Star Wars: A Padawans Tale: Episode II: A New Galaxy (A CK2/Adventure Quest)

[] Plan It's a start
-[] Fear and Loathing in the Jedi Order: The Young Padawans are… protesting in the streets. Why the hell are they Protesting the Republic… Besides the Obvious of Palpatines manipulations? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You discover the hatred that the Padawans feel at their government.
-[] The Army of Light: Why do these… Padawans want to go to war as an Army of Light. The last time that happened, it nearly destroyed the Jedi? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You find out why there is a need to Be an Army of Light?
-[] The Godfather: Padme… out of all the people you could ask… Why me?: Ross needed: 90% Reward: You learn why you are a godfather to Jacen. And so much more.
-[] Litigation: As much as you loath the Republic court system… you can win this shit, by trying to declare the Trade Federation and Czerka… as enemy corporations that lose all their rights, as traitors. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 50% Reward: Time to shine the light on traitors.
-[] The Stock Market: Oh… The Company wishes you to participate in their investment meeting… You can't really refuse… not without looking bad. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: You go to the Market.
-[] Ask Master Kenobi To Teach you: Master Kenobi is open to teach you about certain ways of diplomacy, that may be useful in the future. Cost 0 Rolls Needed: 30% Reward: You get better at Diplomacy, greatly.
-[] The Taxes of the Jedi: What the hell is the tax code? You get it, the Russianussan Reformation was a thousand years ago, but no one bothered to read it recently? Where is Master Aggruva when you need him!... Actually, that is a good point, where is he? Cost: 0 Roll needed: 30 Reward: You discover what happens when someone reads a tax code with honest intent.
-[] The Count of Cards: Dooku is here… in prison, but here. WHY Rolls needed: 60% Reward: You visit Count… and learn some very interesting things.
-[] Practice form(form 6): You are not a master of this form, but you wish to learn. Cost: 0 Roll needed: Various. Reward: You learn a lightsaber form. Line tail the Lightsaber form you want to learn below this vote. If it is the lightsaber form you know, you get a second roll signifying if you move up in rank.
-[] Spend time with Anakin: Master Skywalker is… relieved that you know about his secret... he believes he can talk to you openly and honestly. Rolls needed: 90% Reward: You spend time with Master Skywalker.
-[] The Hundred Traitors: Who left the order to fight alongside a sith? Rolls needed: 30/50/70 Reward: The Traitors had names… they were your friends, teachers… Now they have let their pride and… beliefs blind them.

[]A Little Change up: So… The other corporations want to wage war against you eh… Well, your going to show… Wait… is that a tank? Why is there is a tank outside? And why are they threatening to shell the Coruscant Office? Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: Two can play at this game. You have a lightsaber after all. And the 212th owes you a favor.
I honestly think we should go with Litigation as the diplomatic option first and if that doesn't work out we go for A little change up.
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[X]Plan The Galaxy is On Fire, News at Eleven
-[X]Jedi, The Rising Order: You want to change the way the average person sees the Jedi. You need to show them that the Jedi are not… what they think they are. Cost 1000 Credits Roll Needed: 20 Reward: You start to battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Republic citizens.
-[X]Fear and Loathing in the Jedi Order: The Young Padawans are… protesting in the streets. Why the hell are they Protesting the Republic… Besides the Obvious of Palpatines manipulations? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You discover the hatred that the Padawans feel at their government.
-[X]The Hero of the Republic: You have been proclaimed by everyone not a Palpatine Loyalist as a Hero of the Republic. This is going to be difficult. Cost 0 Credits Roll Needed: 10 Reward: Laron Null! HERO OF THE REPUBLIC… That sounds like something more Anakin's Style to be honest.
-[X]The Army of Light: Why do these… Padawans want to go to war as an Army of Light. The last time that happened, it nearly destroyed the Jedi? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You find out why there is a need to Be an Army of Light?
-[X]The Grand Army of the Republic: You need to find out what exactly the next assignment is… Wait, why are you no longer on the Army roster? And why are the Jedi requesting… removal from command for the foreseeable future? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: Turns out, the Jedi are being very… careful… Okay why?
-[X]A Little Change up: So… The other corporations want to wage war against you eh… Well, your going to show… Wait… is that a tank? Why is there is a tank outside? And why are they threatening to shell the Coruscant Office? Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: Two can play at this game. You have a lightsaber after all. And the 212th owes you a favor.
-[X]Litigation: As much as you loath the Republic court system… you can win this shit, by trying to declare the Trade Federation and Czerka… as enemy corporations that lose all their rights, as traitors. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 50% Reward: Time to shine the light on traitors.
-[X]The Stock Market: Oh… The Company wishes you to participate in their investment meeting… You can't really refuse… not without looking bad. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: You go to the Market.
-[X]On the Republics… Accountancy?: The Jedi are doing an audit on all the accounts and expenses and well… Everything that is under the Jedi name to try and figure out why they were paying 50% in taxes. This is going to be fun.
-[X]The Taxes of the Jedi: What the hell is the tax code? You get it, the Russianussan Reformation was a thousand years ago, but no one bothered to read it recently? Where is Master Aggruva when you need him!... Actually, that is a good point, where is he? Cost: 0 Roll needed: 30 Reward: You discover what happens when someone reads a tax code with honest intent.
-[X]The Hundred Traitors: Who left the order to fight alongside a sith? Rolls needed: 30/50/70 Reward: The Traitors had names… they were your friends, teachers… Now they have let their pride and… beliefs blind them.
-[X]The Count of Cards: Dooku is here… in prison, but here. WHY Rolls needed: 60% Reward: You visit Count… and learn some very interesting things.


Preface: Let me just say right now that I have no idea how many credits we have right now, so if this plan is over budget, that's why.

Rising Order: Right, the Jedi's PR is somewhere underground. We need to unbury it.

Fear and Loathing: This is really not the time, people. Let's get this under control before things get even worse.

Hero of the Republic: This now has a practical purpose in that the reputation should help us influence things.

Army of Light: More internal issues in the Jedi that, once again, are apparently our job to deal with. *sigh* We don't get paid enough for this shit.

Grand Army: Even more problems with the Jedi, although in this case I suspect that at least part of the issue is with the GAR. Whatever the case, that's another Fire we have to put out.

A Little Change Up: Uh, I don't know if anyone has noticed yet, but apparently there is a freaking tank about to blow up our office. Why is there a tank about to blow up our office? How did it even get into position to be able to do that on Coruscant of all planets!?

Litigation: Need to protect our company, otherwise the Republic will be dealing with a fuel crisis on top of everything else.

The Stock Market: Because apparently we are still obligated to spend an action on this. I'm hoping it's just because of how badly this went last Turn and not that this is something we'll need to do every Turn going forward.

Republic's Accountancy: Yet more troubles with the Jedi, this time from a financial perspective. Time to go to work...

Taxes of the Jedi: See above, except this one actually has the Cost, Success Chance, and Rewards listed.

The Hundred Traitors: All right, who's betrayed us and why?

The Count: What the heck is Dooku doing here?

Closing: As you may have noticed, we need Omake bonuses. Badly.
Closing: As you may have noticed, we need Omake bonuses. Badly.
Yeah this is gonna be like the wheel all over again but with everything. I have some Omake ideas but I don't have the skill to write these so take them if you guys want.

Omake Ideas:
  • Ahoska and Laron's hushed yet emotionally intense conversation on the Ghost after she learns that Darth Vader is Anakin and Laron knew all this time.
  • Ahsoka and Laron's confrontation with Vader on Malachor
  • Padme going to the temple in the aftermath of Order 66 and Sidious's flight from Coursant to check on the Jedi she is close to and flashing back to Laron telling her his plan to expose Papa Palps.
  • Laron meeting Luke and Leia during the rebellion.
  • Laron at Polis Massa witnessing the birth of Luke and Leia and the death of Padme.
  • Obi-Wan's POV and thoughts when Laron is being put in the bacta tank after being critically injured after the confrontation with Palps.
  • Laron during the Thrawn Crisis

[X]Plan The Galaxy is On Fire, News at Eleven
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[X]Plan The Galaxy is On Fire, News at Eleven

If we fail a Stewardship action we will really need to hit the books to increase that stat.
Too many fires all around. If Laron pulls this off he will need a Title. I just don't think The Accountant sounds intimidating enough.
[X] Securing our bases and preparing
-[X]Jedi, The Rising Order: You want to change the way the average person sees the Jedi. You need to show them that the Jedi are not… what they think they are. Cost 1000 Credits Roll Needed: 20 Reward: You start to battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Republic citizens.
-[X]Fear and Loathing in the Jedi Order: The Young Padawans are… protesting in the streets. Why the hell are they Protesting the Republic… Besides the Obvious of Palpatines manipulations? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You discover the hatred that the Padawans feel at their government.
-[X]The Army of Light: Why do these… Padawans want to go to war as an Army of Light. The last time that happened, it nearly destroyed the Jedi? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You find out why there is a need to Be an Army of Light?
-[X]The Grand Army of the Republic: You need to find out what exactly the next assignment is… Wait, why are you no longer on the Army roster? And why are the Jedi requesting… removal from command for the foreseeable future? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: Turns out, the Jedi are being very… careful… Okay why?
-[X]A Little Change up: So… The other corporations want to wage war against you eh… Well, your going to show… Wait… is that a tank? Why is there is a tank outside? And why are they threatening to shell the Coruscant Office? Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: Two can play at this game. You have a lightsaber after all. And the 212th owes you a favor.
-[X]The Stock Market: Oh… The Company wishes you to participate in their investment meeting… You can't really refuse… not without looking bad. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: You go to the Market.
-[X]On the Republics… Accountancy?: The Jedi are doing an audit on all the accounts and expenses and well… Everything that is under the Jedi name to try and figure out why they were paying 50% in taxes. This is going to be fun.
-[X]The Taxes of the Jedi: What the hell is the tax code? You get it, the Russianussan Reformation was a thousand years ago, but no one bothered to read it recently? Where is Master Aggruva when you need him!... Actually, that is a good point, where is he? Cost: 0 Roll needed: 30 Reward: You discover what happens when someone reads a tax code with honest intent.
-[X]The Count of Cards: Dooku is here… in prison, but here. WHY Rolls needed: 60% Reward: You visit Count… and learn some very interesting things.
-[X]The Jedi Secrets: All Jedi Have Secrets and secret lives. You have one just as well. But you want to find out who has the most dangerous secret life… and how you can help them. Cost 100 Credits. Rolls needed: ??? Reward: You discover a secret of the Jedi Order and one of its members.
-[X]Learn New Force Powers: You need to become stronger in the force and use its power to protect your charges. Cost 0 Rolls needed: Various. Reward: You learn a new force power or train a power you know.
-[X]Spend time with Anakin: Master Skywalker is… relieved that you know about his secret... he believes he can talk to you openly and honestly. Rolls needed: 90% Reward: You spend time with Master Skywalker.
[]A Little Change up: So… The other corporations want to wage war against you eh… Well, your going to show… Wait… is that a tank? Why is there is a tank outside? And why are they threatening to shell the Coruscant Office? Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: Two can play at this game. You have a lightsaber after all. And the 212th owes you a favor.
...That is very bold of them...

They should have probably considered what they were dealing with before they decided to turn the cooperate conflict to a full blown war...

Considering recent events, Thrawn is likely more of a wild card considering how surprisingly well the republic stayed unfractured with the discovery that the chancellor was manipulating the whole entire war...
ESPECIALLY since it was palps that told him that the republic was simply too fragile to survive...
Considering recent events, Thrawn is likely more of a wild card considering how surprisingly well the republic stayed unfractured with the discovery that the chancellor was manipulating the whole entire war...
ESPECIALLY since it was palps that told him that the republic was simply too fragile to survive...
Interesting! The idea that I had for that omake was "What would Laron be doing during the Thrawn trilogy?"
Preface: Let me just say right now that I have no idea how many credits we have right now, so if this plan is over budget, that's why.
You have close to 3 million.
Rising Order: Right, the Jedi's PR is somewhere underground. We need to unbury it.
It's actually just buried in a grave.

A hastily buried grave. don't worry. papa palps hasn't gotten that hard.
Army of Light: More internal issues in the Jedi that, once again, are apparently our job to deal with. *sigh* We don't get paid enough for this shit.
Blame Windu.
The Stock Market: Because apparently we are still obligated to spend an action on this. I'm hoping it's just because of how badly this went last Turn and not that this is something we'll need to do every Turn going forward.
until you succeed.
Considering recent events, Thrawn is likely more of a wild card considering how surprisingly well the republic stayed unfractured with the discovery that the chancellor was manipulating the whole entire war...
Thrawn ironically, seeing how fired up the Republic is to save itself, is more likely to go to them then papa palps, because he lied.
ESPECIALLY since it was palps that told him that the republic was simply too fragile to survive...
He's wrong!
Actually, where is everyone's favorite Art-Enjoyer now?

Do you go with the Legends, where the Chiss banished him after he destroyed the Outbound-Flight Project in an unprovoked attack because Palps tipped him off, or with Canon where, IIRC, he was somewhat of an Agent/Ambassador sent by the Chiss to serve and work with the Empire?
Can we try to start to include other force orders and temples in the dialogue in order to be more effective at our intended duty?
[X] Plan: Complicated

-[X]Fear and Loathing in the Jedi Order: The Young Padawans are… protesting in the streets. Why the hell are they Protesting the Republic… Besides the Obvious of Palpatines manipulations? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You discover the hatred that the Padawans feel at their government.

-[X]The Army of Light: Why do these… Padawans want to go to war as an Army of Light. The last time that happened, it nearly destroyed the Jedi? Cost 0 Credits Roll needed: 60% Reward: You find out why there is a need to Be an Army of Light?

-[X]A Little Change up: So… The other corporations want to wage war against you eh… Well, your going to show… Wait… is that a tank? Why is there is a tank outside? And why are they threatening to shell the Coruscant Office? Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: Two can play at this game. You have a lightsaber after all. And the 212th owes you a favor.
-[X]Litigation: As much as you loath the Republic court system… you can win this shit, by trying to declare the Trade Federation and Czerka… as enemy corporations that lose all their rights, as traitors. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 50% Reward: Time to shine the light on traitors.
-[X]The Stock Market: Oh… The Company wishes you to participate in their investment meeting… You can't really refuse… not without looking bad. Cost: 10,000 Credits. Rolls needed: 100% Reward: You go to the Market.
-[X]On the Republics… Accountancy?: The Jedi are doing an audit on all the accounts and expenses and well… Everything that is under the Jedi name to try and figure out why they were paying 50% in taxes. This is going to be fun.

-[X]The Taxes of the Jedi: What the hell is the tax code? You get it, the Russianussan Reformation was a thousand years ago, but no one bothered to read it recently? Where is Master Aggruva when you need him!... Actually, that is a good point, where is he? Cost: 0 Roll needed: 30 Reward: You discover what happens when someone reads a tax code with honest intent.
-[X]The Hundred Traitors: Who left the order to fight alongside a sith? Rolls needed: 30/50/70 Reward: The Traitors had names… they were your friends, teachers… Now they have let their pride and… beliefs blind them.
-[X]The Count of Cards: Dooku is here… in prison, but here. WHY Rolls needed: 60% Reward: You visit Count… and learn some very interesting things.

-[X]Spend time with Ahsoka: You looked at her broken leg. "Is everything alright?" Rolls needed: 90% Reward: You spend time with Ahsoka.
-[X]Spend time with Anakin: Master Skywalker is… relieved that you know about his secret... he believes he can talk to you openly and honestly. Rolls needed: 90% Reward: You spend time with Master Skywalker.
-[X]Temple Time: You will wander the temple, and see who is around to talk to. Rolls needed: 90% Reward: You spend time with someone in the Temple.
Two sides of the same coin
AN: Ah Screw it! I'll write this as best as I can, We're going to need as many omakes as we can get for those rolls. Also put in a reason why canon basically happened in this alternate universe.

Two sides of the same coin
She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest.
Rudyard Kipling, The Female of the Species

Polis Massa
19 BBY

Laron waited at the side of Master Yoda and Senator Organa watching the silver Nabooian Cruiser touch down on the landing platform. Normally Laron would be making his way to the planet that he chose to stay hidden but something in the force told him to stay with Master Yoda after his confrontation with Darth Sidious. His thoughts were interrupted by the ships ramp lowering revealing the shocking sight of Obi-Wan carrying the unconscious form of Padme Amidala. "Padme!" Laron cried out with concern at seeing the state his friend was in and quickly walked up to his master was about to open his mouth when the red haired man gave him a look that said "Not now." which caused him to close his mouth shut. "We'll take her to medical center quickly." Bail said while some of the ground crew moved a hover-stretcher for Obi-Wan to place Padme on and then they rushed off to the nearest medical center.

While on the way there Laron asked what was on his mind, "What happened to her Master?" He asked with a hushed tone and at that question Laron could feel disgust and horror emanating from his master through the force. "Anakin choked her." Obi-Wan said while Laron looked at him with shock all over his face at a loss for words as he registered Anakin's monstrous actions. "Then Master Yoda was right. He's gone, consumed by Darth Vader." He said with sorrowful tone reflecting on on past moments he shared with Anakin and if there was one thing he would regret for the rest of his life it was that there was nothing to make Anakin's marriage legal and recognized by the council prompting Laron to keep the secret for his two friends and do what he could for them. His thoughts went to the moment Anakin and Padme told him that they were expecting at a private dinner between the three of them at Padme's penthouse which resulted in him giving Padme a hug and a spin and a hearty handshake and hug for Anakin and after his joyful reaction with a shared look between husband and wife that's when they sprung a surpise on him, "You've done so much for us Laron." Padme said with a grateful look "and your a good friend to both of us" Anakin said prompting Padme to say "We want you to be the godfather." prompting Laron to stutter out a shocked "I-I-I would be honored." and they spent the rest of the evening discussing baby names and plans for the future.

They arrived at the medical center and the medics rushed Padme to an operating theater as she had gone into labor and wasn't in a state to do it naturally. Laron sat with Bail and Yoda while Obi-Wan went to take care of other business. Time seemed to go on slowly for the three as they stayed silent the only noise being Padme's pained screams. Obi-Wan then returned with a medical droid who had grim news. "Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her." Laron's head whipped towards the medical droid at his words. "Is there anything you can do?" Laron said fear at losing his friend evident in his voice. "No I'm sorry there is nothing we can do." Laron put his hands in his robes pockets and clenched his fists hard enough to draw blood. "She's dying?" Obi-Wan said and the droid responded "We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies." The droids words sent shock through Laron "Twins!?" he thought while Bail words were a flabbergasted "Babies!!!??" with the medical droid saying what Laron was thinking "She's carrying twins." "Save them, we must. They are our last hope." the droid turned as if getting a message from the operating room "Master Kenobi, Padawan Null your presence has been requested." and then rushes back to the room with Laron practically flying from his seat, heading to the theater with Master Kenobi behind him.

Laron held Padme's right hand while Obi-Wan held her left. Laron looked at her face in concern while Obi-Wan said "Don't give up Padme." Laron's thoughts were in a more cynical nature but he gently squeezed Padme's hand as if to echo Kenobi's sentiments. Padme's face contorted into a wince and the medical droid announced the gender of the first child "It's a boy." "Luke..." the dying mother said with a faint smile struggling to touch her son's forehead. "...and a girl." heralding the arrival and gender of the second child. "...Leia." Laron and Obi-Wan both leaned over her "You have twins Padme." His Master said which Laron added "They need you." his voice cracked with emotion "...please hang on." Padme winced and said "I can't..." Laron locked down his feelings of sorrow holding in his tears so Padme wouldn't see. "Save your energy." the bearded man said and Padme both took their hands. "Obi-Wan... Laron... there... is good in him. I know there is... still..." and at those words Padme lets out a final gasp of breath and passes on. It became too much and Laron couldn't hold in his tears any longer and let out a sob letting go of his friends hand while Obi-Wan went over to comfort his distraught padawan and led him out of the operating theater.

AN 2: the conversation between Yoda,Bail and Obi-wan on what to do with the twins on Naboo goes as canon, Laron isn't there because he sneaked out to watch and follow Padme's funeral procession from the shadows.
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[X]Plan The Galaxy is On Fire, News at Eleven

Time to start problem solving...
AN: Ah Screw it! I'll write this as best as I can, We're going to need as many omakes as we can get for those rolls. Also put in a reason why canon basically happened in this alternate universe.

Two sides of the same coin
She who faces Death by torture for each life beneath her breast
May not deal in doubt or pity—must not swerve for fact or jest.
Rudyard Kipling, The Female of the Species

Polis Massa
19 BBY

Laron waited at the side of Master Yoda and Senator Organa watching the silver Nabooian Cruiser touch down on the landing platform. Normally Laron would be making his way to the planet that he chose to stay hidden but something in the force told him to stay with Master Yoda after his confrontation with Darth Sidious. His thoughts were interrupted by the ships ramp lowering revealing the shocking sight of Obi-Wan carrying the unconscious form of Padme Amidala. "Padme!" Laron cried out with concern at seeing the state his friend was in and quickly walked up to his master was about to open his mouth when the red haired man gave him a look that said "Not now." which caused him to close his mouth shut. "We'll take her to medical center quickly." Bail said while some of the ground crew moved a hover-stretcher for Obi-Wan to place Padme on and then they rushed off to the nearest medical center.

While on the way there Laron asked what was on his mind, "What happened to her Master?" He asked with a hushed tone and at that question Laron could feel disgust and horror emanating from his master through the force. "Anakin choked her." Obi-Wan said while Laron looked at him with shock all over his face at a loss for words as he registered Anakin's monstrous actions. "Then Master Yoda was right. He's gone, consumed by Darth Vader." He said with sorrowful tone reflecting on on past moments he shared with Anakin and if there was one thing he would regret for the rest of his life it was that there was nothing to make Anakin's marriage legal and recognized by the council prompting Laron to keep the secret for his two friends and do what he could for them. His thoughts went to the moment Anakin and Padme told him that they were expecting at a private dinner between the three of them at Padme's penthouse which resulted in him giving Padme a hug and a spin and a hearty handshake and hug for Anakin and after his joyful reaction with a shared look between husband and wife that's when they sprung a surpise on him, "You've done so much for us Laron." Padme said with a grateful look "and your a good friend to both of us" Anakin said prompting Padme to say "We want you to be the godfather." prompting Laron to stutter out a shocked "I-I-I would be honored." and they spent the rest of the evening discussing baby names and plans for the future.

They arrived at the medical center and the medics rushed Padme to an operating theater as she had gone into labor and wasn't in a state to do it naturally. Laron sat with Bail and Yoda while Obi-Wan went to take care of other business. Time seemed to go on slowly for the three as they stayed silent the only noise being Padme's pained screams. Obi-Wan then returned with a medical droid who had grim news. "Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we can't explain, we are losing her." Laron's head whipped towards the medical droid at his words. "Is there anything you can do?" Laron said fear at losing his friend evident in his voice. "No I'm sorry there is nothing we can do." Laron put his hands in his robes pockets and clenched his fists hard enough to draw blood. "She's dying?" Obi-Wan said and the droid responded "We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies." The droids words sent shock through Laron "Twins!?" he thought while Bail words were a flabbergasted "Babies!!!??" with the medical droid saying what Laron was thinking "She's carrying twins." "Save them, we must. They are our last hope." the droid turned as if getting a message from the operating room "Master Kenobi, Padawan Null your presence has been requested." and then rushes back to the room with Laron practically flying from his seat, heading to the theater with Master Kenobi behind him.

Laron held Padme's right hand while Obi-Wan held her left. Laron looked at her face in concern while Obi-Wan said "Don't give up Padme." Laron's thoughts were in a more cynical nature but he gently squeezed Padme's hand as if to echo Kenobi's sentiments. Padme's face contorted into a wince and the medical droid announced the gender of the first child "It's a boy." "Luke..." the dying mother said with a faint smile struggling to touch her son's forehead. "...and a girl." heralding the arrival and gender of the second child. "...Leia." Laron and Obi-Wan both leaned over her "You have twins Padme." His Master said which Laron added "They need you." his voice cracked with emotion "...please hang on." Padme winced and said "I can't..." Laron locked down his feelings of sorrow holding in his tears so Padme wouldn't see. "Save your energy." the bearded man said and Padme both took their hands. "Obi-Wan... Laron... there... is good in him. I know there is... still..." and at those words Padme lets out a final gasp of breath and passes on. It became too much and Laron couldn't hold in his tears any longer and let out a sob letting go of his friends hand while Obi-Wan went over to comfort his distraught padawan and led him out of the operating theater.

AN 2: the conversation between Yoda,Bail and Obi-wan on what to do with the twins on Naboo goes as canon, Laron isn't there because he sneaked out to watch and follow Padme's funeral procession from the shadows.
+10 to the rolls.