@Karf quick question about the Haruspexy effect: what exactly would it mean for us, if the effect were to trigger? Do we still know the result beforehand? Do things that apply to wood rolls apply?
Going backwards:
Yes, modifications to the die face results would apply, but not the bonus.
You know the result of five rolls. The odds of the highest of those being changed should be extremely low, unless you very specifically work towards that, in which case I think that's on you. If the lowest number gets rerolled to be even lower, the next result die would apply to that low(er) number again, and so on.
For an example of what it would mean, for the sake of convenience, assume all numbers are wood rolls sans bonuses.
You invest in haruspexy three times beyond the pool unlocking stage. For a given turn, you roll two pools of results as follows:
[1, 100]
[20, 30, 40]
The divination rolls happen to be: [10, 30, 50, 70, 90]
You whiff with the 1, lucky you, the 50% chance does not trigger.
You hit with the 100, still lucky. The lowest haruspexy die is 10, and it gets turned into 100, the pool is now [100, 30, 50, 70, 90]. You don't see this part any more, because the votes have already been cast.
But, you still have one investment in haruspexy to go, and you land the coinflip on the 20. The lowest die is now 30, but it gets dropped even lower, to be 20, giving you a final social pool of [100, 20, 50, 70, 90] that I'll use for your preferred social actions. Until the update drops, you don't see the updated numbers.