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... To be honest, she should know that as well.

So she's either insanely ambitious beyond all reasonable expectations, or she has rock solid reason to believe Consequences won't happen to her.
The rage vote seems like a really bad idea.

[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "…Okay. Stay here, I'll be fast. I'll go get your father, then we'll be back to save you."

Right now I'm leaning towards the fleeing option. I'm not a big fan of the hostage plan, but if anyone manages to come up with any good escape plans I might swap over. I don't think going loud or taking rash action will turn out well for us.
If we sneak Artemis out, suddenly the Countess doesn't have her bargaining chip and that makes bad feelings.

So here's my thought: we talk to the Countess. We offer a double-double-cross.

1) Present Artemis. Receive Daughter.

2) Strike enemy. Receive Artemis.

A simple plan.
Right now I'm leaning towards the fleeing option. I'm not a big fan of the hostage plan, but if anyone manages to come up with any good escape plans I might swap over. I don't think going loud or taking rash action will turn out well for us.
To be fair, escape on dragonback could in principle work. Even though Ryza's only got short bouts of flight, she moves fast and should be able to cover at least 10 miles at a hop by my back of the envelope math. Moreover, flyers don't leave a trail to follow. Stick to the wilderness and places where horses can't travel (thick woods, swamps, ravines, etc) and they would be very difficult to track or catch. And since she can fly, if they do get cornered escape would be quite likely.

The biggest problem might be the window. Ryza would have to shift, smash it, rip out the grate, then grab Artemis and go. That will draw attention, and while the darkness is some cover, so the guards hopefully won't see what did it exactly other than something big with wings, it's not exactly subtle.

So here's my thought: we talk to the Countess. We offer a double-double-cross.

1) Present Artemis. Receive Daughter.

2) Strike enemy. Receive Artemis.

A simple plan.
Won't work if the kidnappers are smart. The kidnappers can't do a straight exchange because they'll be vulnerable to being attacked immediately after. What they'll do if they're smart is collect Artemis and promise to release the daughter in a day or two, giving them time to escape unmolested. And they'd have plenty of incentive to break the deal and hold on to their leverage anyway.
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[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "You underestimate my power." Rage flows through you.
The rage vote is definitely tough. Going full dragon rage in the middle of castle, especially when we don't know where Axton, Lancel, or Kelton are could be dangerous. Not to mention everyone else who lives in the castle might get caught up in things as well. And even if we're not that destructive which honestly we wouldn't need to be, we would still have to figure out how to find them and get them out safely. While being a giant dragon in a castle full of panicking people. Then again, they are resourceful so maybe things would turn out fine.

It would also be satisfying to finally go dragon now. And think, we'd be reviving the dragon legends straight out of the gate by smashing up part of a castle on our first appearance.
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I think it would honestly be really interesting to go get her father, I'm just don't feel it would be in character.

[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.

[X] "No! There's got to be another way I'm not going to leave you here! I'll think of something…"
Won't work if the kidnappers are smart. The kidnappers can't do a straight exchange because they'll be vulnerable to being attacked immediately after. What they'll do if they're smart is collect Artemis and promise to release the daughter in a day or two, giving them time to escape unmolested. And they'd have plenty of incentive to break the deal and hold on to their leverage anyway.
If the kidnappers are smart then the Countess can't trust them because why remove their hand from their puppet Countess? Dance her around on their strings until she breaks, probably from Artie's dad smacking her.

If the kidnappers are dumb, then the Countess can make a friend by doing this and putting her own on the line is how alliances are made that are not easily forgotten.

Either way, the smart play is to work with us. What kind of person does the Countess want to be, choose to be when things get bad?

I'm working a little bit on child logic and a little bit on Artemis Hero Logic but it's not implausible.
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If the kidnappers are smart then the Countess can't trust them because why remove their hand from their puppet Countess? Dance her around on their strings until she breaks, probably from Artie's dad smacking her.

If the kidnappers are dumb, then the Countess can make a friend by doing this and putting her own on the line is how alliances are made that are not easily forgotten.

Either way, the smart play is to work with us. What kind of person does the Countess want to be, choose to be when things get bad?
She's a parent, she'll do what's most likely to save her daughter's life. That means complying and hoping for the best. It's less risky than a rescue attempt by a child mage. If she was willing to gamble on a rescue she'd have already ordered one.
[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
[X] "You underestimate my power." Rage flows through you.

Going dragon mode here sounds suitable for me, both on the practical and narrative level. I could budge on that, but I doubt I will see a different plan that will convince me we have a solid shot at getting Artemis out of here.
She's a parent, she'll do what's most likely to save her daughter's life. That means complying and hoping for the best. It's less risky than a rescue attempt by a child mage. If she was willing to gamble on a rescue she'd have already ordered one.
"By doing that to someone else's daughter? You call yourself noble but if capitulating when courage is called for and betraying at a blink is what passes for noble then the realm has a lot more peers than I thought. You teaching your daughter about how to act, not just by what you do for her but what you do to others."

Talk her to death, preferably by bringing Artemis straight there to have access to sass and child logic.

Plus, if she still does this to our face? Then we can dragon out on her and get some instant justice.
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Going dragon mode here sounds suitable for me, both on the practical and narrative level. I could budge on that, but I doubt I will see a different plan that will convince me we have a solid shot at getting Artemis out of here.
If we decide to be unsubtle, I'd prefer a plan with a chance of keeping Ryza's secret. We don't want word to spread to the whole continent that a dragon lives. Ryza would be hunted. That's exactly what will happen if we cut loose in dragon form in the middle of a castle.

It's also not the smart way to leverage our advantages. There's no need to risk fighting through a whole garrison when we can go straight for the Countess and capture her, ending it with our opening move.

"By doing that to someone else's daughter? You call yourself noble but if capitulating when courage is called for and betraying at a blink is what passes for noble then the realm has a lot more peers than I thought."

Talk her to death, preferably by bringing Artemis straight there to have access to sass and child logic.
Naive, I fear. Parents will do terrible things for their children. An appeal to a child's idea of nobility is unlikely to change that. Few people who manage to keep a position of leadership in a feudal society would be so idealistic anyway. These are societies were power comes from the willingness to use violence to protect what's yours at the expense of every poor sap in your way. That's what it means to wear a crown. Noblesse oblige was was rarely found outside Arthurian tales.
I'm going to assume that Artemis is simplifying the situation by putting it on a level Ryza would more easily understand - that Mantrae has betrayed us to another state (my bet remains as it has been from the start it's the Empire) and the bandits are simply in their employ. Which is to say, the left-field option of Ryza going "Oh, them? One sec." heading the direction they arrived from to run back into them and go dragon on them probably doesn't solve the situation.

...Unless we want to gamble that wiping them out is read by their employers (who probably won't know what caused their demise) as the Countess reneging on their arrangement and forcing her to flip back to our side out of desperation. But other than the fact I just like the concept of trying to solve the problem with something more out-of-the-box that seems a poor gamble to me, far too many points of failure and reliant on people we don't know well behaving the way we want them to.

So, uh, options within the castle and its nearby environment. It's extremely cold and I'm not sure it would be in either Ryza or Artemis's character to do so but breaking Artemis out by force, up to and including just going dragon and busting a hole in the wall, and bringing her to her father might not be the worst move here. We'd be leaving the others behind temporarily but if Artemis is correct there's really no reason for any harm to befall them other than spite. It's Artemis they want, turning over the others isn't going to get the Countess her daughter back. I think the major risk here would be them demanding them anyway for retribution for our previous encounters with them. And we'd be coming back hopefully with an army at our side.

Getting everyone out complicates things a lot, I'm not even sure where we'd want to begin. I'm assuming it's out of the question we can directly break into Artemis's room from the outside without raising an alert. So from there I think the most promising way to get there would be to hope there's an unlocked entrance at the top of this tower, or a guard with keys, enter from there and hope we can get to Artemis quickly from there. We'd undoubtedly face some guards outside her room but it's not impossible we could ambush our way to this point. But once we've got her we're stuck at "where's everyone else?" with the added problem of "Artemis can't fly" limiting our mobility. The idea that we could stealth our way through the interior seems... unlikely, if anything I'd expect the density of guards to increase as we descend. We could ask Artemis if she has any idea where the others are being held but she may not know and even if she did, decent chance it's like... the keep dungeons... and Artemis is just getting the high value/noble prisoner treatment with this tower. And on top of that we have circumstantial evidence to believe Kelton isn't with them.

All this to say that unless we think we can just RAWR DRAGON our way through this castle I'm not sure I like our odds of finding everyone and getting out. I think we could probably get Artemis out and take her with us, but beyond that I don't have any good ideas.

Question though because my closest thing to an idea hinges on it: Does Ryza believe she could force her way into this room (and not collapse the tower) if she went dragon form and tried to break in? Because if she can I think it's plausible we could bust our way in and fly off with Artemis without blowing our cover. The evidence will tell them that somehow we were responsible but I think Occam's Razor would tell them we're some crazy artificial mage like Artemis originally thought rather than dragon.
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If we decide to be unsubtle, I'd prefer a plan with a chance of keeping Ryza's secret. We don't want word to spread to the whole continent that a dragon lives. Ryza would be hunted. That's exactly what will happen if we cut loose in dragon form in the middle of a castle.

It's also not the smart way to leverage our advantages. There's no need to risk fighting through a whole garrison when we can go straight for the Countess and capture her, ending it with our opening move.

The way I saw it, we turn into a dragon in the middle of the night, break a wall, take Artemis and flee into the darkness towards Artemis's home. One can wonder if someone will really think a little girl can turn into a dragon when all the little humans noticed was a lot of noises, a broken down wall, and an escaped prisoner.

Our secret would be revealed only if someone is already familiar with manakete and identified us as being this manakete. There is likely a shadowy mastermind somewhere, but no reason to believe we will be immediately discovered.
This is also Fire Emblem.

If it were GoT, HoI, CK2, any one of a dozen different franchises? I would agree. Sliding scale of cynicism to idealism way in the "hope is taking up alcoholism" direction.

Fire Emblem does not tell those stories. Fire Emblem tells heroism against absurd odds, bravery in the face of bad situations, all the idealistic things.

It's got a certain set of rules.
The way I saw it, we turn into a dragon in the middle of the night, break a wall, take Artemis and flee into the darkness towards Artemis's home. One can wonder if someone will really think a little girl can turn into a dragon when all the little humans noticed was a lot of noises, a broken down wall, and an escaped prisoner.

Our secret would be revealed only if someone is already familiar with manakete and identified us as being this manakete. There is likely a shadowy mastermind somewhere, but no reason to believe we will be immediately discovered.
I read the rage option as Ryza going all dragon and then doing her level best to murder her way through the castle to free her friends. If what you want is to grab Artemis and run, I'd strongly recommend going for a write in to that effect. I'd probably vote for it if my write in doesn't get traction.

In fact, do you want me to write one?
I read the rage option as Ryza going all dragon and then doing her level best to murder her way through the castle to free her friends. If what you want is to grab Artemis and run, I'd strongly recommend going for a write in to that effect. I'd probably vote for it if my write in doesn't get traction.

In fact, do you want me to write one?
I'd support a sneak out option more than a violence out because I don't like our violence odds.

Narratively, though, I want to make that appeal to virtue because I want to know if we are in fact in Fire Emblem or a clever replica.
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Question though because my closest thing to an idea hinges on it: Does Ryza believe she could force her way into this room (and not collapse the tower) if she went dragon form and tried to break in? Because if she can I think it's plausible we could bust our way in and fly of with Artemis without blowing our cover. The evidence will tell them that somehow we were responsible but I think Occam's Razor would tell them we're some crazy artificial mage like Artemis originally thought rather than dragon.

Getting all the way in would be difficult, though not impossible. However, it would be easier to simply smash the window and tear apart the bars to give Artemis an opening to get out. This would be extremely noisy, and getting Artemis onto your back would be challenging, but it's doable.
Okay, here's a proposal for people's consideration:

[X] Plan Grab and Go
-[x] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[x] Write in: "No, I'm taking you with me." Shift, smash the window, rip out the mesh, help Artemis jump on your back, hand her your bag, and fly like the wind. Hopefully in the darkness no one will see exactly what happened. Get as far northeast as you can before putting down somewhere horses can't go, away from people. You can make the trip in hops as often as you're able at night, and walk or hide when you need a rest or you'd risk being seen by people below.
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[X] Write-In Plan : Dragon saves Princess Knight
-[X] O tower bound princess, let me free you from these bonds, I shall become your wings and guide you home
-[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[X] Warn Artemis and give her your bag through the window. Turn into your other aspect, and break the wall. Take her with you and fly towards her territory. You will let her handle diplomacy afterwards since you will be exhausted. You will come back later for your companions.
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Getting all the way in would be difficult, though not impossible. However, it would be easier to simply smash the window and tear apart the bars to give Artemis an opening to get out. This would be extremely noisy, and getting Artemis onto your back would be challenging, but it's doable.
...Ah, right. That would be simpler. :V

Okay, yeah, in that case Plan Grab and Go is basically what I was thinking. It's not ideal but with our current information I can't think of any strategy better that doesn't involve taking a lot of chances.
I'm for plan Tali / Ando. Grab and go creates a lot of noise and then vanishes, leaving the Countess with an empty bag.
[X] Plan Grab and Go
-[X] Go grab your bag: Something's wrong, and you don't want to leave anything behind if you have to do something drastic.
-[X] Write in: "No, I'm taking you with me." Shift, smash the window, rip out the mesh, help Artemis jump on your back, hand her your bag, and fly like the wind. Hopefully in the darkness no one will see exactly what happened. Get as far northeast as you can before putting down somewhere horses can't go, away from people. You can make the trip in hops as often as you're able at night, and walk or hide when you need a rest or you'd risk being seen by people below.

I don't like leaving the others behind, but we don't have the information to try and save them, and frankly, I don't think we have the firepower either unless we go on a full blown draconic rampage, which I would rather not do if we can avoid it.
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