The Church of The Emperor Ascendant is a dedicated place of worship to the Primordial Truth, yet still lacks a proper name. While it must have a true name, one it can be known as by worshippers, could it also have a secondary name to use in the company of the uninitiated?
[] [ChurchName] Write in
[] [ChurchName2] Write in
[] [ChurchName2] No
If your Cult is to work on a wider scale, and interact with other organizations, you could do with disguising its true nature. There are a great many options available; you could be a social club with strict membership requirements. You could be a business, providing some sort of service. Or you could attempt to hide as a Imperial Cult sect.
[] [OrganizationName] Write in
What is the name of the organization
[] [OrganizationType] Write in
Is it a social club, a business, a sect, a charity, etc etc… (Each will be mechanically different)
[] [OrganizationPurpose] Write in
What would the organization
[] [OrganizationProfit] Write in
Will the organization keep the profit they make (if they
are making money), feeding it back into the cult, or does it use it for another purpose?
[] [OrganizationMembership] Public or
Will membership be public, allowing more people to join, or private, making membership more select?
[] [OrganizationHQ] Church or
Old Clubhouse or
Wait A Year
While it is possible to base the Organization at the soon to be renamed church, the Old Clubhouse is still on the market, although the asking price has increased (500 resources, 200 upkeep). Alternatively, if you could wait a year to search for a better location, although the results might vary...
[] [MoreDetail] Write in
Any other detail you think is necessary but not covered above.
Voting will start in a bit
The vote about the Church's new name is separate from the Organization stuff, which itself should be in plan format, so a vote would look like this:
[*] [ChurchName] The Murder Room
[*] [ChurchName2] Church of Nothing Suspicious
[*] Plan
- [*] [OrganizationName] Snobbery Club
- [*] [OrganizationType] Social Club
- [*] [OrganizationPurpose] To be the most snobby they can
- [*] [OrganizationProfit] Nonprofit
- [*] [OrganizationMembership] Private
- [*] [OrganizationHQ] Old Clubhouse
- [*] [MoreDetail] Neck braces mandatory
Also yes there was an action vote on establishing a hierarchy in the cult, but the roll failed
Remember you can ask questions!