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The choice has been made, there is no going back. Anyway, I'll get to work, post your questions and I'll get to them when I can. (Seriously, questions make this so much more interesting.)
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Which is a death sentence in the wild. Pain tells you which areas need to be protected, or if you're wounded in a non-obvious place.
Normally yes but she has regeneration winch while not as strong as ours should keep her from dying any not obvious wounds.

Edit. Besides her current state of everything hurts is probably no better in that regard
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Luckily we do have DNA from Molluscs (Squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish etc) so we can have some hope of saving her.

She could definitely do with Photosynthesis.
That way she can still gain nutrition and energy even if inactive.
Luckily we do have DNA from Molluscs (Squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish etc) so we can have some hope of saving her.

She could definitely do with Photosynthesis.
That way she can still gain nutrition and energy even if inactive.
unfortunately her DNA is as stable as possible (the most stable option we could choose) which leaves practically no probability that they will mutate / get her new abilities
unfortunately her DNA is as stable as possible (the most stable option we could choose) which leaves practically no probability that they will mutate / get her new abilities

If changing her DNA directly is the problem then how about a Symbiote instead?

If we cannot give Morada Plant based Photosynthesis directly, then lets borrow from the Jellyfish and it's Bacterial Symbiotes that convert Sunlight into Sugars.

We just need to get Wu at work using those as a Base to modify.

Get them to be compatible with her Immune System and then Implant them under her Skin.

Hell we could even modify some to generate a Pain Reliever and Secrete it.

Not enough to remove her Pain Sense, but at least enough to not be in pain all the time at least.
Oinkus interupptus (Or Pink Meat interupt)
It takes but a moment to decide which scent to follow, but the decision itself was consuming your attention, enough to feel like it took week.

The calming soothing scent was the first to meet your nose, but now that you were paying special attention to it, was incredibly faint. So much so that i must be almost on the other side of your territory.

It might be a bit tiring for sister, but as long as you were there you had little doubt that everything would work out fine. So you started your trek with a single trill to your sister before marching off at a steady pace.

You had been in the silver fence for more than a week, and yet it's true size still astounded you as moved with an unhurried speed. Trailing the scent through oddly worn pathways and under fallen trees.

Making sure to pick the least demanding paths as you looked back to find your sister practically hugging your tail. Her eyes boring into your back with an uncanny focus, as you lead her through your enclosure.

Somehow even just having her follow you in this manner was breath taking.

However in the end you found what you were following soon enough.

Breaking through the trees, you found yourself in a grove of cyan flowers. The scent that had lured you hear however faint, was now overpowering as whispered soothing sensations your nose.

The cyan flowers were odd, uncurling in the sunlight from blue bulbs into stunning star shaped buds.

Even just the way they looked calmed you in some way, your ever present curiosity a choir that had been singing in your veins since birth was muffled. Still there, still singing, but it's ever present pulse was muffled behind the flower and it's scent.

In fact the flower seamed oddly delectable, it's wondrous scent making it seem ever so appetizing you could feel saliva drip from your jaws as you got closer. Your mouth opening wide around a flower as you prepared to devour it in one bite.

Before you could begin to enjoy this wonderful morsel, you were snapped from a haze you hadn't even noticed falling over your mind by a furiously squealed oink.

Suddenly your surroundings that had grown blurred by in attention snapped into focus, your sister was giving off a perpetual purr as she snuggled into a patch of the blue flowers. Her Scales making odd patterns that made your eyes hurt, even as she simply stayed in position, her breathing oddly shallow.

Another squeal burst through the meadow causing your sister to jump into the air, even as you snapped your head in the direction of pink Meat.

Confusing bubbled beneath your scales, you had already had the pink meat for today? Why was the Pink meat present? Based on the oinking, quite a bit of it too.

Bafflement overcame you as you looked toward your sister who was just as confused as you.

Wow this update fought me, I'm still not happy with it but whatever.
[] Investigate Pink Meat
[] Eat the Cyan Flower
[] Today is confusing, go back to bed
[] Write in
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Huh, That ia an interesting effect on us.

Hmm, The Overseers could be worried about our reaction to the flowers and are trying to lure us away from them with Pigs?
Yeah, I get the feeling the humans are trying to get us away from the flowers quickly, I'm not sure what flowers they could be though.

Like, from the description my first thought was a Lotus flower, the Egyptian one specifically which is psychoactive in a similar manner like cannabis, induces euphoria and the like when eaten/ingested.

Although I'd be surprised if it were growing near Costa Rica.
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Yeah, I get the feeling the humans are trying to get us away from the flowers quickly, I'm not sure what flowers they could be though.

Like, from the description my first thought was a Lotus flower, the Egyptian one specifically which is psychoactive in a similar manner like cannabis, induces euphoria and the like when eaten.

Although I'd be surprised if it were growing near Costa Rica.
It's an extinct species revived by ingen. Also if they knew your reaction to the flowers, they definitely would be trying to get you away from them. The pigs however, were going to happen regardless of your choice.
It's an extinct species revived by ingen. Also if they knew your reaction to the flowers, they definitely would be trying to get you away from them. The pigs however, were going to happen regardless of your choice.

Aha! Now that makes sense!

Also this is very bad, god only knows how this would interact with these genetic chimera, let alone our poor sister's biology.

The pigs are now confusing if the humans don't know about this.
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