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Okay so the fish option won! sadly life is getting in the way tonight, but I should be able to get the update out tomorrow.
Fishy Observation
The fish were colorful in a very odd way.

Unlike you with your shivering scales that changed to your wishes, the fishes Scales stayed the same color but it changed depending on how you looked at it. Like the odd pink fish in the water, at first it was just that pink, but once it swam into a beam of light, colors seamed to sparkle off of it scales.

You wondered if you could do something similar?

Your scales shivered as you made an attempt at the pink fishes odd Reflective coloring. The water around you making and odd vibrating sound as your scales moved only to find failure. The pink was strange and subdued, you didn't like it at all.

So you tried again.

And again.

And again.

By the time the sun was on it's final decent, you'd finally managed to make your scales turn slightly sparkly. It was very difficult to maintain and the odd pattern your scales took when changing (unlike Morada's) made it seem out of place. Not to mention how grating it was to keep it sparkly instead of just having it stick to dull color.

But even then just seeing your scales take on such a sheen made you feel like one of the poof-y things in the sky.

You couldn't wait to show your sister!

Okay, this is hilariously short and even this small tidbit fought me like a alligator on steroids! But I got done so there!

Dino Do what!
[] Show off to your sister
[] Wait, practice until you can match the pink fish exactly, then show off
[] Explore
[] Go to bed
[] Write in
[] Next Event
-[] Cage Time
-[] Observation
-[] Write in (Give me a two word suggestion and I'll run with it)
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[X] Wait, practice until you can match the pink fish exactly, then show off

If we're sparkly enough, she might be inspired to get off her ass and one-up us :D
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In my case, it is because I am starting to get boring (and the next event sounds more interesting) and the truth is that I do not see profit to continue with the fish
It looks like we're getting a chance to improve our camouflage with this story event. Just gotta stick around and be patient.

The longer we stick around improving Azula during the prologue, the more prepared we'll be for the actual story.
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[X] Wait, practice until you can match the pink fish exactly, then show off

It may have fought you, but this update was still cute to read.

We'll be the prettiest dinosaur on the islands!
It might catch our sister's attention and maybe, possibly, have her move around a bit to search for things to mimic. It's going to be difficult I know, but she can do it !
It looks like we're getting a chance to improve our camouflage with this story event. Just gotta stick around and be patient.

The longer we stick around improving Azula during the prologue, the more prepared we'll be for the actual story.
yeah, it seems so, at the time I made that comment there was really no benefit in looking at fish

[X] Wait, practice until you can match the pink fish exactly, then show off
[X] Wait, practice until you can match the pink fish exactly, then show off
So I just had a potential realization for an in-universe SCIENCE! reason why Azula would be naturally colored black. Given that Black is a collection of all colors, Azula's natural state is that she's just absorbing all the sunlight, and then her camo system is her actively choosing which colors to stop absorbing and bounce back at the world so she can hide from it (or just look pretty).
so this will probably end up in great progress in repairing our ability to camouflage ourselves or in learning another way to use it (technically we could learn to "glow" a specific part to get the attention of future prey (including humans).

so what is the mutation / ability you think we should get next? (after we prepare the camouflage)
so this will probably end up in great progress in repairing our ability to camouflage ourselves or in learning another way to use it (technically we could learn to "glow" a specific part to get the attention of future prey (including humans).

so what is the mutation / ability you think we should get next? (after we prepare the camouflage)
A minor reduction to the pixelated debuff, at the moment when you camoflauge if anything looks to close it you would look like you an ancient computer screen from when computer where first made. But after this it would be closer to that of a modern tv where you have to strain your eyes to even notice the pixels.

Basically higher resolution camo rather then removing the debuff all together.

Also the sparkly practice itself would make things like getting bioluminescent easier, as well as improving your capabilities at copying just about anything you see. For example if you were to try and go invisible right now in front of a shiny/reflective surface, to any one looking there would be a dino shaped area that wasn't as shiny as it should be. (admittedly only highly observant people would be likely to notice, unless you stood in front of a wall of mirrors.)

But with this Sparkly fish practice, that becomes a non issue.
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