There was a Spi...dea. (Sony, Spider-Man Producer Quest)

[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
-[X] Charlize Theron.
[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
-[X] Charlize Theron.

We can easily find a role more suited for Watson's talents.
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[X] Have it explained as Emma Frost being a child prodigy, who managed to get various Ph.D.'s within two years, and this is her first year actually teaching. As it turns out, she's really talented at it.
[X] Have it explained as Emma Frost being a child prodigy, who managed to get various Ph.D.'s within two years, and this is her first year actually teaching. As it turns out, she's really talented at it.
[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)

I have to admit I'm not too pleased with the latest post as it is written.
I didn't vote on this poll so I have no problem with changing the casting but It almost feels like
@Yite is blaming & punishing the thread voters who did vote for casting Emma Watson as Emma Frost.
It's your quest Yite so I don't understand why you didn't just veto the voters if you were that uncomfortable with this choice.

Edit: does anyone here know how to ping someone without the @ symbol?
I haven't figured out how to do that yet despite my efforts in searching the options.
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[X] Have it explained as Emma Frost being a child prodigy, who managed to get various Ph.D.'s within two years, and this is her first year actually teaching. As it turns out, she's really talented at it.
[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
-[X] Charlize Theron
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[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
-[X] Kathryn Winnick.
[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)

I have to admit I'm not too pleased with the latest post as it is written.
I didn't vote on this poll so I have no problem with changing the casting but It almost feels like
@Yite is blaming & punishing the thread voters who did vote for casting Emma Watson as Emma Frost.
It's your quest Yite so I don't understand why you didn't just veto the voters if you were that uncomfortable with this choice.

Edit: does anyone here know how to ping someone without the @ symbol?
I haven't figured out how to do that yet despite my efforts in searching the options.
[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
You should vote for an actress to replace Emma Watson as Emma Frost. It's part of the deal.
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[X] Have it explained as Emma Frost being a child prodigy, who managed to get various Ph.D.'s within two years, and this is her first year actually teaching. As it turns out, she's really talented at it.

probably wont win but i will Stick with my choice
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[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
-[X] Charlize Theron.
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Possible write in solution, have her be a teacher assistant, kinda like a intern or apprentice, that would easily explain away the age
Ai'ght so that vote thingy we did didn't matter then. Cool cool.

[X] Have it explained as Emma Frost being a child prodigy, who managed to get various Ph.D.'s within two years, and this is her first year actually teaching. As it turns out, she's really talented at it.
Orion Ultor's Omake: Accountability.

Peter Parker stares at the wall before him, battered, bruised and unbroken, each breath a wretched gasp that tore from his lips as through his tattered mask his eyes stared past and through the man who'd been family, tears of turbulent rage and sorrow threatening to fall.

It had been a moment, but in those few seconds Adrian Toomes went from a being of spiteful rage to someone with the rug pulled under them...and understood in that moment what his actions had cost him, as he looked to the boy that was family to him, the young man with a warrior's heart and the final reminder of an old friend.

"Peter," came the whisper, a confused and mortified sound as his grip slackened from around from around the boy's throat, before the moment past and he embraced Peter, grip tight, "Peter-I...Peter, I could have..."

Another moment, before Peter's weakened arms returned the embrace, no words needing to pass between them.

A final moment, as the sudden impact of rounds from a certain modified Thompson submachine gun impacted the Vulture's wings; Peter made to move, but the firm grip of Adrian Toomes' talons kept him shielded within the Vulture's wingspan, his uncle returning fire with a M9 Beretta at Tombstone as rushed Peter to cover.

A moment passes between uncle and nephew as Peter does his absolute best to get up, to help Uncle Ad against the superior Tombstone, but a silent shake of the Toomes' head silences him, conveying his regret and determination to hold himself accountable for the consequences of his actions.

And so, watching from his slumped position Peter witnesses the sheer gulf in ability between the Vulture and Tombstone, the formerly refined gentleman reduced to a snarling beast as he fought the unparallel genius of Daedalus.

It's later, as Tombstone's unconscious form is carted away and Toomes is deprived of his tools and weaponry, that Uncle Ad turns back to a heartbroken Peter standing there in the aftermath, giving him a silent nod, watching with a weary smile as Spider-Man leaves the scene in his usual route.
...It's an obligation.

I'll be honest, I didn't think I had to spell it out.
ok, mister arrogance (arrogant is not the term I would use but in english there is no equivalent to prepotencia) already fixed it

although I still think it's silly that you have to vote for an actress when they all seem good to me

but you are the gm

pd:and since I see that someone is going to end up reporting me, I'm going to say sorry and clarify that the mister arrogance thing is because of what I felt was the tone used in that message
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[X] Recast Emma Frost, it'd probably set production back by about a month, but... it could be worth it. (Who?)
-[X] Charlize Theron.
Now that I've had more time to think about Yite's latest quest post;
I really don't think its a good idea to relitigate the poll like this
because you disliked the choice the thread participants picked.

The Emma Watson voters legitimately won the poll but by restarting the vote
and by heavily implying in quest negative consequences if their decision isn't changed;
you've taken their winning choice away from them.

Actions like this tend to discourage thread participation because the thread voters
will rightfully assume their votes will be negated if it conflicts with your expectations Yite.

As I have already said it is your quest Yite but if the thread voters think their votes are
meaningless then the quest will probably die from lack of participation.

Edit: Sorry for all the changes to my post but it takes me awhile to type out my thoughts.
In keeping with the original winning vote this is what I decided go with;

[X] Have it explained as Emma Frost being a child prodigy, who managed to get various Ph.D.'s within two years, and this is her first year actually teaching. As it turns out, she's really talented at it.
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