Character Sheet: There is so much invisi-text on this post, that I'm surpised no ones commented on it.
Name: Morada
Description: Takes mostly after a tyrannosaurus but slightly slimmer with longer arms closer to that of a Spinosaurus. With a small fin growing from it's back, likely to grow larger with age.
Eye Color: Luminous Purple
Scale Color: Black with Purple highlights
Birth State: Extreme Hybrid
Adult Size: Large
Current Size: Mid sized Dog
Active: Active Camouflage (Cuttlefish DNA)
Allows you to mimic your surroundings.
Ambush Predator: Perfect Camouflage
Active Camo is perfected in you, nothing can see you, unless you want it to.
Active: Vocal Mimic (Parrot DNA - It can talk)
Allows you to mimic phrases or sounds that you have heard before. (May eventually allow you to mimic any sound you have heard)
Active: Frog Tongue
Allows you to catch smaller creatures with your tongue, Strength will increase in strength as you age.
Passive: Regeneration (Lizard - Can regenerate lost body parts and better heal damage)
Allows you to passively heal from wounds over a short period of time (Minor wounds heal within hours, major wounds take anywhere from 1-2 days to heal, and severed limbs may take up to a week.)
Passive: Un-ageing (Jellyfish DNA)
Negates any age based illnesses, and allows extensive regeneration without ill effect.
Passive: Mutilated Genes
Less than five percent of Morada's genetic code is a combination of countless creatures smashed together and spaghettified into her genome with all the subtlety of four year old shoving a triangle through the diamond shaped hole. Gives: Pained trait, Clashing Instincts trait, Runt Trait
Passive: Strong Heart-ed (Tyrannosaurus DNA)
Allows better stamina recovery, and provides a minor boost regeneration.
Passive: The Swim Thing (Spinosaurus DNA)
Gives you a Spinosaurus fin and enhanced lung capacity. (Allows the option to swim to Isla Nublar once you have reached maximum size.)
DNA Stability: Stable
Mutation: -
Adaption: -
Sloth At the Center:
The first time you opened your eyes, you wanted to close them and never open them again.
The first thing you ever felt, was sloth. Had you been born wild you would have died, or been killed by your family. You weren't.
Effect: ?
Endless Black, Deepest Blue:
the First thing you ever saw was your sisters eyes, and you knew you never wanted them to disappear.
The first sight, that you ever saw was your sibling. Nothing would take them away from you, and anything that tried, would know your PAIN.
Effect: The Value of Family, Reduces Pained Drawback when near Azula, Following Titans, Reduces Sloth Drawback when near Azula, Against Instinct, Reduces Indecisive drawback when near Azula, Broken Pillar, Causes Berserk should Azula face extensive wounds or death.
Ambush Predator:
All it would take was time, and patience.
You are an ambush predator, built for one instance of extreme violence and nothing else.
Effect: Sloth, Perfect Camouflage, Infinite Patience
You are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine:Please don't take My Sunshine away.
You looked up and suddenly she was gone, and nothing in this world was as terrifying as the thought she wouldn't come back.
The first thing you ever saw was your sister, not being able to see her? Not being able to Find her? Terror beyond description.
Effect: Fear Reaction
Every Breath hurt more than the last, every movement stung like wasps, yet life goes on.
Pain has been your companion since conception, and will remain with you until the day you die.
Effect: Pained
Clashing Instincts:
Go right/go left, Eat that/that's poisonous, Run/Walk
Instincts are the guide to life, sadly yours are drunk.
Effect: Indecisive
The smallest, weakest, most useless member of the pack.
Your the runt of the litter.
Effect: Stunted Growth
Special Traits:
The Value of Family
Azula was odd, very much so, but she was pack, she was family.
Azula is surprise, surprise, very distracting with her antics. So distracting that it allows Morada to forget her pain, if only for a short while.
Effect: Reduces Pained Drawback when near Azula.
Following Titans
You wanted to sleep, to dream your life away. But Azula Called, Azula walked, and you followed in her path. You always followed, and always would.
For the entirety of your life, Azula has lead the way and you have hurried not to be left behind.
Effect: Reduces Sloth Drawback when near Azula.
Against Instinct
Everything you have ever seen has caused your instincts to war with each other, To listen and eat this. To listen, and run from that. To listen and ignore that. Everything in your life was conflicted, until Azula made a sound and everything became clear.
The one and only true decision you have made in your life, was to listen your sister.
Effect: Reduced Indecisive Drawback when Azula gives a command.
Broken Pillar
There was once a pillar that supported you always, but now it is broken and a monster is born.
Azula was stability, safety, comfort, an escape from the pain. Should harm come to her, only blood will be left.
Effect: Inflicts Berserk should exstensive lethal harm come to Azula.
Perfect Camouflage
Infinite Patience (You could sit and wait until the world itself burns, for that perfect opportunity.)
Short Life Expectancy (Negated)
Genetic Car Crash (+)
Sloth (Just take a moment, or all of them, and take a nap. There's no need to move, to eat, to breath, it's all just too much effort.)
Fear Reaction (Panic on a another level, terror on a new plain, fear exemplified.) (Only takes effect when Azula isn't close enough to see, or find with mild effort.)
Pained (Every action bring some form of pain.) (Temporarily nullified by cold temperatures, and being distracted by Azula's antics.)
Indecisive (Making decisions is so hard, so don't make any at all.)
Stunted Growth (Will not grow to it's natural size/will always be smaller than other examples of its species.)