more of the Maiden's abilities. We are learning a lot about how Rihaku thinks about High ISH combat.

The trouble is that the Maiden's beauty is a very real threat even to a combatant at Hunger's power level. If the Maiden tags Gisena with ISH 5 Beauty then we are suddenly facing a peer level liability.

I will be happy if the expensive option wins. But I will be quite disappointed if we don't have enough Arete and get stuck with the baseline version.

The Cavalry[/B]
The Cavalry - They risk their lives and very existences to do so, but his lieutenants combined may be able to distract, disorient, diminish or delay the Maiden enough for Hunger to wind up an exsanguinating blow. Risks Aeira, Letrizia, Adorie, Aobaru and Novakhron.

*Dismiss half the Channeler Legions to instead empower each lieutenant's personal division instead, then have the entire lot outflank and assault the Maiden directly. If this fails, such grossly diminished Rank means the Maiden's Supreme Grace will exert effectively total control over reality in nanoseconds rather than minutes. Brief enough that she may theoretically be able to realistically stall for a victory regardless of what Hunger otherwise achieves. Also, the brigades involved may well die in this terrible charge against the princess of light.
*The potential loss of his companions hardens Hunger's resolve. +++Willpower, ++Lethality.
*Even more aggressive than Close the Fist, literally just try to distract her so Hunger can Cut Through. Good risk-reward given Blood Halo's Arete bonus; the kids' chance of success is unknown, but they're very unlikely to actually die

This option shortens the conflict down to the order of nanoseconds. Without the Channeler Legions, Hunger's Rank is not enough to maintain Archmage (Battle) against the Maiden. He will land an "exsanguinating blow" with the praxis, or he will lose.

The trouble is that the Maiden has estimated that she could conceptually dodge even the grasp of Hunger's laws, while Hunger is fighting blind. So he'd better not miss. And in the meantime, the teenagers + Nova may be directly exposed to Beauty. This may not be a death sentence, but servitude (or an eternity spent mourning Hunger) sure isn't a triumphant ending to the quest. So I am not persuaded by the Blurb's claim about risk/reward.

But we can spend Arete!

Fields of Blood [10 Arete] - An endless wave of ready combatants to drown the Maiden in blood. An octillion legions of pre-configured warriors none of whom have ever served under Hunger's direct command; company by company they enter his service to receive the Armies of the Shogun bonus, and only when destroyed are replaced by another. Thus, the Armies of the Shogun grant not only a hundredfold his personal power, but infinite combat endurance so long as his territories can absorb the cost. And the Voyaging, Industrial, and Epistolary Realms are vast indeed… Of course, this still runs into the issue of the Maiden's victory in the contest of dominion, but that will still take several nanoseconds, long enough for Hunger to sacrifice countless subjects and constructs to the Maiden's sword! ++Victory chance.

*Of course, being reasonable people, the legions are comprised almost entirely of sub-sentient constructs with only a few sapient handlers per legion, and each of those residents of time-accelerated realms who have lived full and happy spans of at least subjective millenia. Still, at the rate he'll lose them, Hunger will by this one writ be placing many trillions of lives on the line
10 Arete is the cheapest add on, but I feel like this is one of the best choices! The Maiden's evaluation that Hunger is running out of steam is a major factor in her projection of victory within twelve exchanges. Changing things so that Hunger gets to use Refinement of War on every single exchange should change the game.

This option also appears to provide a meaningful increase to the Shogun power boost, which has mostly gone unremarked so far.

The Human Sphere coming to Hunger's aid also feels poetic to me, but your mileage may vary on whether you like the aesthetics.

02 [30 Arete] - Who said a copy can't overcome the original? Letrizia Artriez, you may have lost your steed, but you will always be a Pilot; and a Pilot's duty is to die in service to humanity. Let the descendent now become the Archetype.

Arise, Cathedrelion.

*Letrizia will become the Pilot of the Ultra-Continuum Universe Cathedral Novakhron, taking upon herself the Apocryphal Curse. It has been painted red.
*Letrizia will stop dying her hair.
*Universe Cathedral: Uniquely, this allows Hunger to concentrate a full half of his Armies of the Shogun effect into a single target; in density of power it eclipses even Hunger himself!
*Aobaru is co-Piloting, using his Vigorflame to maximally enhance every aspect of the Implement's structure.
*Ultra-Continuum: You'll be able to see Novakhron's newly upgraded AT-Field Shroud Effect
*Letrizia will finally be relevant. But can you trust the two of them to hold out against the Maiden's beauty, without any defenses beyond raw existential power?

UCUC Novakhron

In truth, there is no such saying in Chinese. The closest proverb would be: 'Better to be a dog in times of peace, than a man in times of war…'

Physical Attributes: Infinity
Charisma: Infinity
Rank: 15
[02] Dog of War: +0.7 [+1.2] ISH to all parameters in combat
[02] Nova Shroud: ???

Duchess Letrizia Artriez - Personal Trait: Peerless Grace. Set Prowess to Infinity. She's trained all her life for this.
Grand Duke Chen Aobaru - Personal Trait: Berzerker. Increase Dog of War bonus by 0.5 when Shroud is active. The prerogative of the Hero, is power beyond all reason
Others have pointed out that the Prowess (Infinity) allows Letz to meet operate within the Maiden's Grace. Others have pointed out that the BH Arete bonus is most effective for Cavalry & its add-ons.

What I'd like to point out is that Hunger's pre-shogun Rank fell short of 15. The Maiden was offered but did not receive the option to set her Rank to 15. Furthermore, Aobaru was described as "not inconceivably below" the Maiden. My proposal is that adding a Rank 15 alongside Hunger could slow down the Maiden's reality-warping. Rather than a handful of nanoseconds, maybe Hunger would have a dozen. Paired with Fields of Blood, that is more time for Sanctum + Refinement of War to really add up.

I think that having Aobaru in the Robot means that Letrizia will be likely to pass the will-check for beauty, but it is possible that she is stunned for long enough to attack out-of-synch with the other distractions (a defeat for sure).

The primary risk of Cavalry and its accessories is that the teens would need to know that they must fight blind. Otherwise they turn into liabilities. Furthermore, Hunger might need more than one solid hit with the Praxis to fully defeat the Maiden. That's another liability.

I like Cavalry's add ons a lot! But they really do leave things up to the dice. Maybe we can delay the vote for a few days to buy some rerolls on Patreon??

Close the Fist

Close The Fist - Aobaru's resilience is as inexhaustible as flame; so long as one iota of heat burns across the multiverse he will spring forth uninjured anew. To fuse with Hunger would be to surrender that advantage in the pursuit of sheer power, but perhaps the apex of this conflict demands nothing less than absolute strength. Hero and Tyrant in all-ruling unison; gleam of the Blade like entombing fire.

*Aobaru is about a quarter as powerful as Hunger himself, so this is the strongest possible merge they can spontaneously manage. Expect something on the order of x40 All Stats and +.3 general ISH.
*+++++Raw Potency, but also +Simping
*Attempt to end the Maiden before she can deploy her final trump card, whatsoever it may be
Cut. Through.

Hunger is at near parity in close combat already. I'm actually not sure the Maiden's confidence is warranted, because Hunger has not really implemented any Treachery at this point. But, 0.3 ISH is quite significant at this level, and 40x might dramatically improves the power of Ruin to defend against her generic Findross manipulations. This approach seems most likely to overwhelm her minor contingencies like Archsmith's Hammer, and also most likely to trigger her last resort. But, luckily, we have an additional build vote immediately, which includes a free 25-Arete advancement, as well as the opportunity to buy two more such achievements.

This is a free EFB, plus another two EFBs.

Close the Fist

The Sovereign possesses a number of unique capabilities as Hero and Tyrant in unison. Choose one Signature Move for free. Each additional choice costs 25 Arete.

[ ] Invincible Vigor - He requires no healing who can never be harmed.

At the intersection of the Ring of Blood and Vigorflame is the essence of vitality itself.

Behold, Avalon.

*Treat the character's Might as infinite.
*The defensive power of the All-Defeating Stance is absorbed into the character's flesh and blood, compressing its potency substantially. He is treated as if countering all direct and indirect attacks upon his person with competent preparation, full readiness and perfect skill. If this would not reduce the strength of a given attack by his full health value, instead it does so.
*Whenever Hunger would suffer an attack insufficient to slay him on all conceptual levels, including the effects of the above, instead he ignores that attack and permanently absorbs its total power into his own. The same is true for most harms that do not qualify as direct attacks. The elevation of this effect is equal to that of his otherwise mightiest abilities.
Ruin is strengthened even more than baseline CTF.

This empowered Ruin defense is applied with perfect skill. This defense is always at least equal to Hunger's health pool. No attack which is unable to 1-shot Hunger may harm him at all.

Of those attacks which harm Hunger, only those which could kill him twice over adversely affect him. All other attacks are absorbed into Hunger's overall power level. This effect is minimally undermined by ISH nonsense.

Alone, this is a wholesale reversal of the battle's momentum. Hunger's wounds don't matter if all nonfatal hits are ignored and absorbed as energy. His health pool is absurdly large thanks to the Ring of Blood so this effect should proc a lot. Plus it makes Hunger gain momentum as the battle continues!

[ ] Living Legend - Fire and blood.

At the intersection of resolve and fury is mercilessness.

King of Winter, prepare thy accession to Summer's crown.

*Gain Aobaru's imperviousness to, and dominion over, effects of heat and light, including daylight. Any attack which would bleed the target also sets them alight with Heroic flame, fierce incineration of causality and essence which reduces sun and firmament alike into cinders.
*For offensive purposes, the character may use the Refinement of War at 1/10th its usual cost, and its duration is extended to twelve exchanges. Cutting through enemy attacks is a valid offense.
*+1000% Lifesteal. Double Blood Halo's healing penalty, but halve it for healing through lifesteal only.
Like Fields of Blood, this reduces the stamina penalty for RoW. It also applies the ISH bonus from Cut Through to Hunger's sword-based defenses. Similarly to IV, Hunger gains health as the combat continues.

[ ] Hour of Destiny - Treasures numbering three…

At the intersection of Heroism and Tyranny is salience.

Child, take up thy forebear's blade. At long last, the Hour of Destiny is come.

*Expend Hunger's Accursed Favor. This is not displeasure, but the Accursed exerting himself on Hunger's behalf.
*Merge with Aobaru while in Totality with Novakhron, increasing the power of the resultant fusion exponentially.
*This power is directed solely towards one purpose:

Temporary Mitigation: Hour of Destiny

For one hour, the Apocryphal Curse inverts. Instead of bedeviling the bearer she assists them; instead of imperiling their lives she rescues them from the most inescapable fates. Instead of belaboring them with troubles she heaps them with blessings, and unleashes the stormgates of her wrath upon their persecutors. Now she is no Bane of Heroes, but their Sword.

After all, how can the times stay interesting if the hero dies too early?

This effect may be invoked up to three times in total. Each time, reduce the Cursebearer's maximum effective mitigation of the Apocryphal Curse by one stage. They may still contribute mitigation towards the Accursed, but themselves will never be fully rid of her influence.

Inscribed upon the Forebear's Blade, double-sided at the very point: may you live in interesting times.
I Stan Apo-Chan.

(I have a meeting to go to but R said that the time is almost up so talking about Hour of Destiny will have to go in another post.

My official position is that this is almost as good as a literal Primary Remittance.)
Last edited:
Fanwork#7100 words

Endless thanks to @Lealope for providing the color theory for this CYOA!



After some forty millennia, the long-lost homeworld of the Humanities has been found! Earth has been recontacted, and you are one of the lucky few among its population who, in the modern era, possess a Soul and thus potential for Magic. The utopic technology of the Humanities will be made available to all the hollows of Earth, as they are made to hollows everywhere, but as a latent mage, you will have the privilege of training your magery and the responsibility of helping defend the Humanities from the depredations of Unity.

You will learn much more about the incredible diversity of the Humanities, their cultures and histories, and of the Defense Force's own history, during your training, but here's a brief primer on history and magic to consider on the flight away from Earth and towards the nearest Defense Force orbitat.

First, the abbreviated history of the Humanities. About fifty thousand years ago (the exact date remains unknown and is an area of active archeological research), the mages of Earth developed spaceflight and began to explore the solar system. With access to the resources of space, their science and material culture rapidly expanded, though for as yet unknown reasons they did not create orbitats or other long-lasting space infrastructure in the solar system, or settle on any bodies here other than the Earth and Moon.

About forty thousand years ago, several events happened in quick succession, though the precise order is still not known: The first FTL vessels were developed and the ancient mages began to colonize many stars both near and far from the Sun; the oldest reservoirs of gray matter were created, and ancient mage society collapsed completely and utterly, such even now much of its magic is unreplicable and the Defense Force is still recontacting new descendants of that ancient polity to this day (including Earth itself, just now). There are virtually no records or artifacts from this period, and archeological efforts indicate that there was a massive reduction in the population of mages across all of humanity, possibly even a complete extinction of mages.

Without magic and with the destruction of seemingly all records, the hollow populations of Earth and all other worlds were left disconnected from one another, and would remain so until approximately 1528 years ago, when the mages of the Manifold Stargale consortium discovered the first Dark Shard and began the work of recontacting and reconnecting the humanities. A lot has happened then, politics happens about as fast in space as it does on Earth, including some important stuff like the discovery of gray matter control magic, contact and war with Unity, and the formation of the Defense Force, but you'll learn more about recent events later.

Now, here's a basic rundown of magic. Again, you'll get some proper instruction in your training, but this will help you understand what people are talking about until then.

Magic is, fundamentally, a process of bringing the ideal into the real. This process is generally considered to have three steps, those being: channeling, in which essence is drawn from Idealspace and into one's soul; shaping, in which meditation and visualization alters the essence within the shaper's soul into the desired forms; and realization, where the essence is expelled from the soul and into Realspace, causing it to transform into tangible phenomena or materials in accordance with the shape of the essence.

Channeling and realization are pretty basic, you'll be trained in them regardless of what tracks you pick, but shaping is where the real meat of things is, and is the primary thing that distinguishes one magical working from another. Some workings are simple while others can have terribly complex shapings, but there are various mental aids to help with that until it becomes second nature.

Workings also vary in how much essence they need, and are divided up into four broad categories: trivial workings, that need just a little essence, probably just a minute or two of channeling at a maximum for most people; lesser workings, that will tap most people out if they're at full to start (which, for an average mage, will take 3-4 days worth of on-and-off channeling when it is convenient, or about 20 hours of continuous channeling) and are more commonly done with two or a handful of casters; greater workings, which range from just a bit more than the most expensive lesser workings to requiring as many as a thousand average mages' full worth of essence; and grand workings, which can need as much around ten million mages' full worth and usually either a greater concert working to get everyone synchronized, or a massive essential vessel that gets filled up beforehand. Hypothetically grand workings could use more than that, but it's already pushing the limits of modern ergology to design workings at that scale, let alone even larger ones.

Also, at least for most people, even for ancient veterans from the pre-contact days, realization is a messy and inefficient process (and, generally, workings are designed with wide tolerances in mind), and the essence that's 'spilled' during realization still enters reality, but instead of contributing to the working's goal, it instead creates 'manifestations', which are semi-random, semi-real ghostly projections whose form is influenced by the shape of the manifesting essence (but also tends to warp and mutate away from the one the caster shaped). Most ritual spaces include manifestation shielding to prevent from getting in the way of the working or interfere with the rest of the environment, but managing manifestations is an important part of preparing more-than-trivial workings when in the field.

Alright, with that done, let's talk yourself, your soul, and your options in the Defense Force.

You possess great (8) potential, but what form does that potential take in you?

[ ] Powerful - Your spending cap for Powers is 5, but your spending cap for Skills is 3.

[ ] Balanced - Your spending caps for Powers and Skills are both 4.

[ ] Skillful - Your spending cap for Skills is 5, but your spending cap for Powers is 3.

You may not spend more than your spending cap in the corresponding section of the CYOA.


The souls of the humanities' mages are as diverse as their bodies. Now that we're at the base and have access to the psychometry equipment, let's see what yours is like.

[ ] Sensitivity (1) - Your magical senses are especially sharp. You can detect the presence of other mages and magical devices even when they are not manifesting, and with time to focus can determine their precise location and nature of the magical activity. You also have a greatly enhanced ability to synchronize with other mages in group workings, and integrate your magic with the workings of others in general.

[ ] Transmigrator (1) - Modern technology allows mages who die in a recoverable location and state to be reliably reincarnated into new, empty bodies. Some souls naturally possess the ability to transmigrate, and that includes yours. Upon awakening, the surviving memories of your predecessors will begin to integrate with your own. There's no threat of your identity being lost, but you will benefit from a much greater understanding of the Humanities' situation and subsequently suffer much less culture shock. If you ever die, your own memories will likewise be passed on to your successor.

[ ] True Form (1) - A mage's soul exists before it is awakened, latent though it may be. Even in its latency, some mages' souls channel Idealspace, creating a steadily growing reservoir of essence far beyond the ordinary limits of their soul's capacity, held in place by their soul's somnolence. In cases like these, such as your own, the mage's awakening can be quite dramatic, as years of essence suddenly flow from their soul into their mind and body. The sheer quantity of essence, enough to fuel a greater working or even a working on the lower end of grand, overcomes the inefficiency of realizing nearly unshaped essence. Aside from producing a quite spectacular manifestation, this sort of inundation of essence naturally causes you to undergo radical changes in physiology as your body is suffused with the ideal. This idealization process also imbues you with a strong affinity for further physical augmentation, both magical and cybernetic.

[ ] Unbreakable (1) - Some souls are tougher than others. Some souls, like yours, are unbreakable. Regardless of what sort of willpower you had prior to your awakening, it now surpasses all which might test it. You now draw from a bottomless well of effort and executive function, and possess the superhuman self-control to wield this Power responsibly. Additionally, you are totally and absolutely immune to all attacks on your soul, including most forms of magical mental influence or surveillance.

[ ] Tasteful (2) - All souls are conduits, channels through which essence flows. Most mages are only able to draw upon Idealspace, but some, including you, possess the rare ability to absorb manifest essence from Realspace. This Power allows you to draw the excess essence of workings you participate in, which would normally be wasted in manifestations, into yourself, ready to be used in workings again. You may also draw in the manifesting essence of other's workings, absorbing it into your own reserves in a similar manner and learning what essential components their working was built from, and may choose to do so with violence, disrupting the working in the process. The presence of this ability also alters your relationship between essence and your body in another way, allowing your body to subsist on essence alone, without requiring even a trivial working to realize it into physical food, drink, or atmosphere.

[ ] Aura Aureola (2) - Your soul is a pure conduit, allowing you to safely channel vastly greater quantities of essence from Idealspace. You can produce Lesser Workings easily and effortlessly and with monumental effort may even sustain Greater Workings on your own. Your manifestations have a golden cast to them, rather than the cool blue-white of other mages.

[ ] Splendor Solares (3) - Requires Aura Aureola. An exceptionally rare mutation of the aura aureola, your soul is not merely a conduit of the ideal but a mouth which sups a heavenly deluge of essence. You can fuel Greater Workings with ease, and may utterly exhaust yourself to power a Grand Working on your own. You manifest an aura of golden fire even when not casting, and your casting manifestations share this fiery character, which can shine painfully bright when in the midst of a Grand Working.

[ ] Wisdom (2) - All mages possess the ability to touch the ineffable plane of Idealspace, not unlike one who is blind navigating a physical space by feeling. The Wise, then, are those who can see with their souls' eyes. Visions of idealspace overwhelm the mind with supernal brightness, however, so even the Wise must limit themselves to glimpses, perhaps a handful of times per hour if they push beyond pain and to their true limit. Each such glimpse is a powerful divination nonetheless, and an invaluable tool for advancing your magic, gathering intelligence, making well-informed decisions, and almost any other task which you might pursue.

[ ] Perspective (3) - Requires Wisdom. Even among the Wise, some can withstand the brightness of Idealspace for shorter, and some for longer. You fall at the very farthest range of the latter group, capable of holding onto visions of Wisdom for seconds or even minutes rather than mere momentary flashes. With a soul's eyes so accustomed to Idealspace, you can even view it alongside Realspace for a brief time. Through this dual vision of the universe, unique insights become available to you, as the essence and the accident of the world around you intertwine, revealing the structure of time and space to you. Through this perspective, you can achieve a sort of enlightened awareness and self-control, perfectly orchestrating your actions to mold the future into your preferred shape for as long as you are able to both keep your soul's eyes open and your physical awareness grounded. Overtaxing yourself to dive deeply into the perspective can lead to a temporary loss of your Wisdom as your soul's eyes recover, or even negatively impact your ability to channel essence and cast workings if you push yourself to the absolute limit.

[ ] Trinity (3) - In all mages, the soul exists in three spaces. It exists in Realspace, where it is anchored to the physical brain. It exists in Idealspace, from which it channels essence and possibly glimpses Wisdom. It also exists in the Gap or Interstice, the empty plane which separates the real from the ideal and which the soul spans to bridge the two. For the vast majority of mages, those who have not explored the cutting edge of modern cognitive augmentation, their mind is little more than that of a hollow's, stretched across their soul to touch Idealspace and to grasp essence, but not truly expanded. You, however, possess the exceedingly rare mutation of a tripartite mind, which truly occupies both your ideal and interstitial brains as well as your physical one. Integrating three fully independent brains may take some getting used to, but once mastered will provide incredible and holistic benefits to your cognition, including an obviation of the need for sleep and dreams as the work of memory integration and other sleep-related cognitive functions can be safely distributed across all three brains. Additionally, the experience of awakening to two additional minds which are equally you, as well as the ability for self-inspection between brains, gives you a great headstart in designing and implementing further mental augmentations.

[ ] Familiar Bond - Your soul possesses the uncommon ability to bond permanently with certain kinds of magical entity. With your soul now awakened, you may now form such a bond.
-[ ] Ideal Spirit (1) - Ideal Spirits are beings which exist wholly within Idealspace, though they may extend a limb into the mind of a mage through the familiar bond. The bond also motivates the normally impassive ideal spirit, aligning it with the bonded mage's will. Possession of such a familiar provides holistic mental benefits as the ideal spirit orders and expands the mage's mind, as well as moderately enhancing divinatory workings (including glimpses of Wisdom).
-[ ] Gray Matter (2) - The mysterious legacy of the First Wave, the ancient people who initially departed from Earth at the beginning of the Stellar Age and the ancestors of the modern Humanities. Its physical properties and behavior are dynamic and evolving, growing in complexity as its bonded mage feeds it essence and direction, which also nourishes its nascent intelligence as it blossoms into a devoted and loyal companion. Unbonded gray matter can be increased and shaped via workings, and forms the basis for much of the Humanities' technology through the great Mother Factories where gray matter's function as a general constructor is used to create the Factory Ships which sustain much of the Humanities' modern space industry, but falls greatly short of bonded gray matter's full potential. Still, it will take time and care for yours to reach those lofty heights.
-[ ] Dark Shard (3) - A piece of something truly ancient, and utterly broken. Dark shards are tools first and foremost, mechanically impersonal in disposition and ruthlessly efficient in action. Learning to operate one can be challenging, but the rewards for doing so are great. The remit of the dark shards is spacetime in every aspect, from wormholes to bags of holding, from stasis chambers to warp drives. Nothing achievable by a dark shard is truly beyond an ordinary working, but without them the complexity and sheer scale of the workings is completely impractical.


As a mage-recruit, some basic skills will be drilled into you regardless of your potential. Channeling and realizing essence are fundamental to all magic, and will be as natural as walking by the end of your training. You will also become fluent in the Dialects, familiar with using the most common technologies of the Humanities and casting the many Trivial Workings which make life as a mage convenient, and comfortable with moving and operating in all the myriad strange environments which your Duties may bring you to. However, you may undergo further training, as suits your aptitude.

[ ] Combat - Despite all our best efforts, all our genius, all our magic, war still plagues the Humanities. The Defense Force doesn't get involved in any internecine conflict except to provide humanitarian aid. Instead the Defense Force's purpose is to protect the Humanities from existential threats, and in particular its formation was motivated by Unity, a long-divergent branch of humanity who have foregone all pretensions of individuality to achieve perfect unity for which they are known, became hostile not long after being recontacted.
-[ ] Vessel of War (1) - While many spaceships are equipped with advanced mundane weapons or even magical weapons fueled by integrated pseudo-souls, ultimately both are simply no match for a fully magical weapons platform, directed by a human soul from within. Becoming a Vessel of War is as much a matter of augmentation and transformation as it is one of training, as you pass through the stages of fusion with your chassis and familiarizing yourself with the various armaments it may bear. The training you will receive from this class will be relatively basic, but the equipment loadout will be considerable and will be designed with your Powers and other Skills in mind.
-[ ] Pankrator (2) - The Vessels of War make up the bulk of the Defense Force's manpower, and make efficient use of that manpower, but they are not the Defense Force's pinnacle of violence. That crimson honor belongs to the Pankrators. Rather than fusing with a chassis which serves an interface with external magical weapons, Pankrators are simply shaped into weapons themselves, crafting warforms from countless individual magical and cybernetic augmentations, as well training in a vast repertoire of rapid-casting combat magic. The heavy focus on augmentation lends Pankrators with the True Form and Trinity Powers a significant advantage.
-[ ] Special: Nightblade (3) - Requires Familiar Bond: Dark Shard. While the majority of Dark Shard bondholders work in transportation, both within and without the Defense Force, a few choose to hone their skills of spatial manipulation for combat instead. There are numberless applications for Dark Shards in combat, ranging from temporal acceleration to inflation beams to the eponymous nightblades. The training is long and arduous, but the result is a force that can turn almost any battle.

[ ] Ecology - One thing that is as true of the Humanities as it is of earthling humans is the never-ending desire for living space. While not strictly necessary, it is a simple political infeasibility to try and house all of the Humanities in the minimum amount of space, and so new orbitats and created every day, to house families, organizations, eccentrics, and more. At the same time, the recontact is ongoing even now, and in the millennia that have passed since the disappearance of the First Wave, many orbitats and even inhabited planets are in dire straits if not outright shambles, with their hollow populations barely clinging to life. While the Defense Force is not the only group serving both these purposes, it does fall within their mission to protect the humanities from existential threats.
-[ ] Genopoet (2) - Creating whole new ecosystems is already an enormous task on the face of it. Adding the additional demands on the precise make-up or parameters of the ecosystem, ensuring it fits with the particular features of the orbitat or planetat that it's being built to fill, that it an adapt to even just the most likely ways that its environment might change rather than spiraling into collapse only makes the challenge more daunting. Thus, the Defense Force's genopoets receive one of the most extensive training programs in Defense Force and in the Humanities as a whole, utilizing the furthest extent of Defense Force's archives and learning technologies to instill both a deep and wide understanding of life and its subtle, sublime dance into your mind, as well as the countless workings that go into creating and propagating the various waves of colonizing lifeforms to implement that knowledge.
-[ ] Ecumenarch (2) - The task of repairing and maintaining extant ecosystems, full of unknown factors, vast forces, and wild chaos is an equally momentous task to creating ones from scratch, though of a very different character. Ecumenarchs are dispatched to help failing orbitats and planetats, which are often the very same as those which the Defense Force has only just recently contacted and thus has the fewest and least reliable records of, so in addition to a diverse library of life-, terrain-, and weather-altering workings and the fundamentals of ecology, they also train in the divinations and investigative techniques to determine the possible paths unknown ecosystems might take, to diagnose their ills, and to find or invent the methods necessary to cure them, and to lay the groundwork for future ecumenarchs in case of future disaster. Given your particular background, if you choose this Skill class and a relevant Duty, it's highly likely that you will be assigned to Earth to help with repairing the damage done to it since the First Wave's departure.

[ ] Engineering - While it is possible with the right workings for any mage to travel through space without the help of spacecraft, and indeed the First Wave most likely utilized this mode of travel for much of its earliest era, it is nonetheless a great hassle, to speak nothing of the Humanities' vast population of hollows who need spacecraft to remain connected to the rest of the universe. The Defense Force maintains a considerable fleet, and such a fleet demands considerable care, and it is the Defense Force's engineers entrusted with that care.
-[ ] Idealist (2) - Many spacecraft, indeed most throughout the Humanities' lot, are purely mundane machines, suitable to be piloted by hollows and built by fully autonomous factory-ships without magical intervention. The Defense Force's fleet, however, is not composed of such crafts. The Defense Force cannot afford anything less than full utilization of its magical potential, and this fact extends to its ships. Consequently, Defense Force ships need as much magical care as they do mechanical, and as an Idealist, you will learn all the workings that go into any of various sorts of ship which the Defense Force flies, including the magical equipment and apparati carried aboard them, as well as deep grounding in the principles of enchantment and the invocation of pseudo-souls.
-[ ] Technopath (2) - As powerful and numerous as the workings which are poured into each Defense Force craft are, there are still machines, and like all machines they require maintenance of the physical kind. The incredible complexity of the physical systems, and their widespread integration with the ideal, means that principles of mundane engineering often fall short of the ship's demands. While a Technopath's education includes knowledge of the physical basis and details for the multitudinous systems of the fleet's various craft, you will also receive mental and spiritual augmentations to allow you to more efficiently and deeply interface with your ship's systems, and learn workings to enhance this connection further, to spread your senses through the ship, to absorb the information of its body and its soul as if it were your own, and to let you act through it and upon it with grace and speed.
-[ ] Special: Factor (2) - Requires Familiar Bond: Gray Matter. The great factory-ships which produce much of the Humanities' spacecraft are the children of the ancient and mysterious Gray Matter reservoirs scattered throughout the First Wave's expanse. Your familiar is a droplet taken from one such reservoir, which recognized in your soul some obscure echo of its old masters and allowed itself to be bonded to you. As a Factor, you will be given the time, resources, and information necessary to realize as much of gray matter's potential as possible during your training period, as well as developing your relationship with its nascent intelligence, and acclimating it and yourself to whatever Duties you choose to pursue.

[ ] Medicine - Even ignoring the Defense Forces many humanitarian aid efforts, the members of the force itself often face great danger and suffer great harm to their bodies and their souls in the course of their Duties, to say nothing of the many augmentations they receive before, during, and after those same missions in order to let them achieve the goals of the Defense Force. For all these reasons, the Defense Force's medical branch is its most well-staffed and well-funded.
-[ ] Infusionist (2) - Even with the power of the ideal, dealing with the intricacies of all the diverse human bodies is a delicate business, especially those of hollows, latents, and novices who have not or cannot learn to sustain and transform their own bodies with magic. Training in the Infusionist Skill class will ensure that, beyond being able to heal yourself and repair your own physical augmentations, you will be prepared to provide comprehensive diagnosis and healing of injuries, diseases, and other ailments to anyone you might encounter in your Duties, hollow or mage, from the most basal to the most derived morphologies which the Defense Force knows of. You'll also be equipped with the knowledge and workings to implant, repair, and remove all of the myriad physical augmentations which the Defense Force provides its members, as well many more which you might need to interface with during your Duties.
-[ ] Psychosurgeon (2) - Just as with the Defense Force's fleet is composed of magical spacecraft, so the Defense Force's personnel are mages, and just as the Idealist is trained to care for the needs of a ship's ideal, so the Psychosurgeon is trained to care for the souls of the crew. While not utterly unknown to modern mages, the soul is still much more mysterious than the body, and much more strange. Training as a Psychosurgeon will teach you all that the Humanities know of the soul, perhaps even more as the Defense Force uncovers the further secrets of Unity after each battle, including the workings to observe many facets of the soul and to cure the ailments for which cures are known, as well bringing your knowledge to very forefront of the still young and tremendously peculiar science of spiritual augmentation.

[ ] Navigation - Space is vast, a darkness which demands incredible light to traverse. While mundane spacecraft suffice for civilian interplanetary travel within a star-system, but the Defense Force often needs greater speeds and longer ranges than be achieved with the merely real, and they have the magic needed to reach the ideal they need.
-[ ] Descrier (1) - Journeying through the void, especially at the speeds that a Defense Force ship needs to reach its destination in time to prevent whatever catastrophe they've discovered, requires excellent information. As a Descrier, you will learn how to gather this information, from whatever sensors your ship is equipped with, or directly via your own augmentations and divinatory workings. Even outside the realm of the ship, Descriers are trained in a wide variety of valuable divinations, ensuring their crew is always as informed as possible.
-[ ] Reckoner (2) - On the other side of the divinatory coin, Reckoners process the endless reams of data provided by the Descriers, transforming it into the wisdom which the ship needs to swim through the darkness and which command needs to make the best decisions they can. In addition to some of the most advanced mental augmentations available, Reckoner training also includes the principles of algorithmic theory and ideal computation, to ensure your calculations proceed with maximum speed and accuracy, and that you will be able to develop the means to understand even the strangest unknowns that you might find in the rubble of the First Wave.
-[ ] Special: Claviger (3) - Requires Familiar Bond: Dark Shard. The Dark Shards are the keys to the universe, the impossible devices which reject the limitations that otherwise seem to be perfectly unimpeachable. With your familiar bond to one, you are its keybearer. There is a truly endless demand for FTL travel, even just within the Defense Force, so your training as a Claviger will be intense. The science of altering space-time possesses both staggering depth and breadth, and so your training will focus on those powers of the Dark Shard most relevant to moving your ship, extending its senses, and communicating with other ships, stations, and orbitats, but if you continue to expand your skills in the future, there are fathomless depths of advanced techniques to explore.

[ ] Negotiation - As one of the primary agency of the recontact, the Defense Force naturally has a large and ongoing need for negotiators and diplomats. Ideally, each new contact would result in an uplifting and equitable incorporation of the diasporic group into broader human society, but even with all the magic available to the Defense Force, the ideal is not always within reach. Ultimately, the only results that are truly necessary are to avoid a second disastrous contact like with Unity. The Defense Force has need for negotiators even beyond the mission of recontact, though. Despite it's power to conscript latent mages from newly contacted world (a power granted by the Enduring Coalition only in the face of subsumption by Unity), the Defense Force is not a government, nor are they pirates or chattel slavers. Aside from the conscripts and their labors for the duration of their service, every resource the Defense Force holds is either given freely in aid of their mission or else bought at fair price, both of which require the aid of negotiators.
-[ ] Archivist (1) - The Defense Force is old, and its contemporaries and predecessors have even longer histories. The Humanities have been growing, evolving, and interacting for millennia, and that means millennia of history, and ocean of information in which the knowledge necessary to understand the true workings of society and economy hides. As an Archivist, you will be trained in all the diverse means of record-keeping which the Humanities use, how to convert them all into the standardized mimetic ideofractal template which the Defense Force uses for their own archives, as well as how to read, transfer, translate those MIFs into all the other formats you're familiar with. You will also be trained in the principles of negotiation, as well as the particular histories of and prior negotiation strategies used by the Defense Force in the areas and cultures you are most likely to encounter in the course of your Duties.
-[ ] Psychometer (2) - Many of the societies negotiators of the Defense Force interact with, whether in the course of recontact or in funds-gathering, will possess mages of their own. Some of those mages may have history with the Defense Force, perhaps even a positive inclination, but just as many will not. Magic can enact violence upon the soul and the mind as well as the body, and while it is the Psychosurgeon's task to heal those wounds, it is the Psychometer's to prevent them as best they are able. As a Psychometer, you will receive extensive training in the principles and techniques of negotiation, as well as receive an education in the natures and tendencies of the Humanities' many modern minds, psychology of both mind and soul, as well as many workings to detect and counter attempts to magically alter the thoughts and words of your fellow negotiators.
-[ ] Special: Conservator (3) - Requires Unbreakable. In even the Humanities' oldest records, only one thing has proven truly indestructible: those souls who are Unbreakable. While not the easiest format to read from, an Unbreakable soul is absolutely the most durable, and as a Conservator, your task will be the immortal scroll on which the words that must not die are written. As one of the Unbreakable, the spiritual augmentations to expand your mind and order the memories of your soul, as well as those to allow your soul to be located and retrieved in the case of your death, can only be performed by you, so your training will initially focus on perfecting and performing these workings. Once your augmentation can be verified, you will begin taking in your assigned MIFs and storing them within the safety of your soul, and occasionally drawing on this knowledge as your crew needs.


As highly the Defense Force values freedom, ensuring that newly awakened mages are given the training they need to use their magic without risking catastrophe and to navigate the strange and unfamiliar worlds of the Humanities is itself a matter of existential importance. While mage-recruits from worlds with their own magical traditions are offered and often take on a Duty which returns them to their tradition to be taught and guided, no such option exists for sleeping worlds, which ironically enough happens to include the Homeworld. As such, the Duties available to you will retain you to the Defense Force's care. All Mage-Recruits are obligated to take at least one Duty after completing their training tour, though certainly not without reward, and are strongly encouraged to take as many as you believe you are fit to complete. All Duties can be taken as many times you like, though stipends do not add upon one another. After your first tour of Duty, however, you are free to go, to use your magic as you see fit (so long as you follow the laws of whatever polity you find yourself in, anyway). Each tour lasts for one standard year (approximately 415 Earth days), though long-term projects may require multiple tours to reach completion.

[ ] Unity War - Requires Combat OR Engineering OR Medicine OR Navigation. It can be easy to forget, especially with Homeworld on the other side of the Humanities' domain and separated from Unity by numerous interdicting Clavigers, but there is a war for the survival of human freedom being fought at this very moment. Unity's ongoing conquest is the Defense Force's raison d'être, and stopping Unity's expansion remains its highest priority.
  • Risks - Danger to your body and soul, including the possibility of final death or fates worse than death. There is also a likelihood of physical and psychological trauma even if you meet success in your tour.
  • Rewards - Assuming you survive your tour, you will be provided a regular stipend which will extend as long as you remain with the Defense Force and for twenty years after, compensation for any damage sustained during your tour, and entitlement to any spoils of war which you recovered from Unity. If you die during your tour, you will be added to the Defense Force's roll for attempted soul recovery, and if recovered you will be reincarnated at no expense and receive the same rewards as those who survived their tour.

[ ] Mercantilism - While many polities see the value in the Defense Force and donate what resources they can afford to the force to help us sustain ourselves and pursue our mission, it is nonetheless far less than the force needs to continue functioning, and so a large portion of the force's efforts must be turned to garnering profit to make up the difference. It's not glamorous or easy, but it's certainly much safer than facing Unity head on.
  • Risks - Some danger of physical harm or temporary death, potential long-term financial and political entanglements, possible injury to your reputation or social standing.
  • Rewards - You will receive a regular stipend to cover operational and living costs, which individual mercantile operations may add upon. Successful operations, interest in advancement, and a formal proposal may result in you leading your own mercantile operation, which will include additional budget in accordance with your proposal and which you may run as you see fit. You will retain control of any companies or organizations which you create during your tour even should you choose to leave the force, and even if you do not create any or choose to relinquish them to the force, you will receive a portion of all future profits generated by operations you participate in. Additionally, if you suffer any damage during your tour, you will be compensated for it.

[ ] Humanitarian Aid - While the war with Unity is the Defense Force's first priority, it is not our sole priority. Even stopping existential threats to the Humanities as a whole is only the highest level, most abstract formulation of our goal. We're here to defend the Humanities from all kinds of harm and injustice, and there's a lot that we can do to help. Additionally, if you took the Ecumenarch Skill class in the hopes of being assigned to the Homeworld, this is the Duty you should take to make that happen.
  • Risks - Some danger of physical harm or temporary death, possible injury to your reputation or social standing, and a chance of psychological trauma. Additionally, many lives will depend on your success or failure.
  • Rewards - You will receive a regular stipend to cover living costs, as well as additional budget on a project-to-project basis. Reliable work, interest in advancement, and a formal proposal may result in you leading your own aid project, especially if you have been assigned to and are making a proposal for a project on the Homeworld. Should you choose to leave the force, your stipend will continue for up to twenty years after your departure, and should you request it you will be referred to other humanitarian aid groups which have use for you and operate in areas of your choice. Additionally, there is a small but not negligible chance that the local magical tradition of any people you aid, if they exist, may offer unique rewards for your aid, and which you are entitled to keep even if you leave the force.

[ ] Conservation - Requires Negotiation: Conservator. While the rewards for a Conservator's service are modest, they are very real, while the demands of the work are quite light. The Defense Force values their Conservators highly, especially in the face of Unity. Some Conservators do participate in other Duties and apply both their Conservator training and whatever other training they receive, the Defense Force also maintains a reserve of Conservators who serve in relative safety and isolation, and that is what this Duty entails.
  • Risks - Boredom, mostly. There is an extremely small but technically existent chance that your station may be attacked by a Unity deep strike, but even in the absolute worst case, it is all but guaranteed that your soul will be recoverable, and you will have the highest priority for recovery.
  • Rewards - All your basic needs will be met by your station accommodations, and you will receive a small regular stipend with which to purchase luxuries. Each tour of Conservation will also contribute to a lump-sum payment which you will receive if you choose to take a break from Conservation, whether for civilian life or another Duty.

[ ] Research & Development- Requires at least one other tour of Duty. There are still many mysteries in our universe, whether in the past, the present, or especially the future. Green recruits need to focus on the fundamentals and whatever their Skill classes need to know, but once you've finished a tour and have solidified the foundation of your understanding, you can start building on top of it. Whether it's weapons development, archaeology,political-economic divination, or pure ideology, the Defense Force has a department for it somewhere.
  • Risks - Most research doesn't end up resulting in much of anything, so there's a considerable possibility of wasting your time, though you can focus on testing positions if you're willing to trade that for a significantly higher danger to your body and soul. Even a laboratory position isn't perfectly safe either, especially if you're researching something inherently dangerous.
  • Rewards - You will receive a regular stipend to cover living costs, as well as additional budget on a project-to-project basis. Reliable work, interest in advancement, and a formal proposal may result in you leading your own R&D project. The results of any projects you lead will be held in confidence at your discretion or if they are deemed to represent an existential threat to the Humanities, and in the former case you are entitled to use your results as you see fit and to all profits thereby gained. Should you choose to leave the force, your stipend will continue for up to twenty years after your departure, and should you request it you will be referred to other R&D groups which have use for you and focus on topics of your choice. If projects you lead meet great success and you choose to reveal this to the public at large, you stand to gain considerable social standing.

[ ] Special Operations - Requires at least one other tour of Duty. There are some jobs that are too sensitive to let green conscripts participate. These Duties don't merely require discretion, but an amount of investment in the cause, principles, and goals of the force.
  • Risks - Danger to your body and soul, including the possibility of final death or fates worse than death. There is also a likelihood of physical and psychological trauma even if you meet success in your tour. Your actions and any information you gain while on tour may be classified, and if classified beyond your clearance may be subject to memory alteration or binding non-disclosure agreement.
  • Rewards - Rewards will match those of previous Duties, plus a small off-record bonus which will be delivered intermittently.

[ ] Commission - Requires at least three other tours of Duty, including at least one operation or project leadership Duty. The Defense Force commissions its leadership from many source populations, but highly favors the few conscripts who display the necessary commitment to our mission and capacity for leadership.
  • Risks - Your reputation and social standing will be tied to those of the Defense Force, which is not without detractors even within the Enduring Coalition. Additionally, there is a small but not negligible chance that you may targeted for assassination by Unity. Commissary work is extremely time-consuming and may limit your ability to pursue other activities.
  • Rewards - Pay for commissaries is higher than for non-commissioned Defense Force agents, though only in proportion to the greater work-load. You will be in charge of budgetary decisions for whatever organ of the Defense Force you are commissioned to lead, including the approval or rejection of operations and projects therein. You will be entitled to a seat in all Defense Force leadership meetings you possess sufficient clearance for. Should you choose to leave the Defense Force, you will receive a regular stipend of equal value to those of the non-commissioned which extends for the usual twenty years.
Wordcount: 2k

Birdsie's As-Yet Unnamed Shameless, Personal Attack On Works of Actual Quality

Addio's Law: Any quest, whether excellent and highbrow, or unseemly and amateurish, shall eventually be subject to pastiche by its readers.

-- "Named in honor of Addio, a hyperspatial entity that once consumed an entire barrel of crack cocaine in front of my very eyes, placing its open brim against its gaping maw and slurping down the waterfall of colorless powder and alabaster rocks. As a matter of fact, this sight - this manifestation of crackhead principles - enabled me to understand that I had not yet even seen a fraction of the world's potentiality, not even a smidgeon of what the quill sitting in my inkwell had to offer. Even now, I have barely advanced since then - I have crossed a thousand miles, and yet my target is another planet entirely - that everdistant Nibiru, crossing by our system only once in a while.

"Oh, but I've started rambling out of nowhere. Where was I again? Ah, right - I was supposed to be producing trash. And I'll endeavor to output... only the trashiest of trash."


"Are you Seram Tiberius Law?" Something had popped in the air, and Seram flinched.

"Yes." Seram's eyes widened, in wonderment, and then narrowed, in suspicion. None of the sight in front of him made any sense. A man in a suit of gunmetal-gray armor had appeared, out of nowhere, in his bedroom. "How did you get into my house?"

"I possess the supernatural capacity to immediately and freely transport myself into any potential and coherent ontology. As a matter of fact, you're merely one of many potential Seram Tiberius Laws that might've existed. There are many Serams out there. You're the Seram I wished to speak to," the man said. "However, most of that isn't relevant. What should concern you more is the fact that I have absolute power over this reality, capable of altering it as I please. Do you want evidence? Make a wish."

Seram remained healthily skeptical. "I wish for a hot dog."

A pop resounded. A steaming hot dog had manifested on a floating silver plate in mid-air, alongside magical yellow sparkles of awesomeness. It hovered close to Seram, within arm's reach. Testingly, Seram poked the bun and found that its texture and physical attributes were perfect. It was the ideal hot dog bun, as part of the ideal hot dog.

"Oh. Oh wow."

"Okay," the man in armor said, "But I could've like, used visual effects to do that. You need to wish for something crazy, something that Juniper Smith wouldn't think of. Something that'll absolutely prove to you that I am, in fact, magical, and hopefully something that'll prove that you haven't gone categorically insane."

"I... wish to understand what's going on," he said, then - as a rapid correction - added, "I also wish to possess superhuman powers, or wizard magic; whatever is available, I'll take. I've always wanted to be a real-life superhuman."

"As you wish."

The Gunman snapped his fingers, and now Seram understood he was the Gunman - a fact that, surprisingly, didn't confuse him as much as it should've.

All of a sudden, they were no longer in Seram's bedroom, but on a skyscraper overlooking New York. In the far distance, on another rooftop of another skyscraper, an Asian youth with flower-gauntlets on his fists was ardently battling a crazed werewolf, alongside what seemed to be Poseidon, a demon-masked CEO, and several very odd-looking superheroes. Multiple teams of mercenaries in helicopters were converging on their location in what seemed to be amazingly similar to the conclusion of a typical action movie. They were moving at superhuman speeds, yet Seram could observe their fight without any issue.

"Hello Seram," the Gunman, suddenly having the appearance of Control, greeted the young man like nothing was strange about any of this. Seram also knew who Control was. "How are you? Fantastic. Does Nameless look as handsome as me? No." He interrupted Seram as he raised a finger to answer.

"Look to the right."

Seram instinctively did as instructed as his higher reasoning centers were still off balance. There, still on the skyscraper's rooftop, was a reading desk. On the reading desk was a gauntlet of dark steel, its color the black of glacier ice on a moonless night. Seram almost thought he could see words forming on its surface.

"Now back to me." The Gunman was now holding an oyster. He opened it, with a flick of the thumb, to reveal a Magic Orb - a type of Orb that granted magic to anyone who observed it, touched it, and consciously understood that portion of its function, which Seram now did. "I've got an oyster with that thing you always loved."

Seram opened his mouth to speak, but Gunman thrust the Orb into his hands. In the fraction of a second he glanced down at it, a golden light blazed across the rooftop. He glanced back up and suddenly the Gunman was clenching a goblet overflowing with a sky-blue liquid that appeared to be slightly denser than water.

"Look again, the oyster is now an Azoth Cup." The Gunman smiled. "Anything is possible when your man smells like gunpowder and warfare, and not like a Cultivator."

"…What." Seram gave the Gunman a dead, unblinking stare.

The Gunman merely grinned under his helmet, once again appearing like himself, rather than Control. Everything around them collapsed in a single heatwave shock, to reveal a perfectly square room, a hundred meters by a hundred meters, made of white tiles, lit by no discernible light source.

"We're in a hyperbolic training chamber," the Gunman concluded, tossing the Azoth Cup to Seram, who caught it. "Now put on the Gauntlet and get to work."

The Gunman disappeared in a flash of blue light and a pop of sound, leaving Seram speechless.

"Did... Did-" He couldn't manage to get the words out. "Was that an Old Spice commercial?"


In any case, the exalted and mysterious Gunman was correct in his estimation - the Seram he'd spoken to was the Seram he'd intended to speak to. Among the countless Serams in the ontological idea space, this instance of Seram Law had taken arguably the most after his father.

It was a Seram that was quick to accept the strange and fantastical, and the kind of Seram who'd effortfully work through problems, not merely through reasoning and calculated thought, but also through physicality and reaching of endeavor - tiring himself out, and becoming greater, until problems simply ceased to exit.

Seram decided to accept the Gunman's offerings and started to train with extreme and pitiless resolve. He began doing push-ups every morning in the hyperbolic time chamber, and drank greedily of the Azoth Cup. It refilled every day in the morning, and eventually, with its help and his own, now-superhuman physique, Seram was able to do push-ups on the ceiling. And then, he began to do push-ups in the middle of the air. And then, he began to do push-ups in the middle of the air, but one-handed.

And then, he stopped using any hands. He was simply pushing up against the world in his every living, breathing, conscious moment. A tireless, isometric strengthening of his every muscle, like a katana blade that refolded itself a thousand times every second.

It was then, and only then, once the maximum of his Azoth ingestion and peak of physical strength were achieved, that Seram put on the black gauntlet and started to learn the strange thought magics the Magic Orb had introduced into his mind. He mastered, at first, spells that invoked lightning and fire; then plasma and hurricanes. Next in his course of study were telekinetic storms and remote control of objects, simple quality of life spellcraft, and mass-energy manifestations involving objects. The Magic Orb had granted an inherent talent and instinct for the magic, and the Gauntlet corrected his mistakes, allowing him to master the magic at unprecedented speeds.

He mastered even the Aegis spell; he could maintain it as a skin-tight body forcefield whilst flying by the power of his constant push-ups; and then, once he became dreadfully bored of those magics, the Gunman came back with a pile of spelltomes and magical trinkets.

Seram began to study the Ordinal Spiral and its associated expressions. As the Shadow was now apparent to him, so would the object it was cast by. And, eventually, in a time far from now, perhaps even the source of light - that ineffable fuel the engine of magic ran on.

He experimented with transhuman augmentation, replacing his lungs with giant stones carved according to a secret, sacred geometric formula contained in the spacing between the individual elements of Stonehenge. They allowed him to survive in almost every conceivable environment, including in space and underwater; surviving the extremes of pressure and temperature as though comfortably standing in a mild breeze. He replaced his kidney with an ameythst-imbued pendant in the shape of a Celtic cross, that granted him increased muscle growth, general manliness, and a handsome beard.

He then started to use the hyperbolic time chamber to its full potential. He programmed enemies, opponents that could pose a mild challenge; armies of foes, and foes of incredible speed and strength. He crushed them apart with thorough ease, having seemingly transcended the time chamber before he'd even started using it. Still, it was useful for learning combat techniques and creatively applying his new powers. But in time, after weeks of endeavor, even that form of progression had grown still.

That's when the Gunman appeared to him once again, in a flash of blue.

"Excellent progress. I'm sorry to disrupt your training, but I think you've made the most of the hyperbolic time chamber."

"So my further advancement should be against worthy enemies?" Seram asked, scratching his beard. "Who am I saving the world from?"

"No." The Gunman stuttered out a laugh. "No, there won't be any of that. I have men working on saving the world. Instead, I'd like you to relax. You'll be a part of a multiversal empire's propaganda. I'm going to have you star in a reality TV show, and then maybe have you go through some blind dates, I don't know yet."

"I don't consent to that."

The Gunman seemed moderately surprised. "You don't?"

"Over the last month, I've understood something. What's the use of having magical powers unless you use them to achieve something great and noteworthy? What have I actually been training here for? Not to simply date random people, I don't think."

"B-But, Seram, think about the romance. The vicious cycle of dramatic relationships!"

Seram closed his eyes and shook his head. "No," he said, confidently, knowing this was the path he was meant to follow. "I will not be having any romance until I've begun the task of setting this world right. Please, master, loose me on worthy enemies, and I'll make them feel my rage."

"...Alright. I hereby promote you to Private status." The Gunman snorted, then tossed him a remote. "Go have fun."

The Gunman disappeared, as he often did, in a characteristic flash of blue, and Seram looked down at the remote. It felt comfortable and liberating in the gauntlet's fingers, their steel tips as feeling as any mundane nerve endings. This artifact would enable him to travel to any realm he desired, so long as he was able to conceive of it, and it wasn't beyond the Gunman's reach. But, apparently, only a select pool of locations - the utterly peaceful, or the incomprehensibly powerful - were beyond the Gunman's reach. Any ontology in which conflict was conceivable was a place the Gunman existed in, whether in truth or simply in metaphor.

Seram considered where he'd like to travel. He input a set of coordinates, pressed enter, and teleported.


"Are you Luther Hargreeves?"

The giant of a man looked up from where he'd been, about to turn on a radio and start dancing.

"Yes... Who are you?"

Seram handed the man an entire cardboard box filled with disposable phones. Confused and uncertain, Luther simply accepted the box of phones, and peered within, raising an eyebrow. "I... thank you?"

"Fuck you," Seram said. "Fuck you. I've resolved every problem you'll ever face, motherfucker. That's all it fucking takes. This is what happens when you let a singer in My Chemical Romance write anything."

And Seram disappeared.


On Second Thought, I'll Name It Bob, And Make It Red
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I think that having Aobaru in the Robot means that Letrizia will be likely to pass the will-check for beauty, but it is possible that she is stunned for long enough to attack out-of-synch with the other distractions (a defeat for sure).
I think the bigger risk is the second instance of Apocryphal curse which affects Letrizia. Removing the apocryphal curse for a single hour and having it act against the maiden is worth 25 Arete, and all our Accursed Favor, and permanently limiting our future mitigation. It can clearly influence the fight a lot. In that case, having ally that can be stunned by beauty and rendered less than useful, but doubles Apoc by existing is kinda a big L (Letrizia as 02 is stronger than Hunger, and Apoc scales to the strength of the wielder + hers is unmitigated so it should be way stronger than ours).

I'm sure it'll still provide a lot of benefits and be worth the 30 Arete but it feels too risky, and Cavalry is already the riskiest option. It's better to concentrate power in the one 100% reliable source that can't be mindfucked.
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Team Fist be dropping bombs yo.

Anyway, here's a Mage Recruit Build!

Build: Powerful
Powers: True Form, Unbreakable, Familiar (Dark Shard)
Skills: Navigation (Special: Claviger)
Duties: Unity War and then Research and Development.

Dark Shards sound super mysterious and interesting, so I want to study those. Doing my part in the Unity War first fulfills my sense of duty to the people who are giving me literal magic, and given how valuable Clavigers are I'll probably be well protected as I drive ships around the battlespace. Unbreakable helps ensure survival if I die out there, I imagine a Claviger who you know for a fact is still around is high priority for recovery. Once the initial tour of duty is done, I can get into my real goals: exploring how the Dark Shards work and what they're about.

I had an extra point of potential, and after debating the various 1-point options I decided on True Form. The affinity for augmentation could be useful for both surviving the combat tour and later R&D. I really wanted Aura Aureola for SPELLCASTING POWER but there's no way to get that with Dark Shard and Unbreakable.

Another fun potential build would be doing something with Grey Matter, grabbing the Factor and either Vessel of War or Pankrator skills. I imagine there's some synergy there.
Mage Recruit builds:
[M] Skillful

[M] Unbreakable
[M] Wisdom

[M] Medicine
-[M] Psychosurgeon
[M] Negotiation
-[M] Conservator


[M] Humanitarian Aid
[M] Conservation
[M] Research And Development

This build has the end goal of making all souls unbreakable; perhaps joining a previously-mothballed project to do so. Modifying souls through psychosurgery, and using Wisdom to analyze both my own soul and others'.

Another direction to take the build is something Dark Shard-based, to discover the secrets of the universe. Something like

[M] Balanced

[M] Unbreakable
[M] Familiar
-[M] Dark Shard

[M] Navigation
-[M] Claviger
[M] Negotiation
-[M] Archivist

[M] Humanitarian Aid
[M] Research And Development
Perhaps culminating in leaving the known universe to stranger places still.
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Mage-Recruit CYOA Personal Build
[!] Balanced

[I] Aura Aureola

[A] Transmigrator (1)
[M] True Form (1)

[GI] Combat
[GA] Pankrator

[CH] Navigation
[AD] Reckoner
[M] Unity War
[A] Humanitarian Aid
[G] Research & Development
[U] Special Operations
[S] Commission


A combination of what I like about life - fighting other people - combined with potential and personal safety. The ability to personally transcend the level of trivial workings and move onto the lesser gives me a lot more to work with, and hopefully renders me significantly more valuable as an asset in the early stage. Having a war that I can be deployed in as a reusable nuke (since, even if I die, I'll simply reincarnate - see ya later bitches,) would hopefully lend me a deadly reputation, that might go on to help in the other steps of my career. I also want to provide Humanitarian Aid since I hope to exist and use my magical powers to enrich the world and spread memes. Research & Development seems personally more appealing to me than many of its alternatives; Special Operations is a must-pick, for that same reason.

And finally, Commission - for what reasons, you ask? Simply because I'm ambitious. I like aiming for the highest echelon, even if I get shot down.

I wonder, what are some example workings that I could achieve with this build? How do my augs work and look? Am I a cool cyborg guy, or just some schmuck with runes engraved on his skin? Anyway...

Wordcount: ~250


The Cursebearer's Association Plays Another One...
Session #3, Part 1

Another week, yet another session of tabletop gaming - all in the great endeavor to Progress even further, to glimpse a shadow of that Accursed might that spotted the distant infinities overhead. Of course, a single individual at their gaming table had already seen the clarion depth of that gigantic lake.

The Seraph in question was chewing on waffles, one hand supporting a cheek as she thoughtfully considered the events of the morning.

Much had changed since their last meeting. Given Dien's defeat and the calm passage of Hunger's tyrannic rulership, they'd decided to meet under slightly different circumstances; Hunger was hosting the game, under Adorie's auspices, in a small parlor in the palace of Nilfelian royalty. Somewhere, in the room over, Letrizia and Gisena were cooking soup and an arrangement of other snacks together, catering to the specific diets of their guests. The events of the morning in question, having occurred less than fifteen minutes ago, was the short argument between Aobaru and Letrizia. Hunger wasn't sure exactly what it was about.

"So, who's gonna host next time? Are we gonna swap providers every week?" Daylian queried.

"It might be wise to do that," Wolber guessed, then pushed forward an idea: "I could be the host on the next occurrence of our games... I truly wouldn't mind. Not in the slightest. As a matter of fact, it'd be a pleasure."

"Yes, we understand you're attention-starved," Daylian muttered.

"What was that?"


The door to the room opened, and Letrizia stepped in, bearing a plate of food. She deposited it on the table.

"Beep-boop," Letrizia said. "Sandwiches delivered... And fish. Boop. Departing." She left the room, doing a robot walk.

"Oh... kay," Daylian reacted.

"Ever since the mental alterations, she hasn't been the same," Hunger said.

"Actually, Hunger, I'm pretty sure that she's like that because you decided to wreck Versch to add him to your cloak," Aobaru said, blowing a flaming lock of hair out of the way. "Not that it matters to me."

It honestly probably shouldn't matter to Letrizia either, given that Novakhron exists, Hunger thought in mild annoyance, although didn't speak out loud. An errant finger tapped against the pommel of the Forebear's Blade at his side. What's the difference between one Armament and another? Next thing you'll tell me, resurrecting despots that used to be my enemy to use them as part of a fusion with someone they disliked is crueler than doing such a thing. Well, who cares? Certainly not me.

"Quiet you," he said externally. "Verschlengorge and I are consenting adults."

"Oooh," Haeliel reacted with delightful excitement, clapping her hands. Her eyes were like burning stars, merest flickering of attention burning into the skins and retinae of everyone present in the room. "Share the gory details, Hunger!"

"Never. What happens in the Realm of Evening, stays in the Realm of Evening."

"Including the addiction of teenagers to drugs?" Aobaru piped up.

"Now, that seems interesting," Haeliel leaned forward.

"Nothing of the sort ever happened. And even if it did, where's your evidence?" Hunger asked, promptly exerting a mote of his powers as an Archmage to make reality obscure the concept of comfort. As everyone peered around, discomforted, they forgot about the nature of the issue. Except for Haeliel, who seemingly randomly forgot what they were talking about in the first place. The treacheries of incompetence, it seemed, were many - but to Hunger's advantage.

"In any case, I believe we should get to playing the game," Wolber said.

"Yeah, times-a-wastin', or something like that," Daylian said in rare agreement with the exceptionally ugly man.

Disappointed, Haeliel shrugged and returned to shoveling waffles - with a sweet lacquer of maple syrup - into her greasy maw. Small flecks of the sugary concoction splattered over the table, several of them hitting Daylian's armor and igniting like napalm due to the residual heat of contact with Haeliel's heroic flame aura.

Hunger flicked the gaming device's switch. The hologram of a hyacinth macaw returned, opening its eyes and glaring at them balefully - then, turning a more pleasant shade, as it took in the world around itself.

"Amazing. It's been six months, since our last game," Birdsie said.

"No," Hunger refuted. "It's been a week."

"No," Birdsie refuted in turn. "Trust me, it's been six months. I'm seven steps on the Infinite Singularity Husk ahead of you, so I know better."

"Iphf tranhend-" Haeliel swallowed the waffles in her mouth. "I transcended the Husk. It's only, objectively, been a week."



"In any case, let's continue from the place we'd left off," Birdsie said, before taking stock of their character sheets. "Aobaru, your character, Medraut, is now a Level 3 Pyromancer. As a result, you can select one of the following traits." A great number of selections opened up, floating as holographic projections in the air.

"I'll... uh, have Enhanced Fire Aspect, I guess?" he said. "It seems to resonate with my get close and personal approach. Oh, I also get an extra feat? Or, I can go the Attribute path, huh? I wonder what I should pick..."

"You should invest more in willpower and resolve," Daylian commented.

"Or intellect and prowess in calculation," Wolber said.

"Or Heroism," the Seraph added.

"Age and Treachery."

"...I'll have a second pick of Enhanced Fire Aspect, thank you very much."

Every Cursebearer at the table, in a very appropriate feat that suited their names, cursed quietly. The only exception was Haeliel, who merely balefully folded her arms and pouted in Aobaru's direction. Unfortunately, under Birdsie's Absolute Gaming Law, the avatar of Haeliel was made equal in influence to its fellows at the table, and so its cuteness was not able to sway Aobaru's decision in the matter.

As soon as Aobaru was done picking out the details of what he wanted, their story continued. Hunger's character, an orc by the name of Jotungar, cut down a tree to use as firewood. He did this, of course, using his fists, which absolutely enraged the game master, who almost fell into a fit of apoplectic rage before the Cursebearers were able to restrain him to the floor and calm him down for long enough to continue play.

"Alright, so then... what do you do?"

"Jheel," Jotungar spoke, in the direction of Haeliel's character, "Can you get the fire started?"

Haeliel tapped a finger against her chin, as though pondering how to best respond to this fairly ordinary query in a satisfactory manner. She ended up nodding to herself in resolution, then smiled towards them sweetly. "I don't have any fire spells, tee-hee."

Hunger, now out of character, asked in blatant shock, "You didn't pick any fire spells up? You - the Seraph of Heroism, All Creation's Oriflamme? And no fire spells?"

"All of her spells are homebrew, too..." Birdsie noted, in mild astonishment.

"Guys, you realize I'm a pyromancer, right...?" Aobaru asked, slowly.

"Be quiet Aobaru," everyone told him, including Gisena in the other room. Wolber then hastily added, "But, yes - please, do get the fire started stat; we need you for that. Almost nobody here put any points into Survivalism, so we're going to suffer a hypothermia debuff if you don't."

"Ugh. Good Forebear..." Aobaru muttered in imprecation. "Alright, I use Firespark to set fire to the wood that Jotungar gathered."

"It pains me to see you treat hypothermia as a mere debuff," Birdsie said. His voice was slow and contemplative, like an old man sitting in his smoking room, drinking aged wine. "Many people die from hypothermia every year. Maybe I should make one of your future enemies an evil snowman or winter sorcerer, to represent the callousness you feel towards low temperatures? Maybe I'll even manifest them here, in reality, that you might understand the actual power your words can have?"

"All of us can survive in absolute zero conditions," Daylian scoffed. "Bring it, featherface."

"Oh, fie, I was simply reminiscing about good old times. Back when I could bring out Northern Woguran as a villain, and nobody would complain..."

"The what as a villain?" Aobaru raised an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't get it. Let's get back to the game. Roll for perception."

Everyone groaned. "I knew there was a monster waiting in the darkness for you to light the fire!" Daylian shouted. "I fucking knew it!"


Wordcount: ~1.4k

Team Fist be dropping bombs yo.
Either we shall succeed, or die trying. I bear no malice towards either Vendetta or Cavalry, and the voters of either of those options, but I'm gonna put my mouth where the money is.
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Team Fist be dropping bombs yo.

Anyway, here's a Mage Recruit Build!

Build: Powerful
Powers: True Form, Unbreakable, Familiar (Dark Shard)
Skills: Navigation (Special: Claviger)
Duties: Unity War and then Research and Development.

Dark Shards sound super mysterious and interesting, so I want to study those. Doing my part in the Unity War first fulfills my sense of duty to the people who are giving me literal magic, and given how valuable Clavigers are I'll probably be well protected as I drive ships around the battlespace. Unbreakable helps ensure survival if I die out there, I imagine a Claviger who you know for a fact is still around is high priority for recovery. Once the initial tour of duty is done, I can get into my real goals: exploring how the Dark Shards work and what they're about.

I had an extra point of potential, and after debating the various 1-point options I decided on True Form. The affinity for augmentation could be useful for both surviving the combat tour and later R&D. I really wanted Aura Aureola for SPELLCASTING POWER but there's no way to get that with Dark Shard and Unbreakable.

Another fun potential build would be doing something with Grey Matter, grabbing the Factor and either Vessel of War or Pankrator skills. I imagine there's some synergy there.
Being a claviger definitely ups your priority for recovery, especially as you noted being Unbreakable means that the DF knows for certain that you are still recoverable. The endless willpower and executive function are also super useful in a research position, or in any situation that deals with bureaucracy honestly. The Combat Factor build is also definitely pretty strong yeah, even more versatile than a Vessel of War normally is and able to transform your augs at combat-speed rather than having to wait between exchanges.

Mage Recruit builds:
[M] Skillful

[M] Unbreakable
[M] Wisdom

[M] Medicine
-[M] Psychosurgeon
[M] Negotiation
-[M] Conservator


[M] Humanitarian Aid
[M] Conservation
[M] Research And Development

This build has the end goal of making all souls unbreakable; perhaps joining a previously-mothballed project to do so. Modifying souls through psychosurgery, and using Wisdom to analyze both my own soul and others'.

Another direction to take the build is something Dark Shard-based, to discover the secrets of the universe. Something like

[M] Balanced

[M] Unbreakable
[M] Familiar
-[M] Dark Shard

[M] Navigation
-[M] Claviger
[M] Negotiation
-[M] Archivist

[M] Humanitarian Aid
[M] Research And Development
Perhaps culminating in leaving the known universe to stranger places still.
Your Dark Shard research build seems reasonably similar to ImperatorV's, which makes sense, and yeah there were almost certainly projects to at least figure out how to induce unbreakability in the past (whether by the Defense Force or other groups), though actually achieving it and then propagating it to all of humanity will definitely be a long and arduous task. Just the sort of thing being Unbreakable yourself would be necessary to even hope of completing.
To Shatter
Well, it looks like Closing the Fist's omake power lead has edged it ahead of The Cavalry, while Vendetta is surprisingly not as far ahead as it's historically been, especially given its own relatively low omake power total. Therefore The Cavalry is eliminated, and with it perhaps Letrizia's last prospects for relevance in this contest between Tyrant and Maiden...

You may now vote on specific spending options. Currently it looks like you have enough leeway to take any 25 Arete option safely; if this pace of omake generation - certainly nothing to take for granted - continues you should be able to take a 50 Arete option within a week or two.

[ ] Close the Fist

The Sovereign possesses a number of unique capabilities as Hero and Tyrant in unison. Choose one Signature Move for free. Each additional choice costs 25 Arete.

[ ] Baseline Merger
[ ] High Merger [25 Arete]
- Two Signature Moves
[ ] Supreme Merger [50 Arete] - All Three Signature Moves


And the Moves, below:

[ ] Invincible Vigor - He requires no healing who can never be harmed.

At the intersection of the Ring of Blood and Vigorflame is the essence of vitality itself.

Behold, Avalon.

*Treat the character's Might as infinite. You may think of it as a broad ISH elevation to Hunger's baseline Might, compounded by the many other ISH upgrades he has access to.
*The defensive power of the All-Defeating Stance is absorbed into the character's flesh and blood, compressing its potency substantially. He is treated as if countering all direct and indirect attacks upon his person with competent preparation, full readiness and perfect skill. If this would not reduce the strength of a given attack by his full health value, instead it does so.
*Whenever Hunger would suffer an attack insufficient to slay him on all conceptual levels, including the effects of the above, instead he ignores that attack and permanently absorbs its total power into his own. The same is true for most harms that do not qualify as direct attacks. The elevation of this effect is equal to that of his otherwise mightiest abilities, so this power is not trivial for the Maiden to bypass - it would be almost impossible to wholly negate, and difficult even to partially counter by any direct means.

[ ] Living Legend - Fire and blood.

At the intersection of resolve and fury is mercilessness.

King of Winter, prepare thy accession to Summer's crown.

*Gain Aobaru's imperviousness to, and dominion over, effects of heat and light, including daylight. Any attack which would bleed the target also sets them alight with Heroic flame, fierce incineration of causality and essence which reduces sun and firmament alike into cinders. This will probably just make the Maiden's healing considerably more expensive in terms of resources and effort, but even that could prove a crucial distraction... In addition, combining Aobaru's dominion over light with the Imprisoner's Refinement: Flood of Runes will allow Hunger to somewhat disable the Maiden's access to her domain of Daylight while in melee range. If taken with Invincible Vigor, total denial is possible assuming the Maiden has no tricks up her sleeve.
*For offensive purposes, the character may use the Refinement of War at 1/10th its usual cost, and its duration is extended to twelve exchanges. Cutting through enemy attacks is a valid offense. Hunger has been using the Refinement of War with each sword attack so far, but even one of such immense will as he can't sustain this pace for too long. The Praxis is a demanding art.
*+1000% Lifesteal. Double Blood Halo's healing penalty, but halve it for healing through lifesteal only. Functionally this will allow Hunger to heal very slowly by dealing damage in combat, or at a moderate pace by inflicting truly apocalyptic levels of collateral damage. He won't be able to receive much in the way of healing from external sources, though, even in the absence of meaningful opposition.

[ ] Hour of Destiny - Treasures numbering three…

At the intersection of Heroism and Tyranny is salience.

Child, take up thy forebear's blade. At long last, the Hour of Destiny is come.

*Expend Hunger's Accursed Favor. This is not displeasure, but the Accursed exerting himself on Hunger's behalf.
*Merge with Aobaru while in Totality with Novakhron, increasing the power of the resultant fusion exponentially.
*This power is directed solely towards one purpose:

Temporary Mitigation: Hour of Destiny

For one hour, the Apocryphal Curse inverts. Instead of bedeviling the bearer she assists them; instead of imperiling their lives she rescues them from the most inescapable fates. Instead of belaboring them with troubles she heaps them with blessings, and unleashes the stormgates of her wrath upon their persecutors. Now she is no Bane of Heroes, but their Sword.

After all, how can the times stay interesting if the hero dies too early?

This effect may be invoked up to three times in total. Each time, reduce the Cursebearer's maximum effective mitigation of the Apocryphal Curse by one stage. They may still contribute mitigation towards the Accursed, but themselves will never be fully rid of her influence.

Inscribed upon the Forebear's Blade, double-sided at the very point: may you live in interesting times.


[ ] Vendetta

[ ] Baseline Merger
- As per the option described under 'Vendetta'

[ ] Vengeful Merger [10 Arete] - Rather than assuming the mantle of the Arcanist, Gisena will (reluctantly) take on the title of Nullifier. While this maintains rough parity in terms of effective combat power with the Baseline Merger, it is considerably more capable at weakening, dispatching or neutralizing any supernatural trump cards the Maiden may be holding in reserve. Long-term, it's also much better at Curse Mitigation, though Gisena's combat utility against non-magi will again be constrained.

*Gisena considers this a small price to pay to see the Maiden hoist by her own petard. But should Hunger permit her to sacrifice the magic she adores, out of sheer spite at the woman who raised her up?
*At least she got to be a Sorceress, unlike so many other potentially worthy Maidens!

[ ] Perfect Merger [50 Arete] - Gisena consumes the Arcanist in full, gaining the complete measure of that Shard's experience and abilities without compromising her own traits or identity whatsoever. Such transcendental mastery of Foremost Runes is the perfect counter to the Maiden's Surpreme Grace. Her power can be considered fully equal to Hunger's own, including the Devouring War and Armies of the Shogun effects, and with domains of influence complementary to his. A further —Augustine, -Adorie.

*The Maker: Gisena takes up the Foremost Title of Arcanist, and resumes their post as sovereign of Nilfel. She can make beings on the level of Turn E! If the Mirellyian were mere stewards, this is the Queen's full returning. Convert the Season's Greeting defensive bonus into increased effectiveness against dangers derived from the Apocryphal Curse.
*Foremost Nullification: +Half-stage mitigation for all Curses besides the Decimator's Affliction
*True Genius: +1 ISH to the benefits of Renaissance Woman. Gisena will be insufferably smug.

[ ] An Ending True [20 + X Arete] - Were you a Combat-type, your Primary Remittance would be instrumental to your being. It would define who you are, the irreplaceable interface of your leverage against the world. But you, are a Cursebearer of a different kind.

It's all right, hun. Your remittances... were always meant to be outgrown.

*It is considerably more efficient, in terms of time and effort, for the Arcanist to be fully revived, unshackled and become the wholly dominant personality in the merger. Thereafter she'll use her spellcraft to maintain the merger permanently without Closing the Fist.
*Grants the effective combat benefits of 'Perfect Merger' at a substantial discount, and with considerably more experience in the practical application of Foremost Runes in a contest against another Maker.
*Rather than granting general mitigation, the Arcanist's specialization allows her to grant Hunger the effects of the 'Task Leeway, Moderate' mitigation of Indenture for the duration of her existence.
*If Hunger loses the Maiden won't spare Gisena anyway, even if the other Companions would be safe. What Sorceress could turn her back on their progenitor and expect anything less?
*Augustine will not be required for this configuration.
*Gisena will ensure the resulting entity maintains her undying loyalty to Hunger himself. It may otherwise be somewhat difficult to
contain, unless plied with rare tomes, exotic lore, or the ability to mess with Augustine.
*Gisena's sacrifice is an act of great symbolic importance, and the parallels to Hunger's most dire victory would only further heighten its potency, unimaginably so if used in conjunction with the Shattering Blow. Witness what is written as the very first sentence of this quest. Perhaps this isn't the happiest choice, but is there one more fitting?
*If necessary, additional Arete may be expended to empower Hunger's Shattering Blow, and lessen its consequences upon himself.
Thanks, I hate it.

An ending True is so sad. Argh.

Still favoring Close the Fist for 25 Arete, with Hour of Destiny and one other. Perfect Merger is ok, if we can afford it.

EDIT: No insult to Rihaku, it takes incredible skill to invoke this level of emotional response in writing. And it's just a blurb quote!
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