Don't Miss Your Deadline! (Manga Editor Quest)

[x] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)
At this point in time, I think networking with our editor in chief is a lost cause. Dude is super unhappy with us and we can't smooth things over with a box of donuts and some coffee. Maybe later, once we show that we can be competent despite the blatant nepotism, we can try to repair relations. For now, we should try to network around him; if everyone else likes/tolerates us, it might make it harder for him to screw with us openly.

However, networking with Masaru is a great idea. We could learn a lot from him; my only concern is that might put a strain on his workload. Maybe pair that with helping him?
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[X] Focus more on advising the mangaka (Gain +10 Editor Points, 9 Suggestions per turn)
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)

Honestly all the Editor points in the world can't save a shit series from being shit. But having 9 suggestions means jack shit if we aren't able to polish the rougher edges in post editing. Also suggestions can backfire and as such a poor roll can give maluses instead of bonuses.
First, shame about your PC Zamin, I hope you can find a decent one at reasonable price.

Thanks Pokly. I've got a specific one in mind right now, but I'll need to save up for a bit in order to afford it.

Is this suggestions per Mangaka or suggestions total?

Suggestions total. You guys decide how many suggestions you want to give each mangaka, so if you wanted to it's perfectly possible to just dump like 5 suggestions onto one series and/or ignore the rest.

Also, note that taking a Networking option with a mangaka will give you a free bonus suggestion for that particular mangaka. You can't benefit from it more than once per turn, though.

This turned out better than I expected! Is this the combined effort of all of our research, or is this the result of our research plus hanging out with John?

Bit of both. Maeda was always gonna get his "Complete Newbie" trait removed after you'd completed a certain number of research actions, but originally you would have just been given the "Balanced" option by default. By taking John's Networking action (which I did mention had a synergy), you instead got to pick just how many points you're getting and whether you'd rather be focused on suggestions or post editing work.

I know we have 4 options per phase but how many phases a week do we have?

Each "turn" is a week and consists of three main phases: Pitching, Reviewing and Final Submission/Feedback.

In between you get all of Maeda's personal actions and such, but these three phases are always going to be fixed.
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
So about 12 actions cool, if we have eight series and want to do at least one meeting a week with each of them that takes about 2/3 of our actions, which leaves space for another 2-3 for networking and then 2-1 for further research.
So about 12 actions cool, if we have eight series and want to do at least one meeting a week with each of them that takes about 2/3 of our actions, which leaves space for another 2-3 for networking and then 2-1 for further research.

If you're worried about handling 8 series at once, the thread picked an option to reduce the number, because not only the PC not skilled enough to handle and edit 8 series at once, gameplay wise it will also slow down the update by a lot.
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
[X] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

I think we should start with points and shift to more suggestions as we progress.
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
At this point in time, I think networking with our editor in chief is a lost cause. Dude is super unhappy with us and we can't smooth things over with a box of donuts and some coffee. Maybe later, once we show that we can be competent despite the blatant nepotism, we can try to repair relations. For now, we should try to network around him; if everyone else likes/tolerates us, it might make it harder for him to screw with us openly.

That's certainly a good argument, but it's gonna be a long while before Maeda can truly prove his competence. I don't thing it's a good idea to let things lie that long. Even if it's only throwing ourselves to his feet and beg for mercy to soothe his ego, we should lick Isamu's boots a bit.

Thing is, I don't trust Isamu. Given what little we've seen of him, he seems the kind to sabotage us even when it'd be against the company's interests. If he raises the standards of what he considers 'acceptable' for our series to be published, just to put Maeda in his place, there's little Maeda can do other than talking to his uncle again, and that's an ace he shouldn't abuse.

Both approaches can work, but I'd rather let Isamu think he has tamed us and have him not be actively malicious while we plot his downfall behind his back. We may be too green to replace him, but fortunately we have a senior with a lot of experience, team-managing skills and proven dedication to the company that could step up. :drevil:

mentioning the half-assed 'romance' they're doing with Deku and Ochako!

I'm not sure whether it can be even called romance. Ochako admitted to herself that she had a crush and soon afterwards decided that she'd rather let it go and focus on her career. Nipped in the bud.

Even then, it was better handled than 98% of other shonens do.
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