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    Votes: 25 59.5%
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    Votes: 17 40.5%

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[X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Dec 27, 2021 at 6:20 PM, finished with 35 posts and 29 votes.

By a squeak, you're going to be talking to Lancel or Axton.
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Curse you dolcevita! You have thwarted my machinations to get us into trouble for the last time!
we can still get in trouble, we're going to talk to axton and lancel. Seeing how we have no idea how to talk to people and they don't really trust us or feel comfortable around us I'm sure it will end in shenanigans. Like a bar fight. Be fun trying to explain why and how they got a young child into a bar and got into a fight and why the kid keeps trying to convince everyone she's almost a century old and therefor mets the drinking age requirement.
Also I love the fact that Ryza doesn't realize the fact that everyone is actually younger than her by a fair margin
A Request You Can't Refuse
[X] See if Axton or Lancel want to talk. You had such a nice talk with Artemis: it would be nice to get to know your other traveling companions better.

"Your noble birth is not a privilege. It is a debt that Mother Sol expects you to repay to the people who look to you for protection. If you do not give them that protection, then you are no true noble, sir."
-Sun-Father Leon, during his trial for sedition

Once again, you find yourself walking through the village, following Rebecca and Bill to their home. There are still so many people around that it's a bit overwhelming, and more and more people seem to be realizing that you're stranger. Or perhaps they're recognizing Artemis, since she was here before. Nobody approaches, but they do pause, stare, and occasionally point and whisper to each other.

Artemis pretends not to notice, but from the way she grips your hand you can tell she's tense. "Stick close, Ryza," she says softly.

You nod, putting the thought of exploring out of your mind. While you are curious, so curious, you want to help your friend feel more comfortable, and if that means you stick around, then that is for the best.

"Right here, my lady," Rebecca says as she stops in front of one of the smaller buildings that you passed on the way into town. "It's not much, but it should suffice for a time."

"Of course," Artemis says. "Your hospitality is much appreciated."

Bill, standing a few feet away, coughed nervously. "My lady, with your permission, I'm afraid I should get back out there: I need to finish gathering the wood."

Artemis nods. "I understand," she says. "Stay safe out there,"

"I will, my lady," Bill says, bowing again before hurrying away.

You frown. "Why was he asking you permission to do his job?" you ask Artemis. You had gotten the feeling that her father was important, but you thought that was just in Agrithe, not this place (Miau in Legerius, your scholarly mind supplied easily).

Rebecca gave you a scandalized look from where she was holding the door open. "Lady Cartese is a noblewoman of quality!" she says. "It is only proper that she be shown deference!"

"But this is your home," you say, gesturing around. "You're being nice enough to let us in. Doesn't that mean anything?"

Rebecca, Lancel and Axton stare at you like you're crazy, but Artemis simply sighs and pats you on the shoulder. "Ryza speaks well," she says softly. "Please, there is no need to stand on ceremony today: the people of Miau are already doing more than enough, especially for a foreigner."

Rebecca didn't look happy, but she simply nodded. "If that is your wish, my lady," she says. "But please, come in, come in, you must all be exhausted."

As she ushers you all into the single roomed house and sits you down around a rough wooden table, you whisper to Artemis. "Did I say something wrong?"

She sighs. "No, Ryza, you're not wrong," she says. "But… well, there are nobles who would take offence to common people even speaking to them unprompted, so commoners tend towards caution when dealing with us. That's especially true here, since Legerius was only able to escape the Empire's grasp in recent memory."

The more you hear about this "Empire," the less you like it. If they're the reason people have these strange, stifling ideas about organizing things, then you're glad you're not there. However, before you can ask further, Rebecca hustles over from where she was digging in a pantry and puts an odd, brown lump in front of you, along with some yellowy stuff. This wasn't the meat you were used to Mother bringing back, nor the wild plants and herbs she used for flavoring, but since everyone else was eating and you didn't want to be rude you ate too.

It was… actually pretty good, especially once you figured out that inside of the brown lump is lighter, fluffier materials. You also realize that if you put the yellow stuff in there and eat it all together, it tastes better than apart. Not as good as Mother's cooking, but then what could be? "Thank you," you say, smiling. "This was very nice."

"You're welcome, dearie," Rebecca says before looking back to Artemis. "Is there anything else I can get for you or your companions, my lady?"

"No, thank you," Artemis says. "Once again, your hospitality is most welcome in these trying times."

"Of course, my lady," Rebecca said, bowing.

After a moment of silence, Axton nudges Lancel with his foot under the table. "I think it might be best if someone were to wait outside: it is possible that Robert or his ilk might try to subtly search the village; we should be on the lookout."

"An excellent idea, Axton," Artemis says. "Lancel, if you would?"

The younger yeoman swallowed, but bowed. "Of course, my lady," he says, rising to his feet.

"I'll go to," you say, hopping up. You couldn't go exploring, but outside you'd be able to watch the villagers more and maybe learn some things.

Artemis slowly nodded. "If you want to, Ryza," she says, though she and Axton share a glance as she does. "Be careful."

"Sure thing," you say as you follow Lancel out.

Soon, the two of you are settled down on a stump not far from the front door, slightly shielded from the path by some bushes. Lancel seemed nervous, his eyes constantly darting around.

Remembering the nice talk you'd had with Artemis yesterday, you scoot closer to him, only to frown a bit as he scoots away the same amount. "So, what was that that we ate?" you ask. Best to start on a safe topic: he still seems on-edge around you.

Lancel's eyes flick to you, confusion replacing wariness. "You've… never had bread or cheese before?" he asks.

"Nope. Mother hunted, so she usually brought back deer or other animals like that for us. Sometimes some berries or plants when she had time and wanted to walk." You cock your head. "Are bread and cheese common?"

"They are some of the staple foods: meat is something that is pretty hard to get for most people, especially deer." He studies you for a long moment. "Lady Ryza… were your parents' nobility?"

You shrug. "I don't think so; Mother was the matriarch of the tribe back before everyone left, but that was just because everyone respected her." You look around and, not seeing Rebecca anywhere nearby, you lower your voice. "So… what is nobility, anyways?"

"…I… am not sure I am the best person to be asking this question," Lancel says warily. "Lady Artemis could probably explain the intricacies better than I could."

You try to scoot closer again, only for him to once again move away. "But I want to talk to you," you say, putting on your best puppy eyes. "I like Artemis, she's my friend, and I want to be friends with her friends."

Lancel gags. "I would never presume to call myself Lady Artemis's friend!" he hisses.

"Why not?"

The man rubs his face. "Because she's a noble lady, a princess in all but legal title, and I'm just an orphaned commoner! It wouldn't be proper!"

You frown. "So… am I not allowed to be her friend either?" you ask. "I'm an orphan, and I don't think I'm noble…"

Lancel blanches. "No, no," he says, waving his hands. "You gave Lady Artemis aid in a time when she desperately needed it, and while your mother may not have had an official title that you know of she was clearly a high-class woman. Besides, Lady Artemis has accepted you."

'But you haven't,' you think slightly bitterly. "Can we be friends?"

"I would not presume-"

You scoot closer again, this time too quickly for him to escape. "But you said earlier that I was allowed to be Artemis's friend because she accepted me, so if I accept you, then you're allowed to be my friend, which would mean that Artemis would accept you so you could be her friend too." You smile proudly at your chain of logic.

Lancel, however, seems unimpressed. "It's more complicated than that…" he says.

"Then explain it to me! I don't understand why you don't want to be friends with anyone: when I was little I wanted friends really badly, but there was nobody around. So why can't we be friends?"

Lancel blinks before letting out a bemused chuckle. "You are a strange girl, Lady Ryza," he says. "In some ways, you are impossible, but sometimes you just seem so… normal."

"I am normal, Lancel," you say. "Why would you think I wasn't?" The man chews his lip, seemingly too scared to answer. "Please… I don't want you or Axton to be scared of me. I want you to like me, but if I don't know what I did to make you fear me, I can't fix it. Please… why are you scared of me?"

Lancel stares at you for a few seconds before glancing furtively around. "You can see in the dark, yes?" he says. When you nod, he sighs. "Well, I can't." He seems to struggle with his words for a few moments before finally continuing. "You've never been imprisoned, right? Never been completely at the mercy of people you know will kill you the second you're no longer useful to them. Spirits willing, you never have to endure that, but the important thing to know is that I was already on edge."

He took a deep breath. "I'm… I'm not a brave man, Lady Ryza. Not like Axton or Emily. As soon as we realized Lady Artemis was nearby, Axton was ready to fight, and I was resigned that, whether or not I went along with it, I was going to die alongside him."

"But you didn't," you say. "Artemis and I made sure you both made it out."

Lancel, however, seemed lost in his memory. "Then I look into the darkness, and I see lightning crackling around a figure. I know it was you now, but at the time all I could see was a formless wraith in the shadows, barely lit with flickers of lightning. Baleful, glowing eyes… darkness twisting into the shape of wings…" he shudders. "I was worried that Lady Artemis had awoken some fell demon from beyond the Wall in her anger and desperation."

You start to open your mouth to refute some of his claims: your eyes are not baleful, and your wings are not made of shadows! You're not a Black manakete! However, he doesn't seem to be done. "And then, after witnessing a magical power and control that an experienced mage would have struggled with, what steps out of the darkness? A little girl."

"I'm not a little girl!" you say.

"That's it! Right there!" Lancel says. "You are powerful beyond words. As a small child, you are a better mage than many of the people I saw when I was around the Marble Hall, the premiere school of magic in the world. By your own admission you're not human, and yet sometimes you act just like my six-year-old niece!"

Flinching back, you force yourself to not lash out: Artemis had warned you that humans would be nervous around you, and you did so want him to like you. "Lancel… I am normal," you say. "I'm not human, but I'm still normal. I was raised just like you; my parents loved-" you remembered that Lancel had said he'd been orphaned, but you have a point to make so you forge on, "-me just like I'm sure yours did, and I miss them just like I'm sure you miss yours. I am normal, and I don't want to hurt anyone. Please… can you trust that?"

The pair of you stare at each other for several long seconds before Lancel finally nods. "Lady Artemis has certainly made it clear that she considers you a friend," he says. "And you did save not only my and Axton's life, but hers as well. Please, forgive my disrespect."

You smile. "I'll forgive you so long as you say we're friends."


"Say it."


You pull his arm into a hug. "Sayyyyyy iiitttttttt!"

"Spirits, you truly are like my niece!" Lancel said, but you see his lips twist into a smile. "Very well, I will be your friend, Lady Ryza"

"Yay!" you cheer, hugging his arm more tightly before finally letting go. "Thank you, Lancel! But you have to call me Ryza now."

Lancel opens his mouth to answer, but pauses. "Do you hear that?" he whispers.

Looking up, it takes you only a moment to nod. "Yes, I think so," you say. "Someone shouting from other that way… something about a sister…"

Lancel looks at you oddly. "You can understand what they're saying? I just hear shouting."

"I have very good hearing," you say.

"We should go and check it out."

Both you and Lancel jump as Artemis's voice comes from behind you. "My lady!" Lancel says, leaping to his feet (and pulling you along, since you're still hugging his arm.) "I-"

"Not now, Lancel," Axton growls. "I don't like commotions; not when there are bandits hunting us. We should do as Lady Artemis says." Artemis kicks his shin, but doesn't speak as she leads the way back into the village proper.

"Sorry for getting you in trouble with Axton," you whisper to Lancel as you follow.

He sighs. "I'm always in trouble with Axton," he says. "That wasn't you, Lad- Ryza."

You smile brightly: progress! Now you just had to win Axton over, and then you'd have all the friends!

When the four of you reached the center of the village, you found a small crowd had gathered, all listening to a man who looked to be about Artemis's age. He was standing on a small pile of wood so he was raised above the others, and he wore stiff, heavy materials that looked like they would provide some protection, a hard hat on his head, and carrying a long stick with a metal point on the top.

"-can't just abandon her!" the man was saying angrily.

"But we can't just go running off after her either!" one of the men in the crowd called. "We don't know where she is, we don't have anyone good enough to track them…"

"They can't be far, not if they've gotten this close! Are we going to let these bandits pick us off one by one? Are we going to let them take our healer?!"

"What's going on?" you ask.

Artemis shakes her head, but a woman standing nearby hears and answers. "Poor Kelton thinks his sister Ardan has been taken by those ruffians in the western forest," she says sadly. "Apparently she went out this morning to find herbs and hasn't returned." She shivers. "If they have taken her… well, she's the only healer we have in Miau… If we lost her…" She wanders away to talk to another woman, her shoulders slumped.

As the argument in the square continues, you look up at Artemis. She's chewing on her lip, looking between the woman's retreating back and the argument ahead of you, her hands clenching and unclenching around her bow.

Axton notices as well and shakes his head. "My lady, I know you want to help, but we are only three-"

"Four," you cut in.

"-four," Axton concedes. "We don't know how many bandits there are in that forest, or if they're in league with the ones pursuing us. It just isn't safe for us to get involved, not with the threats already arrayed against us."

Artemis nods. "You're right, Axton," she says. "But… but villages like this depend on their healers: without them, sickness, injury, and a hundred other dangers will serve to further weaken them, making them even more vulnerable. Entire communities have been wiped out due to a loss like this." She glances around. "Miau is not Agrithian, but Legerius is our ally, and the people of this town have sheltered us even when they have little to gain and everything to lose." She takes a deep breath. "More than that, though, I know I could have been that girl. If I'd been even a little less paranoid, I would have been at those bandits' mercy. If there had been someone who could have helped me but chose not to…" She looks helplessly around. "So while I know you're right, Axton, I can't turn away. Not when I can help; not after I fled when you and the others were killed around me."

Axton sighs, but nods. "If that is your decision, my lady, I cannot stop you," he says. "But if Lady Ryza is to come, we need to give her something to give her some protection, and I'm not sure we'll be able to find a book in this tiny village."

… wait a minute, this was a tiny village?!

Artemis slowly nods, frowning. "Ryza, you don't-"

You shake your head. "No. No, Artemis, you are not getting rid of me that easily. You need me."

The human sighs, but smiles sadly. "That's true," she says. "but Axton makes a good point, you need to be able have an excuse for how you're using magic…" Her eyes light up. "Ryza, your tablet, it has writing on it, right?"

"Yes?" you say, pulling it out and holding it up.

Lancel cocks his head. "But it's not a book," he says. "Tomes have always been books, surely someone would realize there was something wrong…"

"They have," Artemis says, smiling. "But this is a small village; would they really be surprised to hear that someone, somewhere else is doing strange things with magic? Would it be so hard to believe that some clever sage had decided to try making a tome out of stone?" She gestured. "It would even be true, in this case!"

"I suppose it would work for a small village," Axton says. "But if we're going to be a part of this, then we should step forward."

Looking up, you see that the armored man with the pointy stick had gathered a group of men, carrying a combination of long sticks with multiple metal points jutting out and axes. "Is there no one else who will step up to protect our village!" he called, glaring around challengingly.

Artemis took a deep breath and stepped forward. "We will," she answers.

A hush falls over the crowd, but the young man grins. "Well met, strangers!" he calls, hopping off his perch and making his way over, offering his hand. "It is good to see that there are still decent folk out in the wider world!"

Artemis smiles as she takes the hand and moves it up and down. "Of course," she says. "My comrades and I are happy to help. I have experience in tracking and hunting, and my little friend here knows magic." You hold up your tablet and smile.

Kelton frowns. "A child?" he asks. "I don't want to say no to magical aid, but we are going to be facing hardened bandits."

You puff up your cheeks. "I've fought before," you say. "I can help!"

Artemis smiles wryly. "Besides, if we tried to leave her behind, she'd just follow us anyways, wouldn't you?" she asks. You nod. "So it's best we keep her where we can see her."

Kelton nods, his grin reasserting itself. "Very well," he says. "I suppose I wasn't that much older when Father took me out for the first time," he says cheerfully. "You're brave, kid. I respect that." He holds out a hand to you. "What's your name?"

"I'm Ryza," you say, taking his hand and trying to mimic Artemis's movement. He grins, and there's a brief spasm of pain as he squeezes hard. With a yelp, a bit of lighting escapes your soul. He lets go with a yelp of his own, shaking his shocked hand.

"Sorry!" you say, hoping that he won't dislike you like Axton and Lancel you'd just gotten-

"No, no, that was good!" Kelton says, his grin widening as he looks down at you with what you think is respect in his eyes. "You're going to need that lighting where we're going, kid." He turns, raising his pointy stick to the crowd. "We've got our posse, let's go get our healer back! Let's go get my sister back!"

There are mutters and worried looks, especially at you and Artemis, but for the moment Kelton's charisma and enthusiasm seems to be winning out, as a few more men join the band. In all, fifteen of you leave the village, heading west into the wooded area where the bandits were supposed to live.

It takes the better part of an hour of walking before Kelton stops. "Alright, this is where Ardan usually harvests," he says, gesturing around before looking at Artemis. "You said you were good at tracking, care to prove that?"

Axton and Lancel look thunderous, but Artemis simply smiles. "Of course," she says, stepping forward. "Let's see here…"
(3,4 + 1)
It takes a little while, but Artemis finally nods. "Alright," she says. "She was grabbed right here: the ground's churned up. I'd say at least four men." Kelton and the other villagers growl angrily, but didn't interrupt as Artemis walked further, pointing as she went. "They dragged her off this way; she was doing her best to fight them off, but they were just too strong."

"Then we should get going!" Kelton says loudly.

"Keep your voice down!" Axton growls. "Do you want these bandits to know we're coming?"

Kelton glares at Axton, but seems to accept that he older man is right, as he does keep quiet as Artemis continues leading the way deeper into the forest, following the tracks that she insists are there but you can't make out.

As you walk, you keep your ears perked; the sound of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and ground crunching underfoot fills your senses, but you're listening for more, for something that's out of place. After all, the bandits that were after Artemis left people on watch, surely this group would do the same.

It seemed that everyone else had the same idea, the occasional conversations that had been going on during the first part of the trip faded into a tense silence. Axton has his bow out, Lancel grips the short sword he's grabbed. The various villagers cluster together, their makeshift weapons clutched in shaking hands. Only Kelton and Artemis seemed calm: Artemis was clearly too busy tracking to think about the danger, and Kelton just seemed immune to fear. You kind of envied him.
(6,1 + 2)
Suddenly, a soft gasp from ahead catches your ear. "Artemis!" you hiss, pointing further into the trees. "I heard something!"

Artemis, bless her, does not question you. She simply rises to her full height, drawing and nocking an arrow as she does. "Come out, bandit!" she says sharply.

There is a burst of movement as someone bolts, running away from the posse. Artemis's bow twangs, sending him toppling to the ground with a pained cry. However, after a moment, he pushes himself to his feet and keeps running, even with Artemis's arrow sticking out of him.

You start to summon up your lightning, but Axton is faster, and his arrow catches the man in the back of the neck, dropping him to the ground permanently.

"Well done, strangers," Kelton says, hurrying forward. "That must have been one of their scouts: nobody from the village would dare go out this far." Turning the man over, he takes a look at him. "Yep, nobody we know." He looks up. "We must be close: let's keep going."

The posse continues on, leaving the fallen bandit where he lay. You pause briefly to look at him, you're still not entirely comfortable with seeing bodies, but you shake your head and hustle along with the others. These men took a girl away from her home and family, that's wrong. Besides, Artemis needs your help.

It takes another few minutes, but finally Artemis raises a fist. "Their camp is right ahead," she whispered. "Get down, I don't think they see us yet." Creeping forward, you find yourself a tree to hide behind so you can see.

Situated in a small clearing, there are a few dozen rough tents pitched around, with multiple men milling about. For a moment, you think they're completely at peace, but as you watch you see that they're gathering into groups, grabbing weapons, and looking around suspiciously. Most are the big, half-dressed axmen that you've fought before (Seriously, why do none of them wear shirts? Is there some sort of bandit uniform?), but a few have bows.

"I count about twenty-five," Axton says from where he was hidden next to Artemis. "There might be more in the tents."

"And they're on edge," Artemis breaths. "They must have heard something from the sentry we killed: not enough to know we're coming, but they know something's off."

A flash of movement catches your eye, and you look over to see a dress-wearing girl being pushed through the camp by a truly massive man, clutching an equally huge axe that seems sharper and shinier than the others. Her hands are tied behind her back, and she has cloth tied over her eyes and mouth. The man is also carrying a wooden stick with an odd symbol on the top. When he reaches one of tents near the center of the camp, he shoves the girl in, tosses the stick in after her, and then starts pointing and speaking to nearby bandits.

"That's Ardan!" Kelton snarls. "Those bastards…"

"They don't seem to have hurt her at least," Artemis cautions. "She was walking under her own power." She frowns. "However, we don't have much time; they're rallying. We have to act fast."

How will this posse handle the situation:

[] Frontal charge: The bandits are on edge, but they don't know you're here yet. A quick strike will still send them into disarray. However, if you don't win in those first minute or so, then the bandits will have numbers on their side and might be able to do serious damage, or even hurt Ardan if they realize she's why you're here.

[] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.

[] Hostage Negotiation: Attempt to use the fact that you've found them to negotiate a settlement: all you really want is Ardan. If they are willing to release her, then this doesn't have to end in bloodshed. This has a low probability of working, but if it does... well, nobody gets hurt.

[] Write-in:

If this does come to a fight… what will you do?

[] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.

[] Fight vigorously: There are a lot of bandits here… you're going to need to try really hard if you want to win. Use your powers to their fullest, no matter who might see.

[] Fight as a dragon: Forget subtlety, you aren't letting anyone get hurt. Mother told you to be ready to call your dragon. You are under the sky, let her roar. (You are filled with Determination)
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[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.

Stealth mission go.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.

Sneeki sneeki, let's show em we don't need wings to whoop bandit arse.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight vigorously: There are a lot of bandits here… you're going to need to try really hard if you want to win. Use your powers to their fullest, no matter who might see.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
Here's hoping she doesn't get traumatized by the encounter. I'm holding onto hopes for Kelton being fine with us being magical...
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.

I do not want to deal with a Lilina situation; those are more annoying than they should be. If we're starting this map with a unit separated from the party, and a healer at that, it'd be bad design not to give them an escort that can actually do something.

[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.

Not yet. It's not dramatically appropriate.
Hrmmm... would it be a good idea to go for the bandit chief if it turns into a fight?

My thinking is that if the chief goes down, that might scare the rest off.
Hrmmm... would it be a good idea to go for the bandit chief if it turns into a fight?

My thinking is that if the chief goes down, that might scare the rest off.
'decapitation' strikes like that only really work when a group is both heavily reliant on their chain of command, and aren't in a position where 'fight the guys who assassinated our boss' is the obvious thing to do. Or when you're so overwhelmingly powerful and sufficiently cruel that you can use it for intimidation points, but i don't feel as though this is a good time to unleash Ryza's inner dragon (since we're kinda supposed to be hiding Ryza's inhuman nature from civilians), and Ryza isn't exactly cruel enough (nor a good enough actor. Nor all that intimidating at all, really) to sell the image of 'I slew your boss effortlessly, and if you oppose me, you're next'.
'decapitation' strikes like that only really work when a group is both heavily reliant on their chain of command, and aren't in a position where 'fight the guys who assassinated our boss' is the obvious thing to do. Or when you're so overwhelmingly powerful and sufficiently cruel that you can use it for intimidation points, but I don't feel as though this is a good time to unleash Ryza's inner dragon (since we're kinda supposed to be hiding Ryza's inhuman nature from civilians), and Ryza isn't exactly cruel enough (nor a good enough actor. Nor all that intimidating at all, really) to sell the image of 'I slew your boss effortlessly, and if you oppose me, you're next'.

Seconded. we can't effectively make use of killing their boss and it would have to be us to get that effect. we're still a child and don't have the rep or appearance of 'dangerous attack dog' that is only held in check by our boss/handler. I don't think these bandits have a solid top down chain of command. and as said, most of us don't want to reveal our dragon heritage and will have to hold back, which will make our all out assault harder then it already is. at this point the best we can do is get our kidnapped healer out of there quickly.

with how the bandits are already on alert, we won't be able to pick them off in ambushes or one by one. The bandits right now are getting ready to either fight or pack up and run. We don't have a lot of options. Personally I perfer to do this quietly since I don't want to use our dragon form yet.

[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.

Unless someone can think of better option for the write in, this will be my choice
[X] Frontal charge: The bandits are on edge, but they don't know you're here yet. A quick strike will still send them into disarray. However, if you don't win in those first minute or so, then the bandits will have numbers on their side and might be able to do serious damage, or even hurt Ardan if they realize she's why you're here.

[X] Fight as a dragon: Forget subtlety, you aren't letting anyone get hurt. Mother told you to be ready to call your dragon. You are under the sky, let her roar. (You are filled with Determination)
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
Oh... Okay, I've confused the second prompt as a write-in. My apologies. So.. yeah. Hope we can be stealthy enough.

[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[X] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[X] Fight cautiously: Artemis told you to keep your power hidden. You will use magic to fight, but you'll try to limit your oddities and keep your wings in check. This will weaken you noticeably.
[x] Quiet Extraction: You know where Ardan is being held, try to quietly slip in and rescue her without having to fight the whole camp. This will be hard, and it will separate some members of the posse from the rest, but if successful you'll get what you want without a major battle. At least you should be able to make sure Ardan is safe if the fight starts.
[x] Fight as a dragon: Forget subtlety, you aren't letting anyone get hurt. Mother told you to be ready to call your dragon. You are under the sky, let her roar. (You are filled with Determination)

hey, look, I found invisitext on my vote!
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