I don't think we should cast Kanye West as anything other than Kanye West. Also, pay attention timeline wise; we probably don't want Kanye West at this year of his career.
[X] Plan POWER
-[X] Peter Parker. (Spider-Man)
-[X] Write-in: A nice balance, an ultimately tragic tale of Peter struggling between his personal and heroic life, but ultimately having its lighthearted and comedic moments
-[X] Only a few... four at the max.
-[X] Terry Crews: Terry is an absolute powerhouse of a man, and could make the character of Carl feel strong, even before gaining his powers. You definitely liked his audition too.
-[X] Anthony Mackie: His audition was really good, he seemed to be able to play a damn fine Willis Stryker.
-[X] Halle Berry: Halle Berry had done a phenomenal performance in her audition as Reva Connors, though... there is the issue with scheduling conflicts, as she'd be busy with other films. And the problem of her already being known as Storm.
-[X] Jack Black: Jack Black had done a great job in his audition, being more of a comedic scientist, than a truly malicious figure. Though, you liked that portrayal.
-[X] Pedro Pascal: Pedro had done a good job, showing off a more level-headed Shades in his audition. You quite liked it.
-[X] Christoph Waltz: Christoph had given a more... posh, version of Albert. Making him more intelligent in his actions.
-[X] Kevin Hart: Kevin had auditioned with a more... comedically angry approach, and you were fine with it.
-[X] Chad Coleman: And finally, Chad Coleman had auditioned with an aggressive defense lawyer, willing to do anything to help his client, though he seems to be quite prone to... rage.
-[X] Laurence Fishburne: Laurence had decided to audition twice, wanting to play Curtis Carr before he becomes Chemistro, he'd bring a more... intellectual type of character to the... character.
-[X] Michael Ealy: Michael had auditioned with a more seemingly kindhearted Moses Magnum, though there was more behind the seams.
-[X] Yes. (What?)
--[X] Add some casual mentions of Daredevil throughout the movie, kind of like how Spider-Man is mentioned a few times in passing.
[X] Plan: A Rogue's Prison Sentence - [X] "Peter Parker" (Choice Dependent) - [X] The game starts off fairly standard, Peter Parker finding himself trapped within a laboratory of some kind with no memory of how he got there, and through careful exploration of it comes to understand the size and scope of the operation. Roughly midway through the game, with further exploration and narrative progression, Peter makes two discoveries: the first, that the enemies he's been fighting up until now are clones of him, and second, that he's not the only one being cloned right now. Horrified at the revelation, Peter storms his way through the rest of the compound determined to put a stop to this madness...and at the end of the game, after managing to finally escape, discovers he [and the other residents] were never the originals at all, just the latest in a long line of clones. -- [X] Depending on the choices the player has made, through narrative, moral choices, and even with their equipment, the clone will choose a different identity as their own; from Kaine to Ben Reilly, from Scorpion to Doppelganger. -- [X] The death mechanic will reflect the protagonist's nature as a clone, as each time character is "revived" it will be implied they replaced by yet another clone of themselves. - [X] Eight seems like a decent amount. - [X] Michael B. Jordan: You loved his audition, he loved the script, and honestly? He looked like he could play a good Luke Cage, and that's all you can say on that. -[X] Jamie Foxx: Jamie had decided to audition for two different roles, just in case he didn't get the other, and had done remarkably well in his portrayal of Willis Stryker.
-[X] Halle Berry: Halle Berry had done a phenomenal performance in her audition as Reva Connors, though... there is the issue with scheduling conflicts, as she'd be busy with other films. And the problem of her already being known as Storm.
-[X] Jack Black: Jack Black had done a great job in his audition, being more of a comedic scientist, than a truly malicious figure. Though, you liked that portrayal.
-[X] Pedro Pascal: Pedro had done a good job, showing off a more level-headed Shades in his audition. You quite liked it. - [X] Chance Kelly: Chance had made him into more of a rash, hotheaded asshole of a guard. And it worked. - [X] Dorian Missick: Dorian had decided to give Cockroach more of a smug, assholish performance. Making him quite unlikable. - [X] Terry Crews: Terry had also decided to double up on auditions, acting as a calm, methodical lawyer, trying to get his client a non-guilty verdict.
-[X] Laurence Fishburne: Laurence had decided to audition twice, wanting to play Curtis Carr before he becomes Chemistro, he'd bring a more... intellectual type of character to the... character.
-[X] Michael Ealy: Michael had auditioned with a more seemingly kindhearted Moses Magnum, though there was more behind the seams.
-[X] Yes. (What?) -- [X] Add Bullseye to Ryker's Island as The Shocker's right-hand in his side-story.
--[X] Add some casual mentions of Daredevil throughout the movie, kind of like how Spider-Man is mentioned a few times in passing.
[X] Plan: Great Power -[X]Write-in: Peter Parker (Spider-Man Noir) -[X] Write-in: A grim and tragic tale of an older Peter Parker struggling to adapt to a rapidly changing New York as the years of the Great Depression and WW2 fade into that of the Cold War and McCarthyism. -[X] Write in: Six would be good enough.
-[X] Terry Crews: Terry is an absolute powerhouse of a man, and could make the character of Carl feel strong, even before gaining his powers. You definitely liked his audition too. -[X] Jamie Foxx: Jamie had decided to audition for two different roles, just in case he didn't get the other, and had done remarkably well in his portrayal of Willis Stryker. -[X] Parisa Fitz-Henley: Parisahad done a great audition, showing a softer side to Reva Connors, that the other two seemed to... not lack, but not show as much. -[X] James Remar: And finally, James Remar had auditioned with a more... sinister scientist, knowing full well that Carl hadn't volunteered to be experimented on, but doing it anyway.
-[X] Pedro Pascal: Pedro had done a good job, showing off a more level-headed Shades in his audition. You quite liked it.
-[X] Christoph Waltz: Christoph had given a more... posh, version of Albert. Making him more intelligent in his actions. -[X] Donald Glover: Donald had auditioned with a more... crazy-seeming Cockroach, not seeming like he was legitimately insane... just, a bit crazy, with the way he whispered softly to "Josh".
-[X] Chad Coleman: And finally, Chad Coleman had auditioned with an aggressive defense lawyer, willing to do anything to help his client, though he seems to be quite prone to... rage.
-[X] Laurence Fishburne: Laurence had decided to audition twice, wanting to play Curtis Carr before he becomes Chemistro, he'd bring a more... intellectual type of character to the... character. -[X] Trevante Rhodes: Trevante's Moses Magnum would have to be slightly reworked to be a young up-and-comer in the buweapons manufacturing world, wanting to make the first super soldiers for the United States of America, which he would sell to them for a ludicrous cost.
-[X] Yes. (What?)
--[X] Add some casual mentions of Daredevil throughout the movie, kind of like how Spider-Man is mentioned a few times in passing.
[x] No One Man Should Have All That Power
-[x] (Luke Cage) Michael B. Jordan
-[x] (Willis Stryker) Jamie Foxx
-[x] (Reva Connors) Parisa Fitz-Henley
-[x] (Noah Burnstein) James Remar
-[x] (Shades) Theo Rossi
-[x] (Albert Rackham) Chance Kelly
-[x] (Cockroach Hamilton) Donald Glover
-[x] (Big Ben Donovan) Terry Crews
-[x] (Curtis Carr) Laurence Fishburne
-[x] (Moses Magnum) Mahershala Ali
-[x] (Daredevil Reference) No.
[x] Born to Die deserved AOTY
-[x] (Spider-Man) Peter Parker
-[x] (Game Theme) Write-In: Beauty and happiness in the face of adversary. Spider-Man's world is melancholy, and things aren't great, but he fights for the most in every moment.
-[x] (Villains) Write-In: Six is a meaningful number in the Spider-Verse. That should be appropriate for a sinister cast.
[X] No One Man Should Have All That Power
-[x] (Luke Cage) Michael B. Jordan
-[x] (Willis Stryker) Jamie Foxx
-[x] (Reva Connors) Parisa Fitz-Henley
-[x] (Noah Burnstein) James Remar
-[x] (Shades) Theo Rossi
-[x] (Albert Rackham) Chance Kelly
-[x] (Cockroach Hamilton) Donald Glover
-[x] (Big Ben Donovan) Terry Crews
-[x] (Curtis Carr) Laurence Fishburne
-[x] (Moses Magnum) Mahershala Ali
-[x] (Daredevil Reference) No.
[X] Born to Die deserved AOTY
-[x] (Spider-Man) Peter Parker
-[x] (Game Theme) Write-In: Beauty and happiness in the face of adversary. Spider-Man's world is melancholy, and things aren't great, but he fights for the most in every moment.
-[x] (Villains) Write-In: Six is a meaningful number in the Spider-Verse. That should be appropriate for a sinister cast.
"Okay, I want Peter Parker as the protagonist... hmm... beauty and happiness in the face of adversity could be a good theme for the game. Spider-Man's world is... melancholy, and things aren't the greatest, but he fights for the most in every single moment" You said with a smile.
"Alright sir, now... what about the number of enemies?" The writer had asked.
"Six is a meaningful number in the Spider-Verse. That should be appropriate for a... sinister cast" You said.
"Of course sir, we'll get right onto work for it!" The writer said, before quickly leaving you to your own devices.
You'd hired Michael B. Jordan as Luke Cage, with Jamie Foxx taking the role of Willis Stryker.
Parisa Fitz-Henley was Reva Connors, James Remar was Noah Burnstein, Theo Rossi was Shades, Chance Kelly was Albert Rackham, Donald Glover was Cockroach Hamilton, Terry Crews was cast as Big Ben Donovan, Laurence Fishburne was Curtis Carr, Mahershala Ali was Moses Magnum.
And finally, you decided to not add any references to Daredevil for now.
So, first off... the romantic chemistry of this movie was an absolute trainwreck. You honestly didn't know that Michael and Parisa would hate each other so much on and off of set...
What the fuck had happened!? You were just... honestly so confused with how much they had seemed to hate each other, that it had thrown you for a loop.
Thankfully, the chemistry between Michael's Luke Cage was great with Laurence Fishburne's Curtis Carr as he was somewhat the closest thing to a co-protagonist within the movie.
The chemistry between the two closest things to antagonists in this movie, Albert Rackham and Noah Burnstein was... pretty good, but for the most part... passable.
It wasn't great, but it was certainly above average.
Carl Lucas/Luke Cage (Michael B. Jordan) Screen Presence: 100!
Michael had been an absolutely phenomenal Carl Lucas, you honestly couldn't see anyone else within the role.
His range as the character was simply... amazing, and you loved watching every second of his acting... unless he was on screen with Parisa's Reva Connors.
Jamie Foxx's Willis Stryker was highly compelling to watch, and you honestly had a lot of fun watching him in the flashbacks with Michael's Luke Cage, and Parisa's Reva Connors.
Herman Schultz/The Shocker (Alfie Allen) Screen Presence: 90.
Alfie Allen was once again, simply a delight in this movie. Sure, he didn't have nearly as large of a role, but when he showed up? He was incredibly entertaining, to the point, that you gave him a few more scenes, with him engineering his own makeshift, crappy offshoot of Shocker Gauntlets to fight alongside Luke Cage in the riot.
Thankfully, other than the absolutely dreadful romance... Parisa's Reva was definitely good everywhere else. You would probably be forced to cut her out of the movie entirely, if she was as bad on her own, as she was in the romance... though, that couldn't be completely attributed to her.
James Remar had done great, playing a completely amoral, sinister scientist in his take on Noah Burnstein. It was honestly fun to watch him be so deliciously evil in his experiments!
He was just so much fun! You honestly loved his performance, and felt the need to get him in another movie. You couldn't just waste this performance on a single one!
Herman "Shades" Alvarez (Theo Rossi) Screen Presence: 69.
You don't know what it was... but Theo's take on Shades was... practically hypnotizing, in how calming and relaxing he played the character.
Whenever you saw a scene with him in it, you were nearly put to sleep with how relaxed his sheer presence had made you.
Albert Rackham (Chance Kelly) Screen Presence: 43.
Chance Kelly seemed quite hesitant to actually act... like a racist guard, constantly hesitating before saying a racist slur, and then immediately apologizing to Michael, it would've been nice... if he didn't keep doing it during filming!
At least his chemistry with James Remar's Noah Burnstein was pretty good.
There would definitely need to be reshoots.
Cockroach Hamilton (Donald Glover) Screen Presence: 90.
Donald Glover had been delightfully crazy, in his performance of Cockroach Hamilton. Honestly? He was intensely interesting to watch, every time he came on screen.
Also, thank God he was fine with the cockroaches all around his body whenever he was on screen. You don't know what hell it would've been, if he had freaked out at all on set.
It was as if your eyes were glued onto the character, every time he appeared.
Big Ben Donovan (Terry Crews) Screen Presence: 93.
Terry Crews was incredibly fascinating to watch, as a calm, collected, and methodical lawyer trying to get his client a non-guilty verdict. You'll be honest... after the Old Spice commercials? You thought he was only able to do intense energy, but this performance definitely showed off his exceptional range.
You definitely needed to add him to some future projects. He could be a fun ally or enemy to Daredevil, when it comes to defending or prosecuting clients.
Laurence had made Curtis Carr more of a super-genius, mentor figure to Carl Lucas than anything that he was portrayed as in the comics. His performance was so good that you and Quentin had agreed to give him more scenes, you'd even added one of him creating his transmutation gun from practically scratch, and given him the chance to use it on one of the rioting prisoners, turning him into stone and petrifying him in place.
Moses Magnum (Mahershala Ali) Screen Presence: 91.
Mahershala Ali had come in with one goal in mind. Making Moses Magnum a scary son of a bitch, when it came down to his bottom line. And he certainly delivered.
Just watching the scenes of him berating Noah Burnstein for his carelessness when it came to his experiments had given you chills. The look of genuine fear on James Remar's face simply added to the scene.
Production had gone swimmingly, with no problems whatsoever. Thank God... you don't know what would've happened, if any problem had arisen. Though, you just know that you wouldn't be happy at all.
The choreography was amazing as well, the riot fight with Luke Cage, The Shocker, and Chemistro was simply amazing to witness, even though it wasn't originally in the script, you had simply loved it.
The sound design was good, you could literally hear the toughness of Luke Cage's skin, with how bullets had literally just... stopped, upon contacting him.
After that, you had to give the movie a name... there were a few options, at least.
What's the film's title?
[] Luke Cage.
[] Luke Cage: The Powerman.
[] Luke Cage: Ryker's Island.
[] Luke Cage: In Chains.
[] Write-in:
Please, for the love of... whatever, use a Plan Vote Format.
Alright, other than that. Well... I'm really tired, but holy shit. Those rolls.
Some were so fucking good.
And other were... the romance roll.
Also, can I just say... it is such a bitch to add the links to every roll. It takes me like ten to twenty minutes of this absolutely tedious, mind-numbing work.
Going to bed now.
But... thoughts on Bruce Campbell as Mysterio. Or Daniel Radcliffe as Bullseye? Just curious, because I had that last idea on a car ride.
Also, can I just say... it is such a bitch to add the links to every roll. It takes me like ten to twenty minutes of this absolutely tedious, mind-numbing work.
You do realize that, when you format it like that, you might as well not be using plan format, yes?
Far as the tally program is concerned, you've just posted five different plans.
please put a - before the [ of subvotes/vote options, so the tally can properly sort them