Hogwarts Sect of Witchcraft and Wizardry

[x] Honing our Technique
-[x][Training] Spiritual cultivation
-[x][Training] Transfiguration x2
-[x][Adventure] The battle
-[x][Social] The Halloween feast has the whole castle abuzz and decked out in holiday decoration. You wouldn't want to miss the event.
-[x][Social] Although you've been assured that you'll get to choose your flying weapon soon, and training ramps up before the actual match next month, you'd still like to get a head-start. Go and find the captain, one Jeremy Stretton
-[x][Social] There are rumors abound that two ancient pureblood clan children are going to put on a display. Ron Weasley versus Draco Malfoy might not show you the highest peak of cultivator combat, but you're still quite interested.

I kind of want to get some Techniques going, and that seems to be Transfigurations here. With the extra die from the Battle, one action of Spiritual should get us up to the next rank, I would think.

The gallery scene was very cool by the way!
-[][Social] You're almost attacked by an owl one afternoon, only to receive a letter from a Mr. Finch-Fletchley, inviting you to a gathering for those of "good old-fashioned mortal descent," sweetened by the promise of food and the secret of the kitchen.
Huh. Interesting.

On Training, I think we only meed 1 for a likely Spiritual breakthrough right? I'm quite tempted to pick the Astronomy bonus for the painting and then pakr it with a training action as well. Unless would Physical be better?
[x] More Cultivation for more options
-[x][Training] Spiritual cultivation
-[x][Training] Physical cultivation x2
-[x][Adventure] The battle
-[x][Social] The Halloween feast has the whole castle abuzz and decked out in holiday decoration. You wouldn't want to miss the event.
-[X][Social] Mandy Brocklehurst received a pretty big package recently, and you'd like to write a letter home. Surely, she knows how to send out mail from Hogwarts, if you just asked. Oh, and you'll write the actual letter too.
-[X][Social] You're almost attacked by an owl one afternoon, only to receive a letter from a Mr. Finch-Fletchley, inviting you to a gathering for those of "good old-fashioned mortal descent," sweetened by the promise of food and the secret of the kitchen.

Continue working on cultivation for the extra action.

I'm sure Ren's dad is worried about her, so writing home for the social action. And i'm really curious about the kitchen.
Why are the plans focusing on the Battle when the starting gift picked a storage bag for crafting? Seems a waste to not make use of that gift?
[x] Quidditch Prep
-[x][Training] Spiritual cultivation
-[x][Training] Physical cultivation x2
-[x][Adventure] The sneaking
-[x][Social] The Halloween feast has the whole castle abuzz and decked out in holiday decoration. You wouldn't want to miss the event.
-[x][Social] Although you've been assured that you'll get to choose your flying weapon soon, and training ramps up before the actual match next month, you'd still like to get a head-start. Go and find the captain, one Jeremy Stretton
-[x][Social] There are rumors abound that two ancient pureblood clan children are going to put on a display. Ron Weasley versus Draco Malfoy might not show you the highest peak of cultivator combat, but you're still quite interested.
Can you let me know if this social Write In option works for you, @Karf ?
Edit - Actually, one more question, sorry: does the order of the Trainings in our plan affect things? As in, if we put Spiritual Cultivation Training first and we get a level up from it, would that grant us an extra dice for following pool rolls in that same plan?

-[][Social] Write in: What happened with Lisa has broadened your magical horizons to a new wondrous frontier, and you've been thinking that perhaps your love of drawing can be more than just a hobby. Though you're sure you couldn't create anything even remotely close to what you've experienced at the gallery, at this point, the path to it must start somewhere. Take advantage of your Quidditch meeting with Elder Flitwick to ask him for guidance on the subject.

It's an interesting specialization, something from canon Harry Potter that is not explored and that remains pretty incredible, prestigious and useful in this Xianxia version. Of course, the truly impressive stuff (like the gallery, alive portraits or even just "good" art) are unlikely to happen anytime soon, but it plays to our skill (drawing), early path (crafting) and personality (artistic). I assume it's based on Charms, and very advanced, but it's something we could lay down the groundwork for and start working on right now. If you can mix your passions with work, that's always great. What do you guys think?

As for our boon from the social event with Lisa, story-wise, I like the Gallery option the most, and mechanically-wise, a guaranteed 1d100 is the safest one and pretty much the best case scenario of the other picks. The latter, however, are more in line with what I see as our priorities right now. Although Astronomy sounds good, priority #1 is to finish leveling up our Spiritual Cultivation, and the Battle option mechanically helps with that: 75% odds instead of 65% of getting a success, which is almost certainly (though not assuredly) what we need. Priority #2, in my eyes, is leveling up Physical Cultivation to get that sweet extra action, and the Sneaking option helps with that: I can't do the math, but the most likely good outcomes we can get are 1 success instead of 0 or 2 instead of 0-1 (3 instead of 0-1-2 would require the RNG gods to be very benevolent towards us).

So, there's 3 combinations I could see myself voting for:

Option 1:
-Astronomy 1d100 (The Gallery)
-Spiritual Training x2
-Astronomy Training
Would almost certainly gain us a Spiritual Cultivation level up and might give us an Astronomy level up.

Option 2:
-Extra Spiritual Cultivation die (the Battle)
-Spiritual Training
-Physical Training x2
Would likely gain us a Spiritual Cultivation level up and is unlikely to give us a Physical Cultivation level up.

Option 3:
-Roll Physical Cultivation twice, keep the highest set (the Sneaking)
-Spiritual Training x2
-Physical Cultivation
Would almost certainly gain us a Spiritual Cultivation level up and is unlikely to give us a Physical Cultivation level up.

Waiting to see what the QM says about my social write in before I decide on a plan.
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Can you let me know if this social Write In option works for you, @Karf ?
Edit - Actually, one more question, sorry: does the order of the Trainings in our plan affect things? As in, if we put Spiritual Cultivation Training first and we get a level up from it, would that grant us an extra dice for following pool rolls in that same plan?

-[][Social] Write in: What happened with Lisa has broadened your magical horizons to a new wondrous frontier, and you've been thinking that perhaps your love of drawing can be more than just a hobby. Though you're sure you couldn't create anything even remotely close to what you've experienced at the gallery, at this point, the path to it must start somewhere. Take advantage of your Quidditch meeting with Elder Flitwick to ask him for guidance on the subject.
Write-in is great.

Stat boosts are applied at the end of turn, not midway through rolling. This is in order to preserve the 'pool here, roll privately' model. If you suddenly saw 4 dice in your second roll, the suspense would be gone.

Bother, didn't realize physical cultivation gave an extra action. Yeah, best to knock that out, I guess.

How many months do we have?

Ideally, you finish in June, but it's not strictly game over until August ends. However, you won't be spending the summer at Hogwarts, so expect things to get significantly harder if you don't make it.
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There's also sect points to consider. They can be very significant, given that they mean a guaranteed mechanical advantage (think along the lines of the Adventure vote benefits, which is pretty big) from social events. First, I think it's much better to use them than to save them, at least early on, because snowballing is a thing, so I'm looking to do that. And second, we should try to gain more, which is accomplished by being first in a subject or overall.

From what the QM said, we can extrapolate that Pansy is at the top with 349 points of combined progress, so that's out of reach, at least for now. Mandy has 150+ in Physical Cultivation (and likely a few others as well, since Defense was said to be heavily contested), and Padma and Lisa focused on Charms (and the latter is the top scorer for it). We know nothing about the other subjects (@Karf , could you tell us, if Rei knows?) , but I think it's likely we could get a sect point for Astronomy (a subject I really can't see many first years go for) with relatively little effort, thanks to the guaranteed 1d100 we can select with the Gallery option. So:

[X] Plan Safe Leveling and Sect Points
-[X][Adventure] The gallery
-[X][Training] Spiritual cultivation x2
-[X][Training] Astronomy
-[X][Social] Write in: What happened with Lisa has broadened your magical horizons to a new wondrous frontier, and you've been thinking that perhaps your love of drawing can be more than just a hobby. Though you're sure you couldn't create anything even remotely close to what you've experienced at the gallery, at this point, the path to it must start somewhere. Take advantage of your Quidditch meeting with Elder Flitwick to ask him for guidance on the subject.
-[X][Social] Although you've been assured that you'll get to choose your flying weapon soon, and training ramps up before the actual match next month, you'd still like to get a head-start. Go and find the captain, one Jeremy Stretton
-[X][Social] This talk of portents and omens has got you curious. Divination, you distantly recall, is an elective after you've started forming your core, but surely you can at least glean a basic understanding from somewhere.
-[X][Points] 1 point 2nd social

This all but guarantees a Social Cultivation level up (how bad would it feel to have a bad Training pool and/or roll, and miss out again?), making it so that next turn, we have 4 dice per action to push Physical Cultivation and get our extra action. It's also very likely to net us a sect point from Astronomy and the mechanical benefit it will bring us. And that's not mentioning the fact that cultivation sites can grant us on-going bonuses and other major benefits, and that Astronomy itself boost Spiritual Cultivation, which we need to level to the second stage by August (or more likely June).

As for the social options, once again, many of them are appealing, but alas we only have 3 picks. I already talked about my Write In, but let me explain why I chose the others.

Quidditch is gonna be an important part of our year and the more advantages we pile on that, the more benefits we will reap. It's safe to assume that we'll get good returns for such a heavy investment as 2 locked social options for 3 months out of 9. Spending 1 sect point on it early might mean more/better returns later, not to mention a guaranteed, immediate mechanical benefit now (maybe on physical cultivation for the training, or spiritual for the weapon control, or something else).

As for the Divination option, I like it for two reasons. First, the subject gives a boost to social situations, which I assume means actions. That's 3 events every turn (or more, with future Physical Cultivation gains), which "may provide a choice of mechanical bonuses or maluses depending on the narrative consequences or the associated roll". That's huge (great or terrible), and with so many rolls, it adds up! The second reason is sect points. If any first year going for Astronomy is unlikely, for Divination it's almost impossible. That's an almost assured sect point, I'd wager.

Tl;dr: Spiritual Cultivation for certain, 1 or 2 sect points gained from being top scorer in two subjects with little to no competition, enchanted art plays to our strengths, and we're Quidditch newbies who need the training.
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From what the QM said, we can extrapolate that Pansy is at the top with 349 points of combined progress, so that's out of reach, at least for now. Mandy has 150+ in Physical Cultivation (and likely a few others as well, since Defense was said to be heavily contested), and Padma and Lisa focused on Charms (and the latter is the top scorer for it). We know nothing about the other subjects (@Karf , could you tell us, if Rei knows?) , but I think it's likely we could get a sect point for Astronomy (a subject I really can't see many first years go for) with relatively little effort, thanks to the guaranteed 1d100 we can select with the Gallery option. So:

The top scorers were Pansy for Spiritual Cultivation, Mandy for Physical, Tracey Davis for herbology, potions was Justin Finch-Fletchley, Lisa for charms, Ernest Macmillan for transfigurations and Harry Potter for astronomy.

The numbers don't actually exist in-universe, so Rei doesn't know exactly how well they did.

A bit of a clarification on how the other 32 students are progressed. I have a rudimentary python script to generate them with the exact same start as you had, ie 3 actions per turn, 3 dice in pool, etc. Each of them also had a single skill assigned at the start, and then they picked another one at random. They'll finish those two (random) skills and their cultivation before they'll get free reign to choose completely at random.

For example Lisa has mentioned that she's interested in potions and charms. She won't pick herbology, transfiguration or astronomy until she's finished with potions, charms, spiritual and physical cultivation and can safely guarantee her next year.

However that's all the smarts they've been given. There are some unfortunates who have herbology, but not potions. This means that until they're already good to go, herbology won't give them any benefits.

So because they select their preferred subjects basically randomly, there's a pretty even spread. The least popular subject still has 9 students competing and the most popular one has 16. I'll see if it comes up in-story which is which, but you shouldn't assume that astronomy is the least popular one because of in-story reasons.
I have an alternative plan, which I'm liking the more I think about it. The gist of it is:

-We pick The Sneaking adventure option ("your next Physical Cultivation training pool is rolled twice, keeping the higher success count")
-We do NOT pick Physical training now and instead make sure we level Spiritual Cultivation
-Next turn, we pick Physical training and roll two sets of 4 rather than 3 dice, for a higher potential gain

The Sneaking is the highest value option as it is, but the best thing is it's not capped like the others. 1d100 for Astronomy and an extra d20 for Spiritual Cultivation is the best we can get with The Battle and The Gallery. But rolling a pool twice gets better depending on the pool we roll. Imagine if, next turn, beside adding a die to the pool thanks to leveling Spiritual, we got another bonus that applies (from a cultivation site, a 90+ social roll, our sect point use, or what-have-you)... It could end up being fantastic.

Something like this?
[] Plan Level Physical Cultivation Next
-[][Adventure] The sneaking
-[][Training] Spiritual cultivation x2
-[][Training] Astronomy
-[][Social] Write in: What happened with Lisa has broadened your magical horizons to a new wondrous frontier, and you've been thinking that perhaps your love of drawing can be more than just a hobby. Though you're sure you couldn't create anything even remotely close to what you've experienced at the gallery, at this point, the path to it must start somewhere. Take advantage of your Quidditch meeting with Elder Flitwick to ask him for guidance on the subject.
-[][Social] Although you've been assured that you'll get to choose your flying weapon soon, and training ramps up before the actual match next month, you'd still like to get a head-start. Go and find the captain, one Jeremy Stretton
-[][Social] This talk of portents and omens has got you curious. Divination, you distantly recall, is an elective after you've started forming your core, but surely you can at least glean a basic understanding from somewhere.
-[][Points] 1 point 2nd social

Could swap Astronomy for Transfiguration or maybe Charms.

I still want to use our sect point on the flying social action. I think saving it is not that good right now.
The main problem I have with the Quidditch Prep plan is that it's risky. We might very well end up with no mechanical benefit at all. The odds of getting 0 successes out of 3 rolls for Spiritual Cultivation is not that low (35%), and even with the Battle bonus, it's quite possible for our Physical Cultivation to miss the 150 threshold, as well.
We will be focusing enough on Quidditch going forward. I'm more interested in keeping the friends we have made and perhaps learning about our possible relative. The training choices give good chances at reaching a break-point in Spiritual Cultivation and get us closer to Astronomy. After we have Astronomy at basic I'd like to try to connect with the Owlrey tower. Sneaking out at night is 100% on brand for Hogwarts and we know the secret of when it appears.

[X] Finding Connections
-[X][Adventure] The gallery
The whole experience has shown you just how amazing magical locations hidden in Hogwarts can be. An art gallery dedicated to a true-to-life reenactment of a medieval battle is surely only the tip of the iceberg, and you have a newfound appreciation for the art of rituals and places of power.
-[X][Training] Spiritual cultivation x2
-[X][Training] Astronomy
-[X][Social] The Halloween feast has the whole castle abuzz and decked out in holiday decoration. You wouldn't want to miss the event.
-[X][Social] Susan Bones is not looking nearly as cheerful as she did on the train ride over these days. Track her down and find out what's wrong.
-[X][Social] You've had enough time to settle in, and you still remember the girl who shared your mother's name from the sorting ceremony. Locate one Daphne Greengrass and introduce yourself.
-[X][Points] 1 points 2nd social
I've warmed up enough to my second idea, so I'll change plan, see if it gains any traction.

[X] Plan Quidditch+ and Physical Bonus
-[X][Adventure] The sneaking
-[X][Training] Spiritual cultivation x2
-[X][Training] Transfiguration
-[X][Social] Susan Bones is not looking nearly as cheerful as she did on the train ride over these days. Track her down and find out what's wrong.
-[X][Social] Although you've been assured that you'll get to choose your flying weapon soon, and training ramps up before the actual match next month, you'd still like to get a head-start. Go and find the captain, one Jeremy Stretton
-[X][Social] This talk of portents and omens has got you curious. Divination, you distantly recall, is an elective after you've started forming your core, but surely you can at least glean a basic understanding from somewhere.
-[X][Points] 1 point 2nd social

The main selling points for this are that we lower the risks of missing the Spiritual level up, that we make sure a sect point gives Quidditch an immediate benefit now, and that we conserve our Physical Cultivation bonus for next turn, when we have more dice to take advantage of it. I chose Transfiguration because that gets us closer to having techniques and a mechanical bonus for every 1d100 we roll, which is why it's third priority after the cultivation trainings.

We will be focusing enough on Quidditch going forward. I'm more interested in keeping the friends we have made and perhaps learning about our possible relative.
Approaching Daphne Greengrass is definitely on my to do list as well, but that can happen at any point. We've got a lot of turns for it, as there is realistically no time pressure. On the other hand, Quidditch games/jousting will take place next month and we have 0 experience. It's like knowing we're gonna have an exam, or even a fight/battle, and not coming prepared for it.

Agreed on the Susan option, and that's what I dropped my Write In for, in the plan above. Besides it being the right thing to do, helping her out as she experiences early troubles is a good investment as well, given who she is.

[x] More Cultivation for more options
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So the tally currently gives me a 3-way tie, although I'm not sure if people voting for "Quidditch Prep" and "Honing our Technique" mean to be voting for both or just the first one. I have it set up to count all votes, so if you wish to rescind support, you'd need to edit your older posts.

Either way though, there would still be a tie. I'll give it 1.5 hours before the dice cast their vote, but with sudden death rules - the first of the plans to get a lead instantly gets called the winner.